393: Deceit and Assist |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() ![]() Cue Jesse making out with Meowth! Well no, not doing that of course, but she is delighted as she peppers the horrified cat with kisses while wearing the stolen ribbons on her chest. She plans to win the Grand Festival (presumably either Anthony made it through to the second round or Jesse stole them before then and made it through?) and be world famous. ![]() Well, he IS pretty butt-ugly! ![]() But she isn't! ![]() But Max has an idea - if they took his pass then they must be planning to take part in the Festival. So it's stake out time to find someone whose face doesn't match the pass! The Second Day begins, Vivian introducing the Judges (including THREE Nurse Joys!) and explaining how the coordinators were cut down to 64. Brock goes crazy over three Joys and has to be restrained by Max, leaving Caroline confused. Backstage, May is looking around for Anthony's faked pass and Harley expresses shock that anybody could be dishonest (haha!) while even deeper backstage, Jesse is checking out her new look! Being a fatass! Vivian announces that the first round of the second day will involve the normal appeal from the top 64, which will cut them down to 32 who will then proceed to the second stage of the round. Coordinators come out one after the other, Harley being the second out and using his Banette to appeal through..... horror and disquiet? ![]() He's certainly standing out! Banette uses Will O' Wisp and Thunder in conjunction, frying itself but laughing through it as the Will O'Wisps hover down, and he scores a very goof 89. More coordinators follow with varying degrees of success, including novel use of tongue and tentacle (my my!) as May awaits her turn. HEY TRAINERS! WHICH OF THESE POKEMON IS A FLYING TYPE!?! COMBUSKEN, TROPIUS OR FLYGON!?! THE ANSWER IS.... THE FATASS DINOSAUR!?! ![]() "That was really disgusting!" she growls... as she reapplies her make-up! Officer Jenny tells her she is under arrest but Jesse is ready to go down fighting.... until Meowth and James grab her, tell her they're not equipped for prison and cheese it! Vivian apologises for the delay and Anthony heads out with Swalot, showing off how it can expand and contract (Anthony can only do the former) and then a combination of Sludge Bomb and Bullet Seed, swallowing its own attack and garnering a score of 82. And next is May! She calls out Skitty and has it use Assist, and out comes.... Silver Wind! So she asks for another and gets Razor Leaf, and then another and gets Fire Spin.... and then Vine Whip, and String Shot! And then Blizzard! Vivian is impressed, saying that it really shows off the full range of May's entire team, irritating Harley backstage as he wonders if his plotting has backfired again. However Mr. Contesta is less impressed, muttering that May isn't showing any of Skitty's own individual appeal. When Skitty fires off a Solar Beam, it leaves both her and Skitty confused and throws them off their game, and Caroline wonders if Munchlax (sleeping happily in her lap at the moment) knows Solar Beam and that is where Skitty unknowingly picked it up. Realising time is almost up, May asks for one more Assist and Skitty uses Bulbasaur's Petal Dance, giving them a solid ending to a broken Appeal. The Judges offer up their final score, and May gets a score of... but wait, Skitty has gotten confused from the Petal Dance, and staggers around in circles chasing its own tail.... and the crowd loves it! May knows that she has to finish things off with a flourish or the judges won't be as nice as the crowd. As she struggles to think of a move to use though, not convinced anymore of Harley's advice to stick with Assist.... Harley is backstage loving every second. But he gets a little TOO enthusiastic about his plan working and vocalises his happiness, overheard by Drew who angrily accuses him of working May. Harley admits that it is true but smirks that it IS a competition, but onstage May is silently apologising to her "friend" Harley and tells Skitty to use Double Slap. It slaps itself in the face with its tail, breaking the Confusion, and then uses Blizzard to create a towering mountain of ice that it proudly perches on top, ending May's rather schizophrenic display and getting a final score of..... 79. Bugger! May returns backstage and tells Harley she is sorry for not sticking with Assist, and Drew tells her not to say sorry to Harley and explains that he was trying to trick her. Harley admits it, devastating May, and tells her that he would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for her "boyfriend", then snaps at her to "cry him a river" and that she shouldn't trust anyone and he did it for revenge.... revenge for her beating him! May furiously points out that she beat him fair and square but he insists she only thinks that way because SHE won. He laughs that she won't win now with her score of only 79, and shoves past May with a swing of his hips, May shouting after him that he's a creep... and he dresses funny! It's true! Drew notes that she shouldn't have trusted him, and when she demands to know how she could have known, he snaps at her that she should stop listening to other people and trust in her Pokémon and herself! He heads onstage and puts on a stunning display with Masquerain, while May is left to consider what he said and watch how effortlessly he combines Bubble and Silver Wind to get a standing ovation and a PERFECT score of 100 points from the judges! The coordinator after Drew is a tall man with the boring old standby "perfect" Pokémon that is Milotic... hold on a second, it's Robert! The Coordinator from the Slateport City Contest who handed Drew his ass on a stick once before. He easily (too easily, he looks bored!) gets 100 points as well, and then the top 32 are revealed. Drew is there, of course, as is Harley, and then each place is filled one by one after another until finally the final person is revealed..... ![]() May! Well thank goodness, that would have been anti-climactic otherwise! The Computer pairs the contestants based on their scores, and May is paired up with...... oh snap! ![]() Oh snappity snap snap! May can't believe it, Harley is smirking watching from outside the Arena, and that's the end of the second day of the Grand Festival! That night, Jesse stands on the beach in the moonlight insisting that since Plan A didn't work, it's time for Plan C! James and Meowth aren't sure what happened to Plan B, but Jesse doesn't care, she means to be a part of that Festival! The next day, the first battle on Stage 1 is, of course, May vs Harley! She calls out Bulbasaur and Beautifly, and Harley sends out Cacturne and Banette. May calls out to him that she wants a fair battle, but he laughs that he has a different idea of fair than her. If that is the way it is going to be, then May is fine with that, it's time to get rough! ![]() He.... uhhh.... he doesn't swing that way, May.