431: Pokémon Renja Tojo! Serebyi Kyushutsu Sakusen!
427: The Green Guardian

Dodgy Synopsis

431: Pokémon Renja Tojo! Serebyi Kyushutsu Sakusen!

427: The Green Guardian

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Man is the Greatest Monster!

Dodgyness Rating:


The twerps and a Ranger are third wheels in the rescue of Celebi.

Team Rocketness-
Ambushed Ambushers.

Moral Learnt

America could have gotten away with slavery if they'd just said they had "asked" for help.

Today starts as episodes always do, with an idyllic scene of a forest, happy Pokémon frolicking and..... HOLY SHIT! FIRE!

Yes things kick off a little differently today, as we find a massive forest fire lighting up the night sky and threatening the lives of scores of Pokémon when suddenly.... MOTHERFUCKING CELEBI!

Yes it's Celebi, which is pronounced Celebi and spelt Celebi and not Serebii, and it's kicking the fire's ass as it creates giant vines to choke it of air. But with the fire out, Celebi is exhausted and barely able to react as a burnt out tree stump falls towards it. With a last gasp, Celebi blinks out of the time-frame it is in and reappears in exactly the same place, but in a completely different time. It must have come from far in the past, because there is no sign of the previous fire, and it collapses to the ground as green vines form all around it in order to protect....

In the present and in the daytime, the twerps are looking forward to getting to the Cycling Road and getting onto some bicycles to make forward progress towards The Battle Pike, which is where Ash will compete for his next Battle Frontier Symbol. May is as excited as any girl at the thought of riding a bike down a bumpy road, but everyone is in for a disappointment but Brock when they discover the Cycle Route blocked off by Officer Jenny, who tells them that a mudslide has blocked the route. She suggests they take a detour if they're in a hurry, and they make their way into the forest.

As they move down the forest path commenting that last night's storm couldn't have been strong enough to cause a mudslide, Pikachu suddenly leaps off the road and heads into the forest, and the twerps follow, astonished at this sudden move. But as they run, they find their path blocked by a hideous Pikachu clone - Plusle - and a girl wearing shorts that appear to have been painted on..... well, technically they were but.... well, SHUT UP! They're tight shorts, okay!

While Brock is understandably delighted with the presence of a girl in tiny shorts yelling at him, Max has eyes for more than what is underneath her skin-tight clothing and recognises that she is a Pokémon Ranger. She insists that they can't go any further, but Ash tells them he HAS to go, Pikachu has gone into the forest. She puts a call through to somebody and we learn her name is Salona, then she agrees to let them come with her as they head into the forest, and a longshot reveals what is REALLY blocking the Cycle Road, as well as a trio who have gotten caught up in the middle of it all while trying to lay a trap for the twerps.

Jesse struggles to get free when James spots Pikachu rushing by, and Wobbuffet pops out of its Pokeball to helpfully shout its own name in delight, practically crushing her. Meanwhile, Salona's cameltoe is leading the twerps through the forest, Max blabbering on about how Pokémon Rangers help with accidents and natural disasters, using Pokémon. Ash and May wonder how they do that (like everybody else, presumably!) and then they find their path blocked by the vines. Salona says they need to get through though, Celebi is in there, startling the twerps who might have found that info interesting beforehand. Salona doesn't appear concerned by the thick vines blocking their path though, taking out an odd looking device and telling Brock that it is a Capture Styler. With it she can scan the local Pokémon and learn their strength, level, condition and what moves they know. That's really handy, but it hardly helps them as these are Wild Pokémon and not under her control, also why is it called a Capture Sty-WAIT!

Pointing it at some Linoone, Salona (what a weird name) uses the Capture Styler to forcibly bypass the mental faculties of the Pokémon and make them her unthinking tools. Ordering the enslaved, mindless objects now at her command, Solana has the Linoone slash their way through the vines. After Brock, Ash and May put in a shameless plug for what a useful and helpful tool this callous, mind-controlling abortion of technology is, they head on through the forest. Ahead of them, Pikachu has found Celebi but it seems too weak to react, so Pikachu sniffs the air and heads off with a little nod to itself.

Meanwhile, Solana is telling the twerps about how the vines suddenly grew up out of nowhere and the Cyclists' Organisation called up the Ranger Union to investigate. They suspect the giant vines, which have been seen before, are linked to Celebi, and assume the time-travelling Pokémon is somewhere in the forest ahead. She tells them to keep this news she just blurted out to four kids she never met before on the quiet, and then a quiet, embarrassed voice asks them for help - it's Team Rocket!

Ash demands to know what they're doing and May is sure they're not up to no good, and James insists they had no plans to ambush them! As Jesse and Meowth bemoan the fact that James really is just a pretty face, Salona agrees to free them from the vines, then orders them to clear out of the forest and not cause any trouble. They eagerly agree and rush off, and surely that is the last we'll see of them this episode!


Meanwhile Pikachu is trying to tend to Celebi, which is obviously suffering from exhaustion and fatigue. So Pikachu deals with this the way the chubby little French rodent deals with all problems.... food!

Meanwhile, Salona thanks Linoone for their enforced servitude and, free from her technological mind-control now, they race off deeper into the vines. Salona says the vines are too thick to slash through now and says they need another Pokémon to "capture". A Diglett and a Dugtrio appear out of the earth and she tells them that they are "asking" for help, and proceeds to "ask" for help by sending out the spinning top portion of her Capture Styler, racing it around the Pokémon as she twirls a baton and completes "asking" for help as the suddenly wide-eyed and obviously unwilling Pokémon are forced into her control. She instructs them to dig a hole and jumps in after them, followed by the twerps.

Pikachu has resorted to that other classic French standby of physical comedy as it tries to cheer up the recuperating Celebi. Rumbling catches both their attention and they see the Diglett and Dugtrio appear out of the ground followed by Salona and the twerps. They assure Celebi that they are friendly, and Pikachu's happiness to see the twerps seems to calm it. They settle down for the night to watch over it, during which May out-Ash's Ash by asking what time travel is. Brock explains and Salona theorises that Celebi came to the present to escape a great danger, and the vines are here to provide protection for it as it recuperated.

The next day finds Celebi feeling a lot better, flying about and glowing with energy, causing the vines to disappear as it no longer needs them.... and then suddenly it is grabbed in a metallic claw by an oddly clunky, ugly looking robot. Who is it!?! Heh, who else, Gentle Dodgers? Who else?

"Prepare for trouble, we're the clean up crew!"
"With an ambush custom made for you!"
"An evil as old as the galaxy!"
"Sent here to fulfil our destiny!"
"Meowth, daaaaat's me!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Meowth's da name!"
"Whenever there’s peace in the universe!"
"Team Rocket!"
"Is dere!"
"To make everything worse!" they finish together.
"Mime mime!"

Salona is infuriated, she told them to stay out of the forest!

Well gee, maybe you should have "asked" them like you "ask" Pokémon to help you!

Brock demands to know what they want with Celebi and Jesse quite correctly replies,"DUH!" before also correctly pointing out that it is worth big bucks. Meanwhile, the fully healed Celebi appears to be just submissively sitting there inside the metal claw despite being powerful enough to completely tear it to pieces AND Team Rocket's terrible robot too. I mean... the claw even has gaps it in large enough for it slip out of!

Team Rocket take off, but Salona gives chase, showing some athletic prowess as she leaps and swings on vines and jumps from tree branches onto the top of the robot's head, causing May to note that you have to be in great shape to be a Pokémon Ranger.

She's probably not the only one in their group to notice Salona's "great shape" either.

Salona pulls the claw holding Celebi open while Plusle zaps the robot with Thunder Wave, paralyzing Team Rocket with the electric attack as their robot explodes, sending them flying up....... and then crashing back down!

Staggering back to their feet, Jesse and James call out Seviper and Cacnea while Ash and Brock call out Pikachu and Marshtomp. They clash and, of course, Ash and Brock quickly get the upper hand, smashing Seviper and Cacnea back into Team Rocket before Pikachu tries Volt Tackle yet again.... and this time it works, sending Team Rocket blasting off again!

But the twerps' celebrations are short-lived, as the remains of the robot explode and start up a fresh forest fire. Before it can spread at all, though, Celebi calls up green vines and chokes the fire down, before saying its goodbyes to Salona and the twerps and disappearing back into the timestream, where it will completely waste the opportunities that affords by looking out for dim children to hang out with rather than hooking up with Doctor Who and beating up on Daleks.

The vines choking the forest are gone with Celebi, and the twerps say their goodbyes to Salona, Ash telling Max that he is positive they will all meet Celebi again at some point in the future. Considering it is a Time Traveller, Ash might have already "met" it again in the past without realising his first meeting with Celebi could be Celebi's second with his, and..... ahh forget it, trans-temporal continuance physics gives me a headache, let's just look at a happy picture of the kids on bikes, and May aiming for every bump in the road she can along the way..

Oh like you wouldn't.

"What's Time Travel?"

"Now it's time to blow!"

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