333: Disguise da Limit |
Dodgy Synopsis
But hey, it all worked out for Timmy, because now.... ![]() Inside the Contest Hall, May is trying to figure out why she is so nervous and figures it must be because this is her first time competing with Skitty. Out in the registration section, Ash is wondering where Timmy is and he finally shows up, explaining that his Mum delayed him, so Ash drags him over to the registration desk before registrations close. Team Rocket watch all this from behind a pillar and Jesse views that today is the day she declares victory. The hall starts to fill up, Drew sitting in the audience as well, while Timmy explains that he thinks his Mother was trying to keep him from getting to the Contest, giving him a shit ton of homework to do... but his Dad showed up on a ladder and let him out through the window. Back at Timmy's house, Mrs. Grim pops through the door to Timmy's room and finds her husband sitting in her son's seat, and he seems to take a perverse pleasure in telling her that Timmy is taking part in the Pokemon Contest. Vivian welcomes the audience to the Contest and introduces the normal panel of Judges: Mr. Contesta, Sukizo and the local Nurse Joy. Vivian announces the first contestant, a lady called Jesslana. Holy shit, it's Kwanzaa Jesse! ![]() Her opening with Dustox impresses everyone, and Jesse continues her good work by ordering a Poison Sting and Whirlwind combination that turns the Stings into spinning circles and then explode into a shimmering rainbow after Dustox blasts them with Psybeam. Everyone is incredibly impressed, and so they should be, James and Meowth cheering from the stands as Jesse is awarded a 28.5. Next we see a Charizard get a 20.5 and a Blastoise get a 15.8, which are pretty shitty scores, and then it is May's turn, bringing in Skitty. Drew watches her with interest (oh yes, we all know what he is interested in) noting she seems more confident. she orders a Blizzard and Skitty opens its mouth and lets loose a blast of Blizzard that... promptly stops. May is horrified, realising that her own nervousness must be affecting Skitty, so she decides to make up for it by using Double-slap to juggle balls. The recovery gets her a 24.9, which isn't bad but isn't great either. Next is The Phantom, who has his Dusclops use a combination of Willow Wisp and Psychic to create an impressive light show that gives him a 27.8 score. ![]() Mr. and Mrs. Grim drive towards the Pokemon Contest in a stretch limo, Tommy standing up to his wife for a change and reminding her that she didn't always study as a child like she claims to. Backstage, May is depressed over her poor first round showing, but Timmy and the others say she'll still make it to the second round, and then the final four are announced. Jesslana, Stephano, The Phantom and... May! She made it! Phew, it'd be a pretty shitty episode otherwise! The second round begins with Contest Battles, and first up is May versus Stephano, while outside the limo pulls up outside of the Contest hall. Inside, Skitty knocks out Wartortle with Double Slap and the previously unseen Stephano doesn't even get in a single line of dialogue as we move to the next Contest Battle, Jesslana versus the Phantom. Man, sucks to be Stephano. ![]() Mrs. Grim enters the Hall and the twerps panic until they see Mr. Grim too, who nods to them reassuringly. Phantom sends in Dusclops but Jesse doesn't seem concerned, sending in Dustox which blasts at the Dusclops with Whirlwind to immobilize it.... and it uses Shadow punch which lets it hit from a distance and take off Jesslana's points. Jesse orders a Psybeam and Dusclops takes a direct hit and loses points too, but The Phantom roars that he doesn't know the meaning of defeat while his Dad points out to his Mother that they've never seen him more focused. Dustox and Dusclops blast Psybeam and Psychic against each other, each striving for dominance as the crowd watches on, enthralled. ![]() The two attacks explode and knock smoke back and Jesse.... loses her clothes! GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA! Meowth moans that he told her that her disguise wouldn't hold up, while time runs out on the board and victory goes to the Phantom. Jesse is furious, so this is what she gets for playing fair and square? James and Meowth zoom in beside her as she declares that if she can't win the Contest Ribbon, then she is going to take Dusclops by force! "Prepare for trouble, Mister Mystery!" "Make it double because your history!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "Wobbuffet!" ![]() ![]() They leap up towards Dusclops with cruel delight, only to be hit with a Thunderbolt from Pikachu and sent blasting off again! HEY TRAINERS WHICH ONE OF THESE POKEMON IS THE BEST CHOICE TO BATTLE WOOPER? SPHEAL, DELCATTY OR ZUBAT? YOU COULD SAY SPHEAL BUT WHY YOU WANNA FUCK WITH A WOOPER, THEY'RE COOL! The smoke clears and Vivian gasps that the Phantom's mask has been removed, revealing it is Timmy. Mrs. Grim stares at him with tears in her eyes and then walks away. Once they move backstage, Mr. Grim explains that she loved Pokemon as a kid but because she was expected to take over the family business, she had her Poochyena taken away from her. To spare Timmy that same heartbreak she refused to allow him near Pokemon, but even now she still can't bear to see him with them... so this could be his last chance to ever be in a Pokemon Contest, so Mr. Grim wants him to go out there and make the most of it. The battle begins with the twerps cheering for both May and Timmy, and it is Dusclops versus Skitty. Dusclops smashes Skitty RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE with Focus Punch, and Skitty comes back with Double Slap which does nothing. It's a Normal Attack, and those are useless against Ghost Pokemon. Dusclops zooms in with Focus Punch but May counters with... Double Slap? Okay... all right then... that's what she did. Dusclops uses a Combination attack of Willow Wisp and Psychic to smack around Skitty while May tries to figure out what to do since Normal Attacks won't work. She orders a Tackle Attack and Dusclops comes back with Hyper beam and May loses more points, but she says she isn't going down without a fight. She orders Blizzard again, but again Skitty's Blizzard fails at the last second, allowing Dusclops the time to let rip with a Hyper beam that robs May of more than half her points with only a minute and a half left. May can't figure out what to do and Max says she's tried every attack she has, but Brock points out she has does have one more. As Dusclops uses Hyper beam, May realises it too and orders Skitty to use.... Assist! Skitty mews happily and lets rip with a massive blast of gust, smashing through the Hyper beam and turning it back on Dusclops. The combination of unexpected move and turning the tables on Dusclops with its own move add up to a big points loss for the Phantom, and he's shocked to see his domination blown away in less than a second. ![]() Dusclops uses Focus Punch as May goes to the well again and orders another Assist. This time it is Stringshot that comes out, wrapping up Dusclops' hand as the Phantom realises he can't strategise against Assist because it is such a random move. Then Mrs. Grim steps up to the stage (they don't really have security there, apparently) and tells Timmy that Dusclops cares for him and he has to believe in it like May and Skitty do each other, and he doesn't need the mask. He takes the mask off and orders Willow Wisp and May orders Assist one more time, this time getting Ember which burns through Willow Wisp and takes off more points. Figuring that her Deus Ex Machina is working pretty well for her so far, she orders it again and this time Skitty uses Silver Wind... but this time the Phantom IS prepared. He has Dusclops use Psychic to smash through the Silver Wind, and now both May and Timmy's points are getting low. May has figured out that she can't rely on Assist again and she has to put her trust in Skitty, and she calls for Blizzard for the third time. Dusclops lets loose a blast of Hyper beam as Skitty opens it mouth and lets rip with Blizzard and... it works! ![]() May wins! May wins her second Contest Ribbon using Deus Ex Machina! Drew actually seems shocked and surprised, then recovers his smugness, brushing a fringe of hair away and saying it just goes to show how much luck can help. Considering how often she used Assist, you can't really argue with him. May shakes Timmy's hand and then his Mother approaches, and she tells him that as long as it doesn't interfere with his homework, he can continue to take part in Pokemon Contests. He hugs her happily, and then May is presented with her second Contest Ribbon, The Verdant Turf Ribbon. And now it's time to head back towards Petalburg and Ash's fifth Pokemon Gym Badge!