437: King and Queen for a Day |
Dodgy Synopsis
Today begins with a quick recap of the last episode, where Ash defeated Spencer to gain his fifth Frontier Symbol. He's feeling great, and if he had a girlfriend they would be.... ![]() With that laboured attempt to incorporate the episode title into this guide out of the way, let's move on. Ash is checking out his five symbols, and Brock tells May their next goal is the Battle Tower at Krimini town. Their boat arrives at the latest port, the last leg of their trip on water. As they step off the boat, streamers go off and a suspiciously familiar duo announce they're the 777th person to use the port, and will be given a complimentary massage! The twerps seem taken aback and, oddly for Ash, not eager to take up the offer of a freebie. But the red haired lady tells them to imagine her dexterous digits working over their bodies, and just like all of you, they can't resist. ![]() ....and reveal they're "Prepare for trouble, you're stuck!" laughs Jesse, trying to start the motto. "We're outta time, yer outta luck!" finishes Meowth abruptly. Casually sauntering by the trapped twerps, Team Rocket languidly point to Pikachu and say they'll take it to go. But despite being restrained, the twerps are still able to fight back. Ash calls for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but it bounces off a glass wall as Team Rocket laugh and drop onto it, Bonsly and Eevee. Ash calls out Sceptile and Jesse calls on Dustox, before James calls out Mime Jr to fight.... then squeals and hugs it, saying it is too cute and pink to fight! Sceptile leaf-blades Dustox which uses Psybeam back, the tent bulging and shifting but holding together as all the fighting takes place inside of it. But then Munchlax pops out of its Pokeball and grins happily at a surprised Team Rocket, casting Metronome and setting off a Sandstorm that blows away the tent AND Team Rocket.... but some Pokémon on as well! The twerps are left in the wreckage.... and very compromising positions! ![]() May finds Eevee amongst the wreckage of the tent, but Bonsly and Pikachu are missing and the twerps come to the horrible realisation that they may have been blasted off along with Team Rocket. Team Rocket themselves have recovered from their blasting off, but James is horrified to find Mime Jr is nowhere to be seen, and Jesse looks about and notes Meowth is gone as well. Elsewhere in the city, Mime Jr, Meowth, Pikachu and Bonsly fall out of the remains of the tent onto the street below. A limousine pulls up next to the dazed Pokémon and out leap a trio of goons - two fat and one thin - who menace over the shocked Pokémon. The remains of the tent falls down on top of the inexplicably menacing goons and the Pokémon cheese it, chased by the goons. Meowth gasps that they're wearing the same suits as Giovanni's nastiest goons, and then the limo pulls up in front of them, blocking their escape. Meowth spots an alleyway and they flee down it, the two fat goons getting stuck while the thin one declares angrily into his phone that they got away. How angry is he? ![]() Baleen Whale angry! Hiding by the river under a bridge, Meowth believes the goons have been sent by a bigger racket than Team Rocket, planning to off Meowth first, then Jesse and James. He suggests they cover their backsides (hey they're not in prison!) but then the goons show up again, so they run off and up the bank, followed by the thin goon alone after the two fat ones fall over trying to go up the incline. The Pokémon rush over the top of the limo as it tries to block them again, Meowth accidentally stealing the hood ornament and throwing it away. They hide in some pipes and lose the goons, then head on into the slums of the city... we know they're slums because the laundry is hung up between buildings and in alleyways, possibly by immigrants. Possibly ILLEGAL immigrants! Meowth soon realises the others have dropped down from hunger, then sees a woman delivering a tall stack of Pokémon Food and hatches a plan. He disguises himself as a delivery boy using some of the laundry and offers to help her carry the heavy boxes of food, and after carrying them all up the stairs one at a time, he goes to steal the last box only to have it offered to him for free by the lady. He takes it back to the Pokémon and Pikachu accuses him of theft, and he gets justifiably angry since he DID work his ass off while Pikachu slept on its fat one. Meanwhile the twerps are trying to find Bonsly and Pikachu, Brock pointing out that Bonsly still can't eat solid food so it'll be starving. Meowth is just finding this out first hand, as Bonsly cries beside the can of Pokémon Food. Meowth thinks it might be Fake Tears again, learns from Pikachu that it is still on baby food, sighs and pours water into the can before stirring it up and popping a straw in. But as Bonsly happily slurps its food, the limo pulls up again (the hood ornament taped on now) and the Pokémon cheese it again. Meanwhile, James is looking in rubbish bins for Mime Jr and Meowth, hoping they'll be conveniently located. They do find a Mime Jr (as well as a Bonsly) but it isn't his. The two little Pokémon rush off and bump into the twerps, and then a bunch of screaming fans chase after them calling for Queen Mime Jr and King Bonsly. May and Brock start gushing about a Pokémon Romantic drama that has been a huge hit on television recently (when do they get to watch television!?!) which is about a love triangle that becomes a love square and ends with the two Pokémon getting together. Max can't believe Brock watches such romantic pap as well, and the breeder (snicker) moans that it teaches him about love, then starts hammering the wall after Max tells him he's flunking. Max then notes that May watched the show at the Pokémon Centres they've stopped at during their journey, which answers that question. Meanwhile the missing Pokémon rush to a bridge where filming is taking place, and the angry crew tell Bonsly and Mime Jr they can't just rush off. A scruffy Director shows up and notes that they're not quite right, and when they check their promotional posters they note that these aren't actually the Mime Jr and Bonsly they're looking for. The Director heads off grumpily while Meowth figures out what is going on and sees a money making opportunity. He prepares to move on to tell the Director but is pulled back by.... Jesse! Yes Jesse and James dressed as agents! James hugs Mime Jr and says he was glad he wasn't stuck in the can (yeah, that appears to be a triple entendre!) and Pikachu is left confused by the entire thing. ![]() ![]() Jesse tries to pass on the direction to Bonsly but it begins crying the moment she starts speaking to it, so she suggests Mime Jr do its part first. Mime Jr follows its double and mimes perfectly the..... disturbing results. The Director is impressed by Mime Jr's professionalism, and they break for lunch and everyone chows down, James feeding Bonsly with a bottle of baby food. But despite everything going so well, Jesse decides to ruin everything by suggesting to Meowth that they get Pikachu on camera and then pounce. Meanwhile the twerps see the goons holding King Bonsly and Queen Mime Jr, who have collapsed from the strain of the ordeal of being rich spoiled stars. The Goons - who are actually agents of the Sunmark Pokémon Talent Agency - are looking for a Pokémon Centre, and Max finds them the nearest one on his PokeNav. Brock asks about his Bonsly, and the Baleen Whale Goon tells them he saw them near the bridge, so the twerps head off. The agents also put a call through to the Director, who is delighted to hear about his stars being found. The news doesn't suit Jesse though, until she hears that they are sick.... ![]() ![]() ![]() They start filming and everything is going well, until Jesse, James and Meowth start hamming it up for the cameras during the big pause/hug scene. The Director is pissed and orders that "tootsie" and her friends get booted off the set, and Jesse is not best pleased, assuring the others they'll get revenge on the Director AND grab Pikachu. The Director attempts once again to film the hug scene, but just as they reach the hugging scene..... BAM! "You double-crossed us now it's time to fight!" "An evil as old as the galaxy!" "Sent here to fulfil our destiny!" "Meowth dat's me!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jesse!" "And it's James!" "Meowth's da name!" "Whenever there’s peace in the universe!" "Team Rocket!" "Will be dere!" "To make everything worse!" they finish together. "WOBBBBBB-UFFET!" "Mime!" The Director slams Team Rocket away when she tries to tell the cameraman what to do. Jesse slams him back yelling at him not to talk to the world's greatest actress like that.... and it's on! A big ol' little Pokémon fight! Brock calls for Bonsly to use Double Edge, and it starts smacking Jesse about. Mime Jr Mimics and it and Bonsly start fighting, Bonsly using Fake Tears and Mime Jr responding with Tickle. Bonsly uses Flail and the Director eagerly declares they keep filming, this is brilliant! James decides to confuse things further by telling Mime Jr to use Teeter Dance, and it works..... a little too well as EVERYBODY starts dancing! ![]() EVERYBODY! As the Director goes delirious with glee over all the free budgetless action he's getting, Jesse is getting equally furious that someone made HER have fun, and orders Seviper out. Pikachu Iron Tails it then dodges a Poison Tail before hitting Seviper with Volt Tackle and sending Team Rocket blasting off again. As they fly, James hugs Mime Jr and asks if it liked show-business, before they disappear into a star and the ecstatic Director declares cut! Then lets loose a roar of approval at having filmed this hilarious, bizarre turn of events, summing it all up in one glorious word. ![]() YAAAAAAY!