440: Three Jynxes and a Baby |
Dodgy Synopsis
Today begins with a jaunty theme and the twerps nearly at Krimini town and Ash's next battle. As they walk, they spot a Smoochum ahead of them and May rushes up eagerly to hug the little Pokémon, only for it to be lifted into the air surrounded with a glowing light and carried away, before a gust of icy wind rushes over first May - oooh it's a bit nippy out! - and then over the twerps. Oh my, it's.... ![]() They push through the icy wind, which suddenly fades, and Smoochum falls through the trees and lands in the hands of one of three Jynxes. Ash approaches and is coated in snow by two of them, which enrages the stupid young boy who orders Pikachu to blast them (and the Smoochum!) with Thunderbolt. Before Pikachu can, though, it gets blasted with ice itself and encased in the stuff, infuriating Ash further who begins roaring at the Jynx until May snaps at him to calm the fuck down, pointing out that the Jynx are probably just trying to protect Smoochum. Brock tells them to be careful as the Jynx stare at them, and they walk away, Ash carrying his frozen Pikachu with him. The Jynx suspiciously watch them leave, then turn around and.... Smoochum is gone! Elsewhere in the forest, Meowth sits outside a tent complaining that he has to do all of the work. Jesse and James snap back that there are plenty of people around worse off than them; at least they have ONE rice ball left to eat. Jesse kindly offers to divide it up evenly, but James isn't fooled by her, knowing that her plan probably involves giving him and Meowth equal shares of 0%. They start fighting over who will get it and eventually suggest a game of Rock Paper Scissors, which Jesse promptly cheats to win! ![]() ![]() ![]() But Jesse is always looking at the angle of greatest personal gain for herself, and realises she can use Smoochum's cuteness to get fame and fortune.... and a giant managerial fee! Meanwhile the Jynx are still looking for Smoochum, pushing aside rocks and such when they spot the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon flying overhead and come to the same conclusion.... their missing Smoochum MUST be inside the giant Meowth balloon, no other option is possible! At a nearby Pokémon Centre, Pikachu has been given a clean bill of health by Nurse Joy and Brock takes the opportunity to declare that his heart needs mending. Joy doesn't really get what he means though, and they are distracted by the sound of screeching tires and run outside to see traffic skidding on icy roads, the buildings and trees covered in snow due to... oh my goodness me! The twerps are hit with a burst of telepathy, which they find quite painful (especially Ash, who has trouble coming up with his own thoughts, let alone someone elses) and they see Team Rocket in their minds. Ash ain't bright, but one thing he does know is that if anything is going wrong in the world, it's Team Rocket's fault! He calls out Swellow to find Team Rocket, and it flies off as Ash explains to the Jynx he is going to find Smoochum for them, but they have to stop causing trouble. The Pokémon respond by blasting an icy wind at the twerps, May attempting to fight them off by having Combusken use Fire Spin, which is blasted back by a triple Icy Blast that forces May to call her overwhelmed Pokémon back. Swellow returns and lets them know it has found something, and Ash figures out a way to communicate with the Jynx.... by attacking them! He has Pikachu use Thunderbolt and the angry Jynx begin chasing them as they themselves chase Swellow back to Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Jesse is doing a dance to teach Smoochum how to shake its money-maker, though she'd probably make more money if SHE was the one on stage. Mime Jr joins in, then Smoochum tries it and seems to have gotten it. James and Meowth jump in to dance as well, and they're then interrupted by the twerps. What else to do but perform? So Team Rocket immediately start doing their motto (Jesse showing cleavage, as she must) while dressed in suits and tophats. ![]() ![]() "Cool your heels while you've got the chance!" "An evil as old as the galaxy!" "Sent here to fulfil our destiny!" "Meowth dat's me!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jesse!" "And James!" "Meowth's da name!" "Wherever there’s peace in the universe!" "Team Rocket!" "Will be dere!" "To make everything worse!" they finish together. "WOBBUFFET!" "Miiiime Mime!" "Smoochum, Smoochum, Smoochum!" But it is the Jynx Team Rocket need to worry about, as the twerps clear out of the way to let them blast Team Rocket with snow and try and force the return of their Smoochum. Jesse refuses to hand it back though, and takes off chased by the twerps and the Jynx. Max roars at Jesse to give Smoochum back and she snaps back that she'll hand it back when Max dyes his hair yellow, learns to dance and stops being so obnoxious. Jesse and James jump into some bushes (Meowth smashing into the tree) and the twerps and Jynxes run by giving them a momentary respite. Jesse quickly comes up with a plan, she'll dress Mime Jr up as Smoochum to confuse the Jynx, and Meowth as well! The plan works (despite James' protests) as Jynx picks up Smoochum only to find it is Mime Jr, then tosses it away into James horrified hands. The Jynx spot another Smoochum, only.... ![]() Oh. ![]() The Jynx are becoming exhausted and Jesse realises she is "comparatively" safe and begins laughing at them despite being stuck up the tower. She then notes the twerps staring up her skirt (oh like you wouldn't) and Ash and Pikachu begin chasing her up the ladder. The Jynx blast at Ash as well, not knowing the difference between him and Jesse until Brock roars at them to stop, Ash is trying to help! Up the top of the tower, Jesse yells into a walkie talkie to James that she needs him to hurry up as elsewhere in the forest he grumpily tries to inflate the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon. ![]() But he is suddenly slowed as the Jynx use Psychic to slow his fall and he lands safely on his feet, the Jynx bowing to him in gratitude. Jesse is horrified and blames James and Meowth when they show up late, though she refuses to give up as she hits a button and extends a long mechanical arm that grabs Smoochum from Ash as he tries to hand it over to the Smoochum. The Jynx iceblast the mechanical hand and Swellow uses Aerial Ace to smash through it and leave Smoochum falling once again towards the ground. The twerps dart about underneath it in a panic to try and catch it, and crash to the ground as it lands safely in Brock's hands, knocks him over and ends up on his belly. Jesse finds herself outvoted as James and Meowth decide enough is enough and start heading away in the balloon, but the Jynx aren't done with them yet and suck in their guts, stick out their chests (oh my!) and Iceblast the balloon, turning it into an ice cube and allowing Pikachu to Thunderbolt them and send Team Rocket blasting off again. Jesse (encased in ice as she blasts off) still thinks Smoochum is cute, and James moans that of course her mouth was the one thing that didn't freeze. So it is all done, and as the sun sets Ash gets to hold Smoochum which kisses at him, before being put down and.... evolving into Jynx! ![]() I'm seeing double... eight Jynxes! They all hug, then bow to Ash before May says she is hungry. Ash says they're behind schedule and have to get to the Battle Tower, they can eat then. But the twerps convince him that it is getting late and he'll be no good hungry, dirty and tired. So Ash agrees and suggests that they'll get something to eat and then take a bath....... hmmm, one does have to wonder, maybe the boy ain't so dim after all?