401: Choose It Or Loose It |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() Wait... what? Loose it? Loose? What has Ash's Mum got to do with this? Morrison is STILL not calling out his next Pokémon and the referee is about to call the match a forfeit in favour of Ash when Ash stops him, telling him to give Morrison more time. Finally, Morrison does what he must and calls out Growlithe as his next Pokémon. Corphish fires Bubble Beam at Growlithe which continually dodges with Agility across the icy field, while the twerps are left to wonder why he isn't attacking. Growlithe slips on the ice and rams into an icy outcropping, and Corphish hits a Crabhammer that knocks Growlithe out. ![]() ![]() His next Pokémon out is Swampert, the match having apparently gone for 11 minutes straight so far of Morrison being a fat, jiggly little bitch. Swampert and Corphish trade blows, creating an explosion that appears to surprise Corphish who gets the most incredible WHAT THE FUCK look on his face as he is blown backwards. Corphish uses Bubble Beam but Swampert counters with Hydropump, the two moves perfectly matched. Focus Punch and Crabhammer punch each other direct in the face and.... both Pokémon go down! As Morrison has now lost three Pokémon, they take a brief break to change the battlefield. In the locker-room, the twerps are congratulating Ash on a good first half of the battle while Ash confidently states that he can beat Morrison (well he is two Pokémon up on him!). Morrison shows up and asks for a tender moment alone in the boy's locker room, and who is Ash to turn down such a request! Morrison wants to apologise for earlier, and roars angrily at Ash when Ash acts surprised. He explains that he used to only ever battle for fun but once he got into the whole Hoenn League Championships thing he found the competitive urge kicking in and wanted to win all the time. When he came up against Ash, though, it wasn't fun anymore because he was facing a friend. It took Ash yelling at him to snap him out of things and get the competitive juices (and ONLY the competitive juices, thank you very much!) flowing but now he is determined to beat Ash. Ash laughs that he has no chance, and they give each other a fist bump which isn't a terrorist gang sign because they're not black. * * Credit to Fox News for explaining the difference. ![]() ![]() Oh please, get your minds out of the gutter! So now it's 3-2 in Ash's favour, while up in the stands Team Rocket are continuing to make a killing selling snacks to the people watching. Ash calls out Torkoal next, having it use Iron Defence and then Overheat in counter to Steelix's Dragon Breath. The two attacks collide but Overheat overpowers Steelix's Dragonbreath. Torkoal uses Flamethrower but it is rendered neutral by Steelix's Dragonbreath, and the explosion of smoke gives Steelix the cover it needs to use Dig. Ash has Torkoal use Iron Defence as Steelix bursts out of the ground underneath it, and then Morrison goes back to the Dragon Breath well once more, scoring a direct shot on Torkoal and knocking it out despite Ash's attempts to raise its defence. ![]() It's 3-3! Clint Eastwood time! Grovyle comes out and easily dodges Steelix's attack, which in turn dodges Bullet Seed by using Dig. But Grovyle can sense it coming and jumps clear, and when Morrison calls for Dragon Breath AGAIN, Grovyle responds by.... JUMPING STRAIGHT INTO IT WITH LEAF BLADE BECAUSE IT GIVES NO FUCK! Morrison can't believe it! Steelix can't believe it! Nobody can believe it! Grovyle is fucking awesome, believe that! It cuts into Steelix's face with Leaf Blade and drops dramatically into the foreground as Steelix collapses, defeated. Morrison is down 3-4! His next Pokémon out is Gligar, which is able to dodge Grovyle's attacks at first thanks to its gliding potential. But when Grovyle makes use of the long grass in the field it is able to get in behind Gligar and hit some attacks, then it jumps up onto Gligar's backs and pops its leaf blades to STAB GLIGAR IN THE NECK AND MURDER IT! Luckily for Gligar, Morrison has the presence of mind to tell it to swing around in the air and drop Grovyle towards the ground, unable to do anything as Gligar comes after it with Guillotine ready to chop and the ground below ready to take the impact of Grovyle's landing. Grovyle falls, Gligar follows and... Grovyle blasts Bullet Seed at the last second... but Gligar dodges and hits its Guillotine as Grovyle is slammed into the ground and knocked out. ![]() Ash calls out Swellow which uses Double Team to dodge Guillotine, then goes for Peck. Gligar dodges and tries an Iron Tail, but Swellow is too fast and dodges.... but takes a shot of Hidden Power directly to the back. As it falls though, it uses Aerial Ace to correct and both Pokémon crash directly into each other with a collision of Aerial Ace and Steel Wing... then again.... then again! And neither will go down, continuing to smash their faces against each other over and over until finally..... both collapse to the ground like a couple of lousy drunks.... Swellow even has one wing drunkenly lying over Gligar's head! It's 5-5! So now it's down to one Pokémon each - Morrison's Metang and Ash's Glalie. Two monstrosities, two demons from hell ready to tear a vortex in reality in order to win for their cruel human masters! The battle has been going for 45 minutes now and technically, Ash has the advantage, but Brock and Tyson note that nothing should be taken for granted. A Head Butt and Takedown seems to give Glalie the advantage, and it presses it by using Confusion to turn Ice Beam back on Glalie then score a Takedown. Ash orders another Ice Beam, confusing May and Max as it is repelled once again back towards Glalie... which uses Icy Wind on it and turns it back on Metang, leaving it coated in ice and slowed down enough for Glalie to score a Head Butt. Knocked backwards, Metang comes back with a Meteor Mash, which causes.... candy corn to pop up through the air!?! ![]() Well... okay then! Ash has Glalie spin a Head Butt towards Metang, and Morrison countered with a Meteor Mash, the two moves coming at full tilt towards each other as the crowd and twerps watch and..... at the last second Glalie spins under Metang and avoids the Meteor Mash, scoring a direct hit and knocking Metang out.... it's over! 6-5! ![]() Ash wins! Rather than seeing the aftermath of Morrison's defeat, we next move to Tyson's round and see him defeat his opponent to become one of the eight quarter finalists along with Ash. That night, Morrison is standing outside and screams into the air that he can't believe that he lost.... then happily proclaims that this felt good. He's.... he's not a deep person. The twerps and Tyson step up and Ash tells Morrison that they had one of the best battles ever, and with that heartfelt moment out of the way they start getting competitive again and yelling at each other till Tyson calms them down and tells them that dinner is ready... so Ash and Morrison race each other to the dinner table! Haha, they're never stop competing those two, and who is to say who is the better.... oh wait, it's Ash - he isn't a fat sack of crap, he's not ginger, he wins all their races and he beat Morrison in their battle. Speaking of fat sacks of crap, Team Rocket have enjoyed a huge all you can eat buffet thanks to their new Boss, who tells the gorged trio that he has to go away on business (he scheduled a business meeting on the day of the quarter finals of the Victory Tournament!?! Bullshit, he's going to get a nosejob!) and he intends to leave them in charge. At first they think he's taking the mickey, but he means it, they've done such a good job that he is going to reward their hard work. Dawwwwww.... they're finally getting a little sunshine in their lives.... how will they fuck it up!?! Back in the Pokémon Center, the Quarter Final brackets have been revealed and it should come as no surprise that Ash will be facing Tyson, who shrugs and says that it was bound to happen sooner or later. He and Ash shake hands, agreeing to have the best battle that they can. Outside, Meowth is walking off his fat belly when he spots the Quarter Final brackets and sees that Pikachu will be facing off against Meowth-in-Boots. He sneaks off through the bushes and finds Tyson training with his Pokémon and calls over Meowth-in-Boots, offering the pimp strategy on how to deal with Pikachu. Meowth-in-Boots dismisses the advice though, claiming it isn't worried about Pikachu, and shows off its Fury Swipes before striding away leaving a squawking Meowth to be crushed underneath a sliced up tree. Up in the trees outside of the Pokémon Centre, Ash and Morrison are sleeping in hammocks... or at least Pikachu is, curled up on Ash's chest while Ash and Morrison chat. Morrison mocks a complacent and confident Ash about his chances against Tyson and that he came to sleep outside because he is nervous, but Ash states that he thinks he is going to do all right against Tyson. Morrison laughs that if not, there is always next year, curls up to go to sleep.... and then quietly tells Ash that he knows he is going to win. ![]() Dawwwwww.... he's got a friend! And.... he'll never see Ash again after the Hoenn League Championships are over! The next day sees Ash vs Tyson on a Grass Battlefield. Ash opens with Glalie and Tyson uses Sceptile, which Solar Beams against Ice Beam and creates an explosive pillar of light that sends smoke across the entire battlefield. It's time to see if Ash can defeat history and precedent and beat this guy that nobody ever heard of before that showed up one episode before the Come on Ash, don't be a loser! Don't be.... Morrison!