475: Mounting a Coordinator Assault! |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() Before all of this happened, we return to where it began, the Pokémon Center outside of the arena where the Contest will take place. Dawn pirouettes into shot in front of a bank of video phones, one of which has her mother on it. She's wearing a pretty pink dress, and Pikachu happily mimics the pirouette as well as Ash and Brock look on. Brock tells Dawn he has never seen this side of her before (the side where her thighs are actually covered up!) and she says that of course she has to dress up nice for a Pokémon contest. Ash thinks she is doing it because it is her first time, but Dawn informs them (and her mother watching through a monitor with her bouffant hairdo sitting on her head biding its time before unleashing mass destruction) that in the Sinnoh Region, all Coordinators dress up for contests - it's part of the fun! Dawn's mother tells her she likes the dress but asks her to look back through the package she sent her, telling her there should have been a choker inside. Dawn didn't see the choker (a type of neck adornment) but then up it pops, dangling on the tail of a Glameow! Ash checks the springy tailed, smug looking cat out with Dextina, learning that it is a "catty" Pokémon. ![]() ![]() Ash orders an Iron Tail and Pikachu comes back, smashing through the Bubblebeam, but Dawn is pleased with Piplup's perfect landing and tells it to use Peck... and it's nose grows longer! Dawn tells Ash that they've been practising building up power and Brock is impressed, but when Piplup and Pikachu zoom in to attack, Aipom gets in the way and smashes Piplup in its elongated beak! Piplup crashes to the ground and pops back up looking pissed, and Ash demands to know what Aipom is doing and it... and it does something fucking AWESOME! Yes it jumps from foot to foot in excitement, then lets rip with Double Team to send five fake Aipoms into the air, then blasts Swift at them, creating a giant star in the sky as it leaps up amongst them, then falls back down and lands with a flex of its ass-hand, posing bravely! Everyone - including Dawn - are impressed, and Brock suggests to Ash that maybe Aipom wants to take part in the Pokémon Contest too? Dawn agrees, pointing out that Aipom is always watching her and Piplup practise, and that it is no fun sitting on the sidelines. She tells Ash he should compete, and he seems slightly taken aback, but Brock tells him to try it out just to see what he thinks.... ![]() ![]() They tell the registration woman that they need to register and she says she needs to see their Contest Passes, which they don't have! Realising that they haven't been in a contest before, she tells them she'll need their Pokedexs, and they put them into a couple of slots and just like that, they're registered to compete! They're given Contest Passes that will let them into enter in different Sinnoh Region Contests, and then are given a Ball Capsule, Rulebook and Contest Ribbon Case. Ash and Brock are confused about the ball capsule and sticker-seal that comes with it and Dawn is surprised to hear that they REALLY don't know anything about Sinnoh. The Ball Capsule is used to make a "super-dramatic" entrance, and she shows them what she means by putting a heart sticker onto her ball capsule with the Pokeball inside, and then throws it into the air. The Pokeball Opens and 3d animated hearts spill out as Piplup bravely poses, and Ash and Brock are enraptured.... though not quite as enraptured as the young guy sitting on a seat behind Dawn staring raptly at her ass. Dawn shows off the different seals and explains they work in different ways, and Ash laughs he wants to use them all! Meanwhile, it's the return of Jessebella!?! It's Jesse all right, determined to once more try and win a Pokémon Contest, this time under the persona of "Jesselina". She's positive that her "homespun appeal" will win over the audience, but James seems more interested in the contents (or lack thereof) of his purse (haha he has a purse!). Meowth, Carnivine and Mime Jr seem to be involved in some kind of odd sexual ceremony, and all of this infuriates Jesse who can't stand not being the center of attention. ![]() Jesse tells James not to sweat the small stuff and asks Carnivine if it is ready to help her win... and it twists around to reveal that Meowth has been slapping seals onto Carnivine's happily insane face. She snaps at them not to waste the seals, and James Meowth suddenly have a bright idea... make fake seals and sell them for fabulous moolah! Jesse is delighted, why they'll outsell the yo-yo! A comment that, of course, leads to James commenting that it takes one to know one. That night the twerps sleep in their bunks, Dawn unable to sleep - perhaps due to Brock hugging his pillow and moaning,"Oh Nurse Joy you're so huggable!" Dawn steps out onto the balcony in her pyjamas and calls out a yawning Piplup and Buneary, then looks out over the City at night and tells them she can't sleep for all the thoughts she is having. She looks at her Mother's first ever Contest Ribbon, the one given to Dawn for good luck, then tells them her Pokémon that she knows they'll be great out there. The next day, fireworks go off over the contest Hall while outside various Coordinators and Trainers shop about the different concession stands. James and Meowth have their fake seal shop set up and James is giving his sales pitch, getting the attention of a small boy who thanks "the old man" and does his business with Meowth as James stands, eyes twitching in horror. The boy runs off and James shouts out to tell all his friends and make an old man happy! ![]() In the dressing room, Dawn is struggling to get her hair just right, and the young lady who found her choker earlier shows up wearing a delightfully androgynous outfit and offers to help fix her hair up for her (across the world, 1000 people open up their word processors at once and begin the hideous birthing process of a brand new Ship), introducing herself as Zoe and telling Dawn she has taken part in three contests herself, and won one ribbon. Dawn thanks her and hands her the ribbon case, telling Zoe that now it is HER time to win. Zoe smiles and tells her she'll see her in the finals, then heads off, and Dawn gasps in horror... the finals!?!?! Zoe thinks she'll make it to the finals on her first time!?!! Oh Dawn. As Marion shows off the Jubilife City Ribbon, Ash runs into Dawn and tells her it's time for the first round, and they rush towards the main stage as Marion introduces the three judges... and it seems that Landis' Dad lied his fat ass off, because it's Nurse Joy judging the contest as per usual, not Officer Jenny! The First Round begins - the performance stage - which will show how the Coordinators show off their Pokémon’s power and beauty. First up is Zoe, who throws out a Misdreavus in a cloud of smoke, creating a Double Team silhouette that forms into a giant Misdreavus inside the clouds, then finishes with Confuse Ray to send its doppelgangers disappearing into the crowd. The real Misdreavus uses Shockwave and sends waves of energy throughout the entire stage, showing it is plenty powerful, and the blast ends with a shower of sparks that impresses all the Judges. ![]() ![]() Inside, Jesse calls out Carnivine which appears behind her in front of a giant 3d heart, which explodes into a shower of smaller hearts. She throws up a lollipop that turns into smaller ones, and Carnivine blasts them with Bullet Seed and then leaps up to deliver Bite to finish things off.... but not in quite the way that Jesse was perhaps expecting! It chomps down on her head eagerly, but the crowd loves it and Jesse calls for more applause, taking the pain for her art! Ash heads out next after a rather enthusiastic,"THANKS!" to Dawn for wishing him well, then sends out Aipom, as we get to see the opening pre-credits sequence again. Aipom delivers Swift, Double Team and Focus Punch in an impressive combination that makes it look like Ash is taking part in a battle, and the Judges are impressed. Dawn watches on and seems taken aback by how well Ash is going, telling Brock that she is impressed. She gets the call to head out to the front stage, stopped on the way by Zoe who wishes her luck. She heads through the tunnel where she meets Ash and gives him a rather ridiculous "white people" high five before heading out onto the stage. At first, it seems like Dawn is being overwhelmed by the entire experience, but once she sends Piplup out she seems to come into her own. Piplup emerges from the Pokeball and sends a spiralling blast of Bubblebeam into the air, then grows its beak long with Peck and launches itself into the air at high velocity, turning the Bubbles into sparkles that fall amongst the cheering crowd. The Judges are impressed (they seem to have been impressed by EVERYONE!) and at home Dawn's Mum can't seem to resist casting a critical eye on her own daughter's debut performance. She says it wasn't bad.... but Dawn is still a little stiff out there (as are most of the boys Dawn passes by in her normal skirt). Dawn rushes backstage and Ash and Brock tell her she should feel great, but she drops to her knees and appears to be utterly overwhelmed by everything.... then laughs that she's just joking with them, she is actually just relieved to have it behind her. Zoe offers her a hand and helps her up, telling her that she shouldn't be relieved just yet, as the Finals are still to come, and Ash and Brock exchange a look.... she makes friends when they're not around!?! Marion appears on the screen to announce who will make the Finals, and everyone looks on expectantly, wanting to know if they made it or not. But we'll have to wait till next episode to find out, Gentle Dodgers, because this is.... ![]()