So it's come to this, Summer School is ending, Camp is nearly over, and everyone is eager to win the most points for their team to win the meaningless title of "Team with most points!" But in and around all this is all the normal, essential summertime hijinks of camp - including getting one over on the snooty kids, romantic misunderstandings, a valuable lesson learned, a big talent show of some kind, accidental nudity and, with any luck, getting laid!
Go Ash!
Jesse's team doesn't even get mentioned in the title!
The current standings are Team Red (the twerps) with 220, Team Blue (Conway) with 260 and Team Green (Jesse) with 180. Professor Rowan happily (and sternly) announces that the final event of the Camp will be a triathlon. Each trainer gets a Pokéball with no idea of which Pokémon they will end up with. They'll run to a lake, get a new mystery Pokéball, then continue on till they loop back around to the start. First team will get 50 points for their overall team, 2nd place 30, 3rd place 20 and each team that finishes after that will get 10 points.... what it all boils down to is any team can still win.
A Big Talent Show of Some Kind [X]
Outside, despite being on the same team, Ash and Angie end up arguing over who will come first and who will come second. Dawn separates them and Brock points out that if they both get 1st and second, whoever gets what will still be giving the points to Team Red. Ash sees reason for a change and offers a hand to Angie to shake, telling her may the best "guy" win. She stares at his hand, remembering last episode when he told her that he would hold on to her even if it meant forever, and goes over all strange.... to Ash at least! He asks her what's wrong and she snaps angrily that nothing is wrong and quickly runs away... either to beat herself with a stick or masturbate furiously.
Romantic Misunderstandings [X]
Ash gets grumpy and asks what got into her (not you Ash, this is her problem!) and Dawn tries to figure out what is going on. At this point, Conway slides up behind her, glasses gleaming, and tells her he's been stalki... evaluating her all week and has determined that she will be his greatest rival.... it sounds exciting! Rowan shows up sternly escorting Nurse Joy, and Brock either tries and fails to tear his shirt ala Hulk Hogan or is tweaking his nipples REALLY hard. Croagunk puts paid to that, while meanwhile Jesse(linda) is getting another massage, being fanned by adoring (horny) boys and insisting that she needs to keep her "17 is silky" skin in good form!
Her adoring audience tells her they'll fight to the bitter end even if Team Green "probably won't win" and she bounds up to determinedly tell them that they WILL win, they have to keep up their fighting spirit. They all cheer, and then suddenly Jesse thrusts her hands between her legs (below camera) and giggles with embarrassment that she seems to have misplaced her... manners. Considering there was no stomach gurgling noise and she jumped up in a full body skirt while lifting an arm dramatically, it seems a little more likely that she just gave those little boys and girls an eyeful of panties... or lack thereof.
Accidental Nudity [X]
James and Meowth are laying out lines on the field meanwhile, spotting Jesse and her full-on Team Spirit and considering that due to her poor points total so far, it might pay for them to be a little sneaky and see to it that she wins, for their own future peace of mind.
Shortly after, the Triathlon is set to begin, with Dawn and Angie recalling Piplup and Shinx to their Pokéballs, though Ash keeps Pikachu on his shoulder. Jesse and her much longer legs quickly put her ahead of the rest of the pack, and she grabs a Pokéball from Rowan's assistant and calls out her Pokémon... a Hippowdon! She laughs it off and tells the Assistant she'll take "another one" but he angrily reminds her she has to keep what she gets. Ash, Angie, Dawn and Brock get their Pokémon - a Spoink for Ash, a Dodrio for Dawn, an Ariados for Angie and for Brock.... a garoaring Onix!
Ash yells at everybody to check out his Spoink (Angie's been trying, Ash!) and they all set off on their Pokémon. Jesse realizes that the twerps are pulling ahead and jumps onto Hippowdon and tells it to get after them, so it..... bursts sand out of its orifices (EWWWW!) and begins burrowing into the dirt!
As other trainers arrive to collect their Pokémon, a hot air balloon lifts over the forest, an assistant inside running a camera feed back to the school while another beside him gives coverage through a microphone.
The only people watching their program in the entire world are Professor Rowan and Nurse Joy.
Dawn's Dodrio has pulled ahead but Ash manages to catch up, only for Ariados to swing ahead of them both on a web, causing Ash to zoom past Dawn to try and keep up with her. Other trainers are having a mixture of good and bad luck till things go horribly wrong and there's a big pile-up that knocks out well over half the field. They're blocking the path, meaning no one else can possibly get past them.... until the dirt in front of the crash begins to shake and then rips open to reveal.... oh that's just creepy... Conway riding Dugtrio.
The twerps arrive at the lake, Angie well in the lead and grabbing her next Pokémon, a Lapras (oh God that voice!). Ash, Dawn and Brock arrive together soon after, Ash getting a Mantine and quickly catching up to Angie and passing her by. Angie responds by having Lapras use Ice Beam to slide them up an ice-ramp and back down, picking up speed so that she and Ash have to struggle to get ahead of each other. Meanwhile behind them.... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHHHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dawn's straddling a 'pedo! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Dawn wants to catch up to Ash and Angie and remind them this isn't a two horse race, but before she can Conway emerges from the water on the back of a Buizel, calls her "my dear" and then zooms on ahead.
Not long after, surviving contestants get their own Water Pokémon and head after the twerps, while far, far behind, Jesse emerges on the back of Hippowdon furious and dirty and irritable until she realises she is talking out loud in front of one of Rowan's assistants. James and Meowth pop their heads up out of the bushes concerned at how bad she is doing, and then things go from worse to apocalyptic as Jesse gets her Water Pokémon.
Oh no. Oh God. Oh God no.
It's a freaking Magikarp!
She shakes it with a fury, swinging it around until suddenly it bursts through the air and into the water, bouncing with amazing speed forward dragging her skipping through the water with her.
Ash and Angie reach the opposite shore of the lake, recalling their Pokémon and heading off on the final marathon portion of the race, Angie calling out Shinx to join her. Up above, the assistant giving Play-by-Play to his television audience of two spots Dawn, Brock and Conway trying to catch up... and then Jesse! She's been hauled through the water at an amazing pace by Magikarp, skipping and bouncing before being flung clear and crashing into the shore. Realizing she is now in third place, she leaps up and poses happily, declaring everyone can finally see what she's made of.... and at least one person likes the view!
Yes it's Creepy Conway, Max from the future waggling his glasses suggestively as he eyes her fine form up and down and tells her what she is made of is impressive indeed.... maybe he should have been stalk- keeping tabs on her instead!
Strangely enough, his lecherous eye-rape doesn't exactly endear him to her.
Ash and Angie are neck and neck as they run the final route, but behind them Jesse is closing in alongside Seviper as she screams at Conway to stop perving on her. For his part his eyes are fixated on her ass (oh like yours wouldn't!) as he tells her that once he starts fixating on somebody he doesn't stop! She and Conway pass Ash and Angie thanks to being fuelled by Fear and Lust (Angie and Ash only being fuelled by Lust and Confusion, respectively) as they enter an underground cave. Jesse screams at Seviper to deal to Conway, and it tries smashing them with Poison Tail, which knocks them all down, Ash yelling at her to stop breaking the rules. She has Seviper attack all of them, Shinx being knocked over the edge of a chasm and Angie running screaming after it and diving in. Ash barely dodges Seviper's Poison Tail and runs to the chasm to find Angie and Shinx have halted their fall a little further down, while Conway dodges Seviper's attack and then slides up besides Jesse, gets a good look at her tits (seriously, check it out for yourself!) and then does the most amazingly retarded thing ever seen on Pokémon:
Jesse chases after gripping Seviper's tail, causing it to bounce its head up and down on the floor, while Angie tries to climb clear but then slips on a rock, only for Ash to catch her wrist and keep her from falling. He hauls her up and out of the floor where they lay panting roughly after the rough physical exertion.
Getting Laid [Not Quite Yet]
Having been saved by Ash and the immediate danger over, Angie suddenly realises she totally let him hold her hand and goes over all girly and blushy again, which is completely and totally missed by Ash of course. They haul ass out of the cave, laughing that neither is going to go easy on the other, both racing for third now.
At the finish line, Rowan is sternly waiting as the Balloon lands and the Microphone holding assistant spots Conway and Jesse come..... stumbling exhausted in. They can barely walk, absolutely knackered, with a watching James suggesting Jesse has gotten too used to the good life this last week, while Meowth rather cattily proclaims she has gotten "soft around the middle." But as Jesse and Conway stagger forward, they hear Ash and Angie charging in close behind them.... and they just CAN'T make themselves run any faster!
Conway bounces forward in a last desperate effort and trips, causing Jesse to fall over him, and then Ash and Angie come by, straining every muscle, sweating and panting, gasping for air as they piston and push and thrust and moan and move every muscle towards that final, desperate goal of completion.
Getting Laid [Seriously, Not Yet]
Both are desperate to beat the other and they push and push and finally.....
Typical man, always finishing first.
Ash has won by the barest of margins, with Angie and Shinx just behind, Team Red getting both 1st and 2nd Place. Angie congratulates Ash, and then the rest of the competitors come in, some little girl no one ever heard of beating Dawn and Brock to get third place! But with the points tallied up, Team Red have just managed to get ahead of Team Blue with 380 to 370, Team Green left with 280 points and a distant third place. But Jesse could care less, she's been reduced to one thing, a desperate desire to beat Conway no matter what, but she's robbed even of this as they both crawl into equal last place.
Getting One Over On The Snooty Kids [X]
Conway moans that his intelligence wasn't enough, he needed endurance too, while Jesse moans that next time she comes to summer Camp, she's going to specialise in "Food Service".
As the sun sets, Rowan makes his stern farewell address to the students, and everyone is presented with a plaque that serves as a Certificate of Participation, completely negating the entire week of points, competition and contests since everyone gets the same reward anyway.
As the final night Bonfire begins, James and Meowth watch the flames and comment that Jesse may have come dead last, but she did it all her own without any help from them, giant Robots or Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloons! They both feel empty now that camp is all over (Meowth's belly particularly) and both comment that they keep feeling like they're forgetting something, like they've missed the entire point of being here..... and of course as they say this, Rowan's assistants are carting away all of the Pokéballs they had originally planned on stealing. The penny never drops though, as James and Meowth both laugh that whatever it was can't have been important, and they got PAID for their work this week, plus free room and board! As they celebrate this, Jesse is busy celebrating stuffing her face with free food while she still can.
As she chows down, her fellow Team Green members step up to her and surprise her by telling her that they actually ENJOYED pampering her and being glorified slaves for the last week, and they'll always cherish the memories of going to class with her and her magnificent rack. Taken aback, she thanks them, and tells them they're nice (clueless too!), and thanks them!
A Valuable Lesson Learned [X]
Ash finds Angie sitting off by herself staring at the stars, and she tells him she's come to the Summer Academy "a million times before", but it was never anything like this.
She never felt the urge to spread her legs and scream,"TAKE ME YOU FUCKING MORON!" before?
He agrees (he's been to the one camp, of course it was never like this before!) and she tells him it was amazing that he saved her life not once, but twice. He brushes this off with a laugh since he tends to do that or have it done to him three or four times a day, and says they are friends. She agrees they are, though it's clear she wants to add a the words "boy and girl" to the word friend, and she finally takes his hand and lets him shake it as he continues to be completely clueless, telling her he'll be sure to pop by for a battle the next time he's in Solaceon Town.
A long, long time ago Jesse and James shook hands after being reunited when James ran away from home and his unwanted fiancé. Some very stupid people claimed that their hands formed a heart, which it didn't, and neither do Ash and Angie's when they shake hands either.
However, if you look closely you can see a little between the lines - it's not a heart formed by their hands shaking.
It's a very dim young boy and a horny young girl shaking hands.
And so, Summer Camp ends, a glorious diversion and sidetrack full of fun, dodginess, hijinks and ALMOST everything else you'd want from a 1980s Summer Camp Film.
Getting One Over On The Snooty Kids [X]
Romantic Misunderstandings [X]
A Valuable Lesson Learned [X]
A Big Talent Show Of Some Kind [X]
Accidental Nudity [X]
Getting Laid! [ ]
5/6 ain't bad!
"Check out my Spoink!"
"Finally you can feast your eyes on what I'm really made of!" "I must say, impressive feast!"