330: Manectric Charge |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() May runs up and then calls out her Pokemon, Brock follows suit, calling out his as well. Ash has apparently stuck around as well and calls out his own Pokemon, including his newly caught Torkoal which blows smoke out of its nose in tearful delight, much to the surprise of the other Pokemon. ![]() It blows smoke again after they make their hellos, and Jesse and James grumble to each other that a sooty Pokemon like this is one they don't need to bother stealing. Brock steps up to the Soccer game and fantasises being a Football Star, booting the ball to score a perfect 10... and then Torkoal steps up wanting a go as well. It glares at the Football then... stands up! It pulls back a foot to kick and.... falls right on its back! Next Brock shoots a watergun at targets while Mudkip and Lotad do the same with their Water Gun Attack, then Pikachu fails miserably at throwing hoops while Skitty spins one about on its tail, and Corphish and Treecko smack at a Test Your Strength Machine... then blame each other for not hitting the bell. May, Torchic, Taillow, Beautifly and Forretress all play on a Dance Dance Revolution pad (what exactly Taillow and Beautifly are doing as they float ABOVE the mat isn't exactly clear), trying to keep up with the shadowy Meowth silhouette on the screen... which is actually the shadow of Meowth behind the screen. Meowth hits a switch and suddenly all the games turn on the twerps, the water targets sending a wave of water out over Brock and catching Mudkip and Lotad in a cage; the test your strength hammer in Ash's hands suddenly twisting about with a life of its own band firing a net that catches Treecko, Torkoal and Corphish; The hoops Pikachu and Skitty are playing with wrap around them; and Meowth leaps through the screen and catches Torchic, Taillow, Beautifly and Forretress with a net. Jesse laughs that everything is looking great.... except for their costumes. James says his has grown on him, and then Meowth cracks a pun about Furry Being Fun (don't listen to him, Gentle Dodgers, furries are creepy) before leaping into the Happy Buddha Face Meowth Balloon as Ash demands to know what the big idea is. ![]() "Prepare for trouble from the masters of lies and deceit!" "And make it double and YOU'LL learn how to cheat!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off like a rocking, socking, soccer ball." "Surrender now or..... prepare to fall!" "Meowth! Dat's all!" "WOBBBUFFET!" "TEAM ROCKET! Give us back our Pokemon!" demands Ash, and Team Rocket's reply is beautiful. "No." Pikachu tries a Thunderbolt but the net absorbs it, and Forretress' Rapid spin fails as well. Torchic tries Ember and there is similarly no effect, so Ash just demands all of his Pokemon use ALL of their moves, and Brock has his do theirs too, and then May's and... still nothing! ![]() Team Rocket laugh, Meowth saying they got the best net money can buy and they float off as Ash roars angrily... and then Wattson and Watt show up with Electrike! The electric Pokemon uses Thunderwave on the Balloon.... but it ALSO deflects electricity. Watt sends in Ampharos which uses Iron Tail on the rope... and THAT Team Rocket did NOT reinforce, Meowth saying they couldn't afford it. Wattson has Electrike use Thunderwave, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Ampharos uses Thundershock and the three attacks combine and smash right into Team Rocket, overpower their protection and send them blasting off again, much to the twerps delight! ![]() They thank Wattson and Watt and May checks out Ampharos with Dextina, learning that it uses the light on its tail to guide the lost to safety and then.... Electrike evolves! ![]() Well hello there Manectric! Apparently Manectric is the "Discharge" Pokemon, which is really just a kind of creepy name that brings to mind middle-aged traveling salesmen with moustaches going to a Doctor after a weekend in Reno. It can apparently gather up electricity with its mane and then later release it. Torkoal blows smoke out of its nose in delight as Wattson congratulates Manectric on evolving, and Ash explains it does this when excited... but it also is a new Pokemon and he'd like to battle it to test out its capabilities. Well... uhh... it can throw down with a Big Daddy Steelix, what more do you need to know? Wattson is eager to fight as well, both to get a rematch against Ash as well as test out his new Manectric. As they come to agreement on fighting, Watt asks May if she'd like him to pound her Skitty and... oh my.... let's put that another way, he'd like to battle May's Pokemon Skitty with his Pokemon Ampharos. HEY TRAINERS, WHICH OF THESE POKEMON IS BEST TO BATTLE MANECTRIC? SWAMPERT, LARVITAR OR TORKOAL? WELL, FOR ASH'S SAKE YOU'D BEST HOPE IT IS TORKOAL, HADN'T YOU! WELL TOO BAD, IT'S THAT MOTHERFUCKING EMO LARVITAR! The twerps reach the Gym and find the front has changed, and when Ash goes to enter he is stopped by Watt and Wattson, who warn that they've also redesigned all Wattson's insane traps from the last time they met, and it might make more sense to go around the back. Once there, Watt and May prepare to battle first, and Ash grumpily complains that he wanted to go first, and Brock chides him to have a bit more chivalry. But Max knows how to stroke Ash's.... GETCHA MINDS OUTTA DA GUTTA!.... stroke his ego, telling him the Main Event always goes on last. The battle kicks off with Skitty hitting Ampharos with DoubleSlap, then a Tackle that sends Ampharos reeling. Watt is horrified to be getting an asskicking from a ten year old girl's pink kitten and Wattson roars with insane laughter to see his protˇgˇ taking such a whomping. Watt uses Thundershock and Skitty tries to dodge, but Ampharos uses redirect to turn the attack back around and smash Skitty down, then hit it with Iron Tail to send it flying.... but it is strong enough to get back up as Ampharos tries to finish things off with Thundershock. Skitty uses Assist which turns into a Quick Attack, then uses Doubleslap again and bitchslaps Ampharos... OUT! Holy shit, Watt's Pokemon got KO'ed by a kitty cat! HE SUCKS! Wattson and Watt congratulate May and she tells them she is looking forward to her next Pokemon Contest, and Brock warns her she should be careful not to rely too heavily on Assist. But that unpredictability appeals to Wattson, complete randomness, it fits his absolutely bugshit crazy lunacy! Ash asks if they can fight now and Wattson laughs with delight, saying he was just waiting for him to ask. Meanwhile out front, Team Rocket have returned and are ready to break in and grab all of the Pokemon sure to be crammed inside Wattson's Gym. James says they're a hardheaded lot and Meowth agrees that Jesse is especially so, and they go to step through the door and it... falls forward onto the floor and then zooms down the conveyer system with the terrified Team Rocket onboard! Meanwhile, Ash and Wattson call out Torkoal and Manectric to fight. Torkoal uses Flamethrower but Manectric dodges and comes back with Tackle, smacking Torkoal backwards. It zooms back in as the twerps say this is going to be a great fight. Meanwhile, Team Rocket ride upslope on their conveyer belt, Meowth asking what happens when they reach the top. Jesse shows she's not like other girls by claiming that they'll get off as fast as they possibly can, and then they reach the top and stop..... and then a trapdoor opens beneath them and they plummet downwards into darkness! Manectric tries a Bite Attack but Torkoal uses Iron Defence to block it, and Wattson orders a Thunderwave to blast through it as Ash calls for Overheat. The powerful attack smashes through Thunderwave right into Manectric, and Ash cries out in delight, but Wattson just laughs... sure it was a powerful attack, but it didn't put Manectric down. Meanwhile Team Rocket are.... going down a whirlpool! ![]() Torkoal tries Overheat again, but Manectric... takes it directly in the face! May can't figure out why it isn't fighting back, but Max explains that it is charging up with energy. Ash orders Torkoal and it blasts Manectric which grits its teeth and takes the pain, as Brock warns them that a charge will give it a ton more power... and then it roars clears of the Flamethrower and powers up a massive burst of Thunderwave. Ash cries out for another Overheat which even May remembers loses power over time, and indeed it is smashed clear by Thunderwave and Torkoal goes... down! Wattson wins! Meanwhile Team Rocket roll along on their door-platform lying on their stomach moaning that they wish it would end, and they come through a door and find themselves facing... three Raikou! Well, Mecha-Raikou, anyway, but Team Rocket don't seem to remember their previous encounter and think they have a chance of catching three Legendary Pokemon! Outside, Ash thanks Wattson for the battle and says he'll be back again for another challenge, which makes Wattson laugh with delight. Watt tells May that there is a Pokemon Contest coming up at Verdant Turf Town and she should take part and - without consulting Ash - Brock and Max arbitrarily decide to go there first and then double-back to Petalburg after. Ash, surprisingly, doesn't seem to mind, and they head out of the Gym as the sun sets and they say their goodbyes to Wattson and Watt. ![]() ![]() But the episode doesn't end there, Gentle Dodgers, as Team Rocket are still fighting the Mecha-Raikou. Meowth joins the fray and in what must be the greatest .5 of a second of his life, he DECAPITATES A RAIKOU WITH ONE SHOT! ![]() Seviper and Cacnea have similar success, but of course their triumphant feelings are short-lived. What follows after that .5 of a second is familiar enough to them, and to us. Wave Goodbye, Gentle Dodgers, because Team Rocket's blasting off again!