412: Raibaru Taiketsu! Uindei o Getto Kamo!
410: On Cloud Arcanine

Dodgy Synopsis

412: Raibaru Taiketsu! Uindei o Getto Kamo!

410: On Cloud Arcanine

Pokemopolis Episode Name-
May vs Planned Parenthood.

Dodgyness Rating:


May and Drew compete for a Tiger Puppy.

Team Rocketness-
Having their cake and cradling it too.

Moral Learnt

Nobody wants to get involved with a single mother.

Today finds the twerps still on their way to the Battle Arena, stopping at a bakery in the middle of the forest that has a HUGE line despite its remote location. According to May's guidebook they make the best gourmet cakes around, and she's desperate for some kind of luxury after days and weeks and months of trudging around the wilderness with a bunch of smelly boys. As they stand in line waiting though, they hear a noise and turn to see an Arcanine joyfully rushing down the road towards them.... and showing no signs of stopping! That tiger-puppy is so excited! It's....

At the last possible second the Arcanine leaps over the line, zooming above the twerps as May watches enraptured. It lands and keeps going as May gasps that she would love to have one herself... and then Drew comes barrelling down the road as well! DREW! Showing a surprising amount of emotion, he yells at his Flygon to attack Arcanine, but it dodges aside and blasts at Flygon with Heatwave, then puts on a burst of Extreme Speed and disappears into the distance.

Brock explains to May what Extreme Speed is (it's going extremely fast!) and Drew returns to mock her for not knowing this herself. She's more interested in what he is doing in Kanto than crossing swords with him though, and he explains that a real winner can't resist competition... so what is SHE doing there?

Oooh snap, he wants to fuck her so hard!

She insists that she is going to win the Grand Festival, but when he shows off that he has already won a Kanto Ribbon, she begins freaking out as she hasn't won a single one yet. He smirks that he is going to catch Arcanine in order to continue winning his way through Kanto... and May insists that SHE is going to catch that Arcanine!

What about the gourmet cakes!?!

As the twerps take off to help May get the Arcanine, at the head of the queue three of the bakery workers pop their heads out - it's Team Rocket! Working at the bakery, Jesse wonders if word is getting around about her cakes (is that what she's calling them nowadays?) and their boss (not THE Boss) suggests they might be here to replace Team Rocket in their jobs! Potato-nosed and Kricfalusi-inspired, this appears to be the same Boss that grew to love them during the Hoenn League Championships!

Meanwhile, Mudkip is sniffing around for Arcanine, followed by the twerps as they discuss the cute little tiger puppy. Mudkip leads them to a spot off the road where Arcanine is eating berries off of the ground. May sends out Combusken to catch it and it chases after Arcanine, delighted as it begins to catch up... till Arcanine proves it was just playing about as it puts on a burst of Extreme Speed and zooms away, leaving Combusken behind to be horrified when Ash blurts out that a Combusken could never catch an Arcanine.

Way to go, Ash!

Brock figures they need information, and takes the twerps to a cabin where a mean tough old bastard is chopping firewood. After all, anyone who has lived in the forest probably knows about Arcanine. So they're happily approach the axe-wielding man.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket aren't serving their waiting line of customers because they're busy eating progressively more and more of a giant cake until....

Well... this ain't good!

Jesse blames the other two for eating so much, and then their Boss roars from another room that he wants them to bring him the wedding cake. He enters demanding to know where it is and they insist that they don't know, and Wobbuffet happily opens its mouth to agree.... and reveals the cake inside!

With a roar of fury, their Boss pitches them out of the bakery, fired without collecting their pay!

Meanwhile, Old Man Axe-Cutter is giving the twerps info on the Arcanine, which he has also given to Drew earlier. Arcanine uses to stay up in the mountains but lately it has been down in the forest every day, apparently drinking from a local stream and eating Pecha Berries. They head to the nearby spring in case Arcanine shows up, May telling Ash she'll use her little baby-weak Squirtle to capture it. As they wait, Ash's stomach grumbles and he says he wants some lunch, but May snaps at him to keep it down... but he can't control himself! Brock suggests they have some lunch so that May won't have to battle on an empty stomach, and they settle down to eat a meal cooked with fresh vegetables provided by the woodsmen. As they eat though, Arcanine shows up to drink, and when they spot it, it takes off before they can do anything, leaving May miserable - she missed her chance!

Meanwhile, Jesse's tits!

Well.... they are! Right there!

Team Rocket are also hungry, complaining about being fired before lunch even though they ate almost an entire 3-tier wedding cake. Then Wobbuffet gets their attention, it has Pecha berries! One for each of them... which it then swallows right in front of them!

Jesse hauls it up by the sides of the head in her fury, and James insists he wants the berries even if they are covered in Wobbuh-slobber. Meowth has a slightly better idea, why not have Wobbuffet lead them to where it got the berries.

And that's where the twerps are right now. Brock had laid out his plan, he and Ash will take up positions to chase Arcanine towards where May will be waiting, cutting it off and forcing a battle. They get into position and soon their waiting pays off, as Arcanine shows up and is chased towards May and Squirtle... the latter of whom is taking a nap! A startled May wakes it up and tries to get it to battle, but a quick ROAR! from Arcanine makes it leap back into its Pokeball in a fright. Max has an idea though, they can use bullshit!

Calling out Munchlax, May has it use Metronome which - of course - randomly selects the one ability she wants, Extreme Speed! It zooms after the fleeing Arcanine, catching up to it, running pace with it... and then zooming past it!

All great, except May wanted it to jump up onto Arcanine's back! Not beat it in a race!

Munchlax uses Extreme Speed to grab all the berries it can off of the tree and then gobble happily down on them, all while Arcanine makes its escape.


Meanwhile, Wobbuffet is leading Team Rocket down a disturbingly sheer cliff towards the location of the Pecha berries.... except the trees have been picked clean! Once again, Jesse hauls up Wobbuffet by the sides of the head again to roar at it... until she is distracted by Arcanine zipping by. She stares after it while Wobbuffet remains dangling from her hands, perfectly still hanging at eye level with her tits.

Oh like you wouldn't.

Meowth spouts out that catching Arcanine is the answer to all their problems, and James sighs that he highly doubts this but there is no stopping a patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy. He imagines Giovanni in bed (of course) shivering with the cold until he is given Arcanine to be a warm pillow that he can snuggle up with in his sleep.

You're... you're not even trying anymore, Meowth.

Meanwhile the twerps are up on a ledge that overlooks the forest, apparently a place that the Arcanine likes to come to re-enact the opening to the Lion King. Arcanine shows up and May cuts off its exit, demanding a battle.... and Drew leaps down out of nowhere in front of her with Flygon and does the same. As they argue (it turns out that Drew has been up there since the morning) Arcanine zips over their head and takes off, and a furious May blames Drew who scoffs at her notion that she would have stood a chance anyway. She demands a Pokémon Battle to decide who will get to go after Arcanine, and he smugly agrees since he sees nothing wrong with a little warm-up.

Moments later it is Flygon against Squirtle, which opens with a Tackle. Flygon easily flies over it, a simply counter that even Max saw coming. Flygon comes at Squirtle with Steel Wing and a panicking May calls for a Bubble Attack which Flygon easily dodges, knocking the little baby Squirtle over and making it burst out in tears. May picks it up, apologises and kisses while Drew comments that he didn't even have to use a full strength attack. He heads up after Arcanine and May chases after him, insisting the battle isn't over year. But as they reach the next ledge up, they discover that Arcanine is nowhere to be seen... oh wait, there it is, very slightly higher up on the tip of the cliff!

Arcanine isn't alone, however, it has with it.....


Nice observation job, Drew, you spend all morning up here and didn't notice the little Growlithe babies? Drew figures out that this is why Arcanine has started coming down from the mountains, to get food for its children. But just then, a net wraps around the babies and hauls them up beneath, of course, a Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon!

"Prepare for trouble and stop your crying!"
"Make it double, the fur's a flying!"
"An evil as old as the galaxy!"
"Sent here to fulfil our destinies!"
"Meowth dat's me!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"And James."
"And Meowth again!"
"Anywhere there's peace in the universe!" proclaims Jesse.
"Team Rocket!" adds James.
"Will be dere!" throws in Meowth.
"To make everything worse!" they all finish together.

Ash demands the Growlithe babies be let go and Team Rocket realise for the first time that they got the wrong Pokémon. But then Arcanine leaps up onto the net and it just so happens that Team Rocket has another net to go over the smaller one just used! Bit of luck that!

May tells Drew to use Flygon to cut through the balloon, sending it crashing down into the forest where it ends up dangling from a branch, Jesse complaining that even their crash landings are a failure.

May tells the others to stand back and let her and Drew handle things from here, since it was their chasing of Arcanine that lead to this (how does she figure that?). Flygon cuts Arcanine and the little Growlithe loose, while Team Rocket prepare to battle May and Drew (and James battles Cacnea's affection).

Squirtle blasts through an attack by Cacnea, Flygon burns the fuck out of an attack by Dustox, and Cacnea throws up a sandstorm to give them momentary cover. Squirtle is caught up in the thick of it but Flygon jumps in the path to protect it. Jumping onto Flygon's back, Squirtle is flown through the Sandstorm and leaps out for a Macho Man Elbow Drop on Dustox, while Flygon uses Steel Wing on Cacnea. The Pokémon are knocked back into Team Rocket and then a combo Flamethrower/Water Gun sends the lot blasting off... again!

And jobless!

Arcanine is reunited with its children and licks them happily, while May offers Drew the chance to battle Arcanine. He refuses however, carefully "casually" brushing the hair from his forehead and claiming that he doesn't want to break up a happy family.

Keep this up though and he'll be breaking up the resistance of May's thighs!

They watch Arcanine and the Growlithe go, and as the sun sets they say their temporary goodbyes again. Drew tells May about a Contest in Saffron City that he won't be entering since he needs a new Pokémon to use first, but he thinks she could do well again.

Those inner thighs are trembling!

By a stroke of pure luck and writing, it turns out Saffron City is on their way to the Battle Arena! So off they go, Ash and May once again following the same path to different destinations.... but don't worry, Gentle Dodgers, they'll both probably fail miserably in the end!

"I guess word has really spread about my cakes!"

"Do somefing you two, da Boss' furry blanket is gettin' away!"

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