486: Borrowing On Bad Faith! |
Dodgy Synopsis
And then we see Team Rocket departing in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon and Aipom sitting on Ash's head staring sadly at the departing Team Rocket.... and then taking off after them! Oh my! It seems Jesse has been.... ![]() Ash stands in the forest near a Pokémon Centre practising with Pikachu ahead of his next battle. But Aipom wants a share of the attention too, and grabs Ash's hat, leaping into the trees and slapping its own ass at Ash before taking off. Dawn and Brock arrive, Dawn checking out a flier for an unofficial contest in the little village and figuring she'll take part to give Pachirisu a chance to get in some practise. ![]() "WHEEE!" she shouts and rushes away, leaving behind an utterly shocked and perplexed James and Meowth. ![]() The twerps show up and Ash snaps angrily at Team Rocket momentarily.... then pauses as he realises that they saved Aipom and slowly, reluctantly says.... thank you! Jesse tells him with a happy smile that this apology won't be enough though, she wants to use Ash's Aipom in the Contest! Meowth seems pleased - after all one of the prizes for the contest is a year's supply of fruit - and he happily tells James he could be fruit-filled..... and, well, you can draw your own filthy conclusions, Gentle Dodgers. Dawn is upset, but that's the contest that SHE wants to be in! While she struggles with the notion that other people have hopes and dreams, Ash snaps at Jesse that he can't let her use Aipom.... and besides, it doesn't want to anyway! Meowth however, points out that, well, actually yes, Aipom does! Brock notes to Ash that if Aipom wants to help Jesse, he should really let it, and so Ash goes completely against his own nature and hands over one of his Pokémon to Team Rocket! ![]() ![]() The contest begins with a local balding dignitary and a Nurse Joy judging the Contest. Dawn is the first one to come out for the Opening Round, and sends out Pachirisu amongst a flood of hearts, much to the delight of the crowd.... which bizarrely enough includes a muscular Amish guy at the back. A delighted Dawn (wearing a Spanish looking dress) tells Pachirisu to use Sweet Kiss, but instead it looks around at the crowd in horror, and the Judges note it appears to have a bad case of stage fright. Dawn encourages it though, and its own hyperactivity gets the better of its stage fright and it performs Sweet Kiss on the crowd, then illuminates the arena with Spark. Pachirisu uses Discharge to blast electricity out and about and Dawn cries out that she has done it... and then realises it has shocked the entire crowd and the Judges as well! Later in the tent where the performers wait, Ash and Brock offer her encouragement and tell her that everyone loved the electric attacks, and hey, everyone is going to have trouble topping her. And it seems that they are, though due more to their incompetence than Dawn's talent. We see a Squirtle stumble; a Parasect put its Coordinator to sleep; and a Hitmontop get dizzy doing a Headspin until finally it comes down to Jesse and Aipom. The twerps settle in to watch as Jesse runs in wearing a sparkling pink cape, sweeping it dramatically to reveal Aipom which lands on her arm. It then uses Swift before smacking its own attack into raining sparkles onto the audience. She tosses a purple rose into the sky and Aipom forms a circle with Double Team and dances before using Swift to send a spinning circle of stars around the dazzled audience. James is impressed, making too many references to "old" Jesse doing well for a nervous Meowth's liking, he knows that his Bitch Goddess Queen has sensitive ears! Jesse is too busy being ecstatic though, grabbing Aipom and hugging it with delight, much to Ash's horror... what if Aipom leaves! He even has a fantasy about it, mostly involving Jesse's crotch. ![]() Oh like yours don't. Ash even falls flat on his face in real life, right before the crowd, and then the two trainers who will make it through the second and final round (hahaha, everybody else was so lame they're only letting two through to the second round!) are announced - Jesse versus.... Dawn! ![]() Jesse sends in Aipom while Dawn calls out Pachirisu. It uses Spark, but Aipom dodges with Double Team, grabs its own ass arm in its hands and spins about the battlefield, confusing Dawn and Pachirisu, causing them to forget to do anything and lose points. James again uses the word "old" in his compliments from the crowd, and Meowth is sure that James will be struck down for this blasphemy any second now. Jesse laughs and tells Dawn to admit she's outnumbered and outclassed, but Dawn snaps that it is Ash who got Aipom so powerful, and poor, stupid Ash declares,"I did?" Dawn tells Pachirisu to attack all of the Double Team Aipoms since they don't know which is which, and the Aipoms blast a circle of Swifts about. Pachirisu blasts through the Swift, causing an explosion of stars that make Swift look even better and cause Dawn to lose even more points. Jesse points out that getting beaten time after time can give experience, and sends Aipom in with Iron Punch.... RIGHT IN PACHIRISU'S FUCKING FACE! The hyperactive little squirrel ain't so hyper now, as it crashes down to the ground, knocked unconscious. Ash, despite himself, actually shouts out in delight to see it, and Jesse... Jesse won a contest! Dawn picks Up Pachirisu and tells it that all that counts is the great practise they got for Floaroma Town, while Jesse showcases that what REALLY counts is winning! WINNING! AHAHAHA! James and Meowth are in tears of joy (and relief), and Meowth declares,"Nuffin old about dat!" It comes time for the prize giving, and Ash stands with Aipom on his head and wonders if this really was a good idea. Jesse steps up still wearing her cape and says she could get used to this, and then James and Meowth appear in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth balloon and.... motto for no reason! ![]() "Your chariot calls for you, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing total chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" "And James!" "Meowth's da name!" "Putting the twerp losers in their place." "We're the winning Team Rocket!" "And we're in your face!" they finish together. "WOBBBBBBUH!" agrees a delighted Wobbuffet. "Mime Mime mime!" adds Mime Jr. ![]() ![]() As they fly away though, Aipom stares after Jesse with wobbly sad eyes, then leaps off of Ash's head and chases the balloon! It leaps up onto the net as Jesse gasps that "Little Aipey" wants to be under new ownership. Ash rushes after watching Aipom floating away and gasps that it seems that it really does want to go with Jesse, and hangs his head in resignation.... and Pikachu leaps up laughing onto his shoulder and points as Brock and Dawn step up and point out what Aipom is REALLY in love with, and it ain't Jesse... it's bananas! Meowth shouts out that it can't eat all their fruit, and James shouts at Jesse that it wasn't bananas for her, it wanted the fruit! Ash chases after Aipom yelling at it to come back, while it just eats and tosses banana peel after banana peel, causing Ash to crash over into the ground. Jesse tells Meowth to do something, and he kicks into gear a metallic arm that shoots down towards Aipom, only to be smashed aside by Focus Punch at Ash's command. He tells Aipom to jump down and he'll catch it, and Aipom - apparently full now - tosses one last banana peel and jumps into Ash's arms.... just as he slips on another banana peel! Jesse is furious and suggests they go back for Pikachu, but when they try to grab it with another mechanical arm, Aipom uses Swift on the balloon and sends Team Rocket blasting off again... and leaving a year's supply of fruit behind! Ash tells Aipom it needs to learn to calm down, and Dawn laughs that she thinks Aipom likes Contests even more Gym Battles. Ash laughs it must be the other way around, but when he asks Aipom to confirm, it simply grabs his hat and runs away mocking him as he chases it angrily shouting. And that's where we leave the episode, Gentle Dodgers. With Ash being outsmarted by a small monkey..... ....with an arm on its ass.