335: True Blue Swablu |
Dodgy Synopsis
The next day finds the twerps moving through the forest as the sun beats down, but they're lost! They suggest going back but Brock says that this will just mean they'll be lost going backwards... so he has as idea... they'll have lunch! ![]() Brock prepares a stew and everyone calls out their Pokemon... which discover that Lotad evolved from a tiny Pokemon that looks like a retarded Mexican into Lombre, a small Pokemon that looks like a retarded Mexican. Pikachu rushes over as Lombre turns its back on the others, and Pikachu and Torchic follow its view and find the shattered remains of the tree form the earlier storm. The twerps follow and find the bird Pokemon - Swablu - sitting under the remains of the tree. Ash tries to call it over and May tells him that he needs to be gentler, and tries to entice it over, only for it to start singing. That might seem nice, but it's actually Sing Attack, and puts everyone to sleep, including May in an incredibly dodgy position. ![]() Swablu starts to run off but then it's wing twinges in pain and it falls over as Torchic gets up and convinces it things are safe, then runs over to May and pecks her lightly on the face to wake her up... then pecks her ROUGHLY in the face to wake her up. She notes that Swablu's wing is hurt and grabs out a spray to fix it while Torchic goes and wakes the others up. Not so far away, a Nuzleaf lowers down from a tree branch and gets the attention of a capped man who also heard the noise of May being woken by Torchic's Peck. As the twerps sit clutching their noses, May proudly shows of her first aid skills.... ![]() Then they hear rustling and turn to see Nuzleaf come bouncing out of the bushes followed by the man in the cap, who introduces himself as Morita, Ranger for this Nature Preserve. He asks if he can help the twerps, then takes them to his cabin where Brock does a proper bandaging job on Swablu as Ash checks it out with Dextina and discovers that Swablu hates mess and cleans up wherever they go. Morita brings them all drinks and explains that many nests were destroyed by last night's storm and many Pokemon were cut off from their parents. He figures this is what happened to Swablu, and tells them he'll take good care of Swablu, then offers to show them the proper way to get to Petalburg City.... but May and Max suggest that instead of doing that they don't instead, and hang out and wait for Swablu to get better. Well... okay. Meanwhile up in the trees, Team Rocket are watching and Jesse is curious about Swablu. Why? Because she figures its downy feathers would make for a good pillow, and that gives Meowth an idea! A crazy idea! A patented Crazy Meowth Giovanni Fantasy idea! ![]() He tells an "oooohing" Jesse and James that if it was him he would love to have a Swablu to act both as a pillow and a lullaby for him, and surely thus the Boss will too. He imagines Giovanni tuckering himself out roaring at a prostrate Cassidy and Bruce.... Bob.... Botch... BUTCH! After all that yelling, he settles down to sleep and after that he wakes up with sparkling eyes and comes up with all sorts of crazy new Team Rocket ideas. Back inside the cabin, the male twerps step out of the shower room telling May she can have a shower now that their three man wet glistening nude shower is over. That was one to screw up the Yaoi Fangirls google searches! She's sleeping by Swablu and they wake her up and Brock says he can look after it now, but she insists of staying up to do the job. Max says there is no talking her out of it and starts remembering a time she pulled some kind of bizarre stunt to try and get a boy she had a crush on to like her, and she grabs hold of him and gags him rapidly, insisting she will be fine having used Brock as a guide for how to care for Pokemon. ![]() So she sits up through the night with Swablu, feeds it medicine, watches Brock and Ash having practise battles the next day, tends to its injured wing and sleeps through the next night again. The next day she feeds it and then it watches Taillow fly, while Team Rocket go on watching and waiting for Swablu's wing to heal so it will act as a super-luxurious pillow. Wobbuffet has otherwise wiled away the time by building a little treehouse that it can pop out of every so often to agree with patient pleasure anytime anyone says something. Brock takes the bandage off of Swablu's wing and it seems to be fit and healthy again, and everyone congratulates May on her good work. It flaps up and then falls back down again, which is odd, its wing seems to be healed but has it forgotten how to fly? They head outside and Ash brings out Swablu to show it again how to fly, but Swablu doesn't seem to agree, in fact it seems to be scared of Taillow and runs and hides behind May. Brock and Morita figure that Swablu is actually scared to fly as opposed to having forgotten, and this could take some time to figure out.... and Ash declares they can take as long as they want to fix it. Oh God it's Johto all over again. Ash does his best to try and help by slapping some fake wings on him and Pikachu and then run around flapping their "wings" so they can fly, and Swablu chases and tries its hardest, but ends up crashing down face first into the mud. Next they put Swablu on Beautifly's back and it flies up as Swablu shuts its eyes in panic. Taillow flies up to watch and Max says it's pretty obvious now that it's just afraid. It opens its eyes and looks at the view from above and seems to be enjoying itself again. HEY TRAINERS, WHICH ONE OF THESE POKEMON EVOLVES INTO THE CAT POKEMON DELCATTY THAT IS A CAT POKEMON? IS IT THE LITTLE PUPPY POKEMON POOCHYENA THAT EVOLVES INTO THE CAT POKEMON DELCATTY? OR IS IT THE DRUNKEN TEDDY-BEAR POKEMON SPINDA THAT EVOLVES INTO THE CAT POKEMON DELCATTY? OR IS IT THE CAT POKEMON SKITTY? THINK HARD, THIS IS A TOUGH ONE! Inside the cabin that night, the twerps try to figure out what to do, and Max decides to go to Plan B.... they'll use Magic! The next day Max tells Swablu that the only reason that Beautifly and Taillow can fly is because of Magic Powder. Beautifly farts all over Taillow which flies through the air, and Swablu likes the idea and runs underneath Beautifly to get farted on. I mean Jesus Christ... it's FARTING ON THEM! ![]() It flaps its wings furiously and flies up into the air alongside Taillow, crying out in delight as Ash and Pikachu get carried away and Ash decides he wants a go and runs underneath Beautifly so he can fly too.... and Max has to explain to him the difference between real and make-believe, which is embarrassing enough for brained-dread Ash but even worse for the at least somewhat intelligent Pikachu. Morita returns and tells them that he has found Swablu's flock and drives them towards the nearby Lake, but as they ride needles hit their tire and they spin to a stop. Morita figures it is bad luck and decides to walk the rest of the way to the lake, and May suggests that Swablu could just fly, but it apparently wants some more magic powder. May tries to convince it to go without but it can't be convinced, so she moves to get Beautifly.... and Team Rocket grab it and take off in their Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon! "Prepare for trouble we want the feathers!" "Make it double we're all togethers!" "To protect the Boss from insomination." "To unite a well rested nation." "To denounce the evils of lack of sleep." "To extend our reach to the Sandman's Keep!" "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light." "Surrender now to the foils of fatigure or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "WOBBUFFET!" "What are you guys talking about!?!?!" demands Ash. Team Rocket wave goodbye and Ash orders a Thunderbolt, but they point out that then Swablu will go down with the ship too... and May calls out to it to use Sing. Team Rocket instantly start falling asleep and James mutters to Cacnea sleepily for pin missile. As Cacnea tumbles over into sleep as well it lets loose a blast of Pin Missile.... directly into Jesse and James' asses! ![]() We are NOT making this up! Swablu runs and hides in the corner as James yells at Cacnea to stop, but its asleep, and it sets the gas-tank on fire! Swablu stares in horror at the flames and remembers the storm from earlier, and they call out to it to fly! But it has no magic powder, so the twerps scream out that it was a fake, it flew by itself, it has to fly! It looks up and sees a bit of blue sky as May screams out to do it for her, and then as the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon explodes, Swablu flies out of the explosion and directly into May's arms! ![]() As Team Rocket's burning basket collapses into the ground and they scream at the heat, Lombre and Mudkip use Water Gun to put it out.... and then send Team Rocket blasting off again! The twerps rush out to the lake but there is no one there, they missed the flock. May asks Swablu if it would like to come along with them, figuring they might run into the flock some day. But as May takes out a Pokeball to catch it, the flock returns and it flies up to join them, much to May's sorrow... but she says it should go. Max can't believe she's going to let it go but she says it is Swablu's happiness that is important, and it turns and flies away as she runs to the edge of the lake and waves goodbye, telling it that she loves it.