395: Island Time |
Dodgy Synopsis
A short time later, the twerps are taking off in a rickety old cargo plane, the only passengers and super excited for the "luxury" of their private plane. The stewardess steps out and asks them for their attention in a very familiar voice, and tells them their flight is going to be delayed.... because they're going to Team Rocket Headquarters! A delay to their arrival? That's what happens when you're on.... ![]() Jesse tears off her uniform (it is NEVER what you think it is going to be, twerps) and they reveal the pilots are Meowth and James and the raffle was their little plot to get their hands on the twerps. They lower bars over the twerps' chests and capture Pikachu in an electric-proof bubble, and Jesse reveals that she spared no expense to pull off this scheme... including emptying their bank accounts and selling off James' entire bottlecap collection! Meowth can't believe she spent all the money they saved by living on only berries all year (that explains how they keep their figures!) and James is furious to hear his bottlecap collection is gone.... so furious he leaps to his feet and forgets he is supposed to be flying the plane! ![]() ![]() The plane comes through the clouds and there is an island directly beneath them. Meowth and James admirably and surprisingly manage to crash-land the plane effectively into the beach, leaving Team Rocket collapsed in a daze in the cockpit. The force of the landing frees the locks on the twerps and they get Pikachu out of its bubble and step off of the plane onto the island. As they look about for polar bears or little bug-eyed men who constantly and openly lie and deceive and cheat but never get killed for absolutely no reason, a Venonat pops its head over the bushes, exciting Max because something something. But then the Venonat talks! Only it's not a Venonat! It's a man, man! A manly one with that beard too, and he's delighted that they've come to rescue him! Jesse pops out of the plane rather grumpily and tells him that it should be pretty obvious that THEY are the ones who need rescuing. They all settle down together for a meal (Team Rocket chowing down with gusto), while Robin (the Venonat man) tells them he used to be a travelling salesman for a Multi-National Corporation but one day his boat was caught in a violent and terrible storm and everyone but him was evacuated while he was knocked overboard and.... onto the back of a Wailmer which swam to the island left him there. He named the island Wailmer Island himself and has a Venonat hairstyle now and his best friend is Wailmer which pops up to say hello out in the water. Dude is completely fucking insane. ![]() Team Rocket imagine having to grow old on the island and start freaking the fuck out, even Wobbuffet, while Ash clenches his fist as he realises that he won't make it to the Hoenn League.... and Brock declares that there is no reason for them to give up. ![]() Brock has an idea, they're going to use their Pokémon as "tools" to turn the wreckage of the plane into a ship, and Robin tells them they can power it with coconut fuel from the forest? He really is insane! All of the Pokémon set to doing something useful.... except for Skitty which just runs back and forth mewing while Wailmer farts water out of its blowhole. Jesse is sick and tired of collecting vegetables as it is "too organic", snapping angrily at the happily hovering Chimecho. Jesse complains that she doesn't like working side by side with the twerps, and Meowth doesn't like it much either! Only James seems willing to put their differences aside in order to GET OFF THE FUCKING ISLAND! but Meowth has a plan.... they'll steal Pikachu AND the boat when it is complete and leave the twerps and Robin stranded on the island to have sex with May while Ash plays with the native Pokémon. HEY TRAINERS, WHICH OF THESE POKEMON RETAINS THE SAME TYPE THROUGH ALL OF ITS EVOLUTIONS!?! RALTS, TORCHIC OR HORSEA!?! THE ANSWER SURPRISINGLY IS NOT THE BIRD THAT IS ALWAYS ON FIRE! That night, the catamaran made of tough airplane materials is ready and the Pokémon are all ready for a meal prepared by Brock. May has kept Munchlax in its Pokeball to keep it from eating the "fuel", and when she calls it out it tries to eat all of the prepared Pokémon food and Max has to quickly get it some of May's pink surprise. No. It's NOT what you think. It never is. ![]() That night, they all sleep in blankets, Jesse hilariously and selfishly taking up the most space of anyone as she lies spread-eagled (hey hey!) with arms thrown wide. Pikachu wakes up early, causing Ash to wake too and then the other twerps, and they notice that Robin is missing. Heading out to the catamaran, they find him standing talking with Wailmer, and he explains that he is saying his goodbyes. He explains that Wailmer saved his life in more ways than one, as before he was wrecked on the island he was living like a machine, his job was his life and he didn't realise how miserable he was until he was forced to change his entire lifestyle. They ask him why he doesn't bring Wailmer with him but he points out that it wouldn't be happy stuck in a big, filthy city and they agree he is probably right.... and then Team Rocket snatch Pikachu with an extendable arm and haul it over to a cage they somehow have with them onboard the catamaran! Robin can't believe it, they worked together! ![]() "Make it double cause we're bad to the bone!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "And James." "Team Rocket sails the seven seas at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare for a waterlogged fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "Wobbbbbbuh!" "Chime Chime!" Ash tells Pikachu to Thunderbolt them but they've once again electric-proofed the cage (how!?! And where did the cage come from!?!) and set the motor and get going as the twerps and Robin yell at them to come back it's not time to leave yet! They ignore them as they head away.... until they run out of fuel and stop dead in the water! They hadn't put the fuel in yet! The whirlpool catches them and drags them in, shattering the boat in two and sending them flying. Ash leaps onto Wailmer's back and surfs to catch the falling Pikachu, and then Team Rocket leap out of the water to.... blame the twerps! Furious at the twerps for building such a flimsy boat, they send in Seviper and Cacnea which end up crashing into Wailmer before getting Thunderbolted by Pikachu. Team Rocket aren't done being users yet though, and decide that they'll just go ahead and use Wailmer to make their escape! ![]() ![]() This is both good news AND bad news, because that's one BIG fucking Pokémon! Jesse gets over her fright as she realises they have themselves a bus+ sized Pokémon at their disposal now, and James and Meowth agree.... none of them seeming to realise that a giant pissed off whale isn't the best thing in the world to be ordering around.... as they soon discover as they're sent blasting off again by a huge water spout. Robin asks if can carry them off of the island, and it takes them on its massive back directly into the whirlpool, struggling against the flow of the ENTIRE sea. It is a real struggle, but a massive splash of its tail and a burst of energy from its mouth allows it to slam through and they're past the ring of whirlpools.... they're free! As the sun sets, a passing ship catches sight of Wailord, the twerps and Robin (still with the Venonat hair for some reason!) and brings them on board. Wailord stays alongside (a disturbing sight) and Robin realises it is time to say goodbye and return to the big city life he hated so much.... and then he leaps onto Wailord's back and declares that he'll be a lot happier ON the island! They're confused, but he explains that he was NEVER happy living the life he did before, because while the city seemed to have everything it had nothing.... and while the island seemed to have nothing it had everything! I didn't see one goddamn naked woman on that island, Robin. So he and Wailord sail off into the sunset, leaving the twerps to wave their happy goodbyes while Robin returns to a life of being a no-good unemployed bum with no family, friends or women.... because the dude is complete and totally insane! ![]() But you can't beat the rent, I guess.