388: Pacifidlog Jam |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() Ash once again returns outside to train with Snorunt and Pikachu, working on the former's Ice Beam. It appears to be getting a little better at it, managing to freeze a berry and drop it out of the tree, but then getting a little overexcited and blasting all over the place. It manages to freeze the ground, while a panicky James comes running down it carrying a sack of stuff for Jesse. He slides on the ice, catches his footing and begins skating happily along.... straight into a wall! Inside the Arena, Vivian is announcing the first Contest Battle between Erica and "The Jess-ter". Jesse talks some trash but Erica's reply gets lost in a fantasy about her and Joshua winning the contest together and Mr. Contesta declaring theirs is a love like he has never seen. She begins giggling stupidly, and Jesse is thrown off her game, thinking that Erica must be REALLY good if she is confident enough to giggle before a battle! She checks on Meowth who says he is ready, an odd pouch on his belly, perhaps the result of James' sack.... GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA! ![]() The Five Minute Timer begins to count down and Jinx opens with Lovely Kiss, blowing one at meowth which leaps over and comes slashing down with Fury Swipes.... and then freaks out when he sees Jinx wants to give him a big ol' pucker-up kiss! ![]() And then it happens! Yes, Meowth just "transformed" into a Sunflora. Brock and Max can't believe it, the crowd can't believe it, Ash outside can't believe it, the Judges can't believe it, Vivian can't believe it and Erica and Jinx can't believe it! Believe it, baby! Backstage, Joshua is trying to figure out how you could train a Meowth to do that, while out front, "Sunflora" uses Razor Leaf by... throwing some leaves at Jinx.... which turns them into icy rocks. So Jesse has "Sunflora" transform again.... this time into Kirlia! Oh this is just getting silly! "Kirlia" prepares to do Double Team somehow but struggles so much to stay on its toes that it trips over, and the whole thing starts to fall apart as the Judges question the oddness of the Razor Leaf and Brock and Max question the quality of the Kirlia costume. In desperation, one trick pony Jesse calls for another transformation and.... oh my God. ![]() Oh. My. God. Towering over Jinx, Meowth thinks he's doing a pretty good job... till Erica realises that Wailord can't swim without water and has Jinx use Psychic. Wailord is lifted high into the air, and Meowth scrabbles his claws around and punctures the costume, sending him flying about the arena as Vivian and the Judges finally figure out that Meowth didn't ACTUALLY transform into various different Pokemon! Well.... duh! Jesse is disqualified for breaking the rules (there is a rule about not dressing up talking cats in giant whale costumes?) and a furious Jesse and James move to Plan B - tear off the Dashikis! Awwww man they're wearing their uniforms underneath. Vivian tells them they don't belong here, and that's a cue for the motto.... while Meowth circles above their heads in his deflating Wailord costume! "Well then prepare for trouble if that's what you think!!" "And make it double Miss Snooty in Pink!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" moans Meowth as he finally lowers down from the roof. "Wobbuffet!" "Chiiime!" Ash rushes inside as Meowth cleans his face and Jesse and James try to capture Jinx with a net... which it tosses over them with Jinx before smashing them with a Hyper Beam and sending them blasting off again! Ash arrives back inside too late to blast them off, while Brock and Max start wondering if maybe May has bitten off more than she can chew. ![]() I might have added a couple of words there. Soon May and Skitty are fighting Joshua and Houndoum, and it's a pretty brutal fight between big flaming hell dog and small pink empty-headed cat. Unsurprisingly, Houndour is getting the better of the straight up physical fight and May is losing points far faster than Joshua. Skitty tries Blizzard but is overcome by Houndoum's Flamethrower. May starts to panic but Ash yells she still has time and she hears him and realises what she needs to do..... EMBRACE RANDOMNESS! When Houndoom uses Swift, May calls for Assist and gets a Razor Leaf, then follows up with Tackle to knock Houndoom down hard. Backstage, Erica is sure that it was pure luck, but when Skitty is knocked back by Shadowball and May and Joshua exchange compliments, Erica becomes concerned again, suspicious again of what is going on between the two of them. This is just made worse when May goes for another Blizzard and Houndoom once again comes back with Flamethrower, and this time Skitty is able to hold its own and both Pokemon clash their moves together, neither giving up, points steadily declining at an equal rate for May AND Joshua as they grin at each other and Erica becomes horrified, convinced that THEY are actually the perfect battling couple and not her and Joshua. ![]() As time ticks down towards zero, Joshua tells Houndoom to pour it on and May tells Skitty the same. The two extreme moves explode against each other and create a blast of hot/icy wind.... and Houndoom is knocked momentarily off of its feet, just enough to give May the edge... and the victory! May goes to the Final Battle! Josh sighs and then grins, he gave it his best shot, but Erica is heartbroken, May ruined her dream! ![]() ![]() And it works again! Beautifly's Stringshot wraps around a surprised Jinx. She goes with Assist again and a Razor Leaf, but they cut open the String Shot and free Jinx to use Psychic Attack, lifting Skitty up helplessly in the air for another Blizzard attack. May calls for Assist AGAIN and another String Shot comes out and freezes within the Blizzard, so she.... goes with Assist again!?! ![]() Points don't matter, May wins! May hugs her Skitty (oh get out of that goddamn gutter already!) as the twerps gush over how clever her initially retarded-looking strategy was. Every use of Assist increased the chances that the next shot would be a Firespin, and every time it failed it got the crowd more worked up so the payoff in the end was increased. As they celebrate the benefit of hindsight though, the real celebration begins as May is awarded the prize for her faith in Skitty - her Fifth Contest Ribbon and qualification for the Grand Festival.... in her inaugural Coordinator year! ![]() As the sun sets, outside the Contest Arena Joshua and Erica say their goodbyes to May and Erica says she was glad to get a chance to know May after their initial hostile meeting. She says she now understands why Joshua wanted to train separately, so they could develop and improve their skills to be better rivals to each other. He blushes and stammers that this is right, when it is clear that his reasoning was that she is a clingy freak stalker and he's terrified she's going to boil his bunny. Erica talks up a good game about how she and Joshua are going to train up hard for the next Grand Festival and blah blah blah all of which is a longwinded way of saying,"I'm a loser," and then the twerps wave their goodbyes and head off for the Grand Festival and the Hoenn League. Because unlike Joshua and Erica, they're not losers. Not yet, anyway!