Free revenge disguised as help is the best kind of revenge!
Today finds the twerps settling down for a meal by a picturesque lake, as usual. Oddly though, it seems like Dawn was today's cook, though it turns out that Brock did the cooking and she just handed it out. All of the Pokémon settle down for a meal, Piplup angrily trying to keep Swinub from gobbling up its food as well. As Turtwig makes peace, Ash notices that Gligar is missing, only for it to suddenly leap out of nowhere to hump his face, then throw some crotch chops why not!
Ash mistakes this arrogant mating ritual for X-Scissor and this as a desire to train, but when Brock brings up how Gligar got its ass handed to it by Paul's Gliscor, it loses its bluff and bluster and becomes a nervous wreck. Ash promises they'll get some training in after lunch though, and it perks up immediately.
So it seems Gligar is scared of taking an ass-whupping from its old Boss again in the future, and is dealing with this by raping Ash's face. Well you know what they say, sometimes it's all about....
Shortly after, Gligar faces against the Buizelster, Brother, as Ash attempts to pump it up by having it show its fighting spirit against Buizel, only to become terrified when Buizel glares back, causing it to drop to its knees and beg for mercy! Ash has it use X-Scissor to slap Buizel around, but when it comes back with AquaJet, Gligar once again becomes terrified and goes back to its comfort zone - humping Ash's face!
Having been knocked over by Buizel's AquaJet, Ash demands to know what the hell is wrong with Gligar, and Dawn tells him not to get mad, that will just depress it more. She gives it a hug and rubs its head (poor Brock) and Ash finds he's between a rock and a hard place - he can't be too tough on Gligar but he can't be too soft either.
Solution? Have his turtle blast at Gligar with a ball of focused energy firepower!
Gligar dodges the Energy Ball and Ash tells it that it's now in the perfect position to attack, but when it sees the determination in Turtwig's eyes it bails out and flies for Ash's head. Fearing having to brush the taste of Gligar's crotch out of his mouth again, Ash runs from Gligar screaming at it to go back and fight Turtwig, but the humping is inevitable. Hauling him off, Ash gets angry again and Gligar again pussies out. He tells it to start toughening up, then suggests they try again, but Gligar.... runs away!
Meanwhile, Team Rocket are watching from the bushes, James quietly offering advice about wearing a helmet on his head to avoid the humpings - used to getting abused himself by his Pokémon. Meowth seems inspired though, and Jesse senses a "scene change" coming - a patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy!
Fantasy-Giovanni is sleeping, having "da best dream of his bossy life!" when suddenly the... uhh, sun comes in, yeah, that's it, waking him up at the best part, yeah... so uhh... that's why Gligar leaps onto his face... yeah that's why.... that's why Meowth is telling them about Gligar humping Giovanni's face.... or as Meowth calls it..... "Quality Face Time!"
Cat's gonna snap one day and kill somebody.
Jesse and James fall for all of this, of course, and sing happily as elsewhere the twerps continue to try and find Gligar. Staravia flies in having found it, and they chase after it only to find it being treated nicely by.... by.... oh my! It's... it's..... IT'S-
"It's the poetry guy's Grandson!" squeals Dawn.
Yes, it's GARY!
Ash asks what he's doing and Gary explains he was sent by Professor Rowan to investigate the strange Pokémon the twerps saw at Lake Valor. Ash tells them that Gligar is his and Gary correctly guesses that Gligar ran away in the middle of their "special training", and even calls him "Ashy-Boy!"
YESS! It's Gary the Asshole!
Ash immediately grumps up and snaps that he doesn't need any help from Gary, but when he tells Gligar to come with him it hides behind Ash's older nephew. Desperate to not look bad, he grabs it by the claws and tries to physically drag it clear, while everyone else looks on in horror.
Dawn and Brock suggest he should take Gary up on his offer to help, and Ash seethes over trying to figure out how the hell he's gone back to being Gary's bitch after previously beating him so badly that Gary retired from training! Ever since then, Gary's owned him in every encounter, including one immediately after Ash won the Battle Frontier!
He does take Gary up on his offer though, and soon Gligar is facing off against... Umbreon! Ash sends in Gligar with Steel Wing but Umbreon blasts a Shadow Ball at it, causing it to pull away and hump Ash's face in terror. They figure out that Gligar gets intimidated when facing off against an opponent and try to figure out how to get around this confidence issue. Ash suggests deep focus, but Gary laughs that off and says they should work on the basics first - the key to Steel Wing is to jump as high as possible, so if they get that right, it should fill Gligar with confidence.
To be honest, Ash's strategy sounds a little better, but Dawn is impressed, commenting that Gary gives instructions WAAAAY better than Ash - a comment he angrily points out he can hear her making. Brock wants to know how to increase Gligar's jumping power, and Gary suggests using the end of its tail to get extra height. Ash agrees and Gligar tries it, but it jumps so high that it gets scared of its height! It plummets to the earth, humping at top speed into Ash's mouth. Gary is confused - because his goddamn idea didn't work! - and asks how much battling Gligar has actually done. When he learns that Gligar's last battle was an asskicking it took from Gliscor, he again comes up with a quick solution - they'll just evolve it!
He pulls out a Razor Fang saying that once Gligar has evolved, its abilities will automatically improve and that should deal with the fear. Ash thanks Gary, but surprisingly shows restraint AND sense by preventing a desperate Gligar from getting at the Razor Fang, telling it that Evolution is serious business, so they ARE going to work on dealing with its fear BEFORE evolving it!
Just then.... Team Rocket!
They emerge somehow undetected through the air directly behind the twerps in a giant Delighted Gliscor Face Balloon performing their motto, incorporating Gary's presence as well! Because they're goddamn professionals!
"Listen is that a voice I hear?"
"A clueless twerp is certainly nothing new!"
"You're all pros at not having a clue!"
"Face the facts!"
"For a change!"
"Stinks ta be you!"
"We'll bring chaos at a breakneck pace!"
"We'll dash all hope and put fear in its place."
"So it's old home week for the twerps we see," says Jesse, referencing Gary's presence.
"But without us you're short by three!"
"And James!"
"Meowth, makes it triple, ya see!"
"Putting you do-gooders in their place."
"We're Team Rocket!"
"In your face!" they finish together, Wobbuffet echoing happily.
Gary asks if they ever get tired of being lame, and they retort by shooting a grappling hook out of their robot-balloon's tail and grabbing Gligar (good comeback!). They drag it away and Ash chases after, leaping onto the tail as Team Rocket snap at him to stop constantly dragging them down. He vows to show them though, pulling out his Pokéball and calling out Staravia.
Why not take out Gligar's Pokéball, recall it and then drop safely to the ground?
Jesse is having none of this though, and thus... spreads her thighs open?
Hey, works for me!
She calls out Seviper and Yanmega (not from between her thighs) and they completely bitchslap Staravia, knocking it out and covering their escape, leaving Gary and the twerps behind.... but Ash is gone!
As the day winds down, we find Ash in a cage with Gligar, while Team Rocket celebrate their victory by having James dress up in a white tux, grow a moustache and declare they're going to eat..... tinned fruit!
As they chow down, Gary is leading Brock and Dawn through terrain he knows "like the back of his hand" despite coming from an entirely different country. He thinks that there are only a couple of places that Team Rocket could have landed, and leads them on.
The sun has set and Team Rocket have passed out from eating so much tinned fruit, and Ash sees this as his chance to escape. He has Gligar use X-Scissor twice on the bars but they fail to shatter them, and its claws glow red in pain so Ash takes over, ramming his shoulder against the bars as Gligar watches. All he manages to do is bruise his shoulder, but the effort impresses Gligar enough to try again, bruising up its claws again before Ash checks the bars and finds them loosened. They both charge together this time, and the bars pop free allows them to spill out to freedom.
They grin at each other and then sneak away as Team Rocket continue sleeping, Meowth dreaming (of course!) about Giovanni. They reach a battered, busted up old hanging rope bridge over a chasm and try to cross it as Gligar clings on to Ash in terror. Of course the bridge breaks and they fall, Ash clinging onto the rope as Gligar clings on to him. As they climb up, back at the balloon, James wakes up and discovers that the twerp and his Pokémon have escaped, and attempts to wake up a practically comatose Jesse and Meowth.
Ash has Gligar using Steel Wing to try to knock down a tree over the chasm. The first effort knocks it back, but it is determined to keep trying, and Ash offers encouragement as it refuses to back down. It leaps high and this time Steel Wind absolutely shatters the base of the tree's trunk, causing it to fall over the chasm. Ash is delighted, telling Gligar it has "earned" evolving into Gliscor, and they hug happily before they're captured in a decidedly compromising position by Team Rocket!
Yes Team Rocket are back, refusing to stop screwing with Ash. They fire the claw again and Ash leaps into the way, getting grabbed by the back and hauled into the air. Gligar grabs onto him but Ash tells it that it must flee and.... drops it into the chasm!
"BAD TWERP!" scolds James in disbelief, and Ash tries to clamber up the tail only to slip and fall into the chasm himself. He plummets past Gligar and tosses it the Razor Fang as he falls, delighted to see it grab it out of the air and start to evolve. Joy is replaced by terror though as he realises the ground is approaching VERY quickly, but before his empty head can be popped open, he's plucked out of the air by his Pokémon, its tail absorbing the impact of the landing as it beams happily at him - Gliscor!
Team Rocket are also delighted, now they can capture a Pokémon that matches their Balloon-Bot! They fire the tail-claw at it again, but Gliscor bounces it out of the air with X-Scissor as Gary and the twerps make their belated arrival, pleased to see Ash alive and Gligar evolved.
Meowth tries again with two fired claws, Gliscor blasting them out of the air and using its tail to flip around a branch and fly at Team Rocket with Steel Wing. Team Rocket have a Steel Wing of their own though, and the two go head on, crashing into each other and past, Team Rocket smirking with confidence.... until their robot falls into two pieces and they crash into the ground!
Ash cheers, only to realise that Gliscor is coming back around... for him!
Yes it may be bigger, but it still lust's for Ash's face.... which delights Dawn for some reason!
Jesse and James try to push their bot back together as Meowth considers with horror the damage such a "big" Gliscor could do to Giovanni's face, and then Pikachu sends them blasting off again!
As the sun rises, Ash and Gliscor grin at each other, and then they prepare to say their goodbyes to Gary, Ash actually thanking Gary for his help.... and Gary telling him that it was actually ASH who did all the work!
He tells them he thinks he's likely to see the Pokémon at the lake and Dawn gasps as she realised he made a rhyme. Her hero-worship twice-removed is getting to Ash and Brock, and he offers them another little ditty about staying strong and not going wrong before heading off himself.
Gary sure has changed, he's still an asshole, but a friendly one now, and he sure was nice to Ash there, wasn't he? Of course, part of his good mood might be due to the fact Ash now has a rather large Pokémon that likes humping his younger Uncle's face, and means to do it every chance it gets!
You can buy that type of revenge, but it's always more fun when you get it for free!
"It's the poetry guy's Grandson!"
"Gary sures gives instructions much better than Ash!" "I HEARD THAT!"