336: Gulpin It Down |
Dodgy Synopsis
Oh my, just as well that Gulpin ate all their food, or else it would have either gone to waste or the twerps would have had to be.... ![]() Soon the streets are deserted leaving only the twerps on the road, and then they hear a scream and run into a shop to find a woman watching as a swarm of Gulpin eat everything on the shelves. Pikachu moves to Thunderbolt them and... they try to eat it! Ash grabs them and starts pitching them about as he tries to drag Pikachu out... and even more Gulpin tumble down into the store and over all of the twerps. Brock hears Officer Jenny's voice and immediately he's in lust, only for the Gulpin to pile onto him as Officer Jenny arrives with a Tangela that grabs the twerps and the shopkeeper and drags them out... creating a very interesting image of Brock gripping tightly to a phallic like tentacle with love in his eyes. ![]() Oh Brock, you'll get it where you can, won't you? The Gulpin move on as the twerps thank Officer Jenny and she warns them all to get the hell out of there, but the twerps say they're in desperate need of rest from their long journey and can't just keep on going. She takes them to a massive Pokemon Centre where Nurse Joy is working at a computer bank with giant monitors showing a map of the city as she tracks the Gulpin infestation. Brock is in a tizzy, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy together.... the stuff of his decidedly unchivalrous fantasies! Ash says he's never seen a Pokemon Centre like this and Joy explains that this is because the Centre also doubles as a Gulpin Defence Station. May asks what that means and a portly old man in a white coat shows up to tell them, introduced as Professor Jacuzzi which is.... well.... that's his name all right. The apparently Jewish Professor explains that he has been researching Gulpin for 50 years, and Officer Jenny is planning to do something to put an end to the Gulpin infestation once and for all. It seems that the Gulpin are heading for the Centre of town where all of the Pokemon Food is held, and if they succeed in eating it then the town will have no food left. Good town planning there, City Elders. But Professor Jacuzzi and his gleaming glasses have a plan, and as Joy tracks the Gulpin moving inexorably towards the centre of Town like the alien in the movie Alien about an alien, Officer Jenny prepares to kick off their plan to immobilise the ravenous Pokemon. Ash asks if they can help and shortly after they're at the edge of a bridge with one Officer Jenny and a truck with Professor Jacuzzi inside... which is apparently the extent of their plan, forged over 50 years. Jacuzzi is operating the machinery in the inside of the truck, and starts targeting the oncoming horde of Gulpin with... ![]() He fires the missile which shoots up, breaks open and drops an odd shaped object to the ground. Professor Jacuzzi steps outside and explains it is a specially designed Gulpin Pokeblock he has made based on 50 years of research to attract the Gulpin to it. He hits a remote and the Pokeblock starts flying as the Gulpin chase it desperately, and it seems science has beaten Mother Nature into submission once more as they move away from the centre of the town... and then a giant mechanical hand reaches down and grabs the Pokeblock! Shocked, the twerps look up and spot... the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon! "So who in the name of science are you?" roars Professor Jacuzzi angrily. "Prepare for trouble your experiments gone horribly awry!" "Make it double, kiss your Pokeblock goodbye!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "WOBBUFFET! ![]() "It's Team Rocket!" shout Max, May and Brock. "What's a Team Rocket?" asks Jacuzzi. Ash explains that they're a bunch of thieves who steal whatever they can get their hands on, but Jesse and James insist this isn't true... they just happened to see something so they decided they wanted it! Yes, there is no plan here, no scheme or plot or villain. Team Rocket grabbed it because it was pretty, simple as that! ![]() But as Team Rocket mock the twerps, the Gulpin are still wanting that Pokeblock, and they mean to have it! They leap up and burp Sludge at the Balloon, weighing it down and crashing it into the ground where it explodes for no real reason at all. Jesse holds the Pokeblock over her head and roars at them that she won't tolerate mud slinging. But then they all glow pink together using a move called Stockpile, then use "Spit Up" which is about as gross as it sounds. They spit an attack into Team Rocket and sending them blasting off again as Brock runs about and grabs the Pokeblock as it falls towards the ground. Professor Jacuzzi seems more excited about the Gulpin's use of attacks, however, complimenting their use of a combination of Stockpile/Spit Up. But Max points out that the Gulpin are now charging at Brock, so Jenny sends in Tangela, Meganium and Parasect. They use Vine Whip, Razor Leaf and Stun Spore to slow down the Gulpin, and then Ash sends in Treecko. It dodges Sludge Attacks and then smashes the Gulpin with Bullet Seed as Professor Jacuzzi activates the Pokeblock's mini-jet and sends it flying downriver chased by the Gulpin. But Jenny says they're not out of the woods yet, and they head back to the Pokemon Centre. Later that day, a tired and hungry Team Rocket are trudging through the forest on the edge of the town when Wobbuffet spots the now empty tube that was holding the Pokeblock. They note the Gulpin heading back towards the town and Meowth suggests they're looking for food, and that means that if they follow the Gulpin, they'll find food! As night settles in the power goes out in the city, and as the backup generators come on they note that something is moving fast through an underground tunnel, and they're probably the ones that cut the powerline. Down in the tunnels, Team Rocket chase after the Gulpin, excited at the prospect of upcoming food, while behind them Wobbuffet mumbles happily to itself, saying,"Wobbuhwohwohwohbuh!" Inside the Centre, Nurse Joy closes down the gates, forcing the Gulpin down the path they want and trying to entice them up above ground. Officer Jenny suggests they use Professor Jacuzzi's Pokeblock again but he says the Gulpin are highly intelligent and won't fall for the same trick twice. HEY TRAINERS WHICH OF THESE IS THE BEST POKEMON TO FIGHT LARVITAR? TREECKO, SHEDINJA, OR CARVANHA? THE ANSWER IS TREECKO BECAUSE CLINT EASTWOOD DON'T PUT UP WITH NONE OF THIS EMO NONSENCE The Gulpin burst out of a manhole cover and start heading for the Town Centre again as Officer Jenny and the twerps stand in their way, alone against an endless army of ravenous Pokemon. ![]() It's like the aliens from the move Aliens about Aliens.... only without assault rifles and acid for blood! Ash sends in Pikachu and Officer Jenny sends in Tangela, Meganium and Parasect. They try once more to put a stop to the Gulpin, hitting them with Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Stun Spore and Thunderbolt. But for every wave that gets knocked back, more and more Gulpin keep on coming, getting closer and closer... and then Ripley bursts in front of them in the Armoured Transport Vehicle after knocking out that uppity Lieutenant and sets off the mounted cannon to... ![]() Sorry, wrong siege movie. Professor Jacuzzi pulls in front of them in the truck and pops a cannon out of the top of the truck, then satellite dishes out the side. The satellites zap the Gulpin and they... disappear!?!?! Then Professor Jacuzzi fires the cannon and.... the Gulpin start getting fired out of the cannon!?!?! Officer Jenny and Brock are amazed as Professor Jacuzzi explains he has created the Mark III Particle Cannon, which emulates the Stockpile/Spit Up attacks of the Gulpin themselves. It uses Sub-Atomic Particles to essentially teleport the Gulpin into the cannon and then fire them out a great distance away in all directions, and eventually there is only one Gulpin left... and then Jacuzzi's Particle Cannon stops working... it's frozen up! As the last Gulpin moves in towards them, Ash sends in Treecko to use Bullet Seed against the Gulpin's Sludge, while Professor Jacuzzi powers the cannon back up. Treecko moves in to Pound Gulpin and then gets caught up in the Particle Cannon Beam, and inside Gulpin uses Spit Up to blast Treecko inside the sub-atomic field which in turn causes the truck to explode! When the smoke clears, everyone seems to be okay, and Professor Jacuzzi looks up and sees two lights glowing and growing before them until.... ![]() HOLY SHIT! GIANT TREECKO AND GULPIN! "Do you think they both just evolved?" asks May. "No.... I don't" grunts Max angrily. Gulpin turns and starts towards the Town Centre again, now doing massive property damage as it smashes through buildings, roads and bridges. Treecko leaps after it and the two start fighting like Godzilla and Mothra as people run around in a panic because they didn't evacuate when they were told. ![]() Heh, that'll teach ya to think for yourself and not mindlessly follow the Government! Treecko pitches Gulpin into a building but then gets hit with Sludge; while Professor Jacuzzi can't believe a last minute scientific weapon untested in the field could have gone wrong. Ash grabs a megaphone and roars at Treecko to get Gulpin into the river, and as Treecko tosses the giant Pokemon away, Gulpin fires Sludge at it. Team Rocket meanwhile have grabbed some food and are running out of the city to enjoy "food to go" when the Spit Up attack hits them and sends them blasting off again. Treecko and Gulpin smash into the river and Gulpin starts glowing with Stockpile, then fires Spit Up at Treecko which jumps to dodge, then returns to its normal size and zooms in energy form down to besides the twerps. Nurse Joy guesses that the battling knocked the extra energy out of Treecko to return it to size, and Ash recalls it to its Pokeball. But the giant Gulpin is still heading for the town, and Professor Jacuzzi says he has exhausted all of his plans.... and then May makes up for her earlier comment about "evolving". She looks at Ash's Pokeball and guesses that they can catch it with a Pokeball.... after all; size doesn't matter, does it? ![]() Professor Jacuzzi tosses the Ball which sucks up the Gulpin.... but then it pops right back out again, the Pokeball is useless! But now Nurse Joy has an idea, why not use a Heavy Ball? They're designed to catch oversized Pokemon, though generally not this big. But Professor Jacuzzi tries it and.... it works! Professor Jacuzzi caught a giant Gulpin! Brock is worried it'll still be oversized, but Professor Jacuzzi is sure it will have returned to its normal size and calls it back out... it is still giant! He quickly calls the gulping, burping Gulpin back into its Pokeball, then tells the twerps he will use his 50 years of knowledge to return the Gulpin to its normal size once more. Yeah... that or wreak havoc as an evil criminal mastermind.... it's an either/or situation.