359: The Garden of Eatin |
Dodgy Synopsis
Thanks for sharing that information with Norman's SON, Ash! But May throws her hand up, angrily reminding the others that they already agreed they would head on to the next town and get some desert (not lunch, desert, she's very specific). May and Max argue angrily over what is "less" rare - ice cream or Slakoth - and then Brock makes peace by pointing out that the Banana Slakoth Garden is also famous for its ice-cream deserts..... wow, it's a good thing that they'd agreed to go to the next town for desert then and not lunch, since the place is famous for deserts and all.... really convenient that! But regardless, May is excited now, and they rush their way into.... ![]() May leads the way, saying she wants the banana cake, banana float and banana cream pie. Ash can't figure out how she'll eat that much, which is a great thing to say to a young girl - make her think she's fat! They arrive at the theme park, but it seems to be empty and the gates are closed.... but not locked. May opens the gate and heads in, and the others follow to see what is going on, noticing that all the banana trees have been picked clean. Then they hear a loud thumping noise that shakes the ground, and a split forms in the ground releasing horrendous French stereotypes that possess a man in a bowtie and red vest who then declares to the twerps, "CHELDREN! IT IZ MUCH TOO DANGEROUS OUT HERE! COME WITH ME!" They rush into a building, and Frenchy McFrog tells them that it wasn't an earthquake, and points out the window to reveal.... a giant Snorlax! Another one!?!? Max declares it is the biggest Pokemon he has ever seen (despite seeing a massive Wailord recently) and Frenchy McFrog tells them that he cannot keep the massive thing fed - it just showed up one day and started eating all of the bananas, and now it is eating the Slakoth out of house and home. ![]() But it looks SOOO HAPPY! It is so big that the Slakoth can't stop it, even with their red butts, so it simply sits and eats all day, then falls asleep, then wakes up and repeats the cycle. The Slakoth have taken their engorged red buttocks and hidden away deep in the forest, including one with a different facial expression to the background animation of the others that headed angrily off in a different direction, probably not to be seen again this episode for certain! Frenchy McFrog remembers he hasn't introduced himself yet, and does so, explaining he is Director Marcel, the shaggy haired vest wearing, bowtie having Frog who runs the place. Just then another rumble shakes the building and the twerps, as the Snorlax rolls over in its sleep. Ash asks Brock what is going on, usually they only live in the mountains (or swim between the Orange Islands eating fruit, or sleep in front of roads or caves) and he says it is unusual, it must have been pushed out of its own territory. Marcel "remembers" there was a building project up in the mountains only a month ago, oddly enough the same time that the Snorlax first appeared... but he never made the connection before, because he's NOT SMART! He proves this further by mistaking Ash for an "expert" after learning he has his own Snorlax which he keeps at Professor Oak's ranch - yes, THE Professor Oak. They agree to help to save the Snorlax, and Marcel bursts into grateful, garlic smelling tears. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are seated up in the trees staring down at the giant Snorlax, impressed by its size. Meowth wants to give it to the Boss as a gift, which surprises James because apparently he doesn't watch this show. Meowth treats us to a patented Meowth Crazy Giovanni Fantasy, in which Giovanni wakes up in lime green pajamas (including nightcap) with red S's on them, feeling cranky because he hasn't had his breakfast. He steps outside and finds a GIANT present for him, and it bursts open to reveal Snorlax, which is great because it's big just like all gifts for him should be! It even has a giant greeting card for him! ![]() Snorlax picks him up and puts him on his shoulder to see the sunrise, and Fantasy Giovanni declares that Meowth and friends deserve a huge reward! And Jesse and James.... completely fall for it. Meanwhile, May is suggesting they try to scare Snorlax, but Brock points out that most Snorlax's are of such a size that they aren't scared of anything. It rolls over again outside and shakes the building, and May jokes that, unlike Snorlax's, they are scared easily. Ash suggests the simplest solution (he would), which Marcel - being French - immediately thinks means talking to it, but Ash has an American mindset today, he proposes to beat it up, catch it and make it do what he says! Ooooh, biting social commentary! In unrelated news, May has giant breasts today. ![]() Brock tells them they'll have to fight it right after it has eaten but before it sleeps, since they regenerate health while sleeping (GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE ROAD GODDAMMIT I WANT TO RIDE MY BIKE!), and then on the security cameras they spot Snorlax sit up, shovel massive amounts of bananas into its gaping maw, then stagger up and stomp off to find more food. As it waddles along, the Slakoth watch, with that same Slakoth we saw earlier with a different expression AND slightly taller clump of hair on its head seemingly taking the lead. Snorlax scoops up more bananas happily, but then Ash arrives and shouts at it that it can't eat all the bananas, they're for the Snorlax, so it.... just keeps eating. Ash shouts that this means it must want to fight, and it answers by... ignoring him and just continuing on eating, much to his embarrassment. Furious, he sends in Pikachu with Thunder, which blasts into smoke before Snorlax which clears to reveal that nothing happened... at all, Snorlax is still eating! "This is bananas!" snaps May, and Brock, Marcel and Max let out a collective groan and stare icy daggers at her - that was terrible PUN-ishment! ![]() Pikachu tries Iron Tail but again, Snorlax no-sells it. Snorlax Yawns, which blows purple bubbles at Ash and Pikachu, knocking them both over into sleep, Pikachu's fat little belly spilling over the side as it hits the ground. May and Max run to Ash and Pikachu's sides, but they get hit by Yawn too, as do Brock and Marcel who fall asleep in each others arms (!) before Snorlax too tumbles over and goes back to sleep. But as they all sleep, Team Rocket have come up with a.... sensible idea! Slapping onto the underside of their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon is the Ton of Fun Mega Lifter 900! Apparently the 1000 Model was too expensive, but not for long, because Snorlax is going to make them rich! But suddenly Jesse interrupts their insane fantasy world to point out that if they're going to be rich, they'll need new uniforms! James grabs his top and tugs on it, noting that it is a little "dated", and Jesse decides they need something with long coats and high collars and cool graphics and all black! "And tight pants!?!" asks James eagerly. Oh James. Meowth also wants a matching Meowth suit with a hole for its tail, and they float over Snorlax and spot the twerps and Pikachu.... Pikachu asleep! Ripe for catching! They lower the Ton of Fun Mega Lifter 900, but as they do, Snorlax yawns again and the bubbles hit Team Rocket knocking them out. Jesse and James slump over the edge of the basket, and Meowth falls forward, hitting the controls and hauling the Lifter back up too fast, causing the balloon to EXPLODE (really?), and Team Rocket plummet down into the bushes beside Snorlax's sleeping body. ![]() Later back in the Main Complex, Professor Oak laughs and laughs at his stupid son after learning they collapsed fighting Snorlax. He tells them that it's just amusing to picture their futile efforts, then tells them he has a new invention that may be of some help. He calls Ash's Snorlax into the frame and it grins to see Ash and Pikachu who seem pretty happy to see it too. Oak gives Snorlax a small pink Pokeblock and explains it is a new Pokeblock he has designed particularly for Snorlax - one small cube will expand in their massive stomachs to create the equivalent of 300 kilograms of regular Pokemon good. Brock declares that is incredible, they could sure use it there (or, you know, in the 3rd World), and Oak offers to send the recipe. But they still face the problem of the Snorlax already there, even with a cube of food like that, it still won't move unless they defeat and catch it. So Oak suggests they battle it with a Pokemon that can't be put to sleep by Yawn - and Max suggests Vigoroth! Oh my, if only there was a slightly more aggressive Slakoth there with a bigger tuft of hair than the others that is their leader that could evolve at the right time! But Marcel doesn't know anything about Vigoroth's Vital Spirit - because apparently he's a fucking moron who only got the job running the gardens because he's someone important's nephew or something. They head outside and Marcel calls out to the Slakoth, apologising for failing to protect them, but telling them there is now a way to get rid of Snorlax.... one of them must battle Snorlax! It may seem hard to fight, but if they just evolve it'll be "possee-blay." But none of the Snorlax seem to be willing to make the sacrifice of somehow just randomly evolving.... until suddenly out of all the various Snorlax, in a completely unexpected turn of events, the bigger Slakoth with a higher tuft of hair and a different facial expression leaps out to accept the challenge! ![]() They head off to battle it in order to force an Evolution. Pikachu tries a Quick Attack but Slakoth Counters, then dodges Torkoal's Flamethrower and counters Groyvle's Leafblade with Scratch. It smacks around all of the Pokemon - which take the beating to fire up Slakoth, and it works, it evolves into Vigoroth! But Marcel cuts their celebrations short, telling them it is time to fight Snorlax, and they head off to interrupt Snorlax's meal. It accepts the challenge, getting up and blasting Yawn at Vigoroth, which smashes through them and leaps up, smashing Snorlax with a Scratch Attack. ![]() It bounces off of Snorlax's big belly, but Snorlax comes back with Hyperbeam and then Yawn, but Vigoroth dodges and smashes it over onto its back. Snorlax staggers up and looks pissed (it was just trying to eat!) and Vigoroth uses Focus Energy, before Snorlax leaps high for a BodySlam, only to get smashed with a Focus Punch that knocks it onto its back, and Ash yells at Marcel to use his Pokeball. He tosses it, sucking Snorlax up inside before falling to the ground, shaking, shaking.... and then stopping - Marcel caught a Snorlax! ![]() The Slakoth rush in to hug Vigoroth and Marcel as Ash lies and says that was one of the coolest battles he has ever seen. Soon the Slakoth Banana Garden is reopened and filled with people (none of whom helped earlier) while the twerps point out that everything has worked out fine now - well, except for the massive stripping of the food assets from the garden. But apparently the bananas grew back really quickly or something, because Marcel is able to make a giant cake and tell May she can eat all of it (doing wonders for her body image again!). He then tells them what he did with Snorlax, and reveals apparently he was able to plan, gain permission for, begin construction AND finish construction on a giant domed room all in the space of an afternoon. In the middle, Snorlax sleeps on a giant cushioned bed, with booths surrounding it in a circle filled with people all sleeping peacefully thanks to Snorlax's Yawn. The twerps head off, having fulfilled their usual task for the "Character of the Day", but something else that usually happens hasn't.... what about Team Rocket's motto? They crashed and never returned? What the hell happened to th.... oh! OH! "Prepare for trouble as we represent!" "We're making it double with a fashion statement!" "To protect the world from taste gone bad." "To unite all peoples with a trendy fad." ![]() "To extend our reach to a fashion faux pas." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket is blasting off at the speed of light." "Surrender now while we're looking so out of sight!" "YEAAH! Dat's right!" Yes they've got their new uniforms.... well, in their dreams at least, as they lay in the bushes where they crashed earlier in the episode, sleeping and dreaming (a shared dream!) of their fashionable new uniforms - with long coats and high collars and cool graphics and all black.... with tight pants! And as they doze in peace and happiness, they say it together, the final line of the episode. "We're fashionably greaaaaat!"