473: Setting The World On Its Buneary |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() ![]() Ash (who really, really, really just doesn't get it) says that bad hair is what hats are made for, and inside the tent, Dawn grunts that this is a typical male response, as we get a look at her terrible, terrible hair and see that bad hair really does run in her family. She tells Ash that unlike his "who cares what I look like world" she actually cares about her appearance, and while the Pokémon gather around and Ash insists that being worried about your hair is just silly, Brock turns a happy grin on Croagunk, telling it that this is a typical morning for them. ![]() Inside the tent, Dawn tries again and again to try and sort out her hair, to no avail, then tells Piplup to use Bubblebeam on her! Bubbles come floating out of the tent and Brock wonders if she was trying to fix her bed-head, and then he drops a potato he was peeling onto the ground in front of Croagunk and asks it to help him out. Peter Lorre don't pick up for nobody, mister, he's a star! Brock says please, so Croagunk picks it up, stares at it with its utterly incomprehensible face, then tosses the potato high in the air. Ash tries to grab it but bangs into Dawn as she steps out of the tent, and Buneary watches from the bushes as Pikachu leaps into the air and grabs the potato... and she falls in love! ![]() ![]() Ash checks on Pikachu while Buneary hides behind it, and Dawn checks it out with Dextina and learns it likes to have sleepy naps when it is cold. They all thank it, but its shyness overwhelms it and it grabs its fluffy "skirt" and pulls it up over its face and hops away, bouncing into a tree then continuing on dizzily as Dawn mutters that she wanted to capture it. Officer Jenny - still a little taken aback at almost running down a Pikachu, turns her shock into outrage and delivers a stern warning about the need to look both ways when crossing the street to a confused Pikachu, and then an equally confused Dawn asks Officer Jenny if she remembers her, causing Brock to chuckle that she has a lot to learn. He shows her a picture from the last "Countrywide Festival" which features a bunch of Officer Jennies standing, kneeling and saluting. He explains there are lots of Officer Jennies just like there are lots of Nurse Joys, and while he wishes he could have been at the Countrywide Festival, he's here now, and so is she! He introduces himself, tells her he is a breeder (snicker) and in turn Officer Jenny tells them she is from Jubilife City. Dawn is ecstatic, they must be identical twins! But Brock is furious, that's so rude! They're not identical at all, they have different lengths of hair and eyelashes and.... Peter Lorre puts a stop to that shit right from the get go, and looks delightfully self-satisfied in doing so! ![]() It drags him into the bushes and Officer Jenny grunts that Brock is strange (yeah, there's a young good looking guy who finds her attractive and a bizarre Peter-Lorre looking Toad dragging him away into the bushes and BROCK is the strange one) and then asks them if they've seen the people in a photo she is holding. It's a pink haired girl in tight fitting black wearing a bandanna over her hair tied up under her nose, a distraught looking Meowth in a similar outfit and a horrified looking young man dressed the same with blue hair. They've been caught on security camera and the girl obviously loves being on camera, mugging to it while the other two look more reasonable disconcerted. She explains they stole a bunch of machine parts from a nearby factory, and then Brock appears out of nowhere to tell them that the people in the photo look weird. Officer Jenny thanks them for their help, and then they return to the campsite to feed their Pokémon and have breakfast. Ash notes that he wouldn't mind capturing Buneary either, noting how high it jumped to save Pikachu, but Dawn desperately wants it for herself, pointing out that she still hasn't caught a Pokémon and they'll be in Jubilife City by tomorrow. As they chat, Team Rocket are watching from the bushes, Jesse and Meowth eager to get their hands on the twerps' sushi while James works on something mechanical behind them, pointing out that they're all out of cash. Meowth spots Croagunk and James cracks a joke about the twerps' looks, while back at the campsite, the twerps have noticed Croagunk has stopped eating.... and is staring at the bushes.... and then it jumps! It lands near the bushes and Buneary pops out in shock, then rushes off chased by Ash and Dawn who assure Brock they'll do the dishes "later", and Brock mutters that he has a feeling later will never come. Ash tells Dawn that whoever captures Buneary gets to keep it, and the other person can't be mad. Dawn agrees, and then tells Piplup to use Bubblebeam, cutting off Buneary. She insists that she means to capture it and finally have something go right for her, and Ash says if it means that much to her, then she should go for it. They start battling as Brock shows up with Bonsly in his arms, having fed and burped it and left the dishes behind. Buneary slams into Piplup and smacks it about with its fluffy ears, then poses and winks at Pikachu while Piplup staggers about with mini-Torchic's circling its head. They explain to Dawn that Buneary used Dizzy Punch and now Piplup is confused, and Brock tells her to calm down and return Piplup to its Pokeball, and this will clear the Confusion. She prepares to do this, but Buneary zooms in and boots Piplup into Dawn's face, knocking them both down. Brock is impressed by its power, and Pikachu confused by its winking, and Dawn calls Piplup back and mutters that everything she tries seems to muck up. She stands and tells Ash to go for it, and he sends in Pikachu, which causes Buneary to blush and lift its fluffy skirt up over its face... and not in a good way! ![]() ![]() Buneary grabs Pikachu and swings it around in delight, while Jesse and Meowth watch from the distance, Jesse noting the two are only one step away from picking out the furniture. James shows up still clutching a hammer and screwdriver, while Pikachu tells Buneary to cut that shit out, causing the little fluffy bunny to start crying! Starly flies in and lands by them and Buneary stops crying, looks around in confusion... and then gets grabbed by the machine that James has been building all this time... and it's actually impressive! Pikachu tries to blast it with Thunderbolt, but the electricity gets redirected to the orb holding Buneary captive, and Team Rocket laugh that attacking them is attacking Buneary. Meowth explains they'll let Buneary go, but only if Pikachu becomes a Team Rocket Pokémon. Meanwhile, Croagunk wonders through the forest softly croaking creepily to itself, then discovers the ice-blocked twerps. It just STARES creepily at them for awhile, before getting a look of immense self-satisfaction on its face as it smashes them free with Poison Jab. ![]() The Twerps grab themselves and shiver, and Brock thanks Croagunk which.... well it just stares off into the distance looking creepier and more self-satisfied than ever! Starly flies back to warn them about what is happening, or at least get them to follow it since they don't speak Poke-speak. Meanwhile, Pikachu has agreed to the trade-off, but after getting grabbed up in an orb like the one holding Buneary.... Team Rocket laugh that this is what you get for doing a deal with them! Their timing couldn't be worse of course, as the twerps show up at last, so there's nothing for it but the motto! "It shrieks to me, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" "And James!" "Meowth, now dat's a name!" "Putting the do-gooders in their place." "We're Team Rocket!" "In your face!" they finish together. "WOBBBBBBUH" All three get progressively more in each other’s face as they shove and push trying to take centre stage during the motto, while inside its orb, Buneary flails about trying to get loose. Team Rocket laugh that it isn't going anywhere, then start to snap at Ash with the metal claws of the rabble rouser just for laughs, all while Pikachu tries to use Iron Tail to break out. It seems that James built the thing well though, it's all holding up and things are looking good, till Officer Jenny shows up! ![]() Dawn hugs Buneary which.... hugs her back! It runs up onto Dawn's head to smile at Pikachu on Ash's head, agreeing to come along with her. But Dawn wants to do it right, and says they'll have a battle, Buneary against Piplup! So we return to the opening scene of the episode, seeing the Bubble Beam and Ice beam combine for an explosion before Piplup zooms in with Dizzy Punch, but Piplup dodges and manages to score a hit with Peck. Dawn finally gets her timing right, throwing her Pokeball and.... and.... and..... she's captures Buneary! She FINALLY caught a Pokémon! Ash and Brock congratulate her and she calls Buneary out, grabbing it in her arms as Piplup bravely lifts its beak high to show off its pride, and then seems to stare with what looks to be jealousy at Dawn and Buneary hugging.