351: That's Just Swellow |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() Shane explains the contest has Pokemon Trainers send their Pokemon to battle in the air, then grab a ring hanging from a hook and fly it to place it on another hook near its trainer, and the first to do this, wins! Ash discovers that today is the day of the contest and after May declares she'll enter with Beautifly, he agrees that he'll join in with his Swellow. They move to the outdoor stadium where the event is about to kick off, and see a video display of all the past winners. Shane explains that winning garners you honorary citizenship in Crossgate Town, a concept that excites May a great deal, because she's always wanted to be considered a citizen of a town she has never heard of before! Max chuckles sardonically that she can't really think she is going to win a contest she is entering against people specifically trained to compete in such an event. May's cheek puffs out angrily and Ash just stares at Max, confused, after all, he does just that very thing all the time! Shane adds in that a lot of first-timers win it, and Shane himself is competing for the first time, and he only just caught this Swablu, but he seems to think that his sheer determination will get him the victory over such ridiculous things as training and skill and experience. Meanwhile, at a distance Meowth and Jesse watch these proceedings looking entirely unimpressed with what is going on. "Lemme get dis straight," grunts Meowth, reclining on a rocky pillar overlooking the open stadium,"All ya win for first prize is a citizenship to dis crummy town? Whaddya get for second prize? A kick in da shin?" ![]() Jesse also doesn't see the big deal, but James DOES, bravely posing and explaining yet another tale of his disjointed continuity, and how a young James was brutally beaten and put into bondage gear by an insane old man who "saw potential" in him! Seriously! He points out his Master's image on the screen of past winners, and Jesse is surprised to see he is a crazy old geezer, and Meowth says he looks like a potato farmer. James is infuriated though, saying that "crazy old geezer" was the first ever Pokeringer Champion, and he will prove his Master was right to see potential in him (and put him in bondage gear!?!) as he burns with the fire of determination, and a gaping Meowth and Jesse ask whether they should put him out. Meanwhile, the blocks of four are being randomly selected by a computer, and May is relieved to see that neither her or Ash will be in the "A Block" against Shane. But then the "B Block" is selected, and Ash finds himself up against last year's champion, a vest wearing, cowboy hatted cowboy type with bulging muscles, a hairy chest and a superior attitude. ![]() Ash is pissed off when "Volt" tells him that he won't even be a good warm-up, then walks away. Ash grunts that anything can happen once the battle starts and then.... James shows up and whips off his clothes! SERIOUSLY! ![]() He cries out that today he isn't in Team Rocket; he's James - The King of the Rings! And then May tells them that the final pairings are being selected and suddenly ultra confident James is moaning that he isn't ready. The pairings come out and May finds herself set to fight James, and he smirks and offers her a handshake, telling her he is sorry she'll be beaten so quickly. But she laughs that she isn't concerned and he waves in weeping horror, moaning sadly as he demands to know why she isn't scared of him!?! The golden ring below is released, and the first set of trainers lift up in their hot air balloons and call out their Pokemon. In the first four is Shane's Swablu, a Pelipper, a Yanma and Wingull. Shane yells at Swablu to ignore the ring and fly high, much to the twerps’ surprise. But as the other Pokemon fly for the ring, a huge gust of wind rolls up and blasts them aside, and then Swablu flies in to grab the ring and drop it onto Shane's hook. The next round is Ash and Taillow against Volt and Volbeat, and a Golbat and Ninjask. Volbeat blasts Ninjask and Golbat with Thunder but Taillow manages to dart aside, and Max gasps that Volt's strategy isn't to go for the ring but the opponent. Volbeat blasts Thunder at Taillow as it reaches for the ring and scores a direct hit and..... drunken Scotsman Taillow demands to know if a real man plans on hitting it anytime soon! Shane is shocked but May doesn't seem surprised, and Taillow grabs the ring and zooms for the goal as Volbeat chases and blasts the ring clear and grabs it, going for its goalpost. Taillow slaps Volbeat with Wing Attack, much to Volt's shock, and.... Ash wins! ![]() Next up is May and Beautiful against James and Dustox, and a Crobat and Jumpluff. Dustox grabs the ring and May orders Beautifly to blast it and the other two Pokemon with Gust, but as the others are blown away, a grinning James tells Dustox to ride the Gust down to the goalpost, and.... WINS! ![]() So Shane, Ash and James have made it through to the second round, while May is horrified and Ash growls that she doesn't trust him, he must be up to something! Meanwhile.... Jesse is up to something! She is selling massages to relieve stress..... GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA! Massages for Pokemon, and shows a "pleased" looking Wingull that grunts, "CHOIP! CHOIP!" while looking remarkably like an abused Meowth. ![]() But as trainers line up for a chance to get a massage from Jesse (oh like you wouldn't) or rather, for their Pokemon, Jesse and Meowth are getting ready to drop a net on them and capture them all. HEY TRAINERS, WHICH OF THESE POKEMON EVOLVE INTO SWAMPERT? IS IT SPHEAL, MARSHTOMP OR GOLDUCK? WELL IT CERTAINLY WON'T BE THE ONE WITH FINS AS WELL, NOT TO MENTION THE SAME COLOURS! The semi-finals finish and it is down to one on one battles, and Ash and Taillow face off against a Skarmory. Taillow blasts Skarmory with Wing Attack and grabs the ring, scoring the goal and getting them into the Finals. Next up it is James versus Shane, but after eight minutes neither has made a move, and Brock suggests that they're both waiting for the wind to be just right. Finally an updraft arrives and both Pokemon rush high, but as they near the ring, James suddenly calls for Dustox to stop. The clouds move and Swablu finds the sun in its eyes, blinding it and allowing Dustox to hit it with tackle, grab the ring and zoom down to score the goal! Take your "determination" and shove it up your ass, Shane, you just got served! Shane tells Swablu it is okay, it deserves a rest, then scowls angrily at James and thinks to himself that Ash needs to beat James now. Well.... you're just a sore loser, aren't you kid! Ash and James lift into the air in their hot air balloons, but as they do, Meowth rushes up onto the top of the large video screen and uses semaphore to communicate to James that he and Jesse have captured a bunch of Pokemon and it's time to report back to base. He replies angrily in semaphore he has no intention on returning, and Meowth returns in semaphore - after forgetting himself and yelling verbally at James - that he MUST.... so James tosses a flag at Meowth, hitting him directly in the face as the battle begins. Ash sends out Taillow, and James sends out Dustox, which blasts Psybeam directly onto Taillow, while Ash screams at it to break free... and angry drunken Scotsman Taillow does just that, blasting Dustox with Wing Attack and then going for the ring. Dustox chases Taillow, and then the wind blows, and Dustox pulls clear as a "flash tornado like Crossgate Town is famous for" suddenly kicks up. Oh it is, is it? ![]() James tells Dustox to wait out the tornado, but Ash isn't going to wait and orders Taillow to fly DIRECTLY INTO A FUCKING TORNADO! James laughs this is a "rookie mistake" as if this type of thing happens all the time, while inside the tornado, an angrily drunken Scotsman Taillow tries desperately to lift towards the wing, but then gets blown back, and Ash screams for it to show the fighting spirit and.... Taillow evolves! ![]() Ash accepts this sudden and completely unexpected turn of events as easily as he did the sudden flash tornado. Swellow uses a Spinning Wing Attack to burst through the tornado and grab the ring, but as it goes for the goalpost, Dustox blasts it with Poison Sting and the ring falls forward, Dustox chasing and Swellow too far behind. Ash yells at Swellow to use Wing Attack, but not on Dustox, on the ring! It blasts the ring onto the goalpost, and to James' horror, Ash wins! See Max, Ash does it all the time! But then Team Rocket arrives on the scene! "Prepare for trouble as we steal then split!" "Make it double as we get away wid it!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to da stars above." "Jesse." "And Meowth." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "So surrender now or prepare ta fight!" "WOBBUHHH...." starts Wobbuffet, then suddenly stops and gulps dramatically, for absolutely no reason whatsoever! Did Wobbuffet just burp!?! As the trainers notice their Pokemon in the net beneath the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon, Jesse and Meowth try to pull a sobbing James into the basket. Ash has Swellow use Wing Attack to cut the Pokemon free, then has Pikachu blast Team Rocket and send them blasting off again, weeping and wailing! ![]() "I FAILED!" moans James. "What else is new?" sighs Jesse. "Not dis," grunts Meowth. "LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN!" And so with Team Rocket blasted off, Ash is announced the winner and gains honorary citizenship to Crossgate Town and immortalises him on the screen of guys who no one ever heard of before or will ever again! Every little boy's dream!