527: Riding the Winds of Change!       532: Guraion to Guraiga! Kaze no Meiro o Nukete!       Gliscor Has A Posse               Joy and Jenny lie about the dangers of a bat-infestation in their not-deserted city.   Three times the blast-off!    Paul isn't just an asshole, he's an INCREDIBLE asshole!  

Today's pre-episode teaser begins with a grey bat leading lots of small pink bats through a town chasing a truck full of fruit driven by Joy and Jenny. They (the bats) then attack Team Rocket before getting into a rumble with some street Pokémon! What's going on? Who knows, it's certainly different, but hey, we should embrace that! We should be....

The twerps arrive in "another city" on their way to Veilstone, full of skyscrapers but also lined with trees and with lovely green parks. As the twerps and their Pokémon have a picnic, Ash has Turtwig practise Energy Ball, able to get off the attack now and hold it together but still struggling with aim and control. As they work on it though, a shadow flies over the sunny day as a bizarre, lobster clawed grey bat.... thing.... leads an army of pink Gligar through the air to hover menacingly over the twerps.

They swoop in and grab the twerps' food as they scatter; but as he flees, Ash has Turtwig blast Energy Ball at the leader, which misses. It tries Razor Leaf but the Bat Pokémon is able to dodge, though it does serve as a distraction for Dawn and Brock to return their Pokémon to their Pokéballs. Brock identifies the bat leader as Gliscor and the others as Gligar, and Ash and Dawn check them out with their Pokédexes. Just then a blast of Ice Beam almost strikes Gliscor, and the twerps turn to see a Sneasel standing at the entrance to the park.... alongside Paul!

He calls out his Murkrow but Gliscor simply calls in more Gligar. Murkrow has to dodge the reinforcements, and a gust of wind sweeps through from the city's skyscrapers that allows the others to glide away safely. But one Gligar is left behind, happily preparing to eat an apple when it spots the twerps, swallows the fruit whole and tries to cheese it, only to tumble through the air, crash onto Ash and then be left sitting looking confused amongst the twerps.

Panicking as it realises it is surrounded, it leaps high enough into the air to glide away, and Ash turns around as Paul recalls his Pokémon and.... smiles!?! It's not at Ash though, he's just happy that the Gliscor has lived up to its reputation. Ash asks if he intends to catch it and he snaps back at him to stay out of his way, and in a delicious little bit actually lets out a disgusted sigh; as if he knows that there is no way the dumb kid will possibly do as he is told.

Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy pull up, much to Brock's delight, and it seems that they've been after the Gliscor and Gligars, but have shown up late again. Brock insists they're not late, they're just in time for him, and Croagunk instantly jabs him and drags him away. Off to the side, Team Rocket are watching from the bushes, impressed by the ease with which Gliscor and the Gligars (cool band name!) looted the twerps.

Meanwhile, Joy and Jenny have taken the twerps to a domed garden atop a Pokémon Centre Skyscraper, where Jenny explains that the Gligar and Gliscor have made the city into a ghost town by stripping the city of all fruit and vegetables, and then stealing directly from people. Joy tells them about a fierce storm that caught up Gliscor from its normal home of the forest, trapping it in the city where the skyscraper currents are too strong for it to escape back to the forest. Stuck there, Gliscor attracted the Gligar due to its sonar being bounced off of the skyscrapers, creating essentially a giant antenna attracting all the local Gligar. Joy and Jenny have tried to help them out, but they're wary of humans and just fly away when approached, so they've come up with a new plan. They're going to collect a bunch of fruit that they apparently don't have because of the Gliscor and Gligar, and use this fruit they don't have to attack the Pokémon and lead them out of the city to prevent them from stealing all of the food and fruit that Joy and Jenny apparently have no trouble getting at all.

The twerps - who apparently failed to notice the city was completely deserted until told just now - all agree that they'll help, since it's kind of implied by Jenny and Joy in telling them all this that they expected just such a "kind offer".

Later, hidden away in the bowels (snicker) of the city, the Gliscor and its Gligars are resting inside a maintenance room when a bowl full of fruit is tossed through the window. They eagerly scoff it down, then move to the window to see where the fruit came from, leaving behind one Gligar that just keeps on eating.

They spot a truck full of fruit driving down the street and give chase, followed too late by the greedy Gligar. Inside the truck, of course, is Joy, Jenny and the twerps, Joy using a laptop to track windspeeds as Jenny leads the Pokémon chasing towards a strong upwind that SHOULD catch them all up and blow them out of the city and back to the forest. But just as they're reaching the point of escape, Team Rocket swoops in on their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, scooping them all up in a giant clear box.

"Listen, is that some clueless claptrap I hear?"
"Clueless but crystal clear!"
"On the wind!"
"Past the stars!" cries James, against a backdrop of.... stone?
"In yer ear!"
"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace."
"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place."
"A rose by any other name's just as sweet."
"When everything's worse, our work is complete."
"And James!"
"Meowth, dat's a name!"
"Playfully putting the do-gooders in their place."
"Team Rocket!"
"In your face!" they finish together.
"Mime Mime!"

Dawn yells at them to let them go, they're not theirs (they're not ANYONE'S Dawn!), but Team Rocket insists that they are family - in fact Meowth says anything that will grab grub for free is part of his family tree! Ash insists they're going back to the forest where they belong, and orders a Thunderbolt followed by Dawn having Piplup use Bubblebeam against the cube. Gliscor then hits an X-Scissor on the wall of the cube, but nothing doing, there isn't a scratch on it!

But as James laughs that it is twerp-tamper proof, the late (tardy, not dead) Gligar lands on top of the cube, licking its chops (Ash retains information and remembers it from the park earlier!) before experimentally snipping away the rope holding the cube beneath the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon.... which actually WASN'T a very good idea!

The cube crashes and the helpful Gligar is sent spilling through the air. Ash rushes to catch it, but instead it crashes ONTO him again. Meanwhile, its brethren have been broken free, and they fly high on the winds and blast at Team Rocket. They send the balloon crashing in an impressive display of animation AND use of 3d models as the balloon crashes into the broken down building where the Gligar landed. They're sent blasting off, while the building itself collapses down onto the road, shifting the movement of the wind and blocking off the escape route that Joy and Jenny had set up for the intruding Pokémon. Now how will they get them out of the city, especially as the last of the fruit they didn't have is now being chomped up by the hungry Pokémon!

Maybe you could have put sedatives in it, nimrods?

But when all is at its darkest, atop a rooftop a lone shadowy figure stands ready to save the day! Is it Batman? No! Is it Mewtwo? No!

It's Paul!

God even looking heroic he's still such a jerk!

Soon the townspeople who had apparently deserted the city are shown being harassed further by the Gliscor and Gligar... did Jenny and Joy just straight up lie about EVERYTHING? Are they even Jenny and Joy? Maybe they're Bob and Cassidy?

Joy and Jenny go back to strategising, trying to figure out how to get the Pokémon out of the city. They need to create a significant enough current of air, but how to do that? If only there was some kind of small creatures that could be caught and trained to use fabulous varied powers such as Gust?

Oh wait, there is! It's the name of the show!

Brock finally takes pity on the stupid liars and suggests they use their Pokémon to create Gust. Joy figures if they can get them to the top of the Pokémon Centre they can create enough of a wind to capture up Gliscor and the Gligar and get them free. Ash then comes up with a crafty plan he obviously thinks no one else came up with.... he'll just go and tell the Gliscor they want to help!

If it was that easy, Ash, they'd all have taken taxis out of the city!

Meanwhile, Team Rocket aren't quite done yet, but they're slumming it, sitting in an alleyway eating donuts (real donuts, not riceballs!) when an apple core drops down from above. They look up and.... ooooh shiiiiit! The Gliscor and his posse of Gligar have spotted them, and they want more of the revenge they already got (or just their food!).

They cheese it, chased by the Pokémon through the alleyway and out onto the street, Jesse tossing back two white objects wrapped in a dark coloured wrap, and James shouts out that those were his organic.... RICEBALLS!

They called donuts donuts and riceballs riceballs!

But it turns out that it was revenge and not food they wanted after all, as Gliscor and the Gligar ignore the riceballs, continuing the chase. But then an Ice Beam out of nowhere strikes Team Rocket and sends them blasting off.... perplexed! Gliscor looks up and sees that the Ice Beam came from Sneasel at Paul's command (he actually deliberately blasted Team Rocket off solely because they were in the way!), and it blasts another at Gliscor which dodges, leaving the Gligar frozen. Sneasel tries Blizzard but Gliscor blows it away with a wind attack of its own, melting the ice around the Gligars before leading them all to safety.... except that one slightly retarded one that keeps licking its chops. As Paul and Sneasel give chase, the twerps arrive and check on Gligar, surprised to see it is the same one again. A wind gusts up and Gligar heads down the alleyway after Gliscor, chased by the twerps.

Inside the alley, Paul calls out Electabuzz and tries to fight Gliscor, which keeps sending the Gligar in to distract Paul's Pokémon. Paul snaps at them to focus and has Electabuzz smash the Gligars with Thunderpunch. Gliscor sees its posse smashed and takes exception, getting revenge by using X-Scissor..... on Electabuzz' crotch! Needless to say it's absolutely devastated, sent tumbling back in agony and crashing into Sneasel and then Paul, knocking them all down.

The twerps arrive, Ash calling out to Gliscor to try and convince it that they mean to help it get back to the forest. It glares at them, but Ash just keeps on yelling to try and keep its attention and convince it to do as he says.... and then Paul's Electabuzz blasts the distracted Gliscor with a sucker blast, knocking it down long enough for Paul to capture it with his Pokéball! Picking it up, he scans its power, mutters that "it might be useful" and then tells the shocked twerps that he doesn't care about the trapped and now leaderless Gligars, they're not his problem. The slightly retarded Gligar charges Paul in a fury, but he doesn't even blink as he has Electabuzz smash it with Thunderpunch, sending it crashing to Ash's feet. Paul returns his Pokémon, says he has had enough of the town and turns around and walks away.

Wow, what an amazing, amazing jerk!

In his wake though, the Gligars are leaderless and have no idea what to do, so the twerps attempt to herd them towards the Pokémon Centre by blasting at them with attacks. Not all the Gligars go though, so the slightly retarded one grabs the rest and leads them on. It flies high up to the top of the Pokémon Centre, the dome over the garden retracting and the Pokémon inside blasting a massive burst of gust at them. It sends all of them shooting off over the tops of the buildings and back to the forest..... all except for the twerpy Gligar, which is hanging on to an apple tree for dear life as it tries to grab a snack for the road.

But as the other Gligar are sent towards home, Team Rocket emerge AGAIN in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, chasing after the almost free Pokémon. Ash has Pikachu under Thunderbolt but it can't quite manage the distance, and when Turtwig tries Energy Ball it gets the distance but misses the Balloon by a country mile. Ash tells Turtwig to try again and aim carefully, and apparently Turtwig had been unaware it was supposed to do this all those other times because this time, it gets the job done!

With Team Rocket blasted off for a THIRD time, Ash congratulates Turtwig and then has it blast at the twerpy Gligar. It and the remaining Gligars are sent whirling through the air, hit with another Gust from the Pokémon in the garden and sent careening into the forest, waved away by the twerps. Joy and Jenny are relieved, but it's not entirely over yet, as the twerpy Gligar smashes down into Ash again. Dawn drags him off and Brock figures that the chop-licking Pokémon likes Ash, so Ash reciprocates by throwing a metal ball at its head!

Yes, Paul caught that Gliscor (under pretty shitty conditions) and now Ash has a Gligar! A slightly retarded one, sure, with a tongue too big for its mouth and a clumsy style of flying, like it really doesn't know what it is doing and gets by on sheer stubborn minded stupidity.

A perfect match for Ash!


"Consistently full stomachs translate directly into greater thieving creativity and thus productivity too!"

"Anyone who grabs grub for free is in my family tree!"

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