684: Emonga Bui Esu Tsutaja! Boruto Chenji de Daikonran!
Dirty Rotten Pokémon
Emolga won't do as it’s told; Snivy won't fall for Emolga's charms
Class beats ass
Today finds a very happy Iris and Axew strutting down the forest path along with Ash, Cilan and Bianca. Ash congratulates her on capturing Emolga, and then Bianca eagerly asks for a Pokémon battle. Iris seems a little surprised, and then downright panicky when Ash says he wants a battle too - perhaps because she really does not want to get her ass kicked by "just a kid". Cilan likes the idea of Pikachu vs. Emolga, but Bianca gets upset, pointing out to Ash that SHE asked first. Surprisingly, Iris actually agrees, a two on two battles against her Pignite and Emolga. Iris actually taking part in a battle? Wow, she's changed up her usual attitude thanks to....
As Cilan judges and Ash settles down ecstatic at getting to watch, Iris calls out Emolga and Bianca... gets just a little over-excited at how cute it is and has to be reminded she is going to be battling it. She calls out Pignite and offers Emolga the first move, and it is all about the cuteness in reply before letting rip with Hidden Power, then winking seductively at a charging Pignite with Attract to get its attention. Pignite moans and sqoinks in lust and Bianca has no choice but to recall it, before sending in Minccino and having it use its own Attract.
Emolga uses Attract back and the two bursts of heart crash into each other and cancel each other out, and Minccino rushes in with Tickle. Emolga is in paroxysms of laughter, it can't contain itself, and Iris tells it to use Hidden Power. It laughs and laughs squeakily, but manages to lift an arm high and.... blast Minccino right in the fucking face!
The move finished, Emolga disappears behind Iris and.... brings Excadrill out!?! Everybody is confused, and Cilan explains that this was Volt Switch - a move that USUALLY recalls the Pokémon to its Pokéball and brings out another. But Emolga didn't return to its Pokéball, it's actually standing behind Iris having a giggle, apparently it's Volt Switch is a little different. Everyone has a bit of a giggle since the fucking thing is just too cute, but then Iris recalls Excadrill and gives Emolga a little talking to. She points out that this battle is practise and there is no point to running away/switching out to avoid it, and it hangs its fluffy ears in shame, then turns huge tear-filled eyes Iris's way. Cilan and Ash are a little confused, and Emolga turns its back in misery from Iris... and smirks a sneering little grin!
Holy shit this little asshole is fucking awesome!
Unfortunately it doesn't quite get its way as it expects, as Iris scoops it up, tells it to turn that frown upside down and get back into the battle! It grumpily glares up at her, and doesn't look too impressed when Iris says that she has its back. Bianca orders a Hyper-Voice and a freaked out Emolga.... uses Volt Switch again! Zipping backwards, this time it calls out... PANSAGE!?! PANSAGE ISN'T IRIS' POKEMON!
Pansage looks half asleep, looking up just in time to get a face full of Hyper-Voice. Infuriated by what seems to it to be an unjustified attack, it straight up blasts Minccino in the face with what looks like Solar Beam but I'll be yelled at because it was actually one of the 45 moves that looks identical to Solar Beam instead. Minccino goes down and Cilan declares that the battle is over and that the winner is... Pansage?
Now I don't know about you, but I don't think Brock would have made that call.
Cilan admits that the recipe wasn't followed as expected, while Bianca throws a small tantrum about how this is totally unfair... then amusingly calms right down and mumbles,"But still, wonderful job, Minccino."
She recalls it to its Pokéball while Emolga claps happily for Pansage, and then has to face up to Iris who reminds it that she told it not to use Volt Switch... and it turns on the waterworks again!
Ash somehow is the first person to realise that Emolga doesn't really want to battle, and Bianca notes that it really isn't listening to Iris at all. But Iris and Cilan both note that part of being a good trainer is training a Pokémon in the right way, which apparently means forcing it to do what you want till it comes around to your way of thinking? She asks Emolga to have one more shot, and it doesn't seem all that keen but she goes ahead anyway.
Bianca opens with Pignite and Iris tells Emolga to use Hidden Power, and.... with a bored expression it uses Volt Switch and sends Ash's Snivy in to fight! Iris gets excited at the notion of using Snivy and pleads with Ash to let her "borrow" her, and Bianca eagerly agrees, but Ash is having none of it. Iris moans that she wants to use Snivy to show Emolga how much fun battling is, Ash refuses, Iris calls him selfish, and before THEY can start an all-out rumble.... Cilan points out that Emolga is missing!
Frantic, Iris rushes around calling out for it, and Bianca.... tells Ash that she and he should have a battle with Snivy against Pignite! Ash happily agrees, both of them ignoring the frantic Iris desperately trying to find her missing Pokémon, and they start up the battle after Snivy shrugs and says,"Sure why the fuck not?" when asked.
The battle gets going and after an initial stand-off, Pignite kicks up dust and charges through a Leaf Storm.... but can't get all the way through and it knocked back. As it gets back up to fight some more, Iris looks back at them having a heated battle, then looks up at the tree branches above her and spots Emolga having a nap. She snaps at it that they're missing out on practise while Pignite and Snivy fight, but Emolga ignores her. Listening it from back at the battle, a very classy Snivy lifts a Vine Whip and grabs a surprised Emolga around the belly, returning it to the battle where Cilan makes a lame pun about having just witnessed a Vine Whip Switch.
Iris rushes up and tells Emolga that it WILL battle this time, and it stares up at her and then puts on the charm again - great big wobbly teary eyes that Iris looks at and... tells it enough with the cute act! Emolga is horrified, then sparks up and blasts the fuck out of all of them (haha, what a little shit!) EXCEPT for Snivy, which sees it coming and clears the fuck out of dodge, sighing in exasperation at Emolga's crude machinations.
Bianca sits up and stares with delight in the mirror at her fucked up hair, while Ash's stomach rumbles and he decides that he wants something to eat and the hell with all this training malarkey. They settle down to lunch, Ash calling out his Pokémon before Cilan offers everyone bowls of apples. Emolga gobbles its up joyously and then looks around, realising that the boy Pokémon all have apples too and... hits Pignite, Oshawott, Scraggy and Swadloon with Attract! It zips up and strikes a seductive pose and they eagerly hand over their apples, and Emolga eats them all till its belly is bulging. The twerps finish their lunch and ask the Pokémon how theirs was, and the Attract wears off leaving the stupid boy Pokémon blaming each other for stealing the apples and breaking into a rumble. Axew and Pikachu try to break it which just gets them involves in the rumble as well, and Pikachu gets its ass kicked while Axew scrambles back and forth in a panic. The twerps try to break them free and Pikachu lets rip with Thunderbolt, blasting all of them EXCEPT Snivy which has managed to avoid all this nonsense and is currently still eating her apple slow and lady-like.
The twerps sit back up zapped, Cilan checking out HIS hairstyle with the mirror and admitting the look is starting to grow on him. Bianca eagerly agrees that it is great, and then they get up and demand to know what was the cause of this nonsense. Cilan figures out that SOMEBODY stole their food, and they try to figure out who, staring stupidly at Emolga and its swollen belly. Snivy has had enough of this utter stupidity and uses Vine Whip to lift it up right in front of their stupid goddamn hick faces. They stare at it and realise that its stomach is swollen, and Cilan thinks he has figured it out. In best teacher mode he explains exactly the course of events as they happened, and they all agree that Emolga looks guilty and this all fits in perfectly. Iris angrily denies it though, grabbing Emolga and chastising them for accusing the poor little Pokémon and its belly swollen with apples. It gasps in gratitude for her support and the other twerps are amazingly convinced, agreeing it was bad of them to use logic and reason and "jumping to conclusions". But as Emolga happily rubs its cheek against Iris, it casts a dark look at Snivy, the only one who isn't fooled by its act - the Michael Caine to its Steve Martin.
WHO'S THAT POKEMON!?! IT's.... holy crap, it's actually a new one! It's Simisear!
Lunch is over and they packed up and ready to head on.... only Ash is feeling sleepy. Iris and Axew agree and Bianca suggests they have a nap, and Cilan says they should leave... AFTER their nap. They settle down in the shade of the tree and fall asleep... but after they're all out, Emolga opens a cheeky eye and heads off, followed by its ardent admirers Axew and Oshawott. As they toddle off after Emolga, Snivy opens one eye carefully and glares afterwards, either woken up by the noise or faking sleep all along.
Emolga moves into the forest towards an apple tree, eager for MORE APPLES, but discovers some creepy looking Watchogs glaring down at her. Just then she hears Axew and Oshawott coming looking for her and gets a sneaky look on her face, calling out to them. They look up and see her fake a fall, and she points at the innocent Watchog and blames them, making up a completely bullshit story involving little cut-outs on sticks in a puppet show about how they beat her up for daring to want to eat an apple!
Well Oshawott is just livid at this! It struts its little body up to the entirely un-intimidated Watchogs, gives a slight little bow and then pulls out its Scalchop, leaps high and cuts free three apples. It bravely poses as the apples fall into its hand... then a fourth bops it on the head and slightly derails its badass look. Still, it smugly struts back to Emolga and Axew and they each take an apple, while the now furious Watchog attack and.... the three Pokémon leap aside and they go crashing into a tree. Emolga cackles in delight, the Watchog are furious... and then something HUDE crashes out of the tree they hit. They turn and stare in horror as a Simisear lifts up in a rage and glares at them, blasting flamethrower above their heads and causing them to cheese it in terror. Simisear, furious at being knocked out of its tree, now approaches the three little Pokémon in a rage.
Meanwhile, Pikachu is trying to wake up Ash. Finally succeeding, he and Iris realise some of their Pokémon are missing and Iris rushes up into a tree to get a better view of the surrounding area. In the trees of the forest she spots some rustling and leads them on to find the source.
Back inside the forest, Emolga has retreated a sensible distance and is hiding in the bushes as Oshawott tries to stand up to the giant fire monkey, backed up only by the toddler Axew. It rushes in with its Scalchop and... gets sent flying back into a tree trunk and knocked the fuck out.... while Emolga watches with some interest, actually nibbling on its apple while all this is going on!
Axew tries to wake it up, because it sure as hell can't deal with this on its own, while Simisear stomps up to Emolga and glares down at it. Emolga quickly eats the rest of the apple and then flicks the core in Simisear's face, enraging it so much that it bites its lower lip! It begins trying to smash Emolga into the ground, but it leaps aside easily from each attack, giggling the entire time and enraging Simisear further. Emolga then tries to rush off to safety, but is grabbed by Axew which points out in alarm that Oshawott is still there and needs their help.
Simisear storms up and prepares to mash them both into pulp when suddenly a vine wraps around its wrist and pulls its arm back. Everybody looks over in surprise and discovers.... Snivy is a badass!
She wags her finger at Simisear, then leaps over its fire attack and drops down in front of Emolga and Axew. Emolga tries to sneak backwards to protection but without even looking Snivy reaches behind and grabs it with Vine Whip, bringing it back to face the danger with all of them. The twerps arrive in time to see Simisear menacing over the unconscious Oshawott and terrified Axew, and it lets rip with a blast of flamethrower as Ash decides to stop and check it out with his Pokédex. Snivy blocks the attack, but Simisear is still moving through it, using the Flamethrower as a mask for it to straight up belly-punch Snivy! She crashes to the ground hurt, leaving only Emolga to fight... only Snivy isn't done! Iris yells at Emolga to help everyone, and it looks around in a panic, looks at Snivy being a badass, then blasts Simisear with several quick and agile blasts of Hidden Power and then distracts it by gliding around it, driving it to further and further levels of rage. Iris and Ash rush up to rescue Axew and Oshawott (why didn't they use their Pokéballs?) while Emolga finds itself in danger of being burnt to a crisp. But as it approaches, Snivy trips it with Vine Whip and its blast hits the mountain above it. A huge rock is knocked loose and falls towards Simisear to crush it, but Snivy and Emolga blast the rock into tiny pebbles that rain down onto it instead. Simisear stands up, still agitated but now also hugely embarrassed, and decides to call it a day and just stomp away leaving them behind.
Ash congratulates Snivy on being a huge badass and Iris thanks Emolga for actually battling... then notices that it is back to the apples. Only this time, it steps up and offers the apple to Snivy, delighting Axew which dances between them happily... till Snivy doesn't take the apple! It stares in alarm, then Snivy uses Vine Whip to break the apple into three pieces that they each share equally. It appears that SOME semblance of a truce has been made between the classy lady Snivy and the cheeky selfish Emolga... and Axew is just a happy babby.
With the drama averted, they return to the tree and Bianca gushes about the distinct personalities of Iris' Pokémon and the challenge that presents to her as a trainer. Iris says she enjoys the challenge, and Ash hamfistedly agrees that he enjoys the challenge of his fourth Gym Badge, freaking out Bianca who didn't know he had three by this point. He shows her his badge case and tells her about his third Gym Battle, and she rushes away in a panic to get caught up, stopping to say a hurried goodbye and receiving assurances from them that they'll see her again soon. With that, crazy Bianca is gone unfortunatley, but she will be back. In the meantime, Snivy and Emolga have at least made peace... except as the episode ends, the two bookend Axew and turn to look at each other, then haughtily look away. It seems that these two aren't entirely on the same wavelength just yet.