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Site Updated 23 September, 2015
Screw it, it would be a shame to take the episode guides down so "soon". Unless something unexpected comes up, the site will remain up in its current state until at least October 2018. Enjoy I guess, if anybody even visits here anymore!
Site Updated 11 May, 2014
The forums have ended, long live the forums! I have closed the Pokemopolis forums, due to the site no longer being updated and set to shut down towards the end of 2015 when our hosting runs out (read the About page for more info).
However, those Dodgers who wanted to continue to talk about the show and also take up the task of producing (non-"official"!) episode guides remain. You can join them at http://pokemopolis.freeforums.net/ if you wish. This is in no way an official continuation of Pokemopolis, but seeks to carry on in the same spirit of enjoyable nonsense. I wish them nothing but the best.
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