315: The Princess And The Togepi |
Dodgy Synopsis
![]() ![]() ![]() HOLY SHIT! IT'S..... ![]() Yes it's Misty! Misty is back, and asking how everyone has been while May and Max hide behind Ash and Brock. Misty says a happy hello to the girl who replaced her on the show, and then May leaps eagerly forward and causes Misty to flinch back in surprise as she squeals how happy she is to see her, while Max just stands and peers creepily at her chest which is odd considering who is sister is. But it seems it isn't her prepubescent breasts that have gotten his attention but her Togepi, and May checks it out with her Pokedex and learns that Togepi is a Spike-Ball Pokemon and that it exerts an aura that causes people to let down their guard and expose themselves to having THEIR VERY SOULS SUCKED FROM THEIR EYES! Well.... it's kind of implied. Togepi roars with laughter to be back on the scene while Misty says it is because of Togepi she was able to meet them, and shows Ash and Brock a card inviting her to The Togepi Festival. Oddly enough this "Togepi Festival" isn't a Machoke Convention, but a "Festival" where trainers of "Togepi" can get together and meet, and it's inside the hotel they're standing outside of right now! Well Ash is all ready for another adventure and declares that it's time for them to head on in.... and Misty grabs his hood and drags him back, reminding him angrily that she's not just the red-haired chick who follows him around in the background anymore! ![]() She explains that they are HER guests, they can only come in with her... and then a couple of freaky, mustachioed hooded figures wearing robes with Togepi markings and terrible Russian accents leap up and grab Misty and Togepi, declaring that there can only be one trainer per Togepi, and haul her inside the hotel and lock the door behind them. They dump her in the "VIP" Room which appears to be an empty unfurnished cargo hold, and then Wobbuffet leaps up to shout out its own name in victory while the hooded figures call up to a pilot Meowth to take off, and the hotel falls apart to reveal a metal zeppelin! Ash and the others chase after, grabbing the tow rope and hanging on as it lifts off the ground and flies out into the desert. Inside, Misty wonders what is going on, while outside the twerps have hauled themselves up to the side and gotten themselves inside of the zeppelin. Inside the cockpit, the hoods of the mysterious Russians have been removed to reveal that the figures look suspiciously like Jesse and James, but we're sure James doesn't have a beard and Jesse doesn't have a moustache... so they must just be some other duo of blue-haired boy and red-haired girl with a talking Meowth! The Zeppelin travels directly into a sandstorm and Brock calls out for them to brace for impact while May (who is living in her imaginary "May's Expedition" world) yells into an imaginary microphone that this could be her final expedition while Max shouts at her to five it a rest. The zeppelin rapes its way into the sandstorm as everyone struggles to hold their positions, but it comes out the other side seemingly okay. The James-looking bearded man orders Meowth to land, and they find themselves traveling over a mountain into the crater oasis inside, where a large palace can be seen dominating the small town built inside, a place called The Mirage Kingdom. A woman sees the zeppelin land from afar and frowns, while inside the vessel Misty realises they've stopped and the hooded figures return, telling her she's at the Togepi Festival Stadium. She heads outside and is welcomed to The Mirage Kingdom, and then the twerps call out to her and she's delighted to see them, while bearded James and mustached Jesse yell they don't like stowaways. But Ash is furious and says he thinks he knows who they are and for once.... he's right! "Prepare for trouble now there's a surprise!" "And make it double with out brilliant disguise!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "VOILA!" they reveal themselves. "Jesse," cries Jesse as she drops her accent. "James," adds James, dropping his accent too. "AHHH!" they cry as they leap backwards and form an R with their silhouettes. "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "WOBBUFFET!" ![]() Misty growls that they never change, still after Pikachu after all this time. But they retort that this time their eyes are on her Togepi, and Wobbuffet roars in agreement as Meowth leaps to grab it... and is gripped by the head by a VERY angry looking mustachioed man who tosses Meowth directly into James face! The angry moustache-man - Colonel Hanson - is apparently the Big Cheese of the Mirage Kingdom, and he hired Jesse and James to catch him a Togepi.... but not the others, who he refers to as "traitors" Ash is furious, but at least he has a figure to focus his anger on, and Hanson growls that they will hand over Misty's Togepi and leave his Kingdom, but she growls not in ten million years, so he.... well holy shit! ![]() ![]() Colonel Hanson calls out a Shedinja and blasts the twerps with a massive blast, and when the smoke clears there is a giant crater in front of them while Team Rocket squeal in horror, and then Hanson calls in two Ninjask to his flanks while Misty squeals and twitches in fright, she's never been a big fan of Pokemon. Ash tells May and Max to get Misty clear, and Brock calls out Mudkip to join Pikachu in fighting. The Ninjask use Shadow balls, but Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Mudkip Water Gun to blast the Shadow balls, and Misty, May and Max leg it while chased by Shedinja while Team Rocket ask what they're supposed to do now. As May and Misty run, they wonder why he wants Togepi, and Max yells at them to talk about it later. They run into a hedge maze and wonder how long they'll have to run, and then Shedinja reappears, much to Misty's concern. But Togepi's dominating influence over her sees her get over her fright in order to protect Togepi, and calls out Corsola which uses Spike Cannon... to no effect! Apparently Shedinja's defences are too strong. It prepares another Solar Beam and blasts them, Misty dropping Togepi which flies over the hedge maze and lands in the fountain by the girl who saw the Zeppelin dock earlier. She smiles to see a Togepi near death (yay!) but then picks it up and hugs it (boo!) before running to a fat lady named Miranda and pointing out she has a Togepi now, and asks Miranda to tend to it. HEY TRAINERS WHICH ONE OF THESE POEKMON IS BEST TO USE AGAINST CARVANHA? DIGLETT? SLUGMA OR MINUN? IF YOU CHOSE MINUN YOU WERE RIGHT, BUT WE'D ALSO ACCEPT TOSSING THEM ANY OF THE POKEMON TO EAT WHILE YOU RUN LIKE BUGGERY. Back at the battle, Brock and Ash are coughing amongst the smoke from the shattered Shadow balls, but the Ninjask dodge Pikachu and Mudkip's attacks with Double Team and using the smoke as camouflage. Then Ash almost falls into a hole and Brock guesses they know Dig, so they dive down the hole to find them. ![]() Meanwhile, the King of the Mirage Kingdom has been warned of the intruders but told Colonel Hanson is dealing with it, and then Miranda runs in and tells them about the Togepi. In the girls room her mother is telling her happily the succession ceremony can take place tomorrow after all, and the girl hugs Togepi happily after applying a bandaid to its head.... and then Misty (followed by May and Max) bursts into the room demanding they hand over Togepi. They're stopped in their tracks by Miranda's boobs, and as Misty roars for her Togepi to returned to her so she can have more of her life-energy sucked out of her, Togepi roars with drunken laughter, enjoying all of the attention. The King is horrified by Misty's impudence and then Colonel Hanson enters the room and warns the King that Misty, May and Max are the intruders he has been warned off, but Misty growls that he is the one who brought her here, and May mentions he said he said he was looking for a Togepi. The King demands that Hanson leave his presence, and then Ash bursts over the balcony roaring angrily at Hanson, only for Misty to tell him to cool it, leaving him confused, agitated and completely gelded. So nothing new then. The King asks if Togepi is Misty's and she says it is, and thanks the girl for helping aid her Togepi. The girl in question introduces herself as Sarah, Princess of the Mirage Kingdom... which suddenly gets Brocks and May's attention! One with a romantic notion of what it would be like to be a Princess and the other with romantic notions of what it would be like to be WITH a Princess. The King takes them to his throne room and explains he thinks that Hanson was seeking to steal Togepi for his own purposes, and Sarah says she felt sure that the Togepi was Misty's when it saw her..... it was just too much to hope for that a Togepi would show up just when it was needed. Misty is confused, but the King says they must leave the Kingdom and a ship will be prepared for them so they can go. Misty still wants to know what is going on, and insists that they explain what is going on, and Princess Sarah explains. For centuries, Togepi have been worshipped as Guardian Pokemon since the beginning of their kingdom's recorded history. Anyone who wishes to ascend the throne must set out and find a Togepi, and Sarah's father found one of his own when he came to rule, using it in a ceremony before it "returned from whence it came." They killed it! Apparently the disappearance of the Togepi marks that the King is truly destined to be ruler, but Sarah has not been able to find one, so the ceremony due to take place tomorrow cannot happen. Sarah believes that Hanson wanted the Togepi so that he could selfishly become King... Well uhh... if that's the ceremony and the traditions of their Kingdom, then if he can get his hands on a Togepi then doesn't he deserve to be King? Brock drops to a knee to declare to Sarah that it is his destiny to serve her and solve her problems, while beside him Misty loosens up her wrist, then grips him by the ear and drags him back away as Ash laughs that it is just like old times. Max watches on fascinated (and getting a few ideas of his own) while May says she does like Misty's style. ![]() Misty says she wants to do something to help them, but Sarah thinks they've been exposed to too much danger all ready. She asks what she will do without Togepi, but Sarah says it will all work out for the best eventually. Meanwhile, Hanson feeds his Ninjask by tossing them food while Team Rocket are on their knees before him as he growls it is his destiny to be ruler of the Kingdom, and they will have power too.... but first they need to capture Togepi. At the Zeppelin, Princess Sarah tells Misty she and the others must leave before Hanson can get their Togepi. But then a burst of sand kicks up , and turning they see the Kingdom's Temple is being reflected upside down. Max says it is a mirage, but Togepi's eyes grow wide as it feels the pull of the Temple and the power carried inside. It starts to glow blue and then it... oh my God it's flying! It's mobile and powered up like never before.... is this the start of the Reign of Togepi!??! Miranda tells them that beyond the Mirage is paradise... and then Shedinja appears and blasts Solar beam at them. Misty grabs at her floating, distracted by power Togepi and clears it out of the path of the attack as Hanson and Team Rocket show up and demand she hand it over. Shedinja tries another Solar Beam which hits Pikachu's Thunderbolt, and the battle commences. At stake? The right to claim Togepi as their own..... ....and thus lose their very soul in the process?