346: Whiscash and Ash |
Dodgy Synopsis
Oh crap, it's.... ![]() Ash stares at the ripples of water and asks what he is going to do now, while May checks out Whiscash with Dextina and learns it is territorial and doesn't like people approaching it. Ash shouts at the big catfish to give back his badges, and it drops its giant tongue out of its mouth and shows off the badge case, then rolls it back into its mouth and grins like it is pissing into the water, waving its whiskers about. Ash is furious and calls out Corphish, while leaps forward to try and deal to Whiscash, only for the massive Pokemon to blast it unconscious with Water Pulse. Ash is infuriated but Whiscash just looks stoned, so Ash leaps into the water after it as it swims down, thinking to himself, "Think you're so smart!" Ladies and Gentlemen, Ash is getting outsmarted by a fish! Whiscash grins and swims down into some weeds, and Ash swims after it and gets his foot caught in a vine, struggles for breath and.... DIES! ![]() Well, not quite, but he's certainly going into some pre-death hallucinations as a tiny Pikachu appears before him and he reaches up and grabs it, getting hauled up through the water and through the surface and the sweet, blessed air. The Pikachu he grabbed was a lure, and the fisherman who hauled him up? It's... SEPHIROTH! Well, not quite, but he is a robed, white haired man with giant bushy eyebrows, and he sits on his boat by the twerps campfire as Ash sneezes and dries his clothes. "Absurd, you really thought you could catch Nero with your bare hands?" grunts the fisherman. "I doubt very much he was thinking," sighs May. Brock asks if he means the giant Whiscash, and the Fisherman explains it is, and has ruled over the lake for one-hundred years. He tells them Nero probably took the case because it was shiny, then stands up and grins, teeth glinting as he declares he will get Ash's badge case back when he catches Nero, for.... HE IS SULLIVAN! FOR FIFTY YEARS HE HAS CHASED NERO, AND HE IS A FISHING GOD! ![]() He roars with laughter.... and Max asks how come he hasn't caught Nero in fifty years if he's so good? Sullivan clutches his heart in horror and drops to his knees in a black haze of despair, moaning that the kid really knows how to hurt a God... he means guy... then stand sup and mutters that he can tell when he isn't wanted, and starts walking away. Ash calls after him to help him come back, and the rest of the twerps cry out they need him, and he turns around with a huge dopey grin and drops fishing rods into Ash's hands, telling them they should try them out, then roaring back at May and Max that he doesn't fish with amateurs and fishing is not a game. Brock cries out again that he is a fishing legend and May and Max call out that he is a fishing God, and once again he throws up a massive dopey grin, as flattery gets them everywhere. ![]() A series of Pokemon themed lures are presenting g to the twerps. Ash grabs a Pikachu lure, Brock gets a Lotad Lure, May has a Psyduck, Max has a Kecleon and Sullivan is.... giving Butterfree a go! As he tells the twerps his plans, they are watched by Team Rocket who... well... Team Rocket are.... they're not even ATTEMPTING TO HIDE! They're just sitting out in a speedboat in the lake, directly across from the twerps and staring at them as plain can be, wearing their uniforms and everything. James thinks he heard something about a Whiscash, but Meowth says they're almost impossible to find, and then a regular sized (smaller than Meowth) Whiscash leaps out of the water. James notes that was a Whiscash, but Meowth replies it was just luck, and then Nero boots out of the water and splashes back down, and an excited Jesse asks if that was luck as well! Meowth is excited as hell, this would be a perfect gift for the Boss, and Jesse and James eagerly, stupidly agree! ![]() Back on shore, Ash sits bored with the rest of the twerps, none of them having caught anything while over on the dock, Sullivan is hauling up Pokemon after Pokemon and throwing them back as useless. First a Carvanha, then a Magikarp, then a Remoraid. The twerps walk over and ask him what the secret of great fishing is, and he growls wouldn't they like to know... and then they flatter him again, suggesting that a true legend like himself should have no trouble teaching them. Again it works, as he rushes over to them and gives them some "angling lessons", which Max calls obvious, dropping Sullivan into a depression after he points out that "not fishing where the Water Pokemon aren't" is pretty obvious. Ash perks him up by calling him a legend again, and Sullivan explains the things to look for to find a spot, such as looking for trees growing out of the water or under lilypads, and then uses FULL MOON CAST to cast his line. Wow, he really IS Sephiroth! Ash tries to emulate him by chucking out his line, and Sullivan grins that it isn't as easy as it looks, and then Max.... awkwardly lands a perfect line! ![]() Sullivan falls into a depression again and Ash insists it was just luck, and then Max begins to pull desperately as he gets hold of something big, and pulls up and up until Whiscash is pulled up, and Sullivan says it isn't the size of Nero.... and then a big Whiscash pops up beside them and Sullivan notes that this one is the size of Nero.... in fact, it IS Nero! It grins and pops out its big tongue again to reveal Ash's Badge Case, then dives back into the water as an angry Ash cries out once again that he means to get them back. HEY TRAINERS, WHICH OF THESE POKEMON EVOLVES INTO THE MONKEY-LIKE VIGOROTH!?! IS IT THE STONE MIDGET MACHOP? OR MAYBE THE MONGOOSE-LIKE ZANGOOSE? OR COULD IT BE THE MONKEY-LIKE SLAKOTH THAT HAS THE SAME COLOURING AND MARKING AROUND ITS EYES? OOOOH, THIS IS A TOUGH ONE! Meanwhile Team Rocket are bored of the lousy fishing on their speedboat, Meowth and Jesse blaming James' bottlecaps which they're using as lures. Jesse leans back and lets her hair droop too close to the water, and suddenly a Feebas grabs onto her hair and gets hauled up out of the water, much to Jesse's anger. ![]() She flicks it off grumpily, and we return momentarily to the twerps where Ash and May are standing on the dead trees in the lake failing to get any fish, and Max, Brock and Sullivan come by in their boat, Sullivan telling them that when a fishing hole goes wrong, it is time to move along. Back with Team Rocket, Jesse is lying back using her hair as a lure once more (though whether it is intentional isn't made clear), hauling out another of the pale, big eyed Feebas'. She flicks it away and Meowth suggests that maybe Whiscash would like her hair as well, and she growls back that a woman's hair is her life, her love, her being, her self! James spots the twerps and Sullivan standing with their backs to Team Rocket in a shallower section of the lake (and apparently still oblivious to Team Rocket being RIGHT THERE), and Team Rocket come up with a new plan... they'll let the twerps do all the work! Jesse agrees with the plan, and is then hauled off of the boat and into the water by another Feebas infatuated with her hair. The twerps sit in a boat amongst the lilypads, Ash thinking about all of his badges received so far, and all the hard work he put into getting them. Sullivan meanwhile stands at the head of the boat quietly, and then suddenly declares that Whiscash is nearby and uses his Quick Draw Focus Catch and pulls up..... a Magikarp! Sullivan is shocked and then Ash gets a bite on his line, and struggles to pull it back as Sullivan offers direction, telling him when to pull and how.... and then his catch emerges from the water, it's Nero! It turns and pulls away, dragging the boat behind it, and Ash is nearly pulled out of the boat before first Brock, then Max and May grab him to anchor him in place. ![]() Sullivan declares it is a fight to the finish.... however, if it pulls them into the rocks, they're doomed. Ash insists that won't happen though, and calls out Corphish and tells it to use Crabhammer on... HIM! And Corphish punches him right in the goddamn face and launches Ash into the air, sending him flying over Whiscash and landing on the shore.... and then hauling Whiscash out of the water and into the air above him, crashing it down onto the ground, out of its element! ![]() Ash calls out Grovyle and has it use Pound Attack to smash Grovyle back into the rocks, and Ash demands it give his Badge Case back... and the still stoned looking Whiscash starts laughing at him, wiggling its whiskers about crazily.... and then a net grabs it and lifts it up into the air! "Prepare for trouble since you don't seem to get it!" "Make it double we decided to net it!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "Angler James!" "Team Rocket casts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now to the hook or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dath right!" "WOBBUFFET!" ![]() Well... that was just weird, the fact that Jesse was sitting on a giant Wobbuffet seems almost... natural. The balloon zooms off with rocket power, and the twerps try to give chase with their boat, going too slow until Brock calls out Lombre and Mudkip and has them use Water gun to shoot the boat into high gear, catching up to Team Rocket and letting Grovyle hit the balloon with Bullet Seed, sending Team Rocket crashing to the shore. James calls out Cacnea as the twerps approach and gets a hug instead, then it fires Pin Missile against Bullet Seed but gets overcome. Jesse calls out Seviper with Poison Tail, but Pikachu blocks with Iron Tail, and when Meowth tries to fire a bazooka net... Whiscash tears out of its net, leaps high into the air and crashes into the ground, creating an earthquake that startles Team Rocket. ![]() Pikachu uses Thunder and zaps Team Rocket, sending them blasting off again, Jesse straddling Seviper with her legs wrapped around it and a huge grin on her face. Hey, you take your comfort where you can get it! Whiscash coughs and the Badge Case flies out of its mouth and into Ash's hands, and then the massive Pokemon starts bouncing towards the water so it can not die a horrible suffocating death, but is stopped by Sullivan. He tells it that now it is his turn, and calls out a Flaaffy called Hannah, blocking Whiscash from escaping. He tells the pink sheep to use Dynamic Punch and suddenly it doesn't seem so meek, smashing Whiscash right in its throat/chest. ![]() Whiscash comes back with Water Gun, but Hannah dodges and hits Iron Tail, knocking over Whiscash before using Thundershock and zapping the Whiscash which.... smiles! Max warns Sullivan that Whiscash is a part-Ground Type and thus electric attacks aren't effective, and he roars back that NOW he tells him! Brock reminds him that he supposedly always has a plan, and Sullivan reaches into his robes and pulls out a Master Ball, lifting it into the air and declaring bravely that this ball will allow him to capture Nero, and after fifty long years he will finall- "Shouldn't you stop talking and start catching Nero, Mister Sullivan?" Ash points out. "Yeah," grunts Sullivan and lowers the Pokeball, telling Whiscash it all boils down to this, and throws the Master Ball with great speed and... Whiscash swallows it, turns and bounces into the water! ![]() "COME ON! WHY'D YOU DO THAT!?!" screams Sullivan in disbelief, then sighs angrily that tomorrow is another day. He turns back to the twerps and tells them that as long as he doesn't catch Nero, he'll always have the hunt to look forward to, and they laugh that this is why he is the legend. As the sun sets, Ash checks out his badges again and Sullivan wishes him luck in his next Gym Battle, telling him to come back any time he wants to do some fishing. The twerps say they will, but like most characters of the day, they probably never will, which is a shame, because Sullivan is... well, he's insane, arrogant, over-the-top and a bit of a jackass. But he's also a legend!