424: Manene Tojo! Kyusoku no Yakata!
420: A Chip Off The Old Brock

Dodgy Synopsis

424: Manene Tojo! Kyusoku no Yakata!

420: A Chip Off The Old Brock

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
Teenage Kitten Dreams of Electric Sheep

Dodgyness Rating:


An old lady scammer dumps her crappy store on some lust-struck kids.

Team Rocketness-

Moral Learnt

All you need to be a Doctor is confidence.... and years and years and years of training!

Today's episode begins with Ash training for the Battle Frontier, his Grovyle fighting Brock's Mudkip. As they fight, Mudkip (which is only a kitten, after all) gets its ass handed to it on a stick but then.... hey what do ya know, it just evolved into Marshtomp! A little chubby, it looks cool but will end up being a desperate loser.

Yes folks, it's a....

The newly evolved Marshtomp tries Mudshot on Grovyle after May checks it out with her Pokedex, but Mr. Eastwood ain't impressed by a little evolution and simply darts aside. Unfortunately, the mud blasts through some bushes and hits a little Flaaffy on the other side. The battle is called off as the twerps rush to the aid of the fallen Pokémon, only to find it already being attended to by its trainer, Mariah. Brock offers to grab it some medicine but she says there is no need, gathers the little sheep up in her arms and runs off.

Well the twerps aren't about to let a possible daily distraction get away and rush after her, arriving at a small house with a half-covered Pepsi logo on the front that apparently deals in Pokémon Medicines. Inside, an old lady (Cadee) grabs a small jar of green liquid and gives it to Flaaffy, which sips at the straw and drains the liquid, then sparkles with healthy delight. It seems Cadee is an old time herbalist/alternative healer, and Flaaffy is now as good as new. The twerps politely introduce themselves, being extra polite by not making fun of Cadee's chosen profession and in fact trying to make her feel better about her terrible life choice by telling her their own hopeless and impossible dreams. Marshtomp is delighted that Flaaffy is as good as new, especially since it is new itself) and grabs the little pink sheep by the paws with love in its eyes, Max and May gasping as they realise it really IS a Chip Off The Old Brock.

May and Max drag him and Marshtomp away and Ash chats with Cadee and Mariah, and then McCauley enters! Oh my God, McCauley!

Who is McCauley?

Well it's not the former cute childhood actor turned into a gangly freak, but rather a young man with an odd hairstyle who excitedly proclaims he has successfully made a medicine. Cadee isn't so sure though and checks out the concoction herself as McCauley and his Ampharos watch with baited breath..... and then she tells him he fucked up and ruined it again.

Those are her EXACT words*

*Those were not her exact words

He is heartbroken, Cadee explaining that he failed to mix the Cherry Berry correctly and now she can't sell it, and as all proponents of alternative medicine know - if you can't make money from it then it has no intrinsic medicinal value! Mariah introduces the twerps to McCauley, who seem surprisingly wide-eyed to see him for absolutely no reason other than maybe some weird translation glitch.

Outside, Team Rocket are watching the store with great interest. A store full of medicines that valuable might be just the thing to fix their ailing bank accounts! They watch as Cadee and the twerps come to the door, Cadee leaving McCauley in charge as apparently his dumbass IS good enough to keep an eye on the store while she takes Brock, May and Max along with Mariah to show them how she makes her medicines. Ash, completely oblivious to all else, just heads off to get in some more battle training.

As May checks out something that has probably tried to rape her in numerous different fan-comics, Cadee shows the twerps her medicine making skills. Brock writes it all down as she mixed the ingredients, then has her Mareep use Thunder to charge up the concoction to JUUUUST the right mixture before calling it off.

Back at the store McCauley is surprised by an old man and woman with a grossly sick looking Snorlax, its massive body wasted away to nothing and its head looking ridiculously oversized. They tell him that Snorlax is very sick and then begin grabbing medicines from the shelves and stuffing them (still in their boxes) into Snorlax's mouth. McCauley screams for them to stop and the old lady effortlessly flips him over into Snorlax's mouth!

If that nightmare isn't enough, inside the emaciated Snorlax's throat McCauley finds himself face to face to face with a beaming talking Meowth sitting on a Wobbuffet's head (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA!). Kicking his legs wildly in an attempt to escape the utter horror, the old man and woman realise the gig is up and haul the Snorlax up between them and take off running. McCauley and his Ampharos charge after them screaming for them to stop, overheard by Ash as he trains with Grovyle and Pikachu. Not knowing what is going on but happy to blast the fuck out of something, Ash has Grovyle use Bullet Seed. The old man and woman go crashing to the ground and Snorlax's head falls off (Ash MURDERED it!) and Meowth and Wobbuffet come tipping out. The force of the crash was apparently enough to knock off the wigs and fake facial hair of Jesse and James AND their uniformed, and they cry out together:


As ratings skyrocket momentarily, McCauley begins a tug of war with Team Rocket over the Snorlax's "body". Brock arrives with the other twerps and has his Marshtomp use Mudshot, effectively pooping into Jesse and Meowth's faces.

If you would if you could, Gentle Dodgers, we don't want to know.

They tip over the side and land in a rowboat (but of course!) and James begins shouting angrily about their lack of health insurance for some reason before their rowboat tumbles over the side of a waterfall, leaving Ash as confused as the rest of us.

Mariah rushes to McCauley to ask if he is okay, and when he says that the medicine is fine she reiterates again that she wanted to know if HE was fine.

Oh dear, poor Brock.

But Brock remains blissfully unaware even though May and Max have clearly figured it out, and later that night we see him brushing Marshtomp's fin while Ash polishes his balls (oh dear), Brock telling Marshtomp that he and Mariah and Marshtomp and Flaaffy would make quite the foursome (oh poor, sick, perverted Brock) and Ash continues to chatter away happily to Pikachu about getting to the Battle Frontier, completely oblivious to what is going on around him.

But just then they notice a light in the shop and go to see what is causing it, discovering McCauley practising medicine making with his Ampharos. The trouble is that he can't quite figure out when to call off the Thunder Attack to electrolyze the medicine. He either doesn't have it run for long enough or it goes too long and burns out the mixture and shatters the glass. As he explains to the twerps about how awful he is at a task he (with Mariah by his side the ENTIRE time) has been watching Cadee do for most of his life, Cadee herself pops in to tell him he just needs to gain some confidence. Suddenly the store begins to shake and the twerps rush outside to see, to their horror, the shop is lifting off of the ground and flying away, carried by Team Rocket's super-powered Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon! And as they prepare to LITERALLY do some shop-lifting, we get to see the world not as it is, but the way it should be.

"Prepare for trouble, it's our shop and medicine!"
"Now watch the fun begin!"
"An evil as old as the galaxy!"
"Sent here to fulfil our destiny!"
"Meowth dat's me!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Meowth's da name!"
"Wherever there is peace in the universe!"
"Team Rocket!"
"Will be dere!"
"To make everything worse!" they finish together.
"Miiime Mime!"

Hey, Mr. Mime took the part of Chimecho!

The twerps notice as well, and don't seem as concerned about Team Rocket's appearance as they do by the fact Mime Jr. is with them..... oh yeah, and Mariah and Flaaffy are still trapped inside the store!

McCauley and Ampharos rush up to the roof of a nearby house and jump up into the doorway, struggling to get on as Meowth causes the ship to shake about to try and lose them. The medicine on the shelves begins tumbling and shattering on the floor of the store (another flaw in Team Rocket's plan! How are they going to use it or sell it now!?!). Cadee tells Brock to use Mudshot, but when Marshtomp tries the mud is sent flying back by a satellite dish/shield that Meowth had prepared earlier with the amazing ability to defy the laws of physics and send the mud flying back at them. The mud hits Mareep and Pikachu, injuring them, and of course all of the medicine is inside the store. McCauley looks about, but all the Electric Pokémon medicine has been destroyed by the movement of the store.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket's arrogant laughing getaway is stymied by Mime Jr. happily jumping onto Meowth's control panel and playing with the buttons, created a Dizzy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon that damages one of the rockets and leaves Team Rocket lying sprawling, James hugging Mime Jr. and telling it to ignore cruel comments by Jesse and Meowth, they're just jealous!

Inside the store, McCauley finally shows that confidence he never could before as he grabs different medicines and begins mixing them, ordering Ampharos to use Thunder on them. As above them James struggles to fix the frazzled control panel while Jesse insults his manhood - inside the store Mariah decides to help by having Flaaffy interrupt McCauley's careful, precise calculations. She has it throwing in Thunder as well, and he pretends that her efforts to help haven't just doomed them all. The two electric attacks pour into the medicine until McCauley thinks the medicine is ready, then throws it out the doorway to Cadee as James finishes his running repairs.

Cadee looks it over and proclaims it to be good, then feeds some to Mareep and Pikachu, healing them both up. As no one asks why Flaaffy and Ampharos didn't use Thunder on Team Rocket instead of using it to create something that would allow other Pokémon to use Thunder on Team Rocket; the sick Pokémon are healed and blast Thunder at Team Rocket. But that impossible shield is still up and running and blocks the attack, but luckily Ampharos and Flaaffy are able to use Thunder to shatter the rockets and....

Did we just waste five minutes of our lives that we'll never get back?

....and send Team Rocket crashing to the ground!

No, seriously, fucking seriously - they had two Electric Pokémon and used them to make medicine to throw to Ash and Cadee so they could heal THEIR Electric Pokémon to make an electrical attack on Team Rocket and it didn't work so the original two Electric Pokémon attacked the balloon and knocked it down! Then why... I... this isn't.... they can't just..... aahhhhh fuck it!

Cadee and the twerps confront Team Rocket, telling them that the medicine is there to help others (and make Cadee money!), and James makes the unfortunate quip back that he is a fan of self-help.

Well I guess the nights get lonely with the wrong gender and the wrong species your only company!

Team Rocket are prepared to stand and fight, which is a terrible fucking idea only compounded by Cacnea's desire to hug its "Daddy" as he tries desperately to get it to fight. Finally it gets into the action, only for them to be blasted by a Water Gun from Marshtomp. Mariah and McCauley arrive and hold hands (oh Brock!) as they have their Flaaffy and Ampharos double attack all of Team Rocket, and then Pikachu and Mareep finish them off and Team Rocket are sent blasting off again.

Cadee is surprised to hear that Mariah and McCauley made the medicine despite missing some key ingredients, even though half of what she makes is probably just sweet tasting placebos anyway. They both try to credit the other for making it work, talking up how wonderful each other is. Meanwhile Cadee is looking over the shattered remains of her shop and decides NOW is the perfect time to retire and hand over the business to the young couple before the insurance payments come due. Brock and Marshtomp notice Flaaffy and Ampharos cuddling up together and Brock FINALLY realises what is going on.

May and Max giggle with delight over Mariah and McCauley's new "business" partnership, while Ash - of course - stands staring in complete confusion at everything and anything around him.

New voice actors, a new company dubbing the show and a new Pokémon for Brock - but none of that changes one central thing, Gentle Dodgers.

Ash still just doesn't get it.


"What kind of man are you!?!"
"A pressured one!"

"I happen to be a big fan of self-help!"

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