328: Going For A Spinda |
Dodgy Synopsis
Yep, they're.... ![]() Heading out of Lava Ridge Town, they make their way along a stream when a clumsy, drunken looking red and yellow teddy bear stumbles into their path, a Spinda! According to Dextina, Spinda's always look confused but they actually use this appearance to fool their opponents. Also, no two Spinda have the same markings, in fact one of them appears to have a little heart on its forehead. As May clucks over how cute it is, a girl calls out to it and the twerps turn to see a tall, thin woman in a yellow dress with green hair and a wide brimmed white hate. Brock clucks with delight too, flapping his arms like a chicken and scaring off the Spinda, and the girl cries out it was her lucky Spinda. Brock rolls up hoping to get lucky himself, but takes a tumble when a well dressed older Gentlemen calls out to her as well. ![]() The lady is named Claire and it seems the elderly gent is her Butler, Royce. The twerps introduce themselves and Brock - now assured that Royce is no threat - starts up again with the flirting, only to be shoved aside by May and Max who want to know what she meant by calling the Spinda lucky. Royce hands them all pictures of the Spinda, and Claire explains ever since they first met she's had nothing but fantastic luck, and Royce explains that it isn't actually her Spinda but the Pokemon of an acquaintance of theirs, and they were meant to bring it back to them today. Brock zooms up and grabs her hands, telling her that he will find it for her. "You'd do that for me?" she asks. "That and a lot more!" he replies suggestively, then tells her to look deep into his "honest" eyes and we get a disturbing close-up that proves that he is indeed squinty rather than blind. ![]() "Peculiar little man" grunts Royce, then shakes his hands roughly and tells him he is in his debt. The twerps agree to help as well, joking that some of the luck might rub off on them too. But it's no joke for Team Rocket, listening from their hiding place up in the trees. They're also enthralled by the concept of a lucky Spinda. Why if they catch it, they can head around the world winning lottery after lottery, or selling out that service and charging everyone 99% on every dollar they win! The twerps head through the forest calling out to the missing Spinda, and then spot one staggering about drunkenly, but it isn't the right one. They see another on side profile and Brock skids through the ground to grab it but... it's not QUITE right. ![]() "Just my luck... a broken heart," sighs Brock. Claire and Royce spot the Heart-Spinda and Ash and Max sneak up behind it, then leap with a roar towards it, causing it to hop away and leg it... right into a large group of other Spinda. The twerps head through them looking for the distinctive heart mark amongst the drunken looking group, and then a vacuum suddenly starts sucking up the Spinda! Pikachu is almost grabbed as well, but Ash grabs at it and hauls it back. They spot the Heart-Spinda getting sucked up, and Royce demands to know what in blazes is going on here? "Prepare for trouble from the team with a heart!" says Jesse. "But make it double if you're smart!" adds James, pushing Jesse slightly aside and making her frown as the attention is taken off of her. "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jesse." "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" ![]() And that pictures sums up Team Rocket, Gentle Dodgers. James is looking for love from behind and Jesse is doing it for herself and finding it between her legs! Claire asks why they'd possibly steal her Spinda, and Jesse answers. "I'll tell you why," she gasps, clutching her hands together in mockery of Claire,"Have you possibly heard of the word selfish?" James grabs Spinda by the head and... it smacks them all in the face with dizzy punch and leaves them confused with Torchics running around their heads while Wobbuffet looks about in horror. They shake their heads clear and then glare down at Spinda, Jesse calling it a brat. "What are you doing confusing us? We're all ready confused!" James shouts, and then Spinda's eyes glow and Team Rocket... fall asleep, hypnotised! The Happy Buddha Face Meowth balloon gently collapses to the ground as Spinda looks into the vacuum tank... and then all the other Spinda stagger out and get in the way, weaving about as the Heart-Spinda legs it out of there. Claire screams out for it, but the twerps think that maybe she's going to have to give up on trying to find it. Team Rocket, however, are not, and they continue to look about, though whether as part of their money-making schemes or purely for revenge is unclear. Jesse comes up with an idea, pointing out a Teddiursa that staggers up towards them. They grab it, disguise it as a Spinda and then wait in the bushes hoping to capture the Heart-Spinda when it comes to help, while the Teddiursa tries to run away from the tree and rushes in place, held back by the rope. ![]() Jesse grunts that Spinda will never fall for such a terrible Spinda impersonation and leaps out to instruct it in the best way to stagger drunkenly about, and shows off her own personal experience! "More wobbling, put some swagger into it like this, stumbling down the street like an old man ready to fall down at any moment! BECOME THAT SPINDA!" she roars. And that's when the Ursaring shows up. Welp, looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again! After that, we see a handsome young man moving through the forest, then go immediately back to the twerps who are still looking. Ash sends Taillow up as Brock, Claire and May chase another Spinda and Brock tackles it... and discovers it once again to be the Heartbreak Spinda. Claire thinks about the first time she met Spinda and how it changed her life forever, but then her fantasy breaks off as something May says about the top of the mountain gives her an idea. HEY TRAINERS WHICH OF THESE POKEMON IS THE BEST TO USE AGAINST SEEDOT? SURSKIT, DELIBIRD OR SEEL? IF YOU CHOSE SURSKIT THEN I HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRLS IN YOUR FAMILY BECAUSE THAT THING HAS GOT SOME TENTACLES! Meanwhile, Team Rocket have crashed and Jesse is insisting her earlier plan with the Teddiursa was fine, it's just the acting that was the problem... in fact she has just the right idea for an actor in mind to replace it! ![]() Oh God. ![]() Yes Meowth is tied up moaning that he thought he'd all ready hit an all time low, then staggers about in a drunken Spinda dance.... and the Spinda shows up! Jesse and James leap in with their net and slam it over the Spinda, SUCCESS! They've captured..... Meowth-Spinda! Heart Spinda turns and runs and they chase, but then Heart-Spinda stops and does its Teeter-Dance, and Team Rocker are powerless to resist dancing themselves, right off the edge of the cliff and into the river below! Well that was just cruel! The twerps arrive on the scene and give chase to the Spinda again, May telling Claire she was right, it is heading for the top of the mountain. Spinda reaches the top and May, Brock and Claire are not far behind, but find themselves in a large flower garden. Claire kneels down next to the Spinda which hands her a flower, and then Taillow leads Ash, Max and Royce to join up with them. Claire picks it up and tells them that this is where she first met Spinda's owner, and May asks if she means the "acquaintance" she mentioned earlier. The Heartbreak Spinda tugs at Brock's leg, and he grunts that he doesn't like the sound of that word acquaintance... and then the handsome young man we saw earlier appears, and his name is Kane. BAH GAWD THROUGH HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE IT'S KA- Oh, not that Kane. Royce explains that Kane is the Heart-Spinda's owner, and he and Claire are engaged to be married. Brock's reaction is... predictable. ![]() Royce explains they first met in this garden thanks to the Heart Spinda, and he hands her a flower, the same he gave her the day they met... but then their trip down memory lane is interrupted by a rumbling then the, "SPINDA" roar of a giant robot Spinda! ![]() It roars and opens its mouth, mechanical hands coming out and grabbing Spinda up into its metal belly. Heart Spinda and Pikachu rush in to fight, and Heart Spinda tries Hypnosis, only for a mirror to come out of the Robo-Spinda and reverse the effect. Pikachu tries to stop them but a rocket-propelled arm fires at it and the twerps as Spinda is dropped into the Robot's belly and Claire faints from the stres... and Brock loses his rag, sending out Forretress, Lotad and Mudkip! They blast at the Robot with Razor Leaf and Water Gun as Brock roars he has nothing left to lose and Jesse chuckles he also has nothing left to give. They punch away Mudkip and Lotad, and Brock hauls up Forretress and THROWS IT RIGHT AT THE ROBOT, exploding it and letting the Spinda free as Brock rushes to catch Spinda and does... and then Kane does the same beside him, and Brock realises that he has caught the Heart-Break Spinda! Team Rocket sit in the remains of the bot wandering why they didn't get any luck, and then remember that there are two types of luck, and theirs is all bad. Pikachu Thunderbolts them and sends them blasting off again, Jesse biting angrily at her handkerchief and bemoaning the lack of acting talent that got them into this problem, as Meowth mutters he has a Spinda-Costume she can borrow now. With the Spinda rescued, the twerps are ready to continue on back towards Mauville and then Petalburg. They all head off wishing Claire the best of luck for her wedding, and Brock cries and shouts out to Claire not to worry about him, he'll find love one day. Does she even know his name?