Sometimes a happy ending is a sad one, and vice versa
Today begins with a delighted Piplup strutting down the path, singing its own name in delight, echoed by Pikachu which keeps on singing even after Piplup stops and starts looking irritated. Its stomach rumbles and the twerps guess Piplup is hungry, and since it is nearly lunchtime they decide to haul ass onwards towards the nearest Pokémon Centre. This leaves an exhausted Piplup behind, Dawn not even bothering to offer to carry it or return it to its Pokéball, so it has to rush after them all.
Also left behind is Team Rocket, who pop out of the bushes to complain that they too are hungry. Jesse fires them up though, pointing out that there are fruit trees all around, and when James and Meowth perk up... she instructs them to inform her when lunch is ready and walks away. They ask what about her, and she laughs that top coordinators in training don't have time to prepare lunches, that's what her support team is for, and they're a great support team! Why, they couldn't be better even if she paid them!
She heads off, leaving a flummoxed James and Meowth behind mumbling that even support teams need help, and getting paid would work for Meowth, before sighing in acceptance of their fate.
Meanwhile the twerps have arrived at the Pokémon Centre, and it's quite a sight, the Centre sits on the shore of a lake fed by an impressive looking waterfall against the backdrop of green forest and purple mountain majesty. The twerps are left awed and speechless, but you know that won't last, they're supposed to be on their way to Pastoria. But you know a distraction is going to show up any second now, it'll be them and some character of the day....
Jesse is in the middle of Contest Training, calling out Dustox with pretty ribbons on its.... antennae? horns? Jesse imagines delighting the crowd and the judges just with the ribbon appearance alone, but as she babbles on excitedly about contests, Dustox seems to become interested in something else and disappears into the woods. Jesse moves in after it to find it, but what she finds is.... Dustox getting freaky!
Yes Dustox is apparently down with the brown, sparkling and circling around a fine display of African Dustox. Jesse calls for it come back but it's uninterested, generating a heart with the brown Dustox and their sparkles. Just then a young man in glasses pops out from the trees and Jesse seems momentarily taken aback, seemingly recognising him as at least resembling one in a long line of (likely fictional) ex-boyfriends. He introduces himself as Austin, and the African Dustox belongs to him (at least until the Emancipation Proclamation comes into effect), but he thinks that the two Dustox have fallen in love. It's apparently the right time of year, with a full moon signifying the Dustox Crossing, a time when thousands of Dustox gather, form a golden arch and cross over to Mount Coronet, where presumably one massive fucking bug orgy goes down.
Austin says they'll just have to see what happens tonight, and calls back the African Dustox before heading off. Jesse sits down with Dustox and asks it if it is sweet on the African Dustox, and it responds by leaping excitedly onto her and then doing something that no one should ever have to see... it blushes! That's just.... creepy.
Jesse figures that to everything there really is a season, and promptly falls into yet another continuity-defying flashback as she remembers another scene from her cluttered, made-up past. It seems that when she was roughly 12-13, she was working hard to make it in the world of Dance Theatre, and made a pledge with her two classmates that they wouldn't let anything get in the way of their success, it was all about purity, truth and beauty and no romance distracting them!
But at some later point, her and a slightly older boy who looks a lot like Austin were walking through the sunset, the boy telling her that tomorrow was the day he set off to become a Top Coordinator.... and he asked her to go with him!
She wanted to but couldn't, she'd made a pledge and now with an audition date set, if she concentrated she could assure her debut! He looked crushed for a moment before wishing her luck, and she didn't seem overly pleased herself. But she and her friends got their audition, and while her two friends passed, she didn't! She burst into tears as they celebrated, and as we return to the present where night has fallen, she wonders if things would have been different if she'd gone with the boy, whose name was apparently.... Astin!
Oh you're just straight up making this shit up, Jesse :)
Dustox seems not to have really taken any of this in, or has learned by now to ignore the lies that Jesse tells about her past. It just bumps and dances around happily in the night, and Jesse grins and says you only get one chance.... and then storm clouds roll in, obscuring the full moon and bringing down thunder, rain and lightning. Dustox senses a blast of lightning coming and shoves Jesse out of the way, and the bolt smashes into the rocks on the shore, Jesse being knocked unconscious and leaving Dustox fluttering concerned above her.
Back in the Pokémon centre, the twerps stand by a large window overlooking the lake, taking in the storm. Nurse Joy is concerned that the storm may negatively impact the Dustox Crossing.... and Brock decides to start humping at her while screaming.
Well why not!?!
Croagunk jabs his lower back this time as opposed to his ass, and drags him away by the ankle as lightning lights up the room. Ash and Dawn chuckle uneasily and then ask what the Dustox Crossing is, and Brock slides back in seemingly none the worse for wear. As Nurse Joy begins explaining what the Dustox Crossing is, Brock slides his face back into view doing his best to look suave and alluring.
Croagunk jabs him again and drags him away again before he gets a chance to say anything, and then Austin comes rushing in to tell Joy that the water of the lake is overflowing due to felled trees crashing into it.
While Joy and twerps react to this news, Jesse is lost in a fantasy dream, as Astin asks the young Jesse once again to come with him and this time she blushes and agrees. Astin smiles and turns around to.... turn into Wobbuffet and happily declare its name at her!
I knew it!
She wakes up in shock to find James and Meowth standing over her, Wobbuffet happily saluting behind them. Jesse realises that Dustox must have saved her, but then they realise that the water is flooding out of the lake and worries that there may not be a reflection of the full moon to guide the Dustox Crossing. After James and Meowth learn what this is, they're surprised to learn that Jesse intends to let Dustox go, but she says that you may only get one chance at love and you have to grab it. They're understandably surprised at her selflessness, but pledge to help her.
Meanwhile the twerps have arrived at where the water is flooding out, and Austin is depressed that his Dustox won't get a chance to get freaky and down with a million other Dustox all at once bay-bee.... awww yeah. Ash is resolutely determined though that this guy he just met and hasn't actually been formally introduced to yet should have his dream come true, and rushes to the edge to see if he can do anything. What he finds shocks him, as he sees Team Rocket hauling heavy rocks in a rough attempt to dam up the flowing water. The other twerps ask what is going on, and even while doing the right thing, Team Rocket can't help but reply with their motto.
"Listen is that the sound of twerpdom I hear?"
"Hard to tell with a rock in my ear."
"Trust me!"
"It's them!"
"It would appear...." starts Meowth, and then Jesse cuts off to tell the twerps to stop letting "moss grow on their backsides" and help out!
Austin realises that she wants the Dustox to find true love (or get it on with a black dude, one of the two), and Joy and the twerps agree to help as well. All of the Pokémon are called out, everyone looking happy to help except Croagunk which has decided to be Archie Bunker today.
So the lion and the lamb lay down together and go to work, twerp and Team Rocket, character of the day and established characters, Jesse and Joy, hauling rocks so some bugs can get horny and go bang like 70s swingers.
Slowly the rocks build up and the flow of water is reduced, till Happiny tosses a massive boulder onto everything to fully seal it. Joy instructs them to saturate the rocks with water (like they weren't already) and then Buneary uses Icebeam and the leak is fully plugged..... but now the lake level is too low!
Joy spots a large amount of snow over the edge of the water and tells them that many people believe the Dustox crossing happens at this time of year because the snow melts and the water in the lake is so beautiful that the reflection of the full moon fascinates the Dustox. Using Chimchar, they're able to melt some of the snow cut loose by Buizel and Piplup, but not enough to fill the lake. The two Dustox get their attention though, and they look down at where the water leaked and see it has flooded part of the forest. They need to get that water from down there back up to the lake, but how? Austin has an idea, his African Dustox can use Confusion to lift ALLLLLLLL of the water up, and Jesse realises that then she could have her Dustox use Whirlwind to shift it back to the lake.
James mutters that it is a good idea in theory, since after all we're talking about thousands of tons of water here. But the power an African Dustox can get from a white dude telling it what it can't do is legendary, and it uses Confusion to haul the water up, and Jesse's Dustox uses Whirlwind to blast the funnel of water back into the lake.
Well that doesn't make a lick of sense!
As the water rises, so does the sun, until the lake is at full height again. That night, the full moon is reflected beautifully from the restored water, but as the twerps, Austin and Joy look at the pretty sight, Jesse and Team Rocket stand apart. Jesse tells Dustox to go, and it flies over to Austin, and together their Pokémon begin to fly away.... until Jesse's returns all a sudden, pushing back up against her. She tells it to go, but it doesn't want to, it wants to remain with her!
She remembers standing at the bus stop with Astin all those fictional years ago as he told her he would be a Top Coordinator and wished her the best of luck in her debut. She smiled as she watched him leave, but as the bus headed off she realised what she had done and chased after it in tears before tripping and being forced to watch him disappear from her life.
Back in the present, she angrily insists that Dustox has to go and be with the one it loves. It still doesn't want to go though, so she takes out its Pokéball and drops it to the ground, then.... stomps on it, shattering it! She yells through tears that there is nowhere for it to go but with the African Dustox now, so get! It flies sadly away with its partner to join the other Dustox now gathering, and Jesse remembers their brief time together, from Wurmple all the way through to Dustox. She calls after it to do it for her, find love for the both of them, and all of the Dustox fly away in a Golden Arch to the Dustox Flower Field, where they'll live and be happy... and like all those Butterfree from season one before them, have sooooooo much sex. Austin says goodbye to his friend, and Jesse says goodbye to hers, telling it that she loves it.
And the episode ends happily..... and sadly.
Life's like that, sometimes.
"Instead of letting moss grow on those backsides of yours, how about lending a hand and help us halt this horrendous lake leak!"