Meowth and friends get lost in a dream within a dream within... you get the idea
In training for going training
Cats like to sleep
Today finds Meowth (and friends) settling down as the sun sets in a forest clearing to make their meal. Meowth - the star of the show - offers to go collect some firewood and heads off, but like everybody who is tuning in to watch this show - the creep watching from the bushes has eyes only for Meowth. Turning to face the camera, we're greeted by a hilariously ugly young man with huge round glasses reflecting light, buck teeth and a very unmanly see of opera glasses held in one hand as he gasps over the rarity of a talking Meowth.
It's Unova, Meowths are rare anyway!
He's also delighted to see a Pikachu, and with a high pitched squeal he calls out his Beheeyem. It's a bizarre looking little golem/statue type thing with a huge forehead, and it listens gleefully as its nerdy master tells it what to do. The next we see, Meowth is struggling to find enough firewood when the Beheeyem approaches with a large bundle of firewood strapped to its back. It tells Meowth that firewood is all for him and introduces itself, and Meowth says a greeting back. Meanwhile, Meowth's friends have set up the table as Cilan prepares their food. Meowth and Beheeyem return and Ash checks out his buddy Meowth's new friend, learning it is the evolved form of Elgyem. Meowth translates for Beheeyem, which tells Meowth's friends that it can grant wishes and is happy for them to try their luck asking. Well everybody is delighted to hear this, of course, but none quite so delighted as Mister Nerdy watching from the bushes. What's this dude up to?
Cilan stares sadly at the berries on the plate, they're not the type he wanted to make a spicy meal. Meowth asks Beheeyem if it can do anything, and with the quick flashing of the gems on its club like hands it turns the berries into exactly the ones that Cilan wants! Meowth's friends are amazed, and Cilan quickly puts together a meal for everybody. With the sun now set, they settle down to eat, Ash's tongue throbbing from the spices while Iris desperately tries to control the tears running out of her eyes and the sweat running down her face so she can tell Ash that he doesn't have a mature enough palate to appreciate the spices.
In a rather telling display of the hierarchies of the group, Meowth is seated at the human table with a plate of "human food" while Pikachu, Axew and even Beheeyem are on the ground with bowls of pellets. Beheeyem heads over to Meowth who translates that it can get them anything, and Iris asks Ash why he doesn't just wish for all the rest of his Gym Badges. Ash laughs the suggestion off, saying that Gym Badges don't mean anything if they're not earned. Cilan applauds Ash's moral fortitude, and Iris admits that she can't think of anything she really wants either. Meowth happily declares that as long as he has plenty of grub to eat he is happy too, causing Beheeyem to slide its head to one side in a "the fuck you say?" gesture. From the bushes, Mister Nerdy is horrified, how can they have no desires? This may ruin his plans! But then he overhears Cilan saying that he wouldn't mind having a nice soft bed to sleep in for a change, in a nice resort with a king size bed and comfortable sheets. The others think this might be a bit of a tall order, but Beheeyem tells them to follow it and heads off into the bushes followed by Meowth and friends. With a flash of lights from its hand, Beheeyem gestures and they see a huge building ahead. Iris is confused, they passed by there earlier and there was nothing there. But Cilan - for once - is not the voice of reason, declaring that that was then and this is now, and they should accept it because they're living in the age of wonders!
Oh Cilan.
They enter the building which seems to be deserted, but Beheeyem takes them to their room and Cilan gushes with delight to see the four poster bed of his dreams. They ALL leap into the bed together and lay there in delight, which is kinda creepy in a way, and they all feel sleep washing over them and happily curl up with little stars in their eyes as they fall asleep in pure bliss... all together in the same bed just like Cilan always wanted.
In the darkness outside the mysterious resort, a hole in reality opens up and a rope emerges straight as a rod, climbed across by a dark figure and a weird looking Pokémon. This all seems perfectly reasonable, as the human places an explosive against the glass of the room Meowth and friends are sleeping in and blows it open. The figure rolls into the room, waking the started Meowth and his buddies who discover that it is... Officer Jenny?
Cilan, Ash and Iris are horrified and bow furiously begging apologies for sleeping in the bed without permission. Turning on the light, Jenny tells them to relax and pulls off her coat, explaining she works in the Psychic Crimes Division. Ash doesn't know what this is and Cilan is terrified they're going to be arrested for sleeping in a hotel without a permit (also him sleeping with an underage boy and girl, a cat, a rat and a baby dragon all at the same time?). Jenny explains the use of a Psychic Pokémon in a recent crime, and introduces them to Duosion, her Pokémon Partner. Ash's Pokédex explains that Duosion has a brain split into two, and when both "brains" share a single thought it is capable of immense power. Also it looks like a face in a big fluffy green pillow, so it's got that going for it as well.
Jenny asks them if they've noticed anything of theirs is missing, and a confused Ash turns to somebody smarter to answer - Pikachu! Only Pikachu is gone! Replaced by a hilarious crude and poorly put together Pikachu doll complete with a red star on the forehead and chest and three tails! Axew has been replaced as well, and Meowth is gone.... and that means that the three humans are just twerps! Ash checks and his Pokéballs are missing, as are Cilan and Iris'. They rush out of the room with Jenny and spot Beheeyem rushing down the corridor with the Pokémon attached to its tail. They give chase, Iris snorting with fury, eyes red with rage, but as they run Beheeyem seems to distort reality and cause bars to appear in their way. Out of a door bursts Mister Nerdy, posing dramatically as he introduces himself to the twerps and Jenny - he's the Grandest Dream Thief of all time - Leon the Great!
As he dances around campily in delight, the twerps ignore him to ask Jenny what is going on. She explains that they're caught up in a dream created by Beheeyem, and she asks them to remember strange things that happen. Ash remembers the last 10 minutes of episode (but not the previous 700+ episodes of weird shit) and the transforming berries and the hotel. Looking at his Pokédex again, he learns additional information that would have come in handy earlier - Beheeyem controls minds and confuses memory, bringing them into its own dream. But Jenny has an ace up the sleeve, she used Duosion to penetrate the dream, but now they need to escape. Leon (the Great) runs away cackling with delight, ignoring Ash screaming at him to come back. Jenny tells him to stop and explains how they get out - they need to convince the dreamers that the dream isn't real, then find the "exit" to the dream and bombard it with psychic attacks. Iris notices an Escher-like painting of stairwells with an exit sign literally above one of the doorways in the painting and Jenny has Duosion attack it... and they're out of the dream!
The hotel is gone, having never existed, and Ash spots Leon (The Great) crouched low over Pikachu applying some kind of binding and cackling away. The scene is seen from a distance and so quickly that for just a moment it looks like Leon (The Great) is doing something far, far, far worse to the sleeping Pikachu. Axew and Meowth are sleeping blissfully on either side, and a white sack of stolen Pokéballs is behind Meowth. Jenny orders Duosion to attack, and Leon (The Great) has Beheeyem counter-attack while cavorting about campily.
Duosion uses Psywave on Beheeyem, then follows up with Psyshock and then a Flash Cannon. The twerps are delighted, Cilan especially so, and Jenny seems arrogantly satisfied.... until the smoke clears to reveal a pissed off looking Beheeyem glowering at them with glowing green eyes. Leon (The Great) cattily mocks their attacks and has Beheeyem attack with Energy Ball, smashing right through Duosion's Protect and knocking it out, much to Jenny's horror. She can't understand why it didn't work and Cilan says it's another small piece of the mystery pie.... till he realises that above them there are TWO moons. Are they still in the dream? Jenny realises what is going on, the Pokémon are still asleep and so they haven't really exited the dream yet. Ash and Iris yell to wake up Pikachu and Axew, but Meowth refuses to get up, mumbling that he's still sleeping. Ash has Pikachu use Thunderbolt despite Leon's (the) great struggling to prevent it, and a furious Meowth demands to know what kind of wakeup call that is meant to be. Cilan tries to explain things, that they're in Beheeyem's dream and as long as they were asleep they couldn't escape. Meowth, no stranger to bizarre shit, asks why they didn't just say so, then complains when Ash asks how Pikachu is and it presumably says they're all fine - Meowth isn't, he's cranky!
Leon and Beheeyem make a run for it with the Pokéballs, zooming at ridiculously fast speeds thanks to the fact they're in a dream. Jenny tells them to look out for an exit, and Iris spots a signpost with the exit sign on it. A quick blast from Duosion later, they're out of the dream and giving chase to Leon.... when a giant ass UFO appears in the sky and a now 50's space-costume suited Leon lowers down to declare that he is what their laughable civilization calls a Space Alien! Ash is shocked, is he REALLY an alien? Iris moans at Ash's naiveté (well the kid has met Space Aliens before to be fair) and Cilan spots that there are now THREE moons in the sky. How can they still be dreaming? Looking behind them, they realise that Meowth has curled back up for some more of the 25 hours of sleep a cat needs each day. Ash yells at Meowth to wake up but he's bushed and ignores him, and Leon escapes in his "UFO". Ash has Pikachu use Thunderbolt again to frazzle Meowth even more before asking him if he's awake yet.
Iris spots another exit sign on a door and a quick blast later they're out again, but ARE they awake? Behind them the ground shakes and a HUGE Beheeyem emerges from the dirty with Leon on its shoulder, telling them to squish them like bug types. They start running, looking for Meowth and spotting him sleeping happily on one of the FIVE moons in the sky. They have Pikachu, Axew and Duosion attack enmasse, blasting the SHIT out of Meowth and sending him flying through the sky, crashing into ANOTHER moon and down into the ground.
You know maybe the repeated concussions are the reason he keeps falling asleep, you jerks?
Meowth starts to wake up, then passes out from the brutal beating he's just received. The twerps are horrified, they'll never stop Beheeyem now.... until Cilan remembers the spicy berries form earlier and... JAMS THEM ALL INTO MEOWTH'S MOUTH AND FORCES HIM TO EAT THEM!
These guys are bad friends.
As Meowth rushes around in a panic begging for water, Ash spots the exit sign in one of the moons. Once again they attack and once again they are out of the dream, with a woken (and haggard) looking Meowth. They look to the sky and spot that there is only one moon, but where is Leon (The Great) and Beheeyem? He's creeping in the background with their Pokéballs, but they spot him and demand their Pokéballs back. Telling them it was rude to escape his dream, he tells Beheeyem to put them to sleep again, but a quick Electro Ball from Pikachu puts Beheeyem out instead. Panicking, Leon recalls it and takes off running with the Pokéballs, but finds Meowth in his way. Still enamoured with a talking Pokémon, he whispers that he can make Meowth's fortune and offers him a contract to sign, but an exhausted Meowth wouldn't even sign his report card after the night he has had, and makes it PAINFULLY clear.
That's just ALLLLLL kinds of creepy.
The near naked Leon is put into a police car and driven away, and Jenny (on a motorbike) thanks the twerps for their help and then speeds away leaving the twerps out in the middle of the forest rather than offering them a lift to the next town. Iris says she isn't exactly sure when they started dreaming and wonders if they ever actually got to have a meal at all? She sure is feeling hungry, and Meowth complains he should have gotten a lift from Jenny to the PokéCenter where they probably had plenty of food (and comfortable beds!). They all sigh in discontent, but that's where we leave them for the night.
Why? Because in Nimbasa City, two Subway Controllers (one with a VERY Roman nose) are concerned to see a train running on the Number One track in the middle of the night when the Subway is supposed to be shut down. As they watch their electronic monitors, the train seems to disappear. They don't know what is going on, but they know that somebody is screwing with THEIR subway system, and they mean to find out who and why. We know the who of course, Gentle Dodgers, but we don't know the why yet. What are Team Rocket up to? Only time will tell!
"Are you... going to arrest all of us for sleeping in a hotel without a permit?"