481: Wild in the Streets! |
Dodgy Synopsis
How is Ash going to react to this loss, especially in front of the asshole he was trying most to impress? Will he take it with dignity and aplomb? Or is he going to run.... ![]() Ash's reaction is, apparently, having Pikachu, Aipom and Turtwig beat the shit out of some rocks in a nearby quarry! He's training them up for his rematch with Roark, focused in the only way the dim boy can be - in desire for victory! Brock and Dawn are impressed, and so is Buneary, which runs up to flirt with a confused Pikachu. Dawn and Brock tell them that he's done a pretty good job getting his Pokémon psyched up, but Dawn notes that Pikachu, Aipom and Turtwig aren't the best picks to fight Roark's Geodude, Onix and Cranidos. Suddenly she has an idea; Ash should call up his friend, the "TV Pokémon poet!" They point out that Professor Oak is a Professor, not a "TV Pokémon poet", but she replies that whoever he is, he has a bunch of Pokémon at his disposal, including a bunch of Ash's own! Why not call Oak up and get him to send a bunch of his incredibly powerful Pokémon to win the fight? It seems like a good idea, but here is where the fundamental similarities and differences between Ash and Paul are highlighted. Like Paul, Ash believes that victory can be achieved regardless of type disadvantage... but unlike Paul, Ash doesn't view a failing Pokémon as a failure, but as something that needs further training to become stronger. Dawn is confused, it's a nice thing to say to his Pokémon, but it doesn't change the fact that his current Pokémon simply aren't the right ones to use against Roark, he's putting himself at a needless disadvantage. As Dawn grins and waves her hand in front of her face (maybe she thinks Ash's idea stinks), Brock suddenly has an idea.... and calls out Sudowoodo! Dawn is confused, and Brock explains - Sudowoodo can use Rockhead, a tough Rock-Type move that knocks off Recoil effects. If Ash's Pokémon train against Sudowoodo (well, not so much train as beat the shit out of) they should get an insight into how to beat Roark. Ash is excited, and Dawn is excited as well, saying that watching him has gotten her all excited.... ....and proclaims she is going to head back into town and work on some Contest combinations with Piplup and Buneary! ![]() ![]() But while Dawn is excited, researchers at the Museum are shocked; one of their Fossil Restorers has been stolen! Yes, the giant machine has been ripped under the earth via a large tunnel! All of the revived Pokémon and the fossils in storage are fine as well... but there was a Pokémon fossil inside the Restorer, and not the type that anyone would want to get loose! Meanwhile, Team Rocket are drinking what looks like milk in the forest setting where they've somehow taken the truly GIGANTIC fossil restorer. They're all excited at the prospect of restoring fossils to get some extinct (and therefore valuable) Pokémon back, but as they stand and cheer, they come to the realization that each of them thought one of the others was going to bring the fossils with them. As they argue and yell amongst each other, the fossil restorer blinks on, and the doors open and smoke clears as an eager Team Rocket giggle and look through the smoke at.... oh my hokey fuck. But the sight of a restored Pokémon noted for its insane mindless rage doesn't seem to worry Team Rocket. In fact, Jesse grabs a Pokeball and tosses it at the revived Pokémon hoping to catch it without actually putting a beating on it first... and Aerodactyl angrily slaps it back into her face, knocking her backwards. Jesse leaps back up roaring angrily, but Aerodactyl ignores them, leaping high into the air and causing energy to burst in a cone around its face. They energy surrounds its body and then.... it blasts at Team Rocket as James reviews his Pokémon Cards to find out what the move is called. They're lifted high into the air and crash back into the ground, James seemingly unhurt as he finds the information he was looking for, that move is called Giga Impact! Aerodactyl flies its way back towards Oreburgh City and Team Rocket go to follow, but Meowth stops them, suggesting they go and get some fossils first. Meanwhile, Ash has Turtwig facing off against Sudowoodo, noting that the little turtle is getting tougher but still won't be able to match speed and power against Roark's Pokémon. Brock suggests they take a break to relax the Pokémon, and then Roark shows up clutching a pickaxe, telling Ash that he's got the right idea practising around all these rocks. He tells Ash not to struggle too much, just figure out a strategy and run with it. Ash replies that he's been thinking about how Roark's battle with Paul went.... and then Roark cuts him off, asking just who Ash is trying to beat anyway, and turning and raising his head off to the side as if he is miffed. Ash apologises and Roark grins, telling him to worry about beating HIM and not Paul! He tells them he has to head off and do some more digging, explaining about his love for fossils. He reveals that Cranidos was the first Pokémon that he restored, and then explains that restoring other extinct Pokémon is allowing him to learn more information about the process of evolution that Pokémon have gone through over millions of years. Elsewhere, Dawn is impressed with the combinations that Buneary and Piplup are pulling off and is complimenting them when Aerodactyl appears in the skies above the city and blasts Hyperbeam randomly at the trainers and Pokémon below. Dawn drops to all fours to protect her Pokémon, and a creepy looking Sunflora doesn't let the prospect of obliteration stop it from taking the chance to check out her ass. ![]() ![]() Roark's assistant arrives to warn him about the rampage, while Officer Jenny and the two Researchers who try to return the Armaldo and Kabutops to their Pokeballs are sent blasting by a Hyperbeam. Jenny IMMEDIATELY gives up her authority and responsibility by calling in the army.... ....and Dawn learns that the extinct Pokémon are approaching the Oreburgh Mine, which is also where Ash and Brock are. At the mine, Kabutops and Armaldo are surrounded but Aerodactyl is nowhere to be seen. Roark arrives and calls out Cranidos to distract them while Ash and Brock attempt to take them down. Cranidos uses Flamethrower near them, causing rocks to blast up into the air, and the two revived Pokémon gasp and turn to investigate why the rocks suddenly leapt up into the air and kicked around a lot of dust for apparently no reason! But then they spot Cranidos, Pikachu and Sudowoodo approaching, and the flaws in Roark's plan are made apparent... it's not like the bright yellow rat, walking tree and dinosaur puppy are exactly inconspicuous! Cranidos uses Zen Headbutt but before it can hit the two revived Pokémon, they're all grabbed up and by metal arms on a Team Rocket Robot containing the Fossil Reviver inside of it. Yep, it's Team Rocket! "They're kvetching to me, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" "And James!" "Meowth, dat's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place." "We're Team Rocket!" "In your face!" they finish together. "WOBBBUH!" "Mime Mime!" One of the nerdier scientists demands they hand over the reviver and the Pokémon, but surprisingly his nasal voice and thick framed glasses don't inspire fear. Team Rocket laugh that they're going to raise an army of Pokémon, and Ash comes back with a brilliant retort designed to humble them completely. "No you're not!" ![]() ![]() The captive Pokémon crash to the ground and the two museum researchers recall Armaldo and Kabutops to their Pokeballs and.... Cranidos turns and sees Aerodactyl using Giga Impact, but Cranidos intercepts the move, which isn't exactly the wisest use of his little dino-pup. They're all sent flying by the impact, and then Aerodactyl uses Hyperbeam, and Ash takes the opportunity to prove that Dawn isn't the only one who can put her ass on display! A blast of Bubblebeam and Icebeam blocks the Hyperbeam, and Ash turns to see Dawn approaching, standing over Ash protectively and giving him a direct look up her skirt as she declares that SHE will handle this. Okay yes! Get the ten year old novice with a bunny and a penguin to take on the insanely angry flying dinosaur rather than the skilled Rock Gym Leader, the experienced young trainer with a level 4 billion Pikachu or even Brock and his retarded Mexican stereotype Lombre and happy blue water kitten! ![]() ![]() A researcher tosses a Pokeball and captures the Aerodactyl, which technically should really go to Dawn, because that would make a totally awesome surprise contest entrant! Meanwhile, Team Rocket have pushed their machine back upright and only just realised they've lost their Pokémon. They set the machine into reverse and blast a net at a chasing Cranidos, laughing and mocking it, but Cranidos is having none of it, and glows white as it tears through the net, becoming.... Rampardos! Rampardos leaps onto the Bot and tears the Fossil Reviver free, landing back on the ground and then using its tail to launch a Zen Headbutt on the machine, sending Team Rocket blasting off again! As they fly through the air, Meowth moans that ancient is overrated anyway, but Jesse roars angrily that it isn't, then points at James and demands that he just make them one of the fossil revivers all on his lonesome. "Sorry but I never liked antiquing," replies James with an angry shrug, which is interesting, we would have thought that would be right up his alley. Rampardos lands and roars as Dawn checks it out with Dextina and learns that it is a pretty damn tough Pokémon. Officer Jenny steps up and salutes Ash and Dawn for doing her goddamn job for her, and then Brock rushes up with hand open almost as if he's about to grope a tit! But no, he claims that he's just saluting her too (not with his hands obviously, you have to look lower), only to be cut off as Croagunk makes an appearance to put Brock in his place. ![]() As it drags him off to do who knows what, Ash asks Roark if they can have their battle tomorrow, telling him he has thought of a strategy to use. Roark agrees, saying that Ash can be Rampardos' premiere battle, and Ash turns and asks Dawn if she will train with him. You would think that the evolution of Cranidos would make him even less sure of how to fight, but something unexpected has happened.