405: A Real Cleffa-Hanger |
Dodgy Synopsis
Misty gets a phone call from her sister Daisy, complaining that the Gym is full of trainers who want Gym Battles and asking if it is okay if they just give them badges now to get rid of them. Misty is furious at the suggestion and snaps that she'll be back soon but till then everyone will just have to wait. Hehehe, it's over Misty, you've been tied down forever before your teens were even half done and Ash and your replacement will go on to all manner of fun adventures while you're left behind to stew in your own resentment and ruined dreams. Brock says it is time to get going, they'll be passing by/through Mount Moon, and Max self-importantly informs a hopeful May that she won't see any Cleffa, because they never reveal themselves to humans... at which point the bushes rustle and a Cleffa reveals itself! Don't go to the opening credits now! This is... ![]() Haha, they wouldn't even put Misty in the title screen temporarily! Cleffa bounces towards them as everyone stares aghast, unsure how this could have happened. Cleffa bounces over to Grovyle and Corphish excitedly, but as it shakes Mudkip's hand it freaks out when May approaches and hides behind Munchlax. Max laughs that lots of things hide from May's scary face and then hides behind Misty, and Misty sends in Azurill to calm it down by waggling its ball in Cleffa's face. Call Officer Jenny! Max cracks another joke about May's face, but as she prepares to stomp his face into the earth a sudden sucking gets their attention (well a sudden sucking will do that!) as Azurill and Cleffa are lifted into the air by Team Rocket's vacuum attachment on their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon! Ash sends in Swellow to snatch them out of the air and return them to the twerps, who mock Team Rocket's latest gadget as looking suspiciously like an old one... which they easily destroyed. Team Rocket insists that it is upgraded though, as they believe themselves to have been, and they crank up the juice. All the Pokémon are hauled up (except Pikachu, which Ash is able to grab), so Jesse sends in Seviper to get it and... it actually manages to hit Pikachu before it can be hit itself! ![]() ![]() Once again Team Rocket crank up the juice on the vacuum, but as Pikachu flies through the air, Ash leaps up and grabs it, and Meowth cranks up the power to full, lifting Ash into the air. Misty dives for Ash and misses (history repeats!) but Brock manages to get his leg and then the rest of the twerps grab hold of him, holding them all in a dangerous Twerp Tower. Meowth insists he can get them but Jesse stupidly hauls the controls from him and tries to "do it herself", kicking the whole thing into reverse and sending the twerps barrelling backwards. As the Pokémon are set free, Jesse insists that the controls are broken and she did not put it into reverse at all, while a desperate Meowth tries to convince her to stop wildly hitting the controls as the machine whines out of control and finally explodes, sending Team Rocket blasting off. Unfortunately for the twerps, the blast also knocks Misty, Max, Pikachu, Azurill and Cleffa over the side of the cliff and crashing into the river, being swept away forever. A short time later, Misty and Max stagger up out of the water to join the exhausted Pokémon, Pikachu looking battered to hell. Azurill uses Refresh to recover Pikachu somewhat with a glowing blue light, and Max suggests they head towards Mount Moon to find the others. Meanwhile the twerps are trying to follow Mudkip which can't find hide nor hair of Misty and the others, and the clouds in the sky are so low hanging that Swellow would be of no help. A Clefairy and Clefable step out of the bushes calling out, then spot the twerps and rush away as they guess that they're looking for Cleffa. ![]() ![]() Misty grabs down a berry, commenting that at least they can eat without Brock around. She gives the berry to Pikachu, then they all settle down to eat after Misty has gathered berries.... till they're attacked by a swarm of Beedrill! Running in a panic clutching the berries, Misty leads the way as they all run, Max puffing out that she hasn't gotten over her fear of Bug Types yet. They run and run till they realise they're not moving forward anymore, their legs pumping up and down on nothing as the familiar Hanna Barbara running sound-effect plays and they look down, and as we all know in cartoon physics, once you're aware you are standing in thin air, gravity takes control. Misty, Max, Pikachu, Cleffa and Azurill fall towards their death, but land on a surprisingly soft and spongy moss. Safe, they realise that they're lost, they have no sense of direction and a fog and heavy clouds is rolling in obscuring any sign of the mountain to give them a point of reference. It begins to thunder down with rain and Misty leads them into a nearby cave for shelter. Meanwhile, Clefairy and Clefable are sheltering from the rain under leaves while the twerps sit beneath a tree. Ash is worried about Pikachu "and the rest" (there you go Misty, you've been reduced to secondary thoughts of a group behind the initial thought of his fat pet rat). May can only think about how close she came to grabbing Max's hand, but she missed and now he's out there lost, because she couldn't get to him in time. For Max's part, he's busy talking down his sister to the desperately lonely (but not THAT desperately lonely!) Misty, insisting that he is the real reason behind any of May's successes. Bragging away, Misty just smiles at him and tells him that being overlooked is the fate of the youngest sibling, and tells him about her own three older sisters. Also her boyfriend who doesn't remember she exists even when she is standing right in front of him with her skintight pants hoiked up her crotch. As they agree that they have to be there for their older siblings' benefit, the rain stops and the sky clears. Misty looks out and sees Mount Moon directly in their path. They set off again for the Mountain, and a short time later the Clefable and Clefairy find their tracks, then rush off in a panic when the twerps come up behind them, checking out the tracks themselves. Realising that they're fairly fresh, they set off with renewed determination, as who knows what misery they're currently in! ![]() Yeah, it looks like a real nightmare. But a foul wind blows through the happy scene.... or rather, sucks through the happy scene, as Team Rocket return with their Robotic Vacuum, lifting Cleffa and Pikachu into the air. Misty and Max grab them up in their arms, but the powerful vacuum begins to haul Max up through the air too, only to be saved by.... May! ![]() Yay! Finally some resolution on the troubling issue that has been haunting May for the last 17 seconds! The vacuum turns off for no apparent reason and the other twerps arrive, followed by Clefable and Clefairy which forget their fear of the humans to celebrate with Cleffa. May demands that Team Rocket come out (Misty has already been relegated to a sideline, background character, she's practically out of frame!) and they choose to reply... with the motto! ![]() "And make it double cause your Pokémon are doomed!" "An evil as old as the galaxy!" "Sent here to fulfil our destiny!" "And den dere's me!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "And James." "Meeeeowth... of course!" "Wherever there's peace in the universe." "Team Rocket..." "....will be dere...." "....to make everything worse!" "Wobbuffet!" "Chime Chime!" ![]() Munchlax pops out of its Pokeball to join in the Metronome, and the attack is far from impressive as it causes Team rocket's Pokémon to use Splash attack... on dry land. But then the Pokémon AND Team Rocket begin to dance, and Meowth realises what is happening.... they're being distracted as the Clefairy (and Clefable?) and Munchlax power up a Solar Beam! Desperate, Team Rocket send in their Pokémon to attack (while dancing!) but Pikachu Thunderbolts them back, and the Solar Beam sets off, Team Rocket running in a panic as three separate beams chase them, catch them, and send them blasting off again. As the sun sets, the gathered Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable head towards Mount Moon and Misty explains it is a full moon and they're probably heading up to perform their moon dance around the giant meteorite that Ash, Brock and Misty encountered so long ago. May and Max want to see too and Brock figures the Pokémon will probably trust them enough now to allow them to intrude on their special moment. The next day, the twerps depart Mount Moon and Misty gets a harrying phone call from her sisters insisting that she'll hand over the badges to the waiting Trainers. Misty sighs and says she is almost home, and will be there soon, and with that she knows her sad little attempt to recapture the magic is gone. It's time for her to leave the oblivious Ash to continue his adventures with his new friends, while she returns to a thankless, barren life of giving prizes out to people who will go on to live all the adventures that she once had before she gave it all away. ![]() And in a dark cave somewhere far from civilization, the last of the Misty Shippers shudders, curls up tight against the cold..... and dies.