437: Juputoru VS Toropiusu! Sogen no Ketto!
433: Odd Pokémon Out

Dodgy Synopsis

437: Juputoru VS Toropiusu! Sogen no Ketto!

433: Odd Pokémon Out

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Clint Eastwood vs Banana Dinosaur.

Dodgyness Rating:


Grovyle meets an opponent it can't outfight... romantic rejection!

Team Rocketness-
Backing the wrong Banana Dinosaur.

Moral Learnt

Chicks dig goatees, even ones made from bananas.

Today finds the twerps on their way to Chrysanthemum Island for May's next Contest. There is no direct route there though, so they're going to Camomile Island to catch a connecting ferry. May is still unable to take her eyes of the letter and rose she got at the end of the last episode, from a "mystery" admirer that everyone assumes is Drew.

They disembark and look out at a field full of happy, playing Pokémon. Everyone is enjoying the atmosphere, and they decide to call out all of their Pokémon which all pose happily. But sadly, all is not peaches and cream, because one of these Pokémon is about to discover that they are the....

A ball rolls over to Donphan who looks down at some sweating young Rhyhorn. Donphan roars with delight and hauls the ball up to play, but like any sensible parents, the Mums and Dads of these terrified little Pokémon have told them to run away when a stranger asks if he can play with you kiddies. They tear off and Donphan looks confused, then horrified as the Rhyhorn parents begin charging him. Donphan legs it, and the twerps and their Pokémon see the stampede and, rather than try to save Donphan, turn around and leg it themselves!

As they run, a jeep bursts through the air driven by.... ACTION HERO..... Nurse Joy!?! Accompanied by her trusty assistant Meganium, she orders it to blast out a wave of scent (calling it Growl for some reason) that calms the Rhyhorn down and puts them into a doze. She turns to check if the kids are okay, and finds herself the subject of Brock's idealised fantasy lust.

As Max hauls Brock away by the ear, Ash looks about and realises that Grovyle is missing. Looking about he discovers that it is facing off with a.... Banana Dinosaur!?!

It's a massive Tropius, a dinosaur like leafed Pokémon with a banana goatee (like you've never tried), guarding a nearby fruit tree. Apparently it considers the tree its territory, and like a man with no name walking into a town and playing both sides against the other - Grovyle ain't having none of that. The Clint Eastwood badass plant Pokémon clashes with Tropius, but the big bastard is surprisingly agile and... it flies! Yes it hauls up into the air with a flap of its wings and blasts Grovyle with a massive burst of Razor Leaf.... and keeps blasting...... and keeps blasting...... and keeps blasting! Nurse Joy cries out to Meganium to do something, and a blast of her scent stops Tropius in its tracks as it stares up at her, then looks away with a massive blush.

It's in love!

Ash grabs Grovyle, which has been beaten down into the ground, and Nurse Joy hauls them off to the Pokémon Centre for healing. Tropius remains behind, territorial and a fruit-hog but ALSO lovesick for some sweet Meganium loving. And who should be watching and willing to take advantage of that love? Why none other than Team Rocket! They declare that Tropius is feisty and fruit filled (oh my) and Meowth declares that this makes it the perfect gift for the Boss!

Jesse and James are less than enthusiastic than Meowth about this concept, but he quickly wins them over with another patented crazy Meowth Giovanni fantasy.... and let’s just say this one gets even more symbolically disturbing than ever!

Meowth imagines Giovanni chilling in the sun under the gentle fanning leaves of Tropius, which lowers its heads down every so often to allow him to pull away a banana from its goatee and slam it into his mouth ever so lovingly.....

Oh Meowth.

Jesse and James lay on some clever tongue work of their own (not like that, Gentle Dodgers) and half-convince Meowth to be the one to negotiate with Tropius. Seemingly realising how shit they are at fighting and capturing Pokémon, they figure diplomacy is the way to go this time, and Meowth is just the one to do the talking for them. So Meowth gets a megaphone from somewhere and a little trenchcoat from somewhere else (it would be silly to think he got them from the same place) and approaches Tropius uneasily. He offers it a deal to work with them, saying that whatever it wants, they can get. Tropius figures Meowth is lying, but also guesses that it isn't every day you get propositioned by a cat in a trenchcoat (I love this show) so says that wherever Meganium goes, it goes too. Meowth heads back to Jesse and James and breaks the news, and they declare that their course of action is clear.... kidnap Meganium!

At the Pokémon Centre, Meganium lets waves of healing light shimmer down over Grovyle. Opening its eye, it sees Meganium beaming at him and... blushes!?!

Clint Eastwood can blush!?!

His twig/cigar even sprouts a flower in delight at the sight of her visage. Joy tells them it will be fine with some rest and they leave the room, with Ash remaining concerned as he notices Grovyle’s blushing face and figures it must be burning up with a fever.

For God's sake, Ash, even MAX gets it.

Brock, May and Max huddle together and whisper, ignoring the recklessly stupid Ash as they comment on the real cause of the redness - Grovyle is in love, in love with Meganium, because apparently it's in favour of all that junk in the trunk.

They head out to give it time to rest, but inside Grovyle sits up with determination. Meanwhile a bizarre tripod-esque robot is stomping through the forest towards the Pokémon Centre. Spotting Nurse Joy heading down one window-lined corridor with Meganium, they fire a claw which smashes through the wall and grabs the Pokémon, pulling it away. The twerps rush up and Ash demands to know who it could be.... my God he is retarded.

"Prepare for trouble, as we give you a peek."
"And make it double, ain't I a sneak?"
"An evil as old as the galaxy!"
"Sent here to fulfil our destiny!"
"Wif Me-" starts Meowth.
"Mime mime mime!" interrupts Mime Jr., getting uppity and treading over the Scratch-Cat's lines.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"And James!"
"Meowth's da n-AAAHHHH" starts Meowth, cut off as Mime Jr. shoves him out of the way.
"Mime mime mime!" it squeaks in delight.
"Whenever there’s peace in the universe!"
"Team Rocket!"
"Is de-" Meowth tries again, and Mime Jr. lands on his head and shoves him out of frame as it bows, declaring,"Mime! Mime mime mime mime!"
"To make everything worse!" Jesse and James say, Mime Jr. chirping along helpfully.
"WOBBBBBB-UFFET!" agrees Wobbuffet, pleased as punch.
"Mime Mime!" cries Meowth to finish.... then finally react to Mime Jr. usurping of his part of the motto.

Meanwhile, Grovyle has hauled out of bed and staggered back to face off with Tropius again in classic High Noon fashion. Tropius again proves surprisingly agile and zooms forward, Grovyle dodging only for Tropius to get above it and blast it again with Razor Leaf. But Grovyle grits its teeth and fights through the pain, inspired by the memory of Meganium as it zooms along the ground, up the tree and behind Tropius. Once there, it blasts Tropius with Bullet Seed and pounds it into the ground.... victorious!


But Team Rocket choose that moment to arrive at the scene with Meganium, having apparently successfully escaped the twerps after going to war with themselves during the motto. They are astonished to see that Grovyle has kicked the shit out of Tropius, they've apparently backed the wrong Banana-Dinosaur!

Meganium, which has been dropped to the ground, rushes towards Grovyle, which is delighted and stares at her with love filled eyes.... until she tears past him and straight to Tropius! Wailing over the battered and beaten Pokémon, she sends healing waves over it and helps it back to its feet, and the two nuzzle their fat dinosaur noses against each other. Jesse giggles that they kind of make a sweet couple, while only James seems to show any commiseration for Grovyle getting its heart broken. the twerps show up late, with no explanation for how Team Rocket got away from them in the first place. Ash gets completely the wrong end of the stick when he sees Grovyle, believing that it was attacked by Team Rocket, but they set the record straight that it was Tropius. Ash STILL gets it wrong, thinking it must have gotten beaten by Tropius again... and again Team Rocket set it straight. Brock then has to try to explain to poor dim Ash that Grovyle won the fight but lost the love, and Ash can't figure it out.... how can you lose AND win!?!

Oh Ash.

Team Rocket grab Meganium and Tropius with their bot and prepare to run again, and Grovyle looks up at its captured love and realises that even if she doesn't love him, it can't let Team Rocket win like this. Heartbroken and exhausted from a tough battle, Grovyle growls and.... and......


Or as Team Rocket (don't) say...


Yes Grovyle has evolved, and in desperation Team Rocket fire Seviper and Cacnea like cannonballs out of the robot and into Sceptile. It leaps back up and prepares to use Bullet Seed.... but it doesn't work! It tries Leafblade and that fails too, and Team Rocket are delighted, James proclaiming,""Sceptile's shooting blanks!"

Oh my, that'll give a guy a complex!

Seviper and Cacnea beat the defenceless, offenceless Sceptile down as Jesse and James take the opportunity to give their Pokémon a confidence boost. Team Rocket prepare to squash Sceptile with one of their robot's massive feet, but Pikachu blasts a kneecap and knocks the robot down, freeing Tropius and Meganium.

Team Rocket are prepared though, calling down the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon and leaping in, heading away and leaving Sceptile and the twerps behind. They laugh that they're taking a loser break, and realise too late they should have rephrased that as Meganium and Tropius take exception and let rip with Razor Leaf bolstered by Gust. The attack tears through the balloon and Team Rocket are sent blasting off again, complaining that this is getting old and they're not getting any young.

With that all done, it is time for the goodbyes to be said, with Nurse Joy explaining that Meganium and Tropius are moving in together and opening a small delicatessen near the east side.... or something like that. Brock declares this is only natural, and he and Joy should be natural too and.... before he can suggest she pops out the jubblies, Max hauls him away. Ash asks Nurse Joy if Sceptile will be okay, and she assures him it is fine. But Ash doesn't get it (well, of course, he's Ash!), Sceptile evolved so why isn't it fine and dandy? Joy explains that being physically fit doesn't tell the whole story, there are emotional and psychological issues to deal with as well, and Sceptile is going to have to get over those.

So they head off towards Chrysanthemum Island again, with Ash left to consider the idea of emotional and psychological health. Which all begs the question....

....has Sceptile forgotten how to be Clint Eastwood?

"Bravo! Feisty AND fruit filled!"

"Sceptile's shooting blanks!"

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