523: Journey To The Unknown!       528: Zui no Iseki no Annon!       Twerps In A TARDIS.               The twerps get locked in a confusing TARDIS-Temple.    Need a 10 year old girl to protect them.    Much like the secrets of the Temple's physics, Kenny will never solve the mystery of how to get into Dawn's short skirt.   

Today's episode begins with the tiny pinhole eye of a red-eyed creature, staring into our souls before the camera pulls back to reveal the hive mind of an alien presence attacking the twerps, causing Aipom to fight back and..... evolve!?! Oh my, Aipom's going onto a Journey to the Unknown!

The twerps have arrived in Solaceon Town where Dawn will take part in her next Pokémon contest. She (along with many other trainers) is practising her moves, this time with Aipom which will take part in its first contest with Dawn as a Co-ordinator. Aipom has been working on variations of Swift and Focus Punch, and Dawn is moving onto double performance training by having Aipom use Focus Punch on Piplup's Bubble Beam. But instead of punching like normal, Aipom actually uses a variation of the technique that makes it appear to have two Ass-Arms. Dawn explains she worked on this variation with Aipom, and Brock actually has to explain to Dawn that it has actually learned a new move - Double Hit! He suspects that Aipom is getting close to evolving soon, and Ash takes out his Pokédex to see what the evolution will be. Before he can, though, a voice says it will become Ambipom, and they turn to see Kenny and Prinplup. Piplup waves a happy hello to the Prinplup, which gives a stand-offish "PRIN!" in return.

Kenny mocks "Dee-Dee" for not knowing the name of the evolved form of Aipom, and she snaps back angrily at him not to call her Dee-Dee as he smirks happily, trying to sneak a peek down at her non-existent cleavage.

Ash struggles as his mind does something, makes a.... connection and..... accesses..... memory....... he's heard this before and doesn't understand, ask.... ask what for am say thing for? So he asks Kenny, WHY does he call her Dee-Dee? And Dawn punishes him for it!

Brock chuckles that everyone has secrets hidden in their closets (ho ho!) and Kenny asks if Dawn is going to take part in the contest. She tells him she is, and then tells him about the trade she made with Ash - Buizel for Aipom. Kenny still has two ribbons, and Ash has two badges, and in Ash's pathetic version of maths, two plus two equals FIGHT so why not finish their battle!?! Kenny quickly slips out of it though, giving them one hell of an excuse by telling them he has to see Dialga and Palkia!

Awww, it's just some lame statues. Not even worth Croagunk popping out of its Pokéball to feel superior about.

Outside the statues, three "fashion freaks" with terrible hairdos are looking at the statues. They're spotted by Meowth as he picks berries and he gets Jesse and James' attention as they sit at a little table they've set up for their meagre lunch. Recognising Team Galactic as the oddballs who hired them to break into the Eterna Historical Museum, Team Rocket sneak up to a statue to watch them climbing the stairs to the building. The Team Galactic Leader spots them peeking and smirks, then steps inside and calls out a Bronzor to use Flash and illuminate their way. Team Rocket watch them heading in and decide they must be after treasure, so they set off after them to get their own hands on it.

Shortly after, the twerps arrive at the statues and Kenny tells them that the building is what is left of the Temple of Solaceon, where people once paid tribute to Dialga and Palkia. Dawn reads the inscription, which says the same thing that Elite Champion Cynthia once told them - When every life meets another life, something will be born. Kenny stares at Dawn's ass and says that it's true, and expresses excitement when he learns she met Cynthia. Dawn grins that this means she must have a more exciting life than him, and then Kenny suddenly decides he wants to fight Ash (gotta do something to take his mind off of her short skirt, I guess!). Ash stares up at the solemn statues of the Gods of Space and Time and notes that fighting in front of them is.... a great idea! But who starts the fight? Luckily this easily solved non-issue can be solved not just by one person saying,"I will!" but by Dawn's unnecessary use of technology and opportunity to show off. Using the Coin Toss App for her PokéTch, she humiliates Kenny who can't believe he doesn't have one of his own. Ash calls Heads as Dawn coin tosses and Ash wins, he gets first attack!

They face off across from the statues as Dawn remembers that their last battle was interrupted by Team Rocket. Last time it was Prinplup against Pikachu, and Ash figures Kenny will use it again so calls out Turtwig.... but Kenny calls out Breloom!

Brock is confused, Grass Type against Grass Type? But Dawn (probably correctly) guesses he wants to show off the style of Breloom's moves. Turtwig charges in and shows impressive speed, but Breloom is apparently even faster, hitting a Mach Punch so fast that no one sees it (saving the animators time and effort!) and then an Energy Ball blasts Turtwig staggering back. Kenny reveals that he's using Grass Type against Grass Type to keep the damage low in order to practise moves. Ash responds to this explanation of Contest Training strategies by completely ignoring it, only interested in whether or not Kenny can teach Turtwig how to use Energy Ball. Kenny figures it is no big deal, it's much the same as Bullet Seed, but.... uhhhh..... Turtwig doesn't know that either! Kenny feigns smug hesitancy to train as Dawn demands that he help out Ash, and Kenny comes up with a compromise - if Ash can beat him, he'll help teach Turtwig.

Meanwhile, Team Galactic are descending deeper into the ruins of the temple, as Team Rocket continue to follow, believing they're undetected. Team Galactic arrive at an apparent dead end with a floor marked by a triangle. They place "plates" into corners of the triangle and the floor glows, symbols of Pokémon writing on the wall glowing as the Team Leader smirks and says a smooth greeting to Team Rocket, who are so surprised to be rumbled that Wobbuffet leaps out of its Pokéball in order to be surprised too!

Thanks to information given to him by his own Leader, the Team Leader is able to make a glowing cube lifts up out of the air like something out of Hellraiser. Sadly he doesn't take the opportunity to tell Team Rocket he has such sights to show them, instead asking them if they know what the cube is. Of course they do, and respectfully answer,"TREASURE, SIR!"

He claims it will transform Sinnoh Space-Time into reality, which doesn't really tell them anything. Suddenly the writing on the walls pull out of the floor, revealing themselves as Unown, freaking out Team Rocket. They apparently guard the Cube, but a simple Confuse Ray from Bronzor masks Team Galactic's escape as they leave Team Rocket behind to face the music and take the blame. Crimson light explodes out of the ruins of the Temple (which doesn't look all that ruined really), catching Dawn's attention as the steps she, Piplup and Aipom are sitting on lift high into the air. Inside the Temple, Team Rocket run in fright as the furious Unown blast out wildly at them, while up on the stairs, Piplup tumbles backwards into gravity's cruel embrace, chased by Aipom which grabs it by the paw while it's ass-arm grips to the stair to anchor them. But it loses its grip and falls into the glowing crimson entrance as the stair-ramp prepares to seal up. Dawn leaps down after them, the twerps and Kenny leaping through the crack at the last possible second.

Watching from a distance, Team Galactic's Field Leader grins and states they're now one step closer to the "Spear Pillar", and a helicopter lowers down to pick them up, leaving behind the now sealed Temple of Solaceon.

Inside the Temple, Kenny is freaking out as the walls warp and shift and "breath" before him, but Ash and Brock are remarkably calm. After all, they've faced super powered mutants, the source of life, Gods of Space and Time, Guardians of the Forest and Time, clones, Team Rocket, getting macked on by Daddy.... not to mention that Ash just isn't particularly bright! So Ash tells Kenny to stop being such a pussy (not quite in those words) and calm down, since they're all there together.... except for Dawn.

Elsewhere, Dawn asks if Aipom and Piplup are okay, and are then confronted by a series of Unown, which is the first time that Dawn has encountered the odd creatures. They attack, but Aipom and Piplup save her and they start running.... through the warped fields of time and space!

Dawn can't figure out how to escape from this bizarre TARDIS-like Temple, and as they run up they find themselves running DOWN, straight into a waiting group of Unown that begin blasting crimson beams at them. Aipom and Piplup blast through the attacks and give the Unown pause.... and suddenly the crimson light fades as the Unown's confusion fades, and suddenly the temple's dimensions are restored.

Meanwhile Brock is speculating that Confusion is causing the Unown to attack, and Ash's reaction is for once the right one - they beat the shit out of the problem till it goes away!

Elsewhere, Dawn has run into another set of angry Unown, but Whirlpool snaps them out of it and the skewed temple dimensions snap back to reality again. Just then, Team Rocket come stumbling down the steps, and stare with wide-eyed embarrassment as they realise they've been caught out not looking glamorous by Dawn.

She demands to know if this is their doing but they sob it's not their fault TODAY, then hide behind Dawn's skirt (what there is of it) as a group of Unown attack. Piplup and Aipom attack them but these ones seem PARTICULARLY confused (or they're just jerks) and keep on coming, so Aipom leaps into the fray going crazy with Double Hit until.... it evolves! Finally, Aipom is changing, and with it goes that ridiculous arm-ass, to be replaced by Ambipom and....

Oh Lord, now it's got TWO arm-asses!

It blasts the Unown with Swift and finally seems to get through to them, breaking their confusion. A rapt Jesse asks how she can get an Ambipom while James casts a dismissive look at Dawn's ass, while the shorter Meowth does his best not to look directly up it. The Temple Dimensions shift and they find themselves in the same corridor as the other twerps..... with just one SLIIIIIGHT problem.... ONE of the two groups is defying the laws of physics!

They each demand to know what the other group is doing on the ceiling, and the Unown appear between them again, startling Team Rocket. Piplup blasts at them and then starts snapping self importantly at them, and Meowth insists that Piplup is trying to get on their good side despite clearly ripping them a new asshole.

Whatever the case, it seems to be working, as the Unown fade and the distortion between the twerps disappears..... and Dawn and Team Rocket realise that THEY were the ones on the ceiling!

Brock calls out to Happiny to help catch them, and then everyone leaps to save the falling group, either catching them in their arms or on their backs or.... well.... Kenny should count himself lucky!

Ash is pleased to see that Aipom has evolved into something with two ass arms, and then the ramp/stair to the Temple reopens. The Unown's Confusion is apparently now all gone and they're happy to let everyone inside out despite the fact the cube they were set to guard on behalf of THE GODS OF TIME AND SPACE is still missing. They all head outside and Dawn thanks Piplup for saving them, but Ash wishes he knew what it said to them back there.

"Don't kill the girl; I totally get to look up her skirt all day!" perhaps?

Brock turns a snippy look at Team Rocket and asks THEM to tell what happened in the Temple, and they leap up and hastily proclaim it was nothing to do with them, then cheese it at top speed. As they run, they complain that Sinnoh is at least ONE Team Galactic group over the line, and now THEY mean to do something about it! They run on, disappearing into a twinkle deep in the forest.

Looks like Team Rocket is.... getting away comparatively unharmed!

Back at the Temple, they check out Ambipom with the Pokédex, learning that it uses its two ass-arms to grab nuts and lick rings.

Wow.... holy shit.

Ash could care less about his former Pokémon’s evolution into a pornstar, however, because he wants that fight with Kenny to finish! Kenny looks startled and then agrees that as soon as they get back he'll... teach Turtwig Energy Ball! Ash is confused (nothing new) and Kenny whispers back to the idiot that he'll do it if Ash agrees not to tell "Dee-Dee" about what a blubbering little pussy bitch Kenny was inside the Temple. Ash turns to stare at Dawn and her tiny skirt and just doesn't get it, but he happily agrees since it means he'll be getting what he wants out of the deal.... well, not quite, what he REALLY wants are the contents of Dawn's skirt, and he's NEVER going to get that. As he nervously chuckles away and Ash and Dawn just look confused, Brock chuckles once again that everyone has secrets in the closet. EVERYONE!

Well, except for James, he's soaring high through the air as Flaming Moltres, free as a bird and just as flamboyant!


"Everybody's got secrets hidden in their closet!"

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