522: Luxray Vision!       527: Rentora no Hitomi!       Jailbait Jenny's First Case                     A young Jenny in skin-tight clothes tries not to blow her first case.        A new name for nobody to know them by!       No moral yet, we're waiting for Marble who is just about to say what it is.       

Today's episode begins with the twerps, an old man from a 70s porn film and a VERY young looking Officer Jenny watching as a Chimaera-like Pokémon prepares to eat Pikachu. They both fall through a hole in the floor, while the interior of the strange building the twerps are in prepares to kill them!

What's going on? The pre-episode teaser doesn't give us any clues, to find out we're going to need....

The twerps are in a forest as the sun sets, Dawn complaining they're lost AGAIN while Brock insists that once they get to where they're going, they'll be there! But as they step past the treeline they discover a large mansion before them on a huge section of land, the house apparently located right in the middle of the forest.

Dawn is depressed, this isn't the town they're looking for, but Ash's freeloading instincts kick into gear as he suggests that the manor will be happy to put them up for the night, and they proceed to trespass onto private property like they were a bunch of pikeys.

They don't spot anyone as they approach the manor, and Dawn uses the Law of Sod to point out that there are no lights on, which immediately causes spotlights to burst into life and home in on the surprised twerps. High on the roof of the manor, a green haired girl in skin-tight spandex stands beside a large, bizarre Chimaera-esque Pokémon, satisfied that they have identified the Bandits Beauty Three!

The girl - who looks remarkably like Officer Jenny, only far younger - says she will handle this, but then the large Pokémon leaps down from atop the manor and crashes down between the twerps. It immediately takes a swipe at an astonished Pikachu, which leaps away in fright, avoiding claw and fang as the surprised girl moans,"Not again!"

Ash tells Pikachu to hide in the shrubs, but the Pokémon’s eyes glow bright and it immediately knows where Pikachu is, leaping straight at Pikachu with an Iron Tail. They check out the Pokémon with Dextina and discover it is a Luxray, a Pokémon with the ability to "see through everything". Apparently it is also a bit of a jerk, ignoring it's trainer's commands as it has another go at Pikachu. Ash has had enough and tells Pikachu to hit back with an Iron Tail of its own, and the two moves clash. The female Trainer congratulates Ash on having a tough Pikachu and then calls out six security guards to grab the "Bandits Beauty 3", who promptly get Thundershocked for their trouble. The girl is impressed, jumping up and down and saying it must be great to get to use Electric Attacks, but refuses to believe their claims that they're not the bandits. Just then an older man with a gut and 70's porn hairdo/moustache combination steps up and tells her that he has seen these three on television before. But he's not some meta fourth-wall breaking self-insertion character, the television he's talking about is the televised coverage of the Hearthome City Tag Battle Tournament.

The twerps introduce themselves and the man introduces himself as Matthew, the owner of the manor. The girl quickly tries to cover up her embarrassment by saying she can't believe that THEY thought that SHE thought that they were the Bandits Beauty Three. Matthew explains that within the manor is something called the "Old Charm" and he received a letter recently from a group calling themselves the "Bandits Beauty Three" warning they intended to steal the charm. They also claimed that they were world famous, but nobody appears to have heard of these three narcissists who believe they are world famous bandits AND beautiful.

I Team Rocket wonder Team Rocket who Team Rocket they Team Rocket could Team Rocket be?

Matthew explains that he can't take any chances with the Old Charm, so he has moved it to a secure vault in a high tech banking system. Thus there is nothing to be concerned about, and everybody can go on their way satisfied that there is nothing to be concerned about an.... oh, he turns out that he just left it stashed in a chest in the house. He has at least asked for assistance from Officer Jenny tho-

OFFICER JENNY!?! Brock is.... enthusiastic.... to say the least.

And it turns out that the girl with the green hair is Marble - Super Duper ACE DETECTIVE! Or rather, she's some "Assistant" to Officer Jenny, though it is clear from her face and her hair that she's actually a young Jenny - either a sister or a cousin or from a bad batch of clones - dressed in distressingly skin-tight clothing. Something about her following lines appears to be lost in translation, as she waves a hand in front of her nose and makes comments about "beans", but the end result sees her agree to let the twerps hang around to help prevent the theft of the Old Charm, although they'll be under HER command. The twerps seem quite taken aback by this entirely reasonable "condition", while Luxray glares at Pikachu furiously, and Matthew shrugs that Marble just kind of showed up one day and had come such a long way that it didn't feel right to tell her that she's basically a little kid who doesn't know what the fuck she's doing.

When she grows up into an Officer Jenny, she can be a grown woman who doesn't know what the fuck she's doing!

They head inside the Manor where Marble tells them that the Bandits Beauty Three said they would steal the Old Charm at exactly 8pm, and Dawn guesses that this means that all they have to do is stand guard. But Marble says the one thing that worries her is Luxray, which only recently evolved from Luxio and doesn't seem capable of using Electric Type Moves yet. She tells about the time they helped Jenny chase a bad guy and Luxray fucked up by trying to do an Electric Attack instead of the ordered Iron Tail. The criminal almost got away, too, but luckily Jenny showed up and had her Arcanine maul the criminal to death.

Following their feasting on the belly of the criminal, all the Arcanines got uppity towards Luxray, which got pissed at Marble when she tried to make it feel better. She tells the twerps that she was hoping Luxray might pick up Electric moves from Pikachu, but it is currently too grumpy to allow for any special training and she's actually SCARED of it! Given she's already a little girl wearing entirely too tight clothing and apparently no underwear, Luxray probably already had trouble enough taking her commands seriously.

Meanwhile, the Bandits Beauty Three arrive....

....in terrible, terrible disguises.

They managed to get right by security with no issues, as they apparently have no trouble with three strangers showing up right around the time the theft will allegedly take place, one of which is fat and has the face of a cat..... and a belly made out of Wobbuffet!

It tries to pop out of Meowth's shirt to declare how patiently pleased it is, but gets forced back down as James wonders if their name is a little bit of a stretch. Jesse snaps that she may be the only beauty, but she was kind enough to include them too, while Meowth is just fascinated about what the treasure actually is.

They don't actually know what it is they're threatening to steal!

Meowth thinks it must be doubloons, James thinks it will be bottle caps and Jesse is after jewels, but whatever it is, they want it! They sneak inside with only ten minutes to go until their self-imposed deadline, only slightly taken aback when they realise the twerps are there too. They stride up to Marble and the twerps and declare that Mr. Matthew has ordered them to move the location of the chest. Marble is uncertain this close to the deadline, but Brock declares that it is brilliant, waiting until the last minute then moving the location so that the Bandit Beauties Three don't know where it is. Marble, terrified she'll look stupid, agrees that she was just about to say this. The safe is opened and the chest is lifted up by Meowth's Wobbuffet arms, sleeves dangling over his "hands".... why on earth wouldn't they have had one of the two members of the trio with actual HANDS pick up the chest? They turn to walk away..... until Dawn stops them, demanding to know how they can tell if these three aren't the Bandit Beauties Three themselves!

Hurriedly, Marble declares she thought the same thing, but Team Rocket insist that true professionals wouldn't be early or late but right on time, and Marble declares she thought the same thing. Then Brock suddenly gasps that the Bandit Beauties Three might have set the clock back five minutes so it is actually 8pm now, and not even Marble pretends to think that she thought of that ludicrous possibility.

Matthew steps in and asks if everything is OK, and they happily tell him that the chest is being picked up as ordered. Matthew is shocked, he didn't order that, and Marble declares that this means.... and Dawn breaks in over the top of her big moment to declare that the three security guards are the Bandit Beauties Three! James, meanwhile, figures that the jig is up so there is no point in pretence any longer. He hits a button and the wall explodes to reveal the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon!

Now hang on just a damn second how did they..... ahhhh forget it, let's just hear the motto!

"Not sure what to say, are you dear?"
"SO we'll help you through this, have no fear!"
"On the wind!"
"Past the stars!"
"In yer ear!"
"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace."
"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place."
"A rose by any other name's just as sweet."
"When everything's worse, our work is complete."
"Bandit Beauty..... Jesse!" cries Jesse, tearing her clothes off.
"Bandit Beauty..... it's James!" adds James, tearing off his too.
"And da beauty behind this cape, Meowth's da name!" shouts Meowth, pulling his shirt off to reveal he is standing on top of an
absolutely fucking DELIGHTED Wobbuffet.
"Putting the do-gooders in their place."
"We're Team Rocket!"
"Box in hand and in your face!" they finish together, echoed happily by Wobbuffet and Mime Jr.

You know one of these days they're not going to be wearing their uniforms underneath those torn-off disguises. On that day Pokémon will be cancelled, but hey... maybe it'll be worth it!

Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but before it can Luxray knocks it aside and leaps at the balloon. Team Rocket aren't putting up with that though, and a mechanical arm punches it RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE and knocks it back. Pikachu yells at it and Ash snaps this is no time for fighting.... there's fighting to be done!

Marble sees Team Rocket escaping and despairs that her Detective Career is over, but Ash sends out Staravia to pop the balloon and save them. Team Rocket are prepared for this though, hitting a button that rockets them away.... straight into an aerial that pops their balloon and sends them crashing into the side of the mansion!

The twerps rush to get to them, Marble excited that she'll finally close her first case, while at the crash site Team Rocket stagger up and plan to get going while the going is good, moving on down the corridor they crashed into, stepping onto a tile that lowers and triggers a trapdoor swinging open beneath them.

The trapdoor closes back up before the twerps arrive, and Marble panics that it's the end of her Detective Career AGAIN! But Matthew says there is no report of anyone leaving the grounds, and Brock suggests that they just moved further on down the hall. Marble - of course - declares that she was just about to say she thought the same thing! Matthew warns them, however, that in the old days plenty of treasure was kept in this area of the manor and as a result there are a number of booby traps.

Luxray looks about with its vision and spots the trap just behind Pikachu, but when it tries to warn it Pikachu thinks it is looking to fight again and jumps back right onto the trap trigger. Luxray grabs at it with its teeth but they both fall into the trap which swings shut behind them, and Marble collapses moaning this time her Detective Career really IS over!

Sensibly, the twerps ask Matthew if he knows how to get to where the trap ends up and Marble shouts she was just about to ask the same thing! As Pikachu and Luxray reach the bottom of the chute, Matthew leads the twerps to a fireplace that shifts aside to let them into the walls of the manor. Pikachu is trying to convince Luxray to slow down, but it ignores it, running ahead and not looking where it is going, falling through another trap right towards.... FUCKING SPIKES!

The old owners of the Manor didn't get rich without being hardcore towards potential thieves.

But before it can be skewered, Pikachu grabs its tail with its teeth and struggles mightily to lift the far heavier Luxray out of the spike-pit to safety. Having done so, Luxray seems to react a bit more favourably towards Pikachu.

Marble asks Ash how come he and Pikachu get on so well, and Ash explains how rough things were for them at the start, and Marble asks what she can do to get Luxray to react the same way. Ash says it is difficult to say, since the way he and Pikachu bonded was to basically almost get murdered by a bunch of homicidal birds, and now they're best friends. Marble ponders this, she's been too scared of Luxray to be friendly towards it (there has actually only been one instance shown of her being scared of Luxray this episode, in a flashback, and the rest of the time she'd been a flighty scatterbrain with her head in the clouds) but it is something to think about.

Meanwhile Team Rocket have been forced to make their own exit to escape the hole that they fell down....

Wait a second, that was the same hole that Pikachu and Luxray fell down and came out safely on the other end!

....while Luxray uses its vision to find secret doors and passages. Pikachu runs ahead, Luxray shouts out a warning as another trap is triggered and spikes are fired at Pikachu, but knocked out of the air by Luxray. Just then another door opens and the twerps emerge, Ash reuniting with Pikachu and Marble hugging Luxray and asking it if they can be friends. They both blush for some reason (well technically she's in skin-tight camel-toe creating spandex and it doesn't wear pants) and Luxray agrees, perhaps confused by the revelation that Marble is "scared" of it. Delighted, the scatter-brained girl jumps about in celebration, hitting another trigger that seals the corridor and starts forcing the walls on either end to close in on them. Marble collapses moaning that forget the end of her career, it's the end of the world, but Brock says there must be a trigger somewhere and she declares that she was just about to say that! Luxray looks about and spots the button, and hitting it stops the walls from closing in.

The wall suddenly smashes open and Team Rocket step out to see what kind of "freedom" they've found, instead finding themselves face to face with the twerps, Marble and Luxray. They demand that Team Rocket hand over the chest but Meowth says the coins are staying with them and opens the chest at last to reveal.... some kind of glowing bone carving. It's not gold, but it is purty, so they pull it out of the chest and throw it into a far securer looking lockbox held by Wobbuffet, before Jesse sends out Seviper and James calls on Carnivine.... with predictable results.

Seviper uses Poison Tail and Carnivine Bite, but Luxray hits them with Iron Tail and Pikachu with Thunderbolt. Luxray jumps into the zapped Pokémon to knock them aside, and crackles with electricity from the contact. Brock notes that now might be the best time to use Charge Beam, and Marble says she was just about to say that! She makes the call and Luxray pulls it off, finally using an Electric Attack and sending the two Pokémon crashing backwards. The lockbox is sent flying and Dawn catches it, and then Luxray and Pikachu team up to send Team Rocket blasting off.... again!

They finally reach the outside, though with the sun up it seems that they spent the entire night doing do. Matthew checks out the lockbox and says it'll be tough getting it open, but Marble actually DOES think of something, and has Luxray use Thunderfang to bite open the case and reveal the Old Charm. Matthew is pleased that his treasure was saved, and Marble declares in a very long-winded way that she is definitely a detective now.... just as Officer Jenny FINALLY shows up demanding to know what the hell Marble was doing taking on a case (any case, let alone such a high profile one with a rich member of society's upper class!). Her anger is derailed however when Brock drops to a knee to declare their time apart has only made his love stronger, and again the results are predictable.

Everyone laughs as Brock is dragged away, possibly be sexually abused, and then Jenny asks if Marble has caused any problems. Matthew insists that Marble was most helpful, and Jenny - who knows what side her bread is buttered on - quickly decides that if an important and rich member of High Society is OK with Marble, then so is she! Matthew offers them all as much as they can eat (freeloading Ash actually openly admits that he will eat MORE than that) and Dawn steals Marble's line about just being about to say that. Everyone heads inside to enjoy a brief taste of a life they will never know, and a luxury they will always be denied.

But at least Marble demonstrated she has all the skills needed to become an efficient Officer Jenny - she doesn't know what she's doing; she takes credit for things she didn't do, and she's rising to a position of authority by helping those who are rich and powerful!



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