469: Getting Twiggy With It! |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() The twerps chase after, demanding Team Rocket return Pikachu, who simply laugh that Ash should forget about Pikachu and take up stamp collecting! ![]() They pull clear but cause the balloon to rock, and Starly crashes into the balloon too soon and pops it, sending Team Rocket blasting off again.... with Pikachu still attached! The balloon crashes down on the shore of a lake, startling a nearby Turtwig which hops through the bushes and finds Pikachu in its cage. Luckily it doesn't have thumbs or fingers so is able to not use these opposable digits to fiddle with the cage door and get it open.... wait, what? Team Rocket emerges snapping at it that they're not done with Pikachu yet, but the Turtwig angrily snaps back its own name multiple times. Meowth translates, the Turtwig is insisting that they're trespassing on its territory, and after an attempt by Carnivine to attack it, the angry snap-turtle sends them blasting off again! The twerps arrive, much to Pikachu's delight, but Turtwig regards them as just another bunch of trespassers. On the twerps’ side of things, both Ash and Dawn are delighted to see a Sinnoh Starter, and Dawn calls out Piplup to help her capture it. She sends the feisty little penguin charging in with Peck, which isn't exactly going to endear it to them. It fires back with Razor Leaf, and Piplup had to stop, drop and roll to get behind a rock out of the way. One of the Razor Leaves penetrates the bushes and hits an Oddish, which stumbles out near Pikachu and lets rip with a blast of Sleep Power. Ash charges in to save it.... but unfortunately his plan isn't exactly well thought out, as he scoops up Pikachu then turns around to look directly into the blast of powder. He keels over asleep with Pikachu on top of him, and Turtwig rushes over, scoops Pikachu up onto its back, says a final grumpy goodbye to the twerps and rushes off. Brock and Dawn prepare to give chase and leave Ash behind to be mauled by the wildlife when an elderly women with a hairstyle deceptively like Jesse's pops out of the bushes and stops them. Soon Ash is being woken on the couch of the old woman, feeding him an antidote to the sleeping powder. Quite rightly he wants to know where Pikachu, but the old woman ignores his completely justified question, instead introducing herself as Clara, then tells him Pikachu will be fine with Turtwig, it's a good sort and an old friend of hers. ![]() ![]() Clara explains to the twerps back at her home that Turtwig helps trainers and Pokémon in need, and she feeds and cares for it but it ISN'T her Pokémon. It is still wild, but it has become the unofficial leader of the local Pokémon. Indeed we see an example when Turtwig breaks up a fight between a Geodude and a Mankey over a berry, only for the two Pokémon to show their gratitude to their "leader" by attacking it. As the three fight, Pikachu tries to join in to help out only to get knocked out of the fray, and then the dust clears to reveal Turtwig standing and posing bravely over the unconscious forms of the two angry Pokémon. Clara explains that sometimes it gets carried away by all of its responsibilities, and Dawn can't understand why this Turtwig is so different to the laidback one she saw at Professor Rowan's House of Stern. Brock kindly explains why, forgoing any desire to point out what a stupid observation this is by explaining that, just like people, different Pokémon that live in different places undergoing different experiences and different relationships somehow, someway end up being different from each other. The twerps guess that Turtwig must have thought they were trying to hurt Pikachu, and Ash pledges to head out there and explain things to it. They head into the forest, arriving at Pikachu's location, shortly after Turtwig has handed over a bunch of different berries to wakened Mankey and Geodude in order to make peace after bitchslapping them both. They've departed to gorge on the fruit, and Turtwig has settled down for a nap, and thus is even grumpier when it wakes up again after hearing Ash. It angrily charges in and head butts him down, ignoring Pikachu's increasingly angry protests that these are good people, goddammit! Ash snaps that Pikachu is his best friend and they were trying to save it from Team Rocket, and when Turtwig finally listens and gets confirmation from Pikachu, it is horrified and dishonoured. It stumbled back and bows in horror, and Dawn says it seems to be just a little "too sorry". Ash tells it that he is grateful it helped him... and it starts crying! Before this emotional breakdown can fully develop, though, a Linoone staggers out of the bushes and collapses, obviously in distress. Ash and Brock rush to help it while Dawn rather callously thinks only of herself and checks up useless facts about it on her Pokedex, learning that Linoone can move fast, but only in a straight line, they have trouble turning. They return it to Clara's where Brock uses some of the herbs from Clara's garden to make Linoone feel better. Clara compliments him on his obvious talents, while Brock in turn replies that he is just making use of her excellent herbs. As the mutual verbal blowjobs go on, they're watched from within the lake by Team Rocket, who have apparently had their Magikarp Submarine shipped over to Sinnoh. They're determined to catch Turtwig for themselves, suffering from the same "Pikachu Syndrome" that saw them convinced of the incredible might of the small, low-level Pokémon because anything else would be a crippling blow to their sense of self-worth! Meanwhile the complimenting is still going on as Brock prepares a meal for everyone. Ash notes Turtwig sharing its meal with Linoone, and tells it that it is nice after all. He offers some more food to it, and with love in its eyes, Turtwig leaps up onto Ash's head and starts biting him! ![]() The twerps think he is under attack, but Clara laughs and tells them that Turtwig bites people as a way of showing affection.... ....and calls Turtwig over, and it leaps with beak wide open directly at her face! Obviously used to this stuff, she casually raises a stick at the last second so Turtwig is chomping down on that instead, and suggests to a delighted Dawn that she could pull off just such a combination herself with a little training. But then the happy scene is ruined when pink suction cups suddenly slap onto Pikachu and Turtwig and pull them back through the air into a floating canister... it's Team Rocket! ![]() "It speaks to me, loud and clear!" "On the wind!" "Past the stars!" "In yer ear!" "Bringing crisis at a breakneck pace." "Dashing hope, putting fear in its place." "A rose by any other name's just as sweet." "When everything's worse, our work is complete. SWEET!" "Jesse!" "James!" "Meowth, dat's a name!" "Putting the good doers in their place." "Team Rocket!" "In yer face!" finishes Meowth, with Wobbuffet and Mime Jr happily interjecting their own names and enjoying taking part. Dawn snaps that they should give it up, and Jesse tells Dawn she's too tight... oh come on how can she know that, her skirt isn't THAT short! Sorry. ![]() Ash swims FASTER THAN A FUCKING SUBMARINE POWERED BY THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE and gets onto the canister as Team Rocket submerge, Ash dragged under the water. Turtwig tries to pound them free as Ash gives orders while struggling to maintain air in his lungs, and Pikachu uses Iron Tail and then Thunderbolt to get them free.... and sends 50,000 volts through every living thing inside the lake! Meanwhile Clara has staggered to a halt, unable to keep up with the young kids running along the shoreline. They turn to ask her what the problem is (SHE'S OLD!), the water bulges and explodes, and Ash, Turtwig, Pikachu and Piplup come thundering up through the surface and into the air. Ash crashes onto his front and the Pokémon all bounce onto his back, and Dawn rushes up and tells Piplup it was great even though it didn't do anything, and Ash agrees and thanks it for... doing nothing. Turtwig, meanwhile, isn't looking too happy, but then it starts to glow and sparkle, and Clara tells them it is using Synthesis. Dawn hasn't heard of it, and Brock explains that it allows Pokémon to heal faster. Nintendo Representative: You can purchase books in our stores that tell you these things. Do not allow yourself to be uneducated and look foolish in front of your friends and loved ones. Buy. Buy! BUY! ![]() Ash growls angrily that enough is enough as Jesse calls out Seviper and James calls out Carnivine.... only to get a chewing for his troubles. Seviper charges in and gets tackled by Turtwig, and then Carnivine gets a taste of its own medicine! "YOU AND ALL YA DUMB TEEF!" roars Meowth angrily. Seviper and Carnivine try once more, but Ash sends Pikachu in with Volt Tackle, and it crashes into them with a massive explosion and send Team Rocket blasting off again... and blaming James for their loss! Turtwig leaps up onto Ash's head and bites it joyously as everyone looks on happily, and then they return to Clara's house where they say their goodbyes and head off. But Clara suspects that Turtwig wants to go with them and tells it to go ahead, she'll be fine, and it rushes off and blocks Ash off, Clara explaining it wants to go with them.... though first of course he'll need to beat it down so badly that it can barely move. ![]() ![]() Ash orders Pikachu to charge at a tree and use Iron Tail to slam it against the tree trunk, then blast Turtwig with Thunderbolt before Ash sends in his Pokeball! Dawn asks if that is it, he's captured it? But Brock explains they'll have to wait and see, and the ball glows red and shifts and moves and then.... BING! Dawn in enthralled to see what it is like to catch a Pokémon. Clara asks Ash to promise her that he'll look after Turtwig, and he agrees before they head off back on their way to Jubilife City.