485: Ya See We Want An Evolution! |
Dodgy Synopsis
Holy crap, what the hell is Team Rocket pulling? Well you see, simply put, ask them and they'll sing (yes sing, as they do during the title card).... ![]() The episode begins with Team Rocker trudging down a dirt road complaining about how the Sinnoh Region has been a complete bust for them and then suddenly, out of nowhere.... MEXICAN MAGIKARP SALESMAN! He tosses a Magikarp into James' face and cuts into his spiel with delight, only to have the Magikarp thrown back as Team Rocket angrily denounce him for being a sham and a charlatan... and he laughs that he loves repeat customers! Before they know it (and after trying to sell them a Feebas!), they're being sucked in by the shyster all over again, as he whips out a cardboard box and tells them that inside they'll find a Pokémon Evolution Machine! James is shocked and tried to take a peek inside, but Mexican Magikarp Salesman slaps the box shut and tells him no peeking, explaining it is the result of years of top secret work, and hundreds of scientists have been working on this device, complete with a fantasy sequence where a Stan Lee-looking intense scientist declares he has created the Evolution Machine! .......and then the company went bankrupt! But Mexican Magikarp Salesman to the rescue! He insists that he helped the left-over workers create their machine and in turn they gave him the means to make them, and now he is selling those means, complete with a moneyback guarantee! ![]() Meanwhile, the twerps have returned to Jubilife City to discover how to get to Eterna City where the next Gym Battle will be. A reporter and cameraman stop them (this time NOT Jesse and James in poor disguises) and ask Ash if he would be willing to force the evolution of his Pokémon through mechanical means, and dumbfounded he replies of course not! The reporter then declares that he must be a member of the B Button League (a delightful nod to the Pokémon Games, Gentle Dodgers), which is a league of Pokémon Coordinators who try to win ribbons using Pokémon without evolving.... and they have the world's strongest Magikarp and Feebas! ![]() IN. THE. ASS! It drags him away to do who knows what (no one wants to know the horrors that lurk in Peter Lorre's deepest, darkest mind). ![]() Having pulled out their shirts to mimic the stonking great tits of their Founder, Jesse, James and Meowth introduce themselves and claim they're here to take the B Button League a Sinnoh Step further. Jesse tells Hayley and Arley that she knows that the B in their name stands for Bictory, and James has to haul her away to remind her that Victory starts with a V, not a B. So what does the B stand for? Bulbasaur? Blackmail? Big Blabbermouth? Or beauty? Beauty! BINGO! Harley and Arley ask what the C stands for and Jesse freaks out about getting put on the spot, then insists that the C stands for C-Side SLUGGERS! SHE SELLS C-Shells by the C by the C by the C-Shore League! ![]() Shortly after, the two trainers stand on opposite planks ready to fight while Team Rocket sit behind the twerps waiting for the right moment to strike. Piplup dives into the water and chases Magikarp trying to hit Peck, but Magikarp is able to dodge, jump high out of the water, evade Bubble and tackle Piplup against the base of the pool, off of the walls and then high into the air! Piplup is knocked out without scoring a shot, its watery corpse rising to the surface of the pool and giving children all over the world horrific nightmares! Ash is hugely impressed, leaping up and shouting he wants a crack at that! The battle over and Piplup retrieved, Dawn says that no matter how powerful Magikarp is, it must be weak against Electric Attacks. But when Pikachu fires Thunderbolt, Magikarp somersaults out of the water and then smacks Pikachu with its tail back against the wall. Jesse realises that with as strong as that Magikarp is... if it were to evolve into Gyarados then it would wreak havoc on a fearful population as Giga-Gyarados! ![]() The pool is lowered and Team Rocket leaps up to the twerps and the B Button League members to tell them that they're eager to take a photo of Magikarp for the cover of their magazine. Jesse insists that the D Button League will be excited to see it, and James hisses at her that she means C, and she giggles that in her excitement, she'd gotten one letter ahead of herself. Hayley really wanted to show off her Feebas as well, and the twerps tell her that they're sure it'll be awesome. Before then though, Hayley offers them lunch, and Arley turns to make the same offer to the C Button League and realises... Team Rocket really aren't subtle. Catching them in the process of dropping the powerful Pokémon into a sack, the twerps demand to know what they hell they think they're doing. So Team Rocket do what they do best..... pose, rip off their clothes (HEY HEY!) and say their motto! "That last was loud and clear." "On the wind!" "The stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, then our work is complete." "Jesse!" "And James!" "Meowth, now dat's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place." "Team Rocket!" "And we're in yer face!" they finish together. Arley gets a good look at their chests (like you aren't, Gentle Dodgers!) and asks, confused, now they're the R Buttons? ![]() IN. THE. GODDAMN. NUTS! Dawn gasps that usually Croagunk is right, but is has over-reacted this time. Croagunk actually displays an emotion other than creepy smug self-satisfaction as it croaks in shock.... IT fucked up!?! Team Rocket cheese it, chased by the twerps and Croagunk dragging Brock behind it as Team Rocket get into their Balloon and take off. Ash sends Staravia up to follow them while the twerps, Hayley and Arley head into the forest in their general direction. Staravia leads them into a wooden cabin and they discover.... Magikarp and Feebas inside the Pokémon Evolution Machine! Team Rocket explain what they're planning to do, much to the horror of the B Button League. They beg them not to evolve their Pokémon, they've worked so hard to make them strong as they are! Ash calls for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt but as it leaps high, it is grabbed in a metallic insulated canister by metal arms, and Meowth hits what looks suspiciously like a Wii controller and Jesse sends Magikarp through the machine and evolves it into Gyarados! ![]() ![]() The machine shudders, flashes and... Pikachu falls out the bottom looking confused. Meowth spots a "disclaimer" written in tiny fine print - a Pokémon may not evolve for up to a week after being put through the machine, and repeated use may result in complete failure! Jesse is outraged, stomping her boot next to Meowth and screaming that if she wasn't a lady.... and when James speaks up in defence of the (bankrupt... oh, and fictional, too!) company, she unleashes the full fury of The Bitch Goddess Queen on them, James sent reeling while Meowth cowers behind the manual in superstitious fear. Ash tells Pikachu to use Iron Tail to break them free, but Meowth isn't ready to give up yet, checking out the manual and discovering that the machine ALSO doubles as a mecha-bot! Woah, that is cutting edge! He hits a button on the suspiciously Wii-mote looking remote and the cabin explodes, sending the twerps and Team Rocket flying, while the machine flies into the air and turns into... ![]() Holy shit, it turned into Voltron! Team Rocket are amazed (as are the twerps) but then the head falls off, the body falls apart, and Meowth checks the manual again and discovers that the MechaBot only fully works after performing a successful evolution.... and Team Rocket finally figure out that they've been ripped off... again! They find themselves confronted by a furious B Button League, and are first tackled by Magikarp, then Ice-Beamed by Feebas before being blasted by Pikachu and sent blasting off again! Though James has rediscovered his inner-child after tinkering with the design-kit! And so the sun sets with the twerps leaving Jubilife City, waving goodbye to Hayley and Arley (apparently the ONLY members of the League, and also the only residents of the giant headquarters that could house hundreds of homeless) as they set off, having learned a valuable lesson.