426: Reversing The Charges |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() ![]() Elekid lets loose a massive blast of electricity, and when the smoke clears it has disappeared from sight, shattered trees blocking their path. The twerps are left blinking and surprised by the power of the angry little "beebling" Pokémon. May freaks out about her egg and.... .... they head out to find Elekid. ![]() ![]() Elekid moves on after blasting Team Rocket off, but Team Rocket can't move on as easily..... they lost Mime Jr. in their blast off! They head out to try and find the missing little Pokémon, and discover instead May's egg! Jesse and Meowth are delighted, but soon find out that James isn't too pleased with their idea to just call Mime Jr. a lost cause. The twerps HAVE discovered Mime Jr. though, crashed out in the forest and not exactly feeling the best. They figure that this is Elekid's work (amazingly they don't blame Team Rocket) and Brock suggests they see what they can do to heal it up. That Nuzleaf, Seedot and Bellossom you left behind to rot will be happy to hear you're taking time out of your busy schedule, Brock! Elsewhere, Team Rocket have settled down on a stump miserably, having had no luck finding Mime Jr. Meowth, holding onto the egg and eager to use it to fulfil some bizarre, lust-mad fantasy of The Boss, tries to suggest they can just love the egg instead.... then frantically tries to cover up as James becomes enraged again and cries out for his "baby". ![]() Team Rocket have continued on in their search for Mime Jr. but instead run into Elekid again, and James has to be physically restrained by Jesse and Meowth as he attempts to choose himself for a Pokémon Fight and use Bitchslap on Elekid. The hesitation sees them lost though, as a Thunder Punch right up their asses sends them blasting off through the forest. Crashing down, they get up and trudge miserably through the forest once more, Elekid coming to the same conclusion that Brock did after his last encounter with the powered up Pokémon - there's something artificially powering it up, it can't be that constantly filled up with energy like that naturally. Suddenly by an utter stroke of luck a little Wigger Seedot pops out in front of them and yo yo check diz my peepz i layz da 411 on dis shiiiiizniiiiit! Or in other words, Meowth learns from Seedot (as it just repeats its own name over and over again in an incredibly annoying way) that Elekid lives in the mountains which have been hit with lightning a lot recently, and this appears to have left it supercharged, pissed off, and ready to kick some ass. Meanwhile Brock has been thinking as the twerps continue on through the forest, and asks Ash about the time Pikachu got overloaded with electricity and seemed to go a little crazy. Ash declares he could never forget (although he may be wondering who this strange spiky-haired boy asking him questions is) and Brock suggests that the same thing has happened to Elekid. Max points out the localised lightning storm up in the mountains earlier and Brock figures this must be the cause.... and then he gasps that he might know just the right way to fix things. His plan? This: ![]() Oh yes! And the result of this incredibly dangerous, morally reprehensible plan? ![]() Yes that's right, Brock has straight up had Pikachu get blasted straight in the skull with lightning (Pikachu and Ash both agree to do this but they're an idiot and a fat mouse respectively, what do they know) in order to power it up and get into a super-powered rumble with Elekid and drain off the excess energy. That is.... that is a terrible plan. What if Pikachu had been overpowered and gone crazy with rage like it had done in the past? Goddammit, these homeless, jobless nomadic children wandering the world cockfighting captured semi-sentient wild animals are acting really irresponsibly! Elekid shows up - perhaps drawn to the sense of power? - and faces off with Pikachu, the twerps' plan to drain off both of their excess energies during the fight by clashing similar moves, like Thunder against Thunder. This should bring them both down to normal levels. But as they fight, the trees around them rumble and..... a giant fucking Golem with an R on its forehead appears the fuck out of nowhere! "We're pulling the plugs on the likes of you!" "An evil as old as the galaxy!" "Sent here to fulfil our destiny!" "Meowth! Dat's me!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jesse!" "And it's James!" "Meowth is da name!" "Whenever there’s peace in the universe!" "Team Rocket!" "Is dere!" "To make everything worse!" they finish together. "WOBBBBBB-UFFET!" "Mime Mime Miiiime!" cries Mime Jr. from on top of May's head. Yes it's Team Rocket and their latest random giant robot that they found in the bottom of a really big crackerjack box, and they want to kick some.... oh wait just a second! James spots Mime Jr. and May spots her egg, so they both rush up to meet, swap their Pokémon, then rush away and giggle happily like 10 year old girls. ![]() While it is distracted by the big ass robot Golem, Brock tells Ash that now is the time to hit Elekid hard. Pikachu Iron Tails it in the face, then dodges a Thunder Punch as Max shouts at it to just get around to using Thunder already. The Golem Grabber Mark II scored a punch on Phanpy and sends it flying, but now Elekid has sighted a potential challenge and prepares to let rip with Thunder. Pikachu leaps onto its back and fires up its own Thunder, and the dual attack slams into the Golem and pours on and on and on.... but Team Rocket can take it! It seems their Golem is designed to absorb and store electrical energy... so Ash comes up with the strategy of using MORE energy! More and more Thunder is poured in, the Golem's storage systems becoming overwhelmed before a massive excess blast of Thunder is sent back up into the black clouds up above the mountains and the Robo-Golem goes down! The Robo-Golem apparently has backup power, and the now depowered Elekid and Pikachu are still in shock from the massive release of energy and can't defend themselves. Phanpy tries to help and again gets smashed aside, but struggles back to its feet looking pissed off, and then..... ![]() ![]() With Elekid's excess power removed, it appears to be less of a jerk (ain't that always the way though? With Great Power Comes Great Asskickings) and assures them all in its own way (repeating its own name over and over) that it will take shelter the next time lightning goes off. And with that the twerps head away, happy to have reunited May with her egg, evolved Phanpy and made Elekid feel good about itself. Shame about that Scyther, Bellossom, Seedot and Nuzleaf that are lying broken and internally bleeding elsewhere in the forest though!