526: Hot Springing a Leak!       531: Urimu Torio to Yukemuri Batoru!       "....titties.....?"               The twerps go to a hot sprTITTIES!    They finally got their kit off!    Everybody loves titties!  

Today's pre-episode begins with Turtwig again trying to learn Energy Ball, but still failing. Ash wants to keep trying but Brock says it is getting late and they need to get to the next town before dark. He calls Turtwig back and Dawn tells Piplup that they should be training hard too.

Ash is eager to get to the next Pokémon Centre and have a bath, what with wearing only his third change of clothing in three years and all, but apparently there is no Pokémon Centre near. Dawn has an idea though, and suggests they head for a nearby "Hot Spring Hotel" where Pokémon are allowed to bathe as well. Brock asks how she knows about it and she explains a childhood friend (she's TEN!) lives there, and freeloading Ash is delighted, that means no payment!

So off they all set together towards the hot spring, all of them unaware that the words "Hot Spring" have awakened a deep primordial beast in all the dark places of the world and the Internet. Deep within their mothers' basements, lifting heads up and sniffing the air, these creepy freaks all moan a single word together in croaking exaltation.


Outside the Hotel, a girl is giving a motivational speech to three Swinub, telling them the hotel is falling on hard times and she needs their help. The three fat guinea pigs all sqoink their agreement despite having no money, business acumen or ability to qualify for bank loans. Then the girl hears her name being called by Dawn, shouting out,"LEONA!"

Leona cries out to "Dee-Dee" in happy surprise, causing Dawn to screech to a halt and tell her she's had enough of hearing "that" name, and then asks how the Hotel business is going. Apparently not too well, and then Leona mentions that she saw Dawn's last contest on television and Dawn has to admit things aren't going too well for her either. She tells Leona that she'll be taking a little break to relax before her next contest, and she couldn't think of a better way than bringing her and her Pokémon to the Hot Spring.


Leona seems a little uneasy but says she "guesses" it will be alright, and then Ash speaks up to remind Dawn that he and Brock exist (and have been on this show a lot longer than her!) and ask for an introduction. Dawn introduces Leona, and says they have been best friends since they first met in kindergarten. Leona tells them she was just in the middle of working as a Pokémon Trainer, and Ash immediately shouts out that HE is a Pokémon Trainer too so let's have a fight why not! Leona seems keen, but then pulls up short and says she has work that has to be done first. Dawn says they can take that opportunity to relax in the hot spring, and completely ignores Leona's obvious distress and warnings of "it's not finished" to rush off with Ash and Brock in tow. They get changed on the way....


....and rush out to the picturesque looking hot spring set amongst the rocks with stone columns lifting out. Dawn tells them the waters are allegedly "healing" and "good for what ails you" (like sex!) and Ash leaps in excitedly, followed by Piplup, Dawn and Brock...... only to discover an unpleasant surprise.

It's shallow.

And cold.

Leona runs out yelling that she tried to warn them, the hot spring isn't flowing anymore, it hasn't for at least a week. Her mother and father went to check the source of the Hot Spring at the top of the mountain. Leona has been trying to run the place in their absence (she's ten!) and using the Swinub to try to find a new source of water, since they naturally hunt for mushrooms and often find hot springs along the way - which makes sense, one would guess mushrooms grow near hot, humid conditions.

As they've been talking, Leona has used Dawn's "no need to worry" phrase often, and Brock notes to Ash how obvious it is they both grew up together. Dawn is reminded of just that very thing, flashing back to childhood at the kindergarten when she was crying because of a "big bully" who was standing atop the jungle gym declaring himself king of the castle, and little Leona came up and told her "no need to worry" because together they could stop that bully.

Back in the present, they follow the Swinub through the forest which quickly discover a new Hot Spring and rush towards it followed by the twerps, Ash commenting that "that was easy!"

But will it be that easy, because at a decidedly flowing Hot Spring off in the forest, we discover Team Rocket dressed in coveralls and hard hats holding pickaxes. They've completed work on a brand new Hot Spring, and now they're going to be rich! And their first act will be a gift for The Boss, a lifetime membership to the Hot Spring!

Cue the patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy!

A SEXY patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy!


No titties, but we see Giovanni resting relaxed in the hot water, then being entertained by hula dancer Jesse as he squats on a rock, only a small towel draped over his completely naked lap while James in tight shorts and little else rubs him down with a damp towel.

Oh my.

Meowth's fantasy ends not with a money shot (visible at least) but with fantasy Giovanni declaring that as thanks for his pain-free membership to the Hot Spring, he is putting Meowth and friends in charge of the entire Sinnoh Region. Back in reality, Team Rocket are still living the fantasy, jumping and dancing and singing in delight.

Meanwhile. the Swinub have snuffled to a stop and the twerps see steam rising over treetops, but when they run to the edge of the hot spring they discover a billboard declaring that a new hotel is being built. Off in the distance, Team Rocket spot the twerps (a cold that won't go away, according to Jesse) and Meowth quickly comes up with a plan..... he puts on sunglasses.

Apparently that is good enough, as neither the twerps nor Leona seem to think there is anything odd about a midget with fur, ears, a cat tail and whiskers telling them that this is no place for their "juvenile keisters". Leona angrily tells Meowth that her family owns the hotel a little further down the mountain and demands to know if they own this hot spring. Jesse and James rush up to tell them a delightful line of bullshit about how they dug with determination into the ground to develop the hot spring - the voice acting is wonderfully as a series of framed portraits are shown on screen, Jesse making exciting drum-roll noises as they explain they tossed aside a discovered chest of treasure to keep working hard, till finally, like a fat nerd seeing a set of titties


there was a gusher!

Meowth tells the twerps they know nothing about back breaking labour, but Leona isn't interested in his bullshit. She sniffs at the air and telling the twerps that she knows her hot spring water like the back of her hand, which she then places into the water and snaps angrily that this is the water from her family's pipeline! She accuses them of tapping into their pipe and diverting the water, but as Meowth panics, Jesse steps up to the plate and accuses Leona of not having proof. She tells them that unless she can show some kind of proof of "liquid ownership" and show beyond a shadow of a doubt that they tapped into the pipeline then she won't lend an ear to the accusations. Brock admits that if their water comes from a different source on the same mountain, then the water would touch, taste, smell and feel the same as Leona's family's water does. Team Rocket delight in telling Leona she has some nerd nerve, she's an opportunist, a loony tunist! Which is when a delighted Wooper with a beacon slapped around its tail pops out of the pipe.

Now who didn't see THAT coming!

Ash picks the satisfied Wooper up and Leona says it belongs to her parents, and the very folks themselves overhear her voice and step down out of the rocks, telling her that they were checking out the pipe and found another had been attached to divert water out, which they followed back to this location. With proof of their crime established, Team Rocket give up the (painfully thin) charade and tear their clothes off to reveal....


....their Team Rocket outfits beneath!


"Looks like this court sides with the twerps! But we object of course!"
"You're twerps, consider the source!"
"On the wind!"
"The stars!"
"Da force!"
"Bringing chaos with a spring in our step."
"Dashing hope with vigour and pep."
"A spring by any other name is just as hot."
"We need to relax, we want what you've got!"
"Jolly James!"
"Meowth's da name!"
"Putting me at ease and you in your place."
"We're Team Rocket!"
"In your face!" they finish together, echoed by Wobbuffet and Mime Jr.

And then, having presented their motto, they change costumes again, removing their outfits to show....


....pleasant robes, and then.... you know what, give it up, Team Rocket aren't going to strip down into the nude and everybody knows it. For all our claims that this isn't a kid's show, it IS a kid's show, and they're not going to show Jesse's smooth nude skin as she pours hot water over her glistening, naked body and makes a little sigh of deligh....


Pack up your legos and go home kids, this is OUR show now!

Leona's Dad says they're an "interesting group" and her Mum says they look like a lot of fun too!

Hehehe..... they're swingers!

Dawn explains they're criminals though, and a furious Leona demands the water back. Team Rocket are happy to oblige, of course, telling Meowth to give them a shower like they've never had before.

Oh okay, maybe we're going a LIIIIITLE too far now.

Meowth whips out a remote control for the "Bada-Bing Supreme Soaker Number 6" (James ponders that it is strange they didn't stop after Number 5) and then a bizarre robotic.... "thing" appears declaring,"BADA BOOM BADA BOOM BADA BING!" (I'm not making this up!) and blasts hot water at them.

Pikachu prepares a Thunderbolt but Ash stops it, reminding that they're all covered in water and any electric attack will blast them all as well. Pikachu tries an Iron Tail instead but just slips off, because the Bada-Bing has apparently become so soaked in water that any moves will just slide right off. But while all hope seems lost, Dawn reminds Leona of their time in kindergarten dealing with that bully on top of the jungle gym. They flash back momentarily, then return to the present where Leona has Swinub use Dig to come up underneath the Bada Bing and tip it enough to drop the water out of its tub and over itself, overheating it. Dawn then has Buneary use Icebeam on the overheated robot, causing cracks to appear throughout it, and it collapses down onto a terrified Team Rocket who yell at it to fall on someone its own size!

"Bada bing then bada boom then BAM!" shouts James as they're sent blasting off.

"Bing bang boom then bang zoom then WHAM! adds Jesse, unable to resist entertaining even now.... until they realise what the end result was.

They're blasting off again!

Dawn and Leona celebrate, saying it is just like old times (they're TEN!) and Leona's parents offer to give the twerps the run of the Hot Spring, as soon as they've got the pipe fixed up.

Back at the Hotel, Leona asks Ash if he'd like to have that battle now, and suggests a tag battle between Ash and Brock and Dawn and Leona. Brock and Ash are eager to show what they're made off


Oh, seems the italics boys are "spent".

So it is Swinub and Piplup against Chimchar and Sudowoodo. Swinub tries to tackle Sudowoodo but it dodges, while Piplup is scratched while trying to Peck Chimchar. But Dawn and Leona communicate non-verbally, with a combination of Bubblebeam and Ice Shard. But both moves are dodged and Chimchar and comes back with Flamethrower, which is also dodged. Chimchar tries Flamewheel on Swinub and Piplup jumps in the way to block the attack, and Dawn and Leona again flashback to kindergarten, where apparently they had confronted the bully who had charged at them screaming.

Back in the present they nod at each other as the Flamewheel strikes, but when it clears the two Pokémon are nowhere to be seen. Suddenly the ground beneath Chimchar breaks open as Swinub and Piplup emerge from a hole dug by Swinub. Piplup hits Chimchar with a full blown Whirlpool which staggers the little fire monkey, and Dawn and Leona again flashback to kindergarten, after having apparently beaten the living shit out of the bully.

Dawn's skirt back then was probably longer than it is now!

Chimchar is smacked back by Bubblebeam, and Swinub prepares to blast them all with Blizzard. But Sudowoodo comes in with Double Edge and Mimic, and dual blizzards sweep over the battlefield and freeze all four Pokémon, creating.... a tie!

Dawn jokes that she and Leona were just being nice, and Brock compliments their team. They apparently lug the frozen blocks of Pokémon down to the hot spring and everyone enjoys a relaxing dip in the hot steaming water.... except for Buizel appears to be trying to pick a fight with the water coming out of a funnel.

Leona tells Ash that she'll be getting back to Gym Battles soon herself, and Brock and Ash comment that Dawn seems to have her confidence back. But Ash does have a question, why do all of Dawn's childhood friends call her "Dee-Dee"? Leona is surprised that he doesn't know, and is just about to tell him when Dawn promptly attempts to murder her.

So that little secret remains for now, but to tell the truth it's probably gone unnoticed by a large proportion of today's audience.

Why? You know why.



"Twerps, they're like a cold that won't go away!"

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