411: Purin no Uta, Papa no Uta!
409: Rough, Tough Jigglypuff

Dodgy Synopsis

411: Purin no Uta, Papa no Uta!

409: Rough, Tough Jigglypuff

Pokemopolis Episode Name-

Dodgyness Rating:


The twerps get beaten up by a pink puffball.

Team Rocketness-
Rushed through their own motto!

Moral Learnt

You should come to a realisation about the sanctity of personal freedom BEFORE you beat a wild animal into unconsciousness.

Today finds the twerps heading on towards the Battle Arena when suddenly a net wraps them all up, and Max instantly blames Team Rocket... but Brock has other ideas. A Loudred rushes up (thankfully without an unnecessary shot of its asshole) and then a scruffy-bearded man in a Safari Hunter outfit steps out apologetically. The trap wasn't meant for them, it was actually meant for a....

Back at a small, bare cabin the man - Mitch Mitchum - introduces himself as a former taste tester executive at Pokeblock Unlimited. May checks out Loudred with her Pokedex while it just stares wide-eyed with gaping mouth joy at her and Brock, utterly enthralled with their presence.

To apologise once more for capturing them in the next is to offer their Pokémon a sample of the company's new Pokeblock. They all seem to like it, and he admits it was his last project before leaving the factory. Ash asks why he left, but before he can explain the Pokémon suddenly perk up, sensing something in the surrounding forest. Loudred also picks up on it and Mitch asks it how close "it" is, and then from the forest emerges..... JIGGLYPUFF!

Ehehehehe it's so cute!

Mitch heroically demands that everyone stand back and let him deal with it, and Loudred straight up punches the fat little puffball in the face. It is knocked back and bounces off of a tree, looking untouched and tough, so Mitch tries to get Loudred to use another attack... but shit has gotten weird!

Oh Lord that is just wrong.

Brock guesses that Jigglypuff is using Cute Charm to mesmerise its opponent and keep it from attacking, and Mitch reveals that this has happened multiple times now. Jigglypuff blasts them all with a Flamethrower after a quick giggle, then uses Sing to put them all to sleep, cackles cutely/toughly and then takes off, leaving Loudred to snap out of its lust and spin about in a panic as it realises everyone is asleep.

A few unnecessary shots of its asshole later, Mitch is awake again and roars out his fury to the world, screaming out to know why Jigglypuff tortures him like his, all while it listens from the forest and giggles with jerkish delight.

Watching from overhead in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, Team Rocket are impressed by the attitude AND toughness of the little puffball. Jesse wants it, overriding any of James' futile attempts to actually discuss the issue (Here's the discussion, she points out, I want it) while Meowth is keenly making up uses that the Boss will never, ever, ever have for it.... but hey, it allows Meowth to imagine Giovanni doing the splits!

Back at the cabin, all of the Pokémon are keeping an eye out on the ground, the roof and in the air. Mitch offers around hot chocolate while May notices a picture of his family, and he reveals he hasn't seen them for six months, and she will be 5 soon. He reveals that all she wanted for her birthday was a Jigglypuff to play and sing with. So he took a leave of absence from work to head into a forest known for the number of Jigglypuff in it. Luckily he found one right away, unluckily it was Jigglytuff! Being a complete amateur, he had no idea what he was doing and just threw Pokeball after Pokeball at it while it laughed them off and sang him to sleep for the first of many incidents.

Jigglytuff was so delighted that it started coming back every day to mock him, singing him to sleep each day as he worked on his abilities as a trainer. Finally he caught a Loudred, and thought that this was the turning point, but every time they have fought the same result as earlier has come about. Now his daughter's birthday is tomorrow and he knows he won't be able to get it in time, and he won't be there for her birthday because he is absolutely determined to capture the Pokémon rather than go back and let down his little girl's dream.

Well the twerps are moved by this obsessional case of misdirected parental neglect and offer to help him capture the Jigglypuff in time for his daughter's birthday. Listening in from the forest with a small audio receiver, James is ready to give up straight away considering the twerps are now on the case. Jesse insists they can capture it first though, while Meowth reaches for another piece of sushi and feels something puffy and pink instead.

No he hasn't accidentally reached up Jesse's skirt, but found Jigglypuff! Attracted by the sushi, it has shown up for a meal AND the chance to torment some new humans. They jump straight at it and, of course, it burns them up with Flamethrower. Being incredibly dim, they charge right at it and it uses Sing on them.... but as they slow and begin to fall asleep, back at the cabin the Look-out Pokémon hear the sound and get the twerps attention. IT'S ON!


Team Rocket are struggling against sleep (Wobbuffet has a pillow and nightcap!) but can't take it anymore and collapse. Jigglypuff steps up to eat Sushi, but then the twerps arrive and Mitch demands a battle, with Ash offering to help. Brock suggests that Loudred use Uproar to negate Sing, and Pikachu tries a Thunderbolt.... but Jigglypuff soars through the air and then uses Roll-Out!


Ash catches Pikachu as it is knocked about for a second time by Roll-Out, and then Jigglypuff crashes into Team Rocket and knocks them into Loudred, waking them up.... just in time for a motto!

"Prepare for trouble you twerps aren't tough enough!" "Make it double, we're here for that Puff!"

and Mitch promptly gets it wrong and brings them his business cards, thinking they are friends of Ash. As they try to mumble their way through the rest of their motto, Wobbuffet and Meowth remain stuck in Loudred's ears, Wobbuffet proudly saluting the whole time.

It blasts them out straight into Jesse and James, sending them blasting off again as they desperately try to scramble through the rest of their motto and Jigglypuff waves a happy goodbye.

Ash tells Jigglypuff it is one of the toughest Pokémon he has ever seen but Mitch's daughter wants it so HE is going to capture it... until Max reminds him that Mitch needs to be the one to catch it. But then Jigglypuff squeaks at them that they don't stand a chance, causing Ash to go competitive crazy and try to call out Grovyle. Jigglypuff dashes away though, and Brock suggests that instead of trying to fight it into submission, they should try to outsmart it instead.

Preparing a meal, Brock leaves it out as bait as Mitch and the others hide in the forest. Mitch asks how Brock knows that Jigglypuff will eat the food, and Brock notes he is in training to be a breeder (snicker).

Jigglypuff approaches the food and sniffs it, and seems unimpressed by what it smells, driving Brock crazy. May has a suggestion though, and offers some of her pink surprise (GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA!) only for Munchlax to zip by, taking the last one and gobbling it down happily.

Jigglypuff chuckles, waves its ass at the bowl of food.... and then Max has an idea.... put Jigglypuff to sleep instead!

Shortly after, Mitch and the twerps emerge from the cabin and Mitch challenges Jigglypuff again. Loudred uses Hyper Voice, meaning Jigglypuff can't sing, so it uses Roll-Out and.... rolls right into the cabin, the twerps slamming the door shut behind it.

Inside, Jigglypuff finds the cabin is empty, the walls a strange metal panelling. Pikachu is waiting inside to fight, and as Jigglypuff dodges the attacks, the rebound off of the metal panels. Jigglypuff manages to dodge again and again and fire back with Flamethrower, which also rebounds, but it dodges those and knocks Pikachu back, giving it enough time to start singing.... just as the twerps plan.

Apparently the metal causes the singing to echo back (it does?) and as Pikachu falls asleep... Jigglypuff starts to feel it as well! It yawns widely and falls onto its back, and the twerps re-enter the room and quietly wake up Pikachu. Mitch turns and prepares to capture Jigglypuff... then stops himself, he can't do it!

Mother fucker!

He explains he can't take it away from where it belongs, because he has only just realised that what it really enjoys is being chased around, but it didn't want to be captured.

My God, someone actually gets it! Someone has realised that Pokémon sometimes don't want to be caught no matter how noble your intentions!

He comments that his daughter will just have to learn that you don't always get what you want (what a wonderful lesson to learn after six months of parental absence! I went away for 1/10th of your life so far only to come back empty handed, here have this screaming, asshole showing Pokémon for a pet instead!).

That night, Jigglypuff wakes up inside of the cabin and discovers a big pile of Pokefood left for it, and actually looks depressed when it realises that the game is up.

The next day finds Mitch and the twerps returning to his town and his home, where his wife and daughter are waiting. The little girl asks where Jigglypuff is and he admits that he just couldn't catch it no matter how hard he tried, and the twerps back him up. Surprisingly she tells him that she doesn't mind, she's just happy he is back and he brought a Loudred as well.... while his wife is left wondering why her husband couldn't come back regularly considering he was apparently only a day out of town.

And then.... angry pink puffball!

Floating in with a vexed expression, it lands and squeaks angrily at Mitch for leaving it behind. Brock guesses that it enjoyed all the attention and is pissed off that Mitch decided to end his part in it, so it followed after him.

Mitch's daughter is delighted, though, her Dad DID get her a Jigglypuff. She hugs the furious little pink puffball happily, and Mitch kindly offers it a place to live since his daughter loves it so much, and since it enjoys having attention paid to it, it happily agrees - under its own conditions, not enforced capture and servitude!

And so, the episode ends with the girl asking Jigglypuff to sing a song (with expected results) and a valuable lesson learned for all little girls everywhere:

Yes, you can get whatever you want every time you want it!

"Let's capture it!"
"Shouldn't we discuss it first?"
"Here's the discussion. I want it."

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