660: Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! |
Dodgy Synopsis
Soon she returns with a basket of tasty looking fruit, and Ash is eager to chow down, but is stopped by Cilan. He tells them to pause a second, and for just the briefest of seconds a cold sweating terror must surely race up Ash and Iris' spines - is Cilan going to insist they say grace or something? But no, instead he sets up three tables, gets out his gas burner and a pan, and turns the fresh fruit into muffins and cakes! Ash eagerly starts eating, Pikachu following suit, and raves about the food. Iris rolls her eyes at the "kid" getting over-excited by a few cakes, she normally only eats fresh fruit. Tentatively she tries a bite and enjoys it, happily telling Cilan that maybe travelling with him and Ash won't be such a godawful nightmare after all! Cilan is happy with the backhanded compliment, not seeming to notice that Ash, Pikachu and Axew have managed to polish off all but one of the muffins in the intervening three seconds! Iris takes the last one, leaving nothing but the little cakes, and Cilan tells them to can have seconds if they'd like. They rush over to the gas burner but there aren't any more muffins there, and Cilan can't understand what could have happened to all the extra food. But just then the tall grass near the tables begins to shake, there's something moving about in there..... what the hell could it be? ![]() ![]() Pikachu brings out the big guns with Thunderbolt, but before it can... Snivy offers to put out!?! It winks and sends hearts floating at Pikachu, which is left a dazed mess. Iris explains it was Attract, and Cilan notes that it causes infatuation in Pokémon of the opposite gender. Ash is completely confused, he has no idea what any of those words mean, and Iris explains that Snivy is a girl. ![]() Cilan notes that Snivy's moves are surprisingly high level for a Wild Pokémon, and he and Iris ponder if this means that Snivy abandoned its trainer. Ash doesn't understand, and Iris explains further, Snivy are supposedly very intelligent and if one doesn't feel that its trainer is good enough for it, it will abandon them. Hilariously, Ash's reaction to the knowledge that some poor bastard got his self-esteem and friendship tossed back in his face by a snooty walking snake is to laugh, before declaring that now he REALLY wants to catch that Snivy. Pikachu seems to share his enthusiasm, and Iris sighs and asks if they can't just calm down. Ash isn't even listening though, he's already got his sights set on victory, and calls out Pidove to go and find that Snivy. Meanwhile, all this excitement and fun is getting out of hand, so let's go to Team Rocket and be bored and disinterested instead! Standing in a cave, they're being instructed via laptop by Giovanni of new developments in the region. He believes the mysterious secret organization he has been trying to flush out is beginning operations and is aware of Team Rocket itself now. Giovanni ends communication, and Team Rocket note that not even Headquarters seems to know anything about the secret organization. They're not really sure what they're supposed to do, but probably the best way to handle things is to get more Pokémon.... and who should come rustling by at that point but Snivy! Jesse tosses a Pokeball after it as it moves through the tall grass, and it zips and rushes about before leaping high and smugly spinning over the ball. ![]() Jesse sends in Meowth, and he smugly slashes down with... well, Slash! Landing, he poses and asks smugly how he did... and discovers that he cut into a nearby rock instead! ![]() Bravely posing, it turns and breathlessly gasps its own name at an utterly bewildered Ash, who finally figures out that it wants to battle. Since it's horribly disadvantaged Type-wise, Ash figures why the hell not and they start clambering up the rocks towards Snivy. It stares down at them and then dismissively slaps a rock with its tail and causes a rockslide that tumbles down towards the startled Ash, Oshawott and Pikachu who have to hide behind a larger rock. Snivy turns and begins to walk away, but then Ash and Pikachu clamber up over the edge, tired and determined.... with Oshawott sitting comfortably on top of Ash's head squeaking its own name defiantly after Snivy. Oshawott opens with Water Gun, a massive burst that Snivy dodges... but does get a small drop of water splashed into its face which seems to irritate it. Iris and Cilan clamber up over the edge as well and Iris shouts angrily at Ash that Oshawott is at a type disadvantage, and he snaps back at her not to shout so loudly, OF COURSE he knows that! Cilan notes that Ash is "an interesting guy" which is generally code for,"What a dumbass!" and suggests that Oshawott's confidence is what convinced Ash to go ahead anyway. Oshawott uses its Scalchop to block a Vine Whip and prepares to use Razor Shell, but Snivy uses Attract and hearts surround a confused Oshawott before... leaving it infatuated, Osahwott is a boy! Snivy smacks Oshawott back with Vine Whip, and Ash has no choice but to recall it to its Pokeball while Snivy turns and heads off again. ![]() ![]() Snivy enters the forest and leaps up into the trees, hopping from branch to branch. Presumably this is more testament to its intelligence, as Pidove can't fly above and keep an eye on it. But Ash is as stubborn as Iris says (or determined, to put it Cilan's way) and grabs at vines hanging from the trees and swings after it. Sighing at the continued harassment, Snivy drops down onto a lilypad in a murky looking pond. Swinging after it with Pikachu, the vine in Ash's hand snaps and they both fall screaming into the pond, smashing down onto the surprisingly resilient lilypad that Snivy only barely manages to jump clear from. That stand up, dazed but basically okay.... but then the lilypad begins to sink. Concerned, Ash has Pikachu climb up onto him as he sinks deeper, unable to walk clear of the thick pond water which is apparently more like quicksand. Snivy watches as Ash has Pikachu climb up onto his head, but he has no way to escape, till Iris and Cilan show up and toss him the broken vine, hauling him to safety. Snivy turns and heads away, while Iris ponders why Ash just doesn't give it up, Snivy clearly isn't going to just let him capture it, so just surrender! Even Cilan notes that there's being determined and there is being obstinate, but Ash won't give up, he WILL capture that Snivy. Snivy stops by a clear stream to get some water, seemingly disappointed after looking back and seeing that Ash isn't following. As it drinks he hears a noise and looks overhead, spotting Pidove circling. Ash returns, insisting that he means to capture it, and Snivy actually grins! This time Ash sends in Tepig, hoping his sneezey pig can do what Pikachu and Oshawott couldn't. This time he DOES have the type advantage, but Iris (and Axew!) warn him not to let Tepig get "all googley-eyed" over Attract like the others did, and once again Ash yells in exasperation OF COURSE he knows that! But none of that matters now, because now it's time to battle! ![]() Ash warns it that it must attack before Snivy can use Attract, and it opens with Ember. But Snivy is fast, and is able to dodge before finally sending out Attract which surrounds Tepig and.... it's in love! Ash has no choice but to recall Tepig, and prepares to send in Pikachu, but then cooing from above gets his attention. Looking up he spots and remembers Pidove, his poor forgotten Pidove, and agrees to send it in instead of Pikachu. Iris can't understand why, but Cilan notes that as a Flying Type, Pidove does have an advantage. ![]() Iris and Cilan are amazed, and Cilan gasps that Ash must have known all along and that is why he sent in Pidove. Iris takes in this information and notes that this means Ash is far more on the ball that she suspected, while meanwhile Ash stands scratching his head, murmuring to Pikachu,"Whaddya know.... so Pidove's a girl....? Some lucky break!" The enthusiastic cheerful music makes an immediate crashing stop, Pikachu pratfalls and Cilan and Iris sigh at the further revelation of just how stupid the boy they've decided to follow really is. Snivy tries to Vine Whip Pidove, but it dodges, so Snivy goes with a Leaf Tornado... but Pidove dodges that too! Using Gust, it's able to catch Snivy up in the whirling wind, then an Air Cutter slams the ground in front of it and kicks up dust that obscures its vision, and Pidove is able to score a direct shot with Quick Attack. Ash tosses a Pokeball, which sucks Snivy in and the ball..... reopens, Snivy popping out in pain but still refusing to just give it up. Pidove uses Quick Attack again but it knocked back by a Vine Whip, and for some reason Ash compliments Pidove for getting hit before having it use Air Cutter. Snivy is knocked backwards and can barely stand... and grins!?! Does it appreciate Ash for his skill as a trainer or does it just get off on pain!?! Ash throws his Pokeball again, Snivy is sucked in again and this time.... stays inside! Ash just caught a Snivy! That's two girls on his team! Calling Snivy out, he tells it he's glad it's onboard (after he beat seven shades of shit out of it!) and that now it's going to help him to win the Unova League. It seems impressed with the idea, after all Ash proved not just through beating it but his dogged determination not to give up that he's a worthy trainer for it to have, unlike the mewling pathetic jackass it dumped at some point before this episode, or even Team Rocket who disappeared after ONE attempted attack on it. So now Ash has five Pokémon, nearly a full team, including the three Starter Pokémon for Unova. Three of them are boys, two of them are girls (one of which apparently gets off on pain and infatuates the boys), but one thing has been made painfully clear in this episode.... ![]() Ash needs to use Pidove more!