389: Berry, Berry Interesting |
Dodgy Synopsis
Well, to quote Strawberry Shortcake, this should be.... ![]() Oh God... God I'm so sorry.... oh God. ![]() May can barely contain her laughter as she acknowledges that Ash took a big bite out a Tamato Berry. Surprisingly, Ash isn't the only moron to have done this recently according to Jenny, and then Brock hauls her unwillingly into his romantic delusions as he attempts to channel Bogart at the bar drinking a big glass of.... milk! Max hauls him unwillingly out of his delusion, and the twerps ask Nurse Joy to keep an eye on their Pokémon and hand over their Pokeballs (not the balls Brock was hoping to get her to handle). Ash rushes out the door, barely comprehensible as his swollen lips mangle his explanation that he is going to practise Ice Beam with Snorunt. Pikachu tries to follow and runs straight into the closing automatic doors in some long absent French Physical Comedy before rolling out the door. Some kids come walking by talking about the Pokeblock they're going to make, and Joy explains that the number of berries on the island means they keep berry blenders in the centre for trainers to use. May rushes off to work on some Pokeblock, while outside Team Rocket are working on trimming the bushes (not like that you dirty bastards!), having taken the work to make a little money AND keep an eye out for the twerps since they're bound to come by the Pokémon Centre sooner or later. Meowth moans that there should be more to life than chasing Pikachu, a concept that Jesse and James HAVE to disagree with since they've invested so much of their lives into creating an idealized dream of the rarity and power of Pikachu in order to justify their own initial defeat by it. Meowth lies back on his back though and looks up at the clouds to see what they look like, and Jesse and James quickly join him to enjoy the relaxation. The Snorlax they see in the clouds looks almost real, at which point a Snorlax-shaped (but smaller!) Pokémon hops across each of their bellies, making them gasp in pain and look up to find themselves facing.... a Munchlax! ![]() Meanwhile, Ash is practising with Snorunt trying to improve its successful firing of - and targeting of! - Ice Beam. It is struggling to get it out (we've all been there, eh fellas?) when suddenly it just explodes out all over the place and makes a mess (right, guys!) and crashes down over the still swollen-lipped Ash. But hey, it fixed his hips! Inside, Brock and Max are watching kids working on the Berry Blenders, Brock explaining how the use of different berries - including tamato berry - can really create interesting tastes in Pokeblock. Brock falls into another Bogey delusion when Nurse Joy shows up, and then May comes in with a big basket of berries and her own special made-up recipe for "May's Purple Surprise", terrifying Brock, Max and Joy as they watch her rushing through her recipe. ![]() Ash has had enough practising for the day after taking another blast of Ice Beam, and returns to the Pokémon Centre where he finds May trying to convince all the collected Pokémon to try the huge pile of "purple surprise" she has prepared for them. Pikachu bravely has a go (trying to eat two Pokeblock at once like a fatass) and isn't best pleased with the taste, collapsing in a heap. Torkoal's nose explodes, Swellow looks green, Grovyle goes down like a prize fighter and Corphish loves it! Then Corphish keels over on its side! May is incredibly depressed but Nurse Joy insists that you only get better by experimenting, and then Munchlax waddles its fat ass into the centre and chows down on all of the purple surprise in delight. May is ecstatic and offers to make it some more, though Brock suggests that maybe it would be better to make Pokeblock for her OWN Pokémon. Just then, Jesse and James arrive dressed stylishly (James has tousled his hair!) and declare themselves to be Professional Pokeblock Tasters! James has a French accent for no reason, and everyone is keen to get their advice. As they keep everyone distracted, Meowth and Wobbuffet slide into the room on their bellies which is just a wonderful sight and steal all of the Pokeblock as the kids and the twerps take samples up to have it tested. James is revolted by May's purple surprise, but Jesse.... loves it! She gasps with love in her eyes that it reminds her of her youth (she ate snow!). Just then, everyone realises the Pokeblock is missing and blame Munchlax, but May points out that it was standing next to her pretty much the entire time. This doesn't wash with the angry mob though, who insist that it must be Munchlax that stole it, and Jesse and James take advantage by agreeing that only Munchlax could have eaten all that Pokeblock so quickly, and she's just defending it because it liked her purple surprise. May keeps insists though that Munchlax didn't do it, turns to confirm with it... and it's gone, casually walking out the door! The kids chase after it, followed by the twerps in support and Nurse Joy in a panic, leaving behind a very satisfied Team Rocket who can't believe their luck! ![]() HEY TRAINERS, WHICH OF THESE POKEMON IS NOT AN EVOLUTION OF EEVEE!?! IS IS ESPEON, BAGON OR VAPOREON!?! THE ANSWER IS..... OH COME ON GUYS, COME ON! Munchlax wonders outside for some more berries off of the bushes, chased by the angry mob of kids who decide that the fact it is still eating food just proves that it must have eaten all of their food! That's.... interesting logic. May and the twerps (with Nurse Joy) slide in front of Munchlax to protect it, May and Joy demanding to know if any of them actually SAW Munchlax eating their Pokeblock. They admit it didn't but point out that Munchlax's are known for their appetites so who else could it have been? May insists that since it had just eaten a bunch of her Pokeblock it is unlikely to have been Munchlax.... then turns to see it continuing to chow down on berries completely unconcerned. The kids are more convinced than before, even Ash is starting to think that maybe it is guilty after all, but then May declares a compromise solution - she'll capture Munchlax and then as its trainer she'll discipline it! Another Pokémon that beats Brock! ![]() ![]() May has Combusken use Fire Spin, but again Munchlax has disappeared with surprising speed, and May calls out where could it be..... and it's right behind her! And it wants more Purple Surprise! She shoves it back to the tree and gives it some more, telling it that it won't get any more. She has Combusken rush in with Sky Uppercut but it shows incredible agility to dodge the move so that Combusken smashes its head into the branch above. The twerps can't understand how it was so fast... until Max looks closer and realises that it didn't so much dodge as.... fell asleep on its feet and fell onto its back just as Combusken was coming in! This is getting humiliating for May! She rouses it from its sleep with the offer of even MORE purple surprise, and finally gets it up on its feet for a fight. But once again it dodges Sky Uppercut with amazing timing.... until they realise that it actually just bent down to get a berry off of the ground! Inside the Pokémon Centre, Team Rocket are preparing to head off with their Pokeblock. James wants to stick around a little longer though, enjoying his new life as a Pokeblock Tester. They can just keep stealing and putting the blame on Munchlax, but Jesse insists that they're going... as soon as they've captured Pikachu. Oh no no no Jesse no just go now, go! Run! Run! James decides to have one more taste of free berry before going though and grabs a large red spiked berry, freaking out Jesse and Meowth who try to stop him but too late. Lips enflamed, James bursts through the wall and past the "battle" between May and Munchlax, arousing the suspicions of the twerps and Nurse Joy who find it odd that an expert would take a bite out of a tamato berry. He insists (through swollen lips) that these allegations are baseless... and then Pokeblock falls out of the hole in the sack he is carrying, recognised by two of the kids who were blaming Munchlax earlier. Jesse and Meowth arrive too late to stop the truth being revealed, so Jesse sweeps Pikachu up in the net and they're into the (barely comprehensible!) motto! ![]() "Make it double though my mouth really hurts!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unide da peebles widdin bidashin!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend dour reach dodadars abub!" "Jesse." "Ab Jabes." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrenbah now or prebare for a flambing fibe!" "Daaaat's right!" May is furious, Ash is furious, and Combusken has a mouth full of flames! It blasts at Team Rocket who duck, allowing Pikachu to fall free to the ground and burning a hole in the sack Jesse is holding, causing Pokeblock to fall out and catch Munchlax's attention. It leaps through the air gobbling up the falling berries and burrows its face into the sack as Jesse struggles to stop it eating their "profits". As she swings it about, James' sack is knocked loose (oh get your minds outta da gutta!) and Munchlax leaps after it. The sack hits the ground with a thud and Munchlax crashes into May, drilling her backfirst into the ground. ![]() And now you know how she'd look if Brock ever got his way! Ash calls out Snorunt to use Icebeam, but it goes off course once more and freezes the tree above Team Rocket's balloon instead. They laugh as they sail higher with one bag of Pokeblock left.... and puncture the balloon on a spike of ice and crash the flame control into the solid mass, exploding them and sending them blasting off again! The falling Pokeblock is falling right into Munchlax's mouth as May squeals at it to stop eating. Ash tells her to just throw a Pokeball and hope for the best, and she does just that..... and Munchlax..... ![]() It ate the Pokeball! Everyone stares in shock, nobody knows how to deal with this... and then Munchlax glows red and disappears inside of the Pokeball and is captured! It's.... it's something new and different for everyone to have to deal with, but a catch is a catch, and May now has a very hungry new Pokémon to take with her to the Grand Festival!