349: Cruisin For A Losin |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() The crowds gather up in the stands, the twerps sitting alongside Sandra and the cheerleading squad of the MFP. Vivian introduces the Judge, while backstage May and Savannah sit waiting for their turn. A blushing Savannah notes how calm May seems, and May imparts some expert advice while in the background a woman stands gaping with a huge smile while Drew sits apparently getting more and more frustrated at the gall of May pretending to be an expert. Outside, Vivian talks on the big screen while Team Rocket trudge away sadly, only for a young woman with an Azurill to note Jesse's oversized fake ribbon and ask if she could buy it as an accessory for her Pokemon! Jesse instantly sees the potential for cash, while inside the hall; May is called up for the first round. She calls out Beautifly while sparkles and then flashes bright with Morning Sun before doing a Silverwind as the MFP women cheer for her. She heads backstage afterwards and is congratulated by Savannah, who then heads out for her big moment, while her fellow middle-aged mothers cheer along with Pikachu and Sandra. She's taken aback and misses her cue to start, then steps forward and calls out Flareon, having it use a Fire Spin/Tackle combo to leap through its own flames. Backstage, May is impressed and happy to see she has calmed down, while Savannah has Flareon use a combination of Ember and Swift to create glowing red stars. Sandra tells the twerps that she was the one who came up with the idea, much to their surprise. Backstage, Savannah and May congratulate each other, May getting a little ahead of herself and overbearingly confident... though she gets slightly deflated by Drew's laughter. She demands to know if he has anything to say but he refuses to comment, and when she insists that she is going to win her third ribbon and beat him to the Grand Festival, even Savannah looks a little unsure. Drew chuckles and tells her that he'll give her one piece of advice - forget about what she's won in the past and concentrate on winning in the future. He heads off for his turn onstage, the MFP leaping up to scream out their creepy, cringing "love" for him, much to the horror of Sandra and the twerps.... while a crafty gent in a green top takes advantage of the distraction to check out the rack of the girl in the orange sweater beside him. ![]() Savannah tells May that Drew is the reason the MFP comes to these contests, and then Drew calls out Roselia, though what comes out of the Pokeball is a rain of sparkling rose petals... and then he snaps his fingers and Roselia appears.... and one of the MFP members says he's SOOOO CUTE! Okay, he's probably the same age as your son, you sick BITCH! Elsewhere, Team Rocket have set up shop, James sewing together a large number of ribbons for them to sell. But Jesse is furious at the poor quality of James' sewing (haha, James doing the sewing, what a girl!) and demands that he redo ALL OF THEM, since she can't be expected to overcharge for shoddy products, an idea that is foreign to poor Meowth. Inside the Contest Hall, Vivian announces the Top 4 to perform in Round 2, and it's Drew, May, Savannah and... Sonny! ![]() Woah, put your money on Sonny, Gentle Dodgers, the way that the show has concentrated on the other three for two episodes surely indicates he's going to be the black horse and win the whole thing! The computer assigns the pairings, and it'll be Drew against Sonny and May against Savannah! The two girls set to grooming their Pokemon - Bulbasaur for May and Lairon for Savannah - and May tells Savannah that she doesn't need to worry about taking it easy on her; it wouldn't be fair to the other Coordinator. But then she starts expounding on her own talent again, once more believing the MFP's hype as she offers some "sage" wisdom to Savannah, who laps it all up before the twerps and Sandra arrive backstage and interrupt them. As Sandra congratulates her mother, Max asks May if she is really the right person to be offering training advice, and Ash steps past May to tell Savannah that if she wants battle advice, he should be her go to guy, much to May's outrage. ![]() Sandra tells Savannah that she doesn't need advice from anyone, and Max asks May if she is going to use Bulbasaur. May defiantly affirms it, telling them that Bulbasaur is going to battle and it is going to be the best contest debut of all time! Ash steps up to enthusiastically offer her some advice and she snaps at him to butt out, Bulbasaur is HER Pokemon and SHE'LL be the one to handle it. He nervously laughs that he was just trying to help but she snaps that she doesn't need any, and storms off while Brock turns to look at Drew - grooming his Masquerain - who just smiles and shrugs. ![]() Broads, who can figure 'em! Speaking of which, Jesse is stacking the ribbons and roaring at James and Meowth to keep making more, sew till their fingers fall off! Back in the Contest Hall, it's the second round Contest Battles kicking off, with Sonny and his Girafarig against Drew and his Masquerain. Sonny orders an Iron Tail, and Masquerain dodges and uses Bubble at the ceiling, then uses Ice Beam to turn them into frozen mid-air bubbles, and then has Masquerain use Hidden Power to send orbs of light bouncing off of the Ice Bubbles and into Girafarig and... it's out! ![]() Sonny loses in less than 30 seconds... awww man, I could have sworn he was due! Backstage, Savannah is in awe of Drew's talent, while May affects defiant confidence.... but betrays it with a small sweatdrop of concern low on her cheek as she realises this isn't going to be the walkover she was hoping for. HEY TRAINERS! WHICH OF THESE IS THE BEST CHOICE TO BATTLE LUDICOLO? MIGHTYENA, CAMERUPT OR DUSKULL? THE ANSWER IS.... HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIGHT A GAY PINEAPPLE DUCK!?!?! The second match-up is May versus Savannah, with May uses Bulbasaur against Savannah's Lairon. Bulbasaur pops out and looks around nervously at the large crowd, then runs and hides in fright behind May's leg! She drops down to her knee and asks what the matter is, while Brock points out that May's arguing backstage with Ash upset Bulbasaur, and she didn't even seem to notice. She tells it that they have to do something or they don't stand a chance, and it cringingly starts shuffling forward, while Savannah reminds herself what May herself said - it would be an insult not to give her best. So she sends in Lairon to use Takedown, while May cries out to Bulbasaur to dodge, but it just cringes and quivers in fright. It is send thundering back by Lairon and May loses points while she asks Bulbasaur to get up, and it does. She tells it to Counter Attack with Vine Whip and now it seems a bit more confident. It grabs Lairon with Vine Whip and tries to throw it, taking advantage of Savannah's strange decision not to try and dodge... but the reason becomes clear when Lairon uses the electric-attack Shockwave to send electricity through Bulbasaur's Vine-Whip. The twerps are surprised at the effect the attack is having on Bulbasaur, which is a Ground Type, but it is paralysed in place despite the attack only having a stun (rather than paralyse) effect. But Brock points out that Shockwave can and will paralyse if contact is made, and that is why Savannah let Bulbasaur grab Lairon with Vine Whip. ![]() Sandra points out that this was her idea as well, while Lairon hits Bulbasaur with Metal Claw and knocks it down, and the Judges rule the battle over and May the loser! "HEY WAIT! I'M NOT DONE FIGHTING!" cries May. "YES YOU ARE!" roars Nurse Joy angrily, surprising May, "WHERE'S YOUR CONCERN FOR YOUR POKEMON'S HEALTH, MAY!?!" The Judges critique her for not making the health of her Pokemon her number one priority, and she stifles a cry as she realises just how badly she has fucked up. Outside not long later, May sits on a park bench with Bulbasaur asking it if it is okay and apologising and saying she is ashamed. Ash and Pikachu walk over and point out that the Final Round is starting, and Ash asks if she wants to come inside and watch it with her. She says no, so he settles down beside her and tells her that everybody gets carried away sometimes, it's no big deal. She moans that it is no big deal, and he pets Bulbasaur on the back of the head and tells her that she was right when she said Gym Battles and Contest Battles are different, but the one thing that is the same is that you and your Pokemon need to be totally in synch. She asks how she could have forgotten that, and he says she'll remember it next time, and together she and her Pokemon will do better than ever. Meanwhile, inside the Contest Hall it's Savannah's Lairon versus Drew's Masquerain. Lairon tries Metal Claw and Masquerain uses Hidden Power to knock it back, and with less than 30 seconds left, Drew has the clear points advantage over her. ![]() The MFP don't know who to cheer for, and Savannah tells Lairon to use Shockwave, but it is too late, time is up and Drew has won.... won easily and without the slightest problem! She kneels down beside Lairon and tells it that they did their best, while Drew steps up and tells her that she fought a great battle. She stands up and thanks him, and the MFP moan in creepy disappointment that Savannah got to hold hands with a boy the same age as their own goddamn children! Meanwhile, outside the Contest Hall, Team Rocket have discovered that retail trends are a fickle mistress! ![]() No one is buying their ribbons, and then the woman who bought the first one from Jesse earlier that day returns to point out that the ribbon is too big for her Azurill, so she'd like her money back! Jesus Christ, caveat emptor! That night inside the Pokemon Centre, the twerps sit with Savannah and Sandra talking about how much Drew kicked the shit out of Savannah. Savannah tells them that she didn't mind getting beaten by Drew since she did her best, and tells Sandra that she wanted to win, but not so badly that it would be at the expense of her perfect memories of gaining her first ribbon. She talks up how proud she was of her Pokemon that day, and May stares at her own ribbons and says that she finally understands, and looks over at Bulbasaur and tells it that she'll never take it for granted again. And so the episode ends with a twerp having learned a valuable lesson and vowed never to let her own emotions and anger take her over again. They're fine sentiments, Gentle Dodgers, but one has to wonder.... will they stand up the next time she finds herself confronted by the maddening Drew?