322: Come What May |
Dodgy Synopsis
But with the contest ready to begin, it's time for May to stop second-guessing herself and just go out there and do her best.... ![]() Drew and Roselia have impressed with Petal Dance, Grace's Medicham used a High Jump Kick to great effect, and May's Beautifly created a pretty spectacle that got her a good judge's result. But only four contestants can make it through to the final, and May's score was good but maybe not good enough. Contestant Number twenty-two is then introduced but doesn't appear, and when Vivian calls for her again, she appears from the sky, lowering down in a garish green and pink costume. It's Jessica, or rather..... JESSE! Lowered by a thin wire by a straining James, Meowth and Wobbuffet, Jesse calls out Dustox which sparkles and creates a Rainbow effect.... though this have may to do with the contraption strapped to Dustox's body and hidden by a bowtie, activated by a remote control being activated by Meowth. Making liberal use of the "Rainbow" effect, Dustox is able to use Poison Sting and create a self-portrait in seven shimmering colours on a card held up by "Jessica." ![]() Dustox then does a Whirlwind Rainbow and blasts Jesse with a multi-coloured whirlwind that lifts her into the air... or rather, James lifts her. Watching from backstage is May, Grace, and Drew, the latter two not impressed by the fact that Jessica is upstaging her Pokemon's performance, which shows a total lack of class in Drew's opinion. But the Judges ARE impressed, awarding Jessica with the highest score so far, a 29.7/30 and.... Jesse isn't satisfied, demanding to know why she didn't get a perfect thirty. Backstage, Ash, Brock and Max join May waiting to see what happens next as the last contestant does his performance, and if he gets a better score than May it will knock her out of the Final Four. The results come through, and the last contestant has a 25.8, meaning that he misses by 0.1! May makes it into the top four with Drew, Grace and Jessica! Vivian introduces Round two, where the contestants get five minutes each to face off in a Contest Battle. May faces off with Jessica, and the shimmering Dustox faces the shimmering Beautifly. Dustox starts with a Rainbow Tackle, but Beautifly dodges and uses Stringshot, which is blown back by Rainbow Whirlwind onto Beautifly. Dustox tries a Poison Sting Rainbow, but Beautifly uses Gust to knock the stings back into Dustox and.... cuts away the bow-tie device on Dustox! Jesse orders a Rainbow Tackle, spiraling towards Beautifly with a rainbow trailing behind it, but Beautifly fires off a Silver Wind that smashes into it, zaps Dustox's device and costs Jesse more points. She roars angrily for Dustox's most powerful Psychic Rainbow... and realises the rainbow device is glitching. Beautifly zooms in with a Tackle and smashes Dustox directly into Jesse, knocking her off of her feet and onto her ass, costing her the battle. ![]() But Jesse sits up roaring that the fight isn't over yet, and orders Dustox to attack the celebrating May, only for the rainbow device to full off of Dustox, revealing to everyone watching that she was cheating. The crowd boos angrily and Jesse leaps up and screams, "Can it! in the end you got a good show didn't you?" But the Judges' are furious and demand she leaves, so she throws down a yellow smoke bomb angrily. When the smoke clears, what is left behind is Team Rocket! "Prepare for trouble, what's happened is us!" "Making it double with all the fuss!" "Dat's right... of course," Meowth finishes, cutting the motto off prematurely. "Team Rocket!" roars Ash. "Pi Pikachu!" adds Pikachu, which may or may not be helpful. Jesse demands that as her prize she get given all of their Pokemon, but Ash answers angrily (because apparently he thinks Team Rocket are addressing him personally) and has Pikachu Thunderbolts them, sending them blasting off again! But as James and Meowth moan at the lost chance for celebrity, Jesse retreats once more into her happy fantasy world and checks on her make-up. ![]() Vivian apologises for the "little incident" and sends May on to the Final Stage while Grace and Drew prepare to face off. Drew calls out Roselia and Grace calls on Medicham, and Drew ponders as the two Pokemon face off, watched from backstage of the Final Stage by May. Roselia fires off Magical Leaf but Medicham Meditates, causing it to levitate into the air into a meditative pose before leaping down with a brutal looking Ice Punch. ![]() Roselia is able to dodge in time and falls back to the ground with a graceful pirouette, then uses Petal Dance. But Medicham uses Confusion and freezes the petals in place and for once, Drew is completely at a loss as the Petal Dance is sent back and knocks Roselia back. Drew recovers fast though and calls for Solar Beam, but the twerps watching are surprised, why go for Solar Beam now? Medicham is still mobile and Roselia will need time to build up the Solar Beam. Medicham uses Ice Punch on the ground, pummeling it icy blows as Roselia fires Solar Beam and Medicham throws down a final punch that shoots giant ice crystals into the air, re-routing the solar beam and reflecting it back.... right on Roselia! Oh Drew son, you are getting SERVED! ![]() The crowd is shocked, the Judges are enthralled and Drew is losing big points as Grace orders a Meditate and High Jump Kick combo to lift it over the ice as Drew begs Roselia to dodge, but even Ash can see that it is too worn out from the Solar Beam. Medicham lands and then adds insult to injury by pausing and taking the time to stare directly into Roselia's horrified face, make sure it KNOWS what is coming and then.... KICKS IT RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE! DREW IS OUTTA THERE! It's a truly wonderful asskicking for the smug, self-satisfied Drew to have to deal with, but it's also left May wondering if she is going to be completely outclassed in the Final. HEY TRAINERS WHICH ONE OF THESE POKEMON EVOLVES INTO SHELLGON? BAGON, ARON OR ZANGOOSE? IF YOU SAID BAGON, THEN YOU MUST REMEMBER THE EPISODE THAT AIRED ONLY A FEW EPISODES AGO! So it's time for the Final Victory Battle between May and Grace, who apparently is a telepath and assumes May is the same as she sends a determined telepathic message May's way, warning her that she won't go easy on her. May calls out Beautifly to begin against Medicham, and Beautifly tries a spiraling Tackle, but Medicham uses Meditate to get out of the way and then tries to counter with Ice Punch. Beautifly uses Gust to break the punch and send Medicham flying backwards towards the ground.... but Medicham uses Confusion to keep itself from crashing into the ground, limiting the number of points Medicham loses. ![]() May orders a Stringshot, but Medicham uses Confusion to stop the Stringshot just before it hits, then sends it right back at Beautifly, wrapping it up and trapping it in place, causing May to lose points. May calls for it hang in as it struggles to get out, and Medicham lets rip with Ice Punch and scores a direct hit, trapping Beautifly in a sparkling block of ice and May loses ALOT of points. But Beautifly breaks free at May's call, and Medicham prepares to finish things with a combination of Meditate and High Jump Kick. As it comes down to hit though, May is prepared, having learned from watching Grace battle Drew earlier. She orders it to Dodge the kick and use Silver Wind, and scores a direct hit on Medicham's back, but again it manages to limit points damage by twisting and flipping to land on its feet... and then staggers as its knee appears to buckle. ![]() Grace loses some serious points and May knows this is her chance. She orders a spiraling Tackle/Stringshot combination which blasts a spiraled Stringshot towards Medicham, but once again it freezes it with Confusion... and May orders Silver Wind and BLOWS MEDICHAM RIGHT THE FUCK AWAY! May sends Beautifly down the spiraling Silver Wind funnel it has created with a Tackle and smashes Medicham over, then moves in for another Tackle towards the now wrapped up Medicham. But the meditative Pokemon leaps up and tears free of the Stringshot! ![]() But May was ready, she orders Silver Wind and the spiral of the Tackle causes two Silver Wind Funnels to fly down and trap Medicham's arms, negating it's ability to use Confusion. It is completely immobilised and takes a direct fucking hit right in its face with only a minute to go. But Grace isn't giving up yet and orders High Jump Kick, and May tells Beautifly to defend with offence and go for a Tackle. The two fly directly at each other and smash together, knocking each other back to crash against the wall and floor as time runs out and.... MAY WINS! MAY WINS A GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING RIBBON! She's absolutely gobsmacked, she can't believe they beat Grace, and then she grabs Beautifly and hugs it happily as confetti falls and she is handed over the Fall Arbour Town Ribbon. ![]() Grace and Medicham approach and congratulate her on the victory, but she tells Grace she owes it to her, and Grace again loses it with some more of that impossible to suppress "did I just fart out loud?" awkward laughter, telling May to have a little more confidence. She fought, she won, it's all her! As the sun sets, May meets up with the twerps outside and shows them the ribbon, and then Drew appears behind her and tells her she finally won her first ribbon, but things would have been different if she'd faced off against him rather than Jessica. He tosses her a rose and she smiles, saying it's for Beautifly, right? "Something like that," smirks Drew, and walks away as May grins and Ash cries out that he can't wait either, because now it's HIS turn to have a shot at his next Gym Battle, while May grins that she can't wait either, for her next Pokemon Contest!