483: Twice Smitten, Once Shy! |
Dodgy Synopsis
Oh my, that doesn't sound like the thing that they're supposed to let into the OFFICIAL Pokémon episodes, surely they've not moved to a "Pokémon: After Dark" Episode. They won't get any love for that, after Baywatch: Nights, people are.... ![]() ![]() She throws out Piplup and tells it to use Peck and.... Pachirisu blows a kiss at Piplup, confusing it and sending it staggering around confused. Dawn calls it back as Brock and Ash watch on, Brock trying his morning coffee or tea or whatever and just enjoying someone else using up all their energy so early in the morning. Buneary comes out and delivers some tight rabbit-punches to the small of Pachirisu's back, which is pretty goddamn rough if you ask me. It falls to the ground, gets back up and uses Spark to knock Buneary back. Buneary jumps back up and uses Ice Beam, but misses, and then Pachirisu uses a massive Spark that zaps EVERYONE! Including Ash and Brock! ![]() As Dawn celebrates, elsewhere in the forest another female in a short skirt is in a good mood too.... Jesse! She skips happily along through the forest singing away while some distance back trudge James and Meowth. Knowing that it's too good to be true, or last, James asks Meowth if she's suffering another delusion, and Meowth whispers back that it's Contest Queenitis... and Jesse overhears! She roars at them that she WILL become the Floaroma Contest Queen, and intends to capture a Pokémon with the rarefied air of aristocracy! That night, Dawn sleeps in her tent and sleeping bag dreaming of winning the Floaroma Contest with Pachirisu's help, and wakes up to find it sleeping with its tail curled around it. She grins happily at it and giggles that it is so cute, then goes back to sleep. The next morning, she brushes her hair while happily humming to herself, then checks herself out in the mirror and grins, claiming perfection! Well, there's self esteem and then there is just being arrogant! She leaves the tent and finds Ash sitting at their breakfast table (that Brock apparently carries in his backpack along with all of their tents and sleeping bags) and suddenly roars out that he is going for another Gym Badge. Dawn agrees it is great to get a Gym Badge after all the hours he put in, but now it is HER turn, and they're going to Floaroma Town to get her a Contest Ribbon! She rushes on ahead, excited as hell for her next shot, coming to a stop to prepare for her training, calling Pachirisu out of its Pokeball... and it runs away! ![]() ![]() Ash and Brock arrive and ask what the matter is and she explains that it won't stop running, and Brock suggests maybe this shows it is pretty healthy. Ash calls out Pikachu to chase it, but the hyperactive little squirrel keeps on zooming out of the way, so Ash calls out Aipom, Turtwig and Staravia! All of them chase after Pachirisu, which giggles and squeaks happily as it runs from them... then turns and runs back THROUGH them, sending them spinning out of control as it squeals happily and jumps about... and then realises it is surrounded! But as they leap, it suddenly zooms away, and you could swear that you ALMOST hear it go,"MEEP MEEP!" The shocked twerps watch it running, sweatdrops forming on the backs of their head as they watch it run, commenting that it is speedy and non-stop. The other Pokémon go back to chasing it and finally run it up against a wall, and it turns, grins and blasts them with Spark, knocking them all down.... and then promptly collapses, having run itself plain out of gas! ![]() Back at their tents, Dawn sits struggling to brush her hair back into place, and mutters that maybe Pachirisu just doesn't like her. She comes out of the tent and ignores Ash calling out to ask if she is all right. She walks off into the field and calls out Pachirisu, then crouches down and tells Pachirisu she was wrong to think they could be friends... and it begins nuzzling against her leg. She says it is free to go where it wants now, and apparently where it wants to go is up on her head to dance around! She takes it by the sides and lowers it to the ground and tells it that it is over, then runs away, leaving the confused little squirrel behind. Back at the campsite, Brock calls out to Dawn that it is time for lunch, but she sits on a rock and doesn't answer, apparently in a deep depression. They approach and ask her what the matter is, and she admits that she gave away Pachirisu, much to Ash's shocked disbelief. She explains that she caused trouble for everyone, but Ash says that any Pokémon is a handful at first, and Brock says it is too early to give up. She says that it is too late, she all ready set it free, and besides, it is probably all ready running free and has forgotten all about her. But they don't think so; Pachirisu seemed to be having a lot of fun with her. ![]() Back at the campsite, Dawn looks up at a cloud that reminds her of Pachirisu, remembers some of the things they did, and runs up to Brock and Ash and says it seems she really did mean to capture it. They look at each other knowingly, and tell her that she'll have to catch it again, but if they all look around, they're bound to find it quickly. Meanwhile... Jesse's ass! She struts it in front of the camera (you would too if you had it!) and confronts Pachirisu. She throws a Pokeball (claiming to have gotten it out of cobwebs, it has been that long since she used one!) and zaps up Pachirisu in one shot! And then... it promptly pops out of the Pokeball and happily slaps it away with its tail, directly into Jesse's face! James says at least she tried but Jesse angrily declares she isn't a quitter like him, and then the twerps appear, demanding to know what they're doing with Pachirisu... which seems like as good a reason for the Team Rocket motto as any! "Listen, is that a twerp voice that I hear?" "It shrieks to me, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing total chaos at a neck breaking pace." "Dashing all hope, and putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name is just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" "And it's James!" "Meowth, now dat's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place." "Team Rocket!" "We're in your face!" they finish together. Ash snaps that Pachirisu is Dawn's, but they point out that when they threw a Pokeball, it got zapped in which wouldn't have happened if it belong to someone else. Dawn admits that she did let it go, but insists she wants to back now, and Jesse quite rightly (and smugly!) points out that just because she wants it back now, doesn't necessarily mean that gives her rights over it. She suggests confidently that they let Pachirisu decide, and Dawn uncertainly agrees, Ash assuring her that Pachirisu will choose her. Jesse grins and tells Meowth and James to hand over every last bit of food they've got, and a horrified James insists that she may need to fast, but he doesn't! Jesse roars angrily at them to give her the food and cut their weight jokes, and they quickly fall into line with the demands of their insane Bitch Goddess Queen. She drops to her knees (HEY HEY!) and tries to call over Pachirisu, and Ash tells Brock to offer his food back. Brock grunts that he doesn't want to go there, and Dawn shouts at Jesse that bribing with food isn't the way to go about this. Jesse's angry retort is that Dawn needs to give her inflated ego a rest and admit that Pachirisu belongs to her... and Pachirisu runs over to her! Jesse is thrilled, this means that it has recognised her true beauty and.... ZAP! ![]() Jesse staggers back up and shouts that this was a Love Spark! Dawn carefully approaches Pachirisu as it chows down on Team Rocket's food and tells it she wants it to come with her. Pachirisu looks up, asks,"JEEPA?" and then moves up towards her. Jesse is furious, declaring that Pachirisu would never abandon her after "all they've been through". She, James and Meowth rush off into the bushes before blasting a metallic arm from out of their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon to try and catch the small, fluffy squirrel. It leaps up out of the way easily, and Jesse notes it is faster than water off of a Wailord's back, and Meowth laughs that this is what buttons are for, and blasts a sticky load of goo.... GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA! ....from out of a hole in the metallic arm, trapping Pachirisu's leg and preventing it from running to escape. After decades of loyal patronage to your mail-order catalogues, hotlines and customer rewards services; and having spent many tens of thousands of dollars on products that have invariably failed in their task - I am writing to express my extreme anger regarding the episode of Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl that first aired on the "Cartoon Network" on July 5th, 2007. I felt personally affronted to see a small, quick rodent brought down to ground by a mechanical device that shot a sticky, viscous liquid from out of a metallic arm. The device in question instantly grounded the small but quick animal, preventing it from being able to escape the device’s operators, a trio by the name of Team Rocket. As Acme, Incorporated is the sole provider of technical devices and other Para-Physics objects to animated cartoons, I take it that the device in question was provided by your company for an undisclosed sum of money. For DECADES I have been trying to catch that damned Roadrunner, and your SHODDY AND UNRELIABLE products have failed me at every turn! Now not only do I see a product produced by your company successfully used in a similar situation to my own on the first attempt, but the product in question is one that has never been advertised in any of the many catalogues - both standard and "Executive Special" - that are at my disposal. I expect an investigation into this blatant disregard for a longstanding repeat customer, and demand some sort of satisfaction within the month. Yours, Wile E. Coyote ![]() ![]() They fly away, Jesse grinning and nuzzling up to Pachirisu calling it the "love of her life" and it grins, nuzzles back and then..... ZAP! They're blasting off again! Dawn sits amongst the goop saying she can't blame Pachirisu for dumping her after what she did, but Ash tells her not to be so sure, as he sees Pachirisu approaching. It smiles happily at Dawn and pops the spray up onto its head, and she grins and hugs it after getting herself free, saying it is great to have it back... and her hair promptly springs up thanks to the static charge of Pachirisu's Spark. She grins and says who cares, then kneels down and asks Pachirisu if it will come along with them after all, then once again catches it with her Pokeball. Now Dawn has almost as many Pokémon as Ash, a penguin, a teddy-bunny and a hyperactive squirrel with a huge tail.