360: A Scare To Remember | ||||||||
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() The tree crashes down and the smoke clears to reveal..... a Team Rocket Robot clutching onto Pikachu with one metallic arm! They're early! "Prepare for trouble, we're early today!" yells Jesse. "The early bird catches the Pikachu they say!" adds James. "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" Ash demands Pikachu back but Jesse laughs, saying why would they do that when they just spent all their money on the robot! James throws in cheerily that they took all their past plans and it came together in this mechanical monstrosity, the Mean and Nasty Grumpy Grabber Mark One! With a Cranky Claw Grabber! Ash shouts for a Thunderbolt but of course the Mech is made of rubber hoses and insulated recyclables, so t has no effect. As Team Rocket pull down their eyelids and poke tongues out at Ash, he snaps angrily that he's going to get Pikachu and starts running at the robot (the yelling part is surely on its way) with Brock, May and Max not far behind. But as they run, they sink into a pit-trap, Team Rocket laughing that they always fall for it..... and then the leg of their robot sinks into the dirt due to its heaviness, and then the lousy recycled parts cause the other leg to crush under its own weight, Team Rocket being flung about atop the stylish hat on its head.... and then the whole thing collapses under its own weight! ![]() Meowth warns that all this falling apart isn't a good thing for the internal reactor, and then it EXPLODES proving that recycling actually is bad and we should all use the only truly "green" power source, nuclear power! It produces no carbon, only radioactive waste that takes hundreds of years to break down and causes cancers, sickness and death to all living things animate or otherwise! They're all blasted off, Team Rocket, Twerps and all, Ash grabbing at Pikachu but missing as they soar through the air to crash in various locations. An undetermined amount of time later, we see the twerps faces (and nothing else) as they come to and try to figure out what the hell just happened. May thinks that Team Rocket's robot exploded, and then Ash remembers Pikachu and starts struggling angrily to get free so he can find it, as the camera finally shows us where they've ended up. ![]() Well.... that ain't good! Meanwhile, Jesse and James have found their bodies pressed together, crotch pressed firmly against the buttocks of another, Jesse moaning that she has never felt this close to James before. In an old abandoned asylum, the retarded, limbless child with 9th degree burns all across its body that is Rocketshipping would sob uncontrollably at what it knows is only to be another in a long series of false hopes dashed, but alas its tear ducts have also been burnt clear. It simply turns its misshapen visage into the blackest corner of the asylum and wheezes miserably ![]() She peels off of James and falls to the floor, as he moans that he feels the same about her... and Wobbuffet!! He peels off himself revealing that Wobbuffet was also smashed into the indentation they made in the tree, which finally peels off itself. They land and pop back into full bodies, Wobbuffet smiling happily and doing stretches as Jesse looks about for Meowth and James suggests that he was blown further along because he weighs less. "Are you saying I'm fat?" demands Jesse. Jesse decides they should go wait back at base, but he wants to find Meowth. She coldly puts it to him that there is no point in all of them getting lost, and he suggests she might be trying to hide how much she cares. But when she finds out he doesn't know where their base is, she gets angry and he suggests that now she is using anger to hide how much she cares! While all this is going on, Pikachu wakes up in a field and discovers it is sitting on Meowth's head. Meowth is shocked until he realises that the twerps aren't around and calls on Jesse and James to help him... and discovers they're not around. Still, Meowth means to stand up for the honor of Team Rocket and make a Pikachu capture all its own, and leaps through the air at a confused, cock-headed Pikachu and falls flat on his face. He is horrified that Pikachu doesn't seem at all concerned about him trying to capture it, until Pikachu speaks up and Meowth realises that.... Pikachu has amnesia! And that means Meowth can fill its head with a whole bunch of new stuff! Meowth happily tells Pikachu that he can take it to a wonderful man who can help it, a man called.... Giovanni! He pretends to cry, explaining to Pikachu that it has been a member of Team Rocket for years, and now they just need to find Jesse and James and then go see Giovanni! So they set off, while the twerps look for Pikachu, James looks for Meowth and, besides James, Jesse screams for their home base to "speak up" since she can't find it, and James has to gently remind her that bases can't talk. As Meowth giggles internally over tricking Pikachu, a Zigzagoon jumps out of the bushes and hides quaking in terror behind the yellow rat. A Beedrill (it's ALWAYS a Beedrill!) pops out after it and Meowth panics as well, shouting for Pikachu to do something.... so it blasts the ever-loving fuck out of Beedrill and sends it packing, leaving Meowth feeling the internal pangs of regret at taking advantage of such a kind Pokemon. Meowth and Pikachu continue along a narrow cliff-ledge, Meowth feeling more and more like a jerk as he freaks out over the narrowness of the ledge and Pikachu bravely leads them on. Determined to get his "noive" back, he outright lies to Pikachu that he once nursed it back to health when it was sick, and enjoys pulling off the trick so much that he almost goes over the edge of the cliff, only to be saved by Pikachu grabbing it by the tail. Meanwhile, the twerps have encountered the tracks of Pikachu and the Zigzagoon, and also Meowth's! Meowth is getting tired of searching for the home base, and feels like even more of a jerk when Pikachu brings him an apple and reveals it was the only one it could find but it wants Meowth to have it. Meowth isn't THAT much of a jerk, so he splits up the apple and they share it. But as they eat, the twerps move on down the cliff ledge and spot Pikachu and Meowth's tracks again, concerned that Pikachu doesn't seem to be putting up a struggle. But Meowth and Pikachu have finished their meal now and are now heading UP a ledge, holding hands after Meowth "saves" Pikachu as its roly-poly ass trips and rolls down the hill into Meowth's paws. But as they continue on towards their goal, Jesse has found hers, their Home Base right where they left it, showcasing the glory of Team Rocket in the Hoenn Region! ....kinda. ![]() Jesse heads through the door telling James they can have something to eat and then wait for Meowth to show up. James says they should look for Meowth but again she insists that this will just get them all lost, then she pouts and droops low, moaning that she's tired.... then leaps into the air with her legs kicking excitedly as she declares that there is plenty of food. "At least your stomach isn't lying," sighs James. They head inside and Swellow flies overhead, spotting the building and heading back to let the twerps know. Only a few seconds later, however, Meowth discovers the building as well and runs up calling for Jesse and James. James comes out followed shortly by Jesse chowing down happily, saying that if you leave them alone they'll come home wagging their empty stomachs. Hey, she has a killer rack, she probably hasn't had to be very clever through life. As soon as Pikachu spots them, however, instinct kicks in and it crackles with electricity. Jesse squeezes the food in her hand angrily but Meowth leaps in front of Pikachu and "reminds" Jesse and James that Pikachu is their number one buddy, then rushes up and whispers the news about the amnesia to them. James gets it, Pikachu needs a new memory! Meowth grabs him around the mouth and insists that what Pikachu needs is its "old" memory back, the one about it being a happy member of Team Rocket! As far in the distance the twerps hear from Swellow and Mudkip both that Pikachu is straight ahead of them, Jesse and James turn on the charm for the fat yellow rat. ![]() They point at their faces, Jesse insisting that she's Pikachu's absolute best buddy, and James insisting that he is ALSO Pikachu's other absolute best buddy. Pikachu seems to be going along with it, so they dance and laugh happily and then James "reminds" Pikachu that it used to love to ride on his shoulder, and it leaps up eagerly so.... "Oooh, you've gained a few pounds, haven't you," mutters James as he almost loses balance. Then.... uhh.... things get weird. ![]() The twerps emerge from the forest with Pikachu chasing after Team Rocket happily. With Pikachu directly between both groups, Ash calls out to it to ask if it is all right, and Team Rocket shout back warnings that the twerps are bad people that want to hurt them. Ash is confused (no shock) and asks if something is wrong with Pikachu, but the panicked rat puts more stock in the voice of Meowth and turns to run to his side, horrifying Ash. Pikachu has joined Team Rocket! Ash steps forward hesitantly, asking Pikachu if it doesn't remember who Team Rocket are, and Team Rocket answer with... a motto! "Prepare for trouble, that's not your concern!" "Make it double, things have taken a turn!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "And James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare for a fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "PIIIKA PIKA! ![]() Oh that's just wrong! Ash can't believe it, Jesse can barely believe it either, but when Ash steps towards Pikachu it growls a warning back at him, and Jesse laughs that what goes around comes around, its time for the twerps to take a Thunderbolt and sent blasting off! James yells the command, and Pikachu follows it, blasting 100,000 volts straight through Ash! He crashes into the ground and sending Jesse and James into paroxysms of joy, and as Ash gets back up, Meowth orders another Thunderbolt and Ash is sent crashing to the ground again. Suddenly Brock has a revelation, Pikachu must have amnesia! Well noooooo shit, Sherlock! You think water might be wet? Of course Pikachu can overhear this conversation too, so Team Rocket insist it's just another in a long series of tall tales, and demand the twerps call out all their Pokemon to battle Pikachu. They refuse of course, which Team Rocket were expecting, and they haul up Pikachu and dart inside the base, which collapses around them to reveal the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon. Team Rocket have finally realised that instead of standing around and gloating they should just cheese it, but as they lift off, a stubborn Ash leaps through the air and holding on to the basket and fights the laws of gravity through sheer pigheaded stupidity! ![]() James demands a Thunderbolt and Pikachu delivers, but in such close quarters it blasts ALL of them and Team Rocket are sent blasting off again, while Ash and Pikachu fall towards the river below. Ash sees it beneath them and straightens his body to zip forward and grab up Pikachu, twisting as they hit the fast rushing water and are swept along as a musical montage plays showing scenes mostly from the episode but also a few recent ones, Ash smiling as his brain rushes with endorphins to deal with lack of oxygen and his brain shutting down as he and Pikachu drown, the show and series itself ending on a real downer. ![]() Only.... not quite, as we soon find Ash washed up on a stony riverbank, Pikachu licking a delicious tear from his eye to wake him up. They blink at each other and Pikachu smiles, apparently its memory was restored by a Fred Flintstone style knock to the head. Brock, May and Max come running down too late to do anything of any use, much like their presence throughout the entire episode, and then Team Rocket crash into the shallow river. They demand that the twerps help them as they can't swim (a lie) in water only a couple of feet deep. The twerps snap at them to help themselves, but then they spot Pikachu and realise that they still have the upper hand, as they call on Pikachu to u- Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again! As they're flung through the air for at least the third time, Jesse and James lament that Pikachu has its memory back, and Meowth grunts that he'd like to know what kind of jerks would try to kidnap it anyway.... oh, that's right, them! As the sun sets, the twerps stand looking out over the forest, enjoying being reunited, Ash telling Pikachu that they'll be friends forever. They set off, once more back on the road to Lilycove, Ash and Pikachu together again.... well, at least till the multiple untreated concussions kill it.