384: Showdown at Linoone |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() At the Pokémon Centre at the next town, Ash rushes to the Pokémon Centre and immediately calls his parent to brag about winning all eight of his badges who tells him that Pallet Town will be excited and how they'll be there to see him at the Hoenn League. Yes. We're talking about Professor Oak. He hangs up after apparently not bothering to call his mother (or maybe he did and Professor Oak picked up!) and they leave the Centre to have lunch in the forest. Afterwards, Ash prepares to rush off to do some training, and Brock tries to calm him down by reminding him that there are three months till the Hoenn League. Ash corrects him; there are ONLY three months till the Hoenn League! Rushing away, May decides she needs to get into gear about winning that 5th Ribbon, and decides to polish some balls in preparation. Poor Brock, it must be hell living his life. As she polishes her Pokeballs, they shine brightly, catching the attention of something watching from the bushes. As she returns each now brightly shining ball to her pack, she discovers to her horror that Beautifly and Bulbasaur's Pokeballs (and presumably, Beautifly and Bulbasaur!) are missing! She rushes about trying to find them, while Brock and Max find themselves oddly distracted from assisting her. ![]() Yep. Once they discover what has happened, they immediately decide that it must be,"TEAM ROCKET!" Just one bush over, napping on a blanket and oblivious to the twerps' presence, Team Rocket hear their name and snap to attention, discovering that they've once again managed to stumble over their nemeses only now they're getting the blame for something that they didn't (but would have liked to) do! Max notices that there are Pokémon tracks all around the picnic table and leading off into the forest, and whatever made them clearly is responsible for stealing the Pokeball. May is furious, and means to track it down and make it pay. Completely unaware of these goings-on (as he would be even if he was there), Ash is getting in his training with Pikachu. Unfortunately before he can begin, the culprit charges straight through him to escape, shouting,"Linoone! Linoone! Linoone!" as it runs, barrelling Ash and Pikachu through the air as it goes. ![]() I'm guessing it is a Linoone! Ash crashes to the ground and drags out his Pokedex, learning that Linoone is really fast but doesn't handle curves very well.... and watches it smash into the corner of the road's barricade. He notices that it had puffier cheeks than the one in his Pokedex, and then May stomps on him as she follows the tracks and asks why he is lying in the middle of the road. They soon figure out that the Linoone's puffy cheeks are probably due to having the Pokeballs in its mouth. Since Linoone generally goes in a straight line, they figure if they follow after it in a straight line they'll catch up to it soon enough. So off they go, eventually reaching a small house which May angrily declares to be a hide-out. Inside, however, they find only a small chubby boy disconsolately bouncing a worn old Pokeball along the floor. When he learns that a Linoone stole May's Pokeballs, he is sure it is his, and apologises for "Token", which is what he calls it. Just then his mother and FAAAAAATTTTTTT Dad arrive, asking if these children they have never seen before in this forest where their house is the only one for miles are friends of their son, who is called Kimmy.... because being a chubby little loner wasn't bad enough. They're invited in, and Ash says they are looking for the Linoone, and they instantly know that it is their Token causing the problem. They apologise and introduce themselves. The boy is Kimmy, the mother is Harmony, and the HUGE FATASS DAD is called Corbin. The twerps introduce themselves, and Kimmy takes them to Token's hut where they find a collection of round objects like melons, lightbulbs, vases etc. They don't understand why it is doing this, and Kimmy explains that when it was a Zigzagoon, they were great friends and he'd play catch with it all the time. But when it evolved, it stopped playing with him and started collecting these things, including stuff that belonged to other people. Kimmy tried to explain this was wrong, but Linoone doesn't seem able to stop. As May rummages through the collection for her Pokeballs, Ash tells Kimmy that he experienced "the same" problem when his Charmander evolved through to Charizard. To get over this "same" problem, he explained that he was working just as hard as Charizard and it grew to trust in him. What he doesn't mention was that rather than stealing round things, Charizard was ignoring him and setting fire to his face, and it got better only after almost dying and Ash tending it through the night. Max brings up the flamethrower (how does he know?) and Ash mutters that this isn't important. May can't find her Pokeballs though and is miserable (how else can she stuff her shirt?) and Kimmy suggests it might be in the other hiding place in the mountains. That hiding place being.... the entire forest in the mountains! As they all set to searching the bushes and trees and stumps and rocks, Harmony spots something shining and excitedly cries out that she found it! She found.... her ring! ![]() Pikachu finds something and an excited May runs over to see what it is.... and Pikachu drops a bone into her hand, causing her to freak out. As she juggles it in a panic, the other twerps approach and Ash takes it, Max identifying it as a Thick Club (used by Cubone and Marowak), and then inside the tree stump they find a Sooth Bell, a Dragon Fang, a Farfetch'd's leak, and more besides. Brock figures that Token is using "Pick Up Ability" to find rare good. Brock wishes he has Pick Up Ability. Team Rocket - eavesdropping from the bushes with a directional mic - are delighted to hear this, a Linoone with an ability to find rare goods? For once the patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy isn't so crazy, as he rather reasonably imagines Giovanni chilling in his chair and being pleased as Linoone zips in and out with presents of rare items from Hoenn, and decides to reward "Meowth and friends". Awwww, the fantasies are better when they're insane. As the twerps continue looking, Token appears on a clifftop overlooking them, its cheeks still rounded by the Pokeballs in its mouth. They shout out to it to give the Pokeballs back but it shakes its head furiously, not wanting to give them up.... and then it gets caught up in a net! ![]() ![]() "Prepare for trouble we're not someone, we're us!" "So make it double and stop all the fuss!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Chem Robbet blahs off ah tha spee ah lie," gobbles Jesse, cheeks rounded in imitation of Linoone. "Suhrenah now or prepreh o fie fie fie," gobbles James, similarly afflicted though he's probably more used to it. "Daaaat's right!" adds Meowth, cheeks also bulging but his dreadful accent meaning it makes little difference. "WOBBBBUFFET!" "CHIIIIME!" Team Rocket insist that Token is nothing but a common criminal and it takes one to know one. They being to float away, and Kimmy rushes up the cliffside furiously demanding they give back his Token. As he climbs though, Jesse sends out Seviper to use Haze, obscuring his vision and making him fall towards his certain death, shocking Token which opens its mouth in fright, allowing the Pokeballs to fall loose. ![]() ![]() It's rather hilarious how pleased she is to have her Pokeballs back while Kimmy is lying coughing up a lung beside her. Ash sends Pikachu up to get at Team Rocket, and James tries to send in Cacnea to stop it, only for it to hug him in delight instead as Pikachu slashes through the rope holding the net with Iron Tail. Token plummets and ALSO crashes into the ground without being saved (hardcore episode this!) as Kimmy struggles up and moves to its side, hugging it happily when he realises it is (relatively) okay. Seviper is trying to skewer Pikachu with Poison Tail but it manages to get onto Seviper's head, Thunderbolting it at pointblank range into the Happy Buddha Face Meowth balloon and sending Team Rocket blasting off aga-WAIT! Laughing, they tell the twerps they made some upgrades so they wouldn't have to leave the party so soon this time. Meowth hits a button and catches Pikachu in a net, sailing away laughing that NOW they'll leave. Ash is furious, and Kimmy slows down their pursuit to tell him all about how sorry he is that he caused Pikachu's capture when he was trying to help him. As Team Rocket mock them from a distance, Linoone stares angrily at them then looks closer at the giant Pokeball shaped balloon, so big and round and just begging to be captured! And it has to have it! It has to rape that balloo.... capture that balloon! As it takes off in a straight line, Brock guesses at last that it is after the Pokeball, and Kimmy remembers that when he played catch with Zigzagoon, it was using a Pokeball, and they stopped doing that when it evolved which is when it started stealing round Pokeball shaped things. Are these people really that retarded? Seriously? How did they NOT get this? Kimmy yells at Linoone that if it wants to play, go get that balloon! In delight it zips after Team Rocket, leaping high and somehow getting above the balloon, landing on it where Jesse and James stupidly believe that it is attracted to their illicit ways. For once Meowth is the voice of reason, yelling at them that one dig in of its claws and the balloon will pop. James doesn't want that to happen, so he sends in Cacnea with Needlearm. Meowth pretty much explodes with Fury Shock at this point, as James' stupidity has the inevitable result of seeing the balloon punctured furiously. ![]() ![]() But Team Rocket aren't done yet! Emerging from the dust and sand of their crash, we have a momentary obscured glimpse of Jesse and Meowth laying in their boots surprisingly viciously to James before Jesse takes matters into her own hands and sends in Seviper to use Poison Tail. James sends in Cacnea with Needlearm, and Token uses Water Pulse, confusing the two Pokémon which start fighting each other as Kimmy brags that Token knows Electric Attacks as well. Jesse roars at them to snap out of it, and the two Confused Pokémon turn their attacks on.... Team Rocket! Adding injury to insult, Ash and Kimmy have Pikachu and Token use a Double Thunderbolt, creating an actual electric dragon that sends Team Rocket blasting off..... FINALLY! Back at Kimmy's house, the little boy and Linoone have patched up their relationship, and Kimmy finally reveals that the reason why he stopped playing with Zigzagoon was because it looked so different that he thought maybe it would be different from Zigzagoon. Maybe he should have at least tried.... or taken notice when it started stealing round shaped objects, you little moron!?!