471: Like It Or Lup It! |
Dodgy Synopsis
Appearing in an ankle length green flowing dress, she has Piplup spin through the air and use Bubble Beam to send a cascade of bubbly-fireworks around and around, causing it to snow.... but then Piplup gets dizzy and blasts the crowd, killing thousands! Suddenly things return to reality, and we find that Dawn is actually in a field practising for the Contest and letting her imagination get the best of her. While Brock prepares a meal, Ash is watching the pretty girl dancing around in the short skirt without any clue of what it is he's actually seeing. They tell Dawn that nobody ever said it would be easy, but Dawn doesn't let it get her down, exclaiming that they may have screwed up, but they looked good doing it! She tells Piplup to try the Spinning Bubble combo again, but once again it gets dizzy, rains down Bubble Beam on the twerps, then crashes to the ground as Dawn rushes up to check that it is okay. Oh my, well things are going well, but they're going to have to keep on trying if they want to succeed, no matter how much it hurts.... ![]() Meanwhile, Team Rocket are lying in a heap, desperately hungry, Meowth complaining that it has been so long since he ate that his mouth is thinking on going on strike. Jesse moans that they'll never find the horn of plenty lying flat on their backs. They stagger up looking for food and find themselves staring at a giant pile of fruit and berries! Unable to believe their good luck, they stare in wonder at the food and Meowth rushes up and grabs a berry to take a bite. But a shouted warning from Jesse causes him to bite down on his arm instead. She points out the tracks in the ground and notes that at least one Pokémon has been harvesting all of this fruit, and they're likely to be pretty pissed if they come back and find all the fruit gone. So Team Rocket's reaction to this moral dilemma? ![]() Meanwhile, Team Rocket are piling the fruit up into their Magikarp Submarine when James drops a single, solitary berry. Meowth goes crazy, leaping onto the plank where the rest of the food is stored trying to catch the single berry, unbalancing it and causing it to be flung trebuchet-like through the air and far, far into the distance, much to Team Rocket's horror. They return to searching for their all ready stolen food, and Jesse hears a strange noise and moves through the long grass to discover.... three Gay Pineapple Ducks! They're dancing around a small pile of berries, and Meowth gasps that this festive party atmosphere is just what the Boss needs, and treats us all to another patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy... and a decidedly homoerotic one! Meowth refers to it as "sweating to the oldies", as we see Giovanni wake up to a serenade from the Ludicolo, enjoy a meal on the balcony and then work out in figure hugging tight clothing and dainty little work-out slippers! We also get to see him dressed up like a mariachi, declaring that Meowth and friends have not only given him a great present, but helped him keep in tip top physical shape! Team Rocket's delight at this insanity is interrupted though when they see Golduck appear with its trio of Pokémon, blaming the Ludicolo for stealing their berries. They instantly come up with an evil plan, they'll convince the Pokémon they're on their side, then grab the berries AND the Pokémon. "Yeah, we're bad!" grins Meowth, and an evil Team Rocket laugh. ![]() Jesse bangs her gavel and declares justice has been served, but Golduck is enraged and cries out some kind of obscenity, offending Meowth and causing Jesse to call out Seviper while James calls out Carnivine.... with predictable results! "Carnivine, I am not a piece of fruit!" cries James as Carnivine chows down on his head and Wobbuffet, Mime Jr and Meowth gape in astonishment as he insists,"NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS!" Seviper blasts Golduck with Poison Tail, then Carnivine bites down on Golduck's head before Golduck and the other Pokémon cheese it out of there to escape Seviper's Haze. Jesse laughs and tells the Ludicolo that this has proved that they're friends, and the Ludicolos agree.... enthusiastically! ![]() Team Rocket cheese it the hell out of there, terrified by the overenthusiastic strength of their new "friends". Meanwhile, the twerps are eating lunch when Piplup suddenly steps up from its bowl of food and heads into the long grass. Once clear, it starts practising its Spinning Bubble Beam again, with the same results as it gets dizzy and collapses to the ground. Leaping back up it bravely poses and starts to try again, only for Golduck's crew to charge into it and knock it over. Golduck leaps up and jumps around shouting out angrily over what is going on, venting all its rage at the indignities heaped upon it this day. But Piplup shuts it up instantly with a few choice words and then... starts leading them marching along down the field, watched from the long grass by the astonished twerps. ![]() ![]() Meanwhile, Golduck's crew have taken Piplup to the three Ludicolo, and it storms up to the happily dancing Pokémon to give them a piece of its mind. It snaps at the surprised Ludicolo which dismiss it with a wave of their arms, then blast it with Water Gun. It leaps up and tries to Peck them, but they blast it with a wave of sound, knocking it back while the twerps try to figure out what is going on, is Piplup helping the Golduck and his crew? Team Rocket are also watching from their submarine, James keeping the others updated as he watches through his periscope. Piplup takes another leap at the Ludicolo, but they step aside easily and Piplup flies into the lake, smacking into the periscope. James demands it stop fogging up his view and twists the periscope to try and get Piplup clear. Jesse takes over, grabbing the scope and twisting it violently, knocking Piplup into the water. The Submarine surfaces beneath Piplup and then Team Rocket emerge from the hatch, knocking Piplup back into the water - unable to resist a chance to deliver the motto.... and Jesse unable to resist sliding her hands over her crotch and shoving her ass out at the camera.... God Bless her. "Well it's speaking to me, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "And right in yer ear!" "Bringing total chaos at a neckbreaking pace." "Dashing hope and putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete." "Jesse!" cries Jesse, blowing a kiss. "And James!" "Meowth, now dat's a name!" "Putting all those do-gooders in their place." "Team Rocket!" "We're in your face!" they all finish together. "WOBBBBB-BUFFET!" "Mime Mime Mime!" Piplup swims back to the shore and then bravely declares its own bravery and strength again, and Dawn finally figures out what is going on. Golduck and its crew needed a Pokémon to do their fighting for it, and little Piplup thinks it can punch above its weight and be an enforcer! It leaps through the air and lands on the submarine, then begins pecking angrily at the metal, then leaps onto the fin/rudder and shakes it about, succeeding only in knocking itself clear of the submarine and into the water. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt and Team Rocket quickly retreat into their Submarine, somehow managing to move faster than the speed of light. They turn the Submarine to face the twerps, then fire two Magikarp-tipped torpedo cables that wrap up the Golduck crew and the Ludicolo. Piplup staggers to shore and tries to free the Golduck and his crew, pulling at their bonds and flailing its little arms angrily. Then it tries pecking away at the Submarine again only to be sent flying by a twist of one fin.... and then the Submarine fires dozens of Remoraid-shaped missiles right at it! ![]() ![]() The twerps are astonished, it’s finally managed to full off the Spinning Bubblebeam! It blasts all of the Remoraid Missiles, then flips to a landing and poses bravely before sending another spinning Bubblebeam around the Magikarp Submarine, causing a Whirlpool that sends the sub spinning around.... and Meowth suggests that since they're going down the drain anyway, they might as well dance! As the twerps hug their Pokémon, the Submarine resurfaces and Team Rocket stagger out of it, only to take a Thunderbolt from Pikachu that explodes the submarine, and makes it rain fruit! It apologies to the Ludicolo, which seem to take it all in good stride, while Team Rocket stagger to the shore and find a very unwelcome welcoming committee. ![]() ![]() Jesse gasps they were just holding the berries for safekeeping, but the gathered Water Pokémon aren't having a bit of it. Team Rocket are quickly sent blasting off again.... and Jesse declares that she is starting to enjoy this, flying sailing with the water through the air with an ocean breeze and water in her hair.... this would actually be romantic with some violins playing! James sails through the air alongside her and sarcastically tells her it sure is a nice time to be cracking up, and she roars angrily that she'll crack up whenever she damn well wants, he can't keep her on a schedule! Meowth sighs that you wonder why they call them a team, and then off they go into a twinkle in the sky! The Water Pokémon Celebrate happily, then collect up all of the berries again before waving a happy goodbye to the twerps. As the sun sets, the twerps continue along the side of the lake, Ash noting that if it hadn't been for Piplup, none of this would have ever been sorted out. Dawn asks Piplup to try the move once more time, and it pulls it off to great effect. This looks good for Dawn indeed, because they're almost at Jubilife City, and they're going to need everything they've got in her very first Pokémon Contest!