378: Beg, Burrow and Steal |
Dodgy Synopsis
Just then they hear a siren and turn to see a stern looking woman driving towards them. Perhaps she is under the mistaken impression they have come to... ![]() The jeep pulls up and the woman angrily tells them that they have to leave, it's a dangerous place and they're trespassing. her name is Alicia, she's a Safety Ranger and Brock is desperately, hopelessly in love with her. Max pulls him away by the ear and May apologises, saying she didn't realise that this place was dangerous and off-limits to trespassers. Some.... you know.... danger and no trespassing signs would really help there. Ash stupidly says that he can't see what is so dangerous and steps right up to the edge of the hole which breaks apart beneath him and sends him sliding towards the bottom. Alicia throws out a rope and hauls him back up, then explains that beneath this area is a large underground cavern, and it's impossible to map because the Trapinch keep creating new holes. She drives them on though, explaining part of her job is protecting the copious amounts of wild Pokémon in the area. Just then they spot a weedy scientist type being chased by a Donphan, something that is apparently NOT a new sight for Alicia. She sends out a Meganium to calm the Donphan, and introduces "Hal" to the twerps. He's a researcher and they've known each other since they were kids, and apparently he is quite prone to infuriating wild Pokémon. So what caused it this time? He was looking for something.... that, in fact! ![]() ![]() As Team Rocket continues spying on the twerps, Hal is explaining that his plan is to discover the location of an underground lake in the Trapinch caverns. It seems he fell into a hole as a small child and when he woke up he found himself on the shore of a beautiful underground lake that had sunbeams shining down on it and off of the water in his memory despite the fact it is underground. He spotted a huge collection of Trapinch all gathered together and watched them evolve into Vibrava and fly out and then - somehow - he found himself outside, he doesn't know how, though he suspects the Vibrava were behind it. Alicia doesn't believe it though, not anymore at least, though apparently she did when she was five years old, though her acceptance of such fanciful notions faded as she got taller and developed breasts. Just then they note that the transmitter Trapinch has disappeared again, till they spot it clambering down into one of the holes (What is the point of the transmitter on its back if they can't use it to track it?). Hal is sure that this is evolution season and it will be returning to the lake, but Alicia scoffs at the idea. And that's when Team Rocket reveals their plan to grab Pikachu. In that they tear out of the ground in their Diglett robot and... grab Pikachu. That's it. That's their plan. "Prepare for trouble in our Diglett Supreme!" "Make it double, I'm digging this scheme!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "And James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "WOBBUFFET!" "CHIME CHIME!" Ash demands Pikachu back and Team Rocket mock him for being so predictable, to which he replies by demanding Pikachu use Thunderbolt.... The boy really just doesn't get it. ....which of course does nothing. Brock means to show them something different though, and that something different is a Gay Pineapple Duck! He calls out Ludicolo and it instantly... grabs Max by the wrists and hauls him forward towards its crotch. ![]() ....well, I guess that's something different.... It blasts the Diglett Supreme with Water Gun and Meowth laughs that as their Diglett Supreme is a Ground Type it's weak against Water Attacks... and Jesse and James angrily point out that this is NOT a good thing! The Diglett Supreme pitches over sideways and into the hole, where Team Rocket miserably and sadly watch it chewed into nothing by the Trapinch as James moans that it would be cheaper to just buy them a meal. After the robot is eaten down to nothing, Team Rocket fall into the ground itself startled, and Pikachu quickly follows. Alicia insists that Ash just stand and watch but he is having none of it and leaps down after it, falling through the dirt as well followed by Alicia and the transmitter Trapinch. They land fairly gently, but for Team Rocket it is a whole other matter. ![]() Ash is calling for Pikachu while Alicia insists they head in the direction of where she believes the exit is. Ash won't leave without Pikachu though, but Alicia suddenly out of nowhere decides to follow the transmitter Trapinch because "it knows the way". ![]() Meanwhile, Meowth has gone insane. After spotting a Trapinch, he decides that the Boss simply MUST have one, in order to... crack walnuts for him.... and thus Team Rocket will get a promotion and become Team Rocket royalty. But while they were all indulging in this patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy, the Trapinch has disappeared, and Jesse blames James.... of course. They hide when they spot Hal walk through the tunnels and work out he's tracking Trapinch with his tracker and decide to follow him, creeping behind him whispering gently,"Silently!" "Stealthily" "Meowthily!" Wobbuffet!" Awww, he just wants to join in! As Ash and Alicia continue to follow the transmitter Trapinch, familiar voices screaming become louder, and they discover that the others decided to accidentally follow after them, in a plummeting fashion! Ash is confused as to where Hal is and Brock explains what happened, while Trapinch decides to eat its way through the wall, and then Alicia notices something.... a flood! Water comes barrelling down the tunnel after them and they cheese it, Alicia convinced it is water from a recent rainfall. Brock points out that Trapinch obviously dug that hole into the wall to escape, leaving them all fucked, and then the water crashes into them and washes them out.... into the lake! ![]() Hal was right! Hilariously, a giant hole in the "roof" of the cavern allows the sunlight to flow through clearly, because apparently everybody in the area is a giant retard who has never bothered to look DOWN which is why only Hal has known about the lake to date. ![]() ![]() And Team Rocket are there too, Meowth wondering "how dey got a lake down here?" Alicia apologises to Hal for giving him such a hard time all those years, and he says that she always believed him.... deep down.... he was always sure... right? She always believed him? Right!?! She agrees as he beams with delight, she blushing because.... no, no she didn't believe him, at all. The twerps interrupt the moment to point out all the gathered Trapinch who Hal believes are here to evolve... and evolve they do, the transmitter falling off of the transmitter Trapinch as it joins the others into Vibrava. James is horrified; they were going to steal those Trapinch! But Meowth is delighted, because Vibrava have Dragon-Type traits, and that is good news to a wobbly-eyed Jesse and nose-steaming James, because that means MON-NAY! The Vibrava take off... straight into a net thrown by Team Rocket who have somehow got out of the caverns, into their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon and found a net to throw over the Vibrava. Brock calls out Ludicolo which again goes straight for Max (oh dear!) before being convinced to use Bullet Seed as covering fire on Team Rocket, allowing Meganium to cut the net and let the Vibrava loose. Dustox and Cacnea are called out to attack the twerps, but the Vibrava use a collective Supersonic to blast the attacks away, then Pikachu "predictably" uses Thunderbolt which infuriates Jesse, while Meowth notes that the only thing more predictable than that is them blasting off. Again! But this leaves the twerps with a problem... how to get out of the caverns through the huge open roof and craggy, easily climbable rocks? Well oddly enough, Ash has an idea - a dangerous and terrible one! ![]() Once out, they watch the Vibrava head away, and as the sun sets Alicia shows the twerps the way to town. Hal reveals that he doesn't intend to reveal the location of the lake - the existence of which has caused him to be mocked for years - and explains that one of the real causes of his endless search for it was because he simply couldn't figure out a way to get inside of Alicia's legs.... affections! Inside her affections! And thus another episode ends the way the best must, with a heartbroken Brock stuck with blue balls, and some loser dude tricking a chick into wanting to let him bang her. God Bless America.